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Thai Catholic School Teacher Caught Caning Students


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So what's the problem?

1) Your knowledge of the law in the country you live

2) Your ability to feel empathy

Anyone else want to add more?

Sure, I don't see a problem. I'd take my kids to that teacher's class anytime. When they play up, they deserve it. A lot better than the crappy nanny state pampering they get here.

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Just another case of TIT. It is a very sick society here.

I lived in Kentucky for a stretch when I was in gradeschool; there the teachers all had custom made paddles (looked like shortened cricket bats) with holes drilled in them and sh$t. We always got 3 licks, not just one, and they always got you right under the buttock on the upper thigh. As far as I know they still do it there only now you need explicit permission from parents (which many of them give). Also in GB wasn't caning practiced until recently?

In fact, isn't that where the tradition of caning comes from?

Geez, I love to rant about Thailand too (but I also love it) but come on....like Thailand is the only place corporal punishment takes place. Get a grip :blink:

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Have people forgotten that until 30 odd years ago caning was common place in English schools and was completely acceptable. In my view caning , properly carried out, never did anyone any harm. I was caned myself on several occasions and believe it taught me the right lesson. The threat of the cane often acted as a deterrent without it being needed to be carried out. Since corporal punishment was banned in English schools discipline has become a major problem as teachers have few ways to punish pupils and even have to ask parents permission before giving a detention.

Some of the yobs in our societies today would have benefited from a good caning in their youth!!!

You are sooooo right, today there is more problems and disrespect from much of the young up to 40, because their parents were not around to train, both had jobs, no control, they get a talking to and feel no pain for their screw ups and many go all through life with no respect fo others or self, yep! going to hel_l in a ham basket, so true for some, you spare the rod you spoil the child, which become uncaring adults in many cases, look around.

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Everybody is making a lot of noise now.One generation back it was normal that they did that on schools in several European countries,like Holland.

They caned me me and several friends many times and we never told that to our parents or they caned us as well.

We had a lot more respect for the teachers and police,then it's now with all these soft minded parents.

Agreed, though unsure if it's primarily down to corporal punishment or the lack thereof? I firmly believe we've gone TOO far though with the lily-livered liberal PC brigade. As a race we prove time & again we ALL need controlling to a degree, whether it's your parents, teachers, police? Usually the wife once married :rolleyes::lol:

Everything in moderation, this guy stepped well over the line. Two hits or twenty, you can't lose it like that in front of a class! How the hel_l can you control your Sts if you're not able to control your own temper & frustration? Just given them a HUGE hole in your armour, "Let's see how much we can wind Sir up this week?!", the guy's his own worst enemy. What a prize dick, that's what he needs sacking for.

Yes, it can be tough, and I still offer all teachers my utmost respect after a short stint at it myself. The main thing I did learn though; you need to be completely bullet-proof up there, and Teflon coated! He'd lost the battle the moment he walked in the classroom on that very first day. I've been into colleague's classes to put the 'hard word' on their Sts as a favour, but hardly needed to resort to any more than that 'tutting' noise they use to quieten my own classes. A clap of my hands on the odd occasion, that was it.

Good kids, the problem was the Thai teachers butting in when they THOUGHT they knew which direction I was going in, drowning me out in Thai, so I'd have to pull them up rather sharply before they took the Sts too far from the path? Big loss of face, they don't like being corrected (even pleasantly, with a smile!), after which they'd be absent for 2-3weeks from that class. Marvellous, we could all now apply ourselves fully to the task in hand without distraction! :lol:

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This guy should be in a psychiatric clinic for the rest of his life. But not before he received the same treatment from the children's parents.

Calm down a bit, have a cup of tea, and don't go over the top, school canning was part of the western culture until the end of WW2. and still went on for a while after that.

The two suggestions made in your reply are indicative of psychopathology.

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I videotaped one Thai teacher canning tens of Mathayom students. He came into my classroom and demanded that I delete it. I "deleted" it. One day, I will publish it. The teachers at my school are brutal.
. How can you publish it, when you have already "deleted" it?

Because I did not delete it. I can publish it one day, if I feel the need to. In the meantime, it is upto Thais to do the right thing and not allow brutal canings to continue. In my video, the guy canned this girl about 4 times (6 actually, but 4 caught on video) and then a procession of other kids joined to get it.

