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A Bit Of Advice From The Locals Please


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Would be grateful if someone could pass on some local knowledge please.

We have booked an Air Asia flight to Krabi, booked many months ago for 0 Baht, for the second half of September, but have not booked accommodation yet.

Looking for a hotel on or near a beach, a couple of hotels on Railey Beach have taken our fancy, particularly the Railey Bay Resort and Spa which looks ok and is offering a good rate, anybody know it.

A couple of things I am not sure about regarding the location, we will still be in the rainy season so could we encounter a problem getting there and would we be stuck in Railey? also are there any restaurants/shacks where we can eat in the area as well as somewhere we can get a drink, like it quiet, but not too quiet.

Thanks in advance for help.

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railey bay is a nice area a bit to expensive for me though the boat costs 80 bht each way from ao nang and you have to wait for 8 people before boat goes ,if stormy weather the boats will not go.

most food is just from the restaurants linked to resorts on beach a bit expensive ,if you walk to the beach the other side of railey prices a bit cheaper.

to sum up if you dont mind paying tourist prices its a lovely place......................................

mi9ght be very quiet in september ,you could always stay ao nang and take daytrip to railey to check it out ...............

Edited by taninthai
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I was in Ao Nang a little over a month ago......Its ok quiet and a little more expensive than say Pattaya to eat...Most people stay in Ao nang to go to visit different Islands for the day...We stayed in a 4 star hotel called if my memory serves me right called the Anatala Burin..It cost us 1000 baht a night , normally more but we booked through www.agoda.com ...breakfast was ok buffet style, rooms were good and the pool was excellent..We always like a good pool as my grown up and new spocks as well as myself love a swim....again good pool.Staff good...well worth the money..Motocyle taxes were ok to us and a fair price ..Food a little expensive but we found some cheap thai stalls on the beach side of the road where we could order food as well as buying pre cooked....

Then we then went to stay at rail Lay beach resort...Got a good deal again at 1800 a night for the cottage bungelow...Tv satalite good free dvd's to watch but not a lot to do...A few ex hippy bars beer at 100 baht a big bottle..Too expenive in the hotel at 180 baht a big one...Found a cheaper shack only one there that sold 3 cans 120 baht,....

Pool was far too small and the resort was busy as they had done so many deals and this place has a reputation as a beach paradice..We could not swim