Here is a pic of one of my students, hit with a golf club. Different school.

post-53467-081037400 1283248814_thumb.jp

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I videotaped one Thai teacher canning tens of Mathayom students. He came into my classroom and demanded that I delete it. I "deleted" it. One day, I will publish it. The teachers at my school are brutal.
. How can you publish it, when you have already "deleted" it?

Because I did not delete it. I can publish it one day, if I feel the need to. In the meantime, it is upto Thais to do the right thing and not allow brutal canings to continue. In my video, the guy canned this girl about 4 times (6 actually, but 4 caught on video) and then a procession of other kids joined to get it.

Here is a pic of one of my students, hit with a golf club. Different school.

I'm trying to work out what you are waiting for? Report this immediately, hitting a child with a golf club is VERY unacceptable, I don't care what background people come from or think they are from, thats child abuse.

Edited by neverdie
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Ah yes, teach children that violence is the way to solve conflicts, disputes and assert authority.

I could not disagree more.

Children need to know there is a limit to bad behaviour, and that limit can be painful

Is this level of of "painful" consequences


justified by this level of "bad behavior"?

"punishment to students who failed to clean their living quarters".

If it's not, then AleG's observations are accurate.

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Having been brought up and having my ass caned by a sergeant major with a leather bound parade baton, as well as a county footballer representer as the head master who also regularly managed to beat the crap outta me, I can say that the canings we received were not always warranted but in most instances did no harm. A long flexible cane stings like all get out but this guy laid into the kids with more than a little enthusiasm. There is a difference.

No matter what the kids did to deserve the punishment within a class, I would have thought that had to be the issue and stated clearly first. Then look at why he has a cane in his class.

If the kids had graffitied on property or willful damage, car theft or bullying a younger girl, then I would endorse his actions. If they - as someone commented - coloured outside the lines - then this is obviously not warranted. I do not condone corporal punishment but I do endorse some kids actually need it. It is a fine line but this guy to me is over the top and he could easily have missed their butts and done huge damage to their internal organs (kidneys etc). That is certainly not on.

The retribution of expulsion is sufficient at this point but I would rather know all the facts before I passed a judgement of further action for assault and battery. Ha-sip ha-sip. More info needed.

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This happens, to various degrees, all the time at the school where I work. I have a policy of barring assisting Thai teachers from my classroom if they insist on using corporal punishment.

One particular incident I remember was early morning during assembly a teacher hit two students with his open hand to the face. It was hard enough for the students to stumble and almost fall. I was the only person to do anything about this. I approached this teacher and told him he shouldn't hit students. He didn't really like being told he shouldn't hit people.

After this I got in trouble and had to apologize to this teacher and nothing happened to him.


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After reading the full story in two news papers and watching the video I find that this so called teacher is clearly out of line. While I advocate some corporal punishment in schools this type and severity is not corporal punishment in any sense of the word.

The type of violence displayed in the video should be prosecuted he needs jail time. Then the 'teacher' can get this type of "Caning"

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Seeing that it is illegal to perform corporal punishment (or meant to be ) in Thailand what legal rights do the parents or the child have...can they lay a charge of assault and hope it sticks with the BIB or can they sue the teacher,the school and possibly the district head of education add infinitum...if one had a little public relation skill and a few contacts u could make life pretty miserable for these sadists and it could ripple through the system

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Good on that teacher, at last someone who knows how to keep todays kids in line. Why all the the outrage? It happened all the time when I was a kid,

How old are you? :)

Where I come from, corporal punishment in schools was outlawed in the early 60s'

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Yes it is common practice in Thailand to cane a naughty student but not to the degree that these students were exposed to

Although I do not condone it because I am a teacher here

All the " do- gooders " here seem to forget THIS IS THAILAND and most of the kids here are farm kids and are as hard as nails and would laugh at you if you tried Western discipline ( Western discipline ? Now that is a joke in itself )

When I get problem students I just hand them over to a Thai teacher and they are dealt with by them BUT not to the degree of the sadist you have shown here

Plus in government schools they have better teachers because all have to be approved by the Teachers Council of Thailand including foreign teachers

There is more to this story than is being reported Like why is the school employing unqualified THAI teachers ? ( if a teacher at all )

I know in my school all students talk to each other and other teachers about teachers behavior and teaching methods

So I find it hard to accept the school knew nothing about it before

BUT this is a Catholic school !!!

I thought it is common practice to cane children in Thailand?

It should only be a last resort.

Spare the rod and spoil the child, was the maxim in my day.

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Have there been any incidents of any attacks on teachers in revenge?

I wouldn't be surprised if some victims of assault by teachers are grinding an axe, or will start to as they grow into a rebellious teenager. Memories of physical violence don't fade so easily, as you guys have shown in this thread.

The teachers would have to hope that one day the students won't become involved with gangs and violent crime, otherwise there may one day be a lesson taught back to them that they will never forget.

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All the " do- gooders " here seem to forget THIS IS THAILAND and most of the kids here are farm kids and are as hard as nails and would laugh at you if you tried Western discipline ( Western discipline ? Now that is a joke in itself )

If I read all the fantasies about what kind of punishment for the teacher a couple of poster here suggest I don't think you can call them all " do- gooders ".

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In my opinion, it is very unusual for a teacher to do caning on Mathayom students...

I have seen many canings of Prathom students,

But I have never seen a teacher use his or her full strength :(

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I thought it is common practice to cane children in Thailand?

It should only be a last resort.

Spare the rod and spoil the child, was the maxim in my day.

Yep, A 'HACK' paddle was on the walls of both the Principal's Office and the Coach's Office at every school from 1st Grade thru 8th (3 different schools - same practice)... The threat was enough to keep order, but any threat must be used occasionally to maintain its value.

So in my experience I know of Two who were punished - we were 'Hacked' by the coach one day for rough housing - actually, the other kid came in the locker room and pulled my shirt over my face, so I grabbed him just in time for the coach to catch us...

Embarassing more than painful and likely helped me more than it hurt - gave me strong incentive to avoid breaking rules.

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Barbaric, and never mind that caning etc used to be accepted in UK schools, control by fear is not how I would want my child dealt with.

There are other ways of dealing with wayward or naughty children that are far more effective,without the use of corporal punishment.

Like what ?.....asking nicely....please dont do it again....PC/do-gooders b*llsh8t......look at the state of disipline in schools in UK, no disipline/no control/no respect...teachers being beaten up...etc etc

Im with the others, I say bring back the birch.....:D Was canned at school many times.... never did me any harm

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IMHO, if we look at todays society across the globe, one could put forth the argument that a canning here and there could be a good thing in regards to controlling unruly pupils.

lets look age the War generation (World War 2) caning was a common occurrence in those days there generation are one of the most courageous there has been, ( im not saying its because they got caned) but it did no harm, and the crime rates are nothing like they are today.

So maybe re-introducing Caning could instill respect in future generations which are currently getting more and more unruly!

And for those PC brigade, who will no doubt start dismissing this completely , ask yourself this........ If u had a child who was being bullied in school and the only punishment was detention, suspension which would do little in teaching the bully the error of his ways , would you still be advocating a No caning policy?

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I just hope that none of the parents of these abused children are reading this thread, us farangs already have a bad name in Thailand as it is, the last thing we need is TV members adding to this by condoning violence towards its children !

I was about to say the MODS should step in and delete posts from these twisted people, on the other hand its probably better to let them post so we all know which ones to avoid !

"whats the problem?"..."this is Thaland"... "they are lucky".... You all need your heads examined along with the loon teacher who did this !

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Disgusting . If I caught a guy like him, doing what he did to my children - he would suffer for the rest of his life. Sadistic creature. Might cost me a few years beyond bars, but still worh it.

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I see some have managed to turn this into it being a "Thai" thing, then I also noticed that there was some putting down Thai Kids.

As a part time teacher I have to say that teaching Thai kids is a pleasure. Without exception ( in my own personal experience ) they are polite and well mannered, they enjoy learning and are totally respectful. Others may have had different experience but as far as I am concerned you get back what you put in, the same with anything in life.

Compared to the Brats in Australia and the Uk and doubtless elsewhere give me Thai kids any day.

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Whether you're for or against corporal punishment is another topic. The point of this is the manner in which it was carried out. The guy was clearly getting off on it; pumping himself up, showing off to the rest of the class and going at it full tilt. When we had the whack, it was through the head or deputy in the office and not at full tilt. The guy is an obvious nut and needs sorting.

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the parents should track the sadistic bastard down and kick his arse in. Their are many forms of punishment that can be administered to unruly students but this A holes obvious pleasure in belting the kids in this manner does not belong in the classroom or any here near kids.If he did that to my kid I would ensure he paid the price.Not against a kid getting punished (by the parent) if their action is so severe it warrants it.


Yep, I'm afraid I wouldn't give a <deleted> about the cops or his mates, this bastard would have to have it if he'd abused 'n humiliated the nipper like that!

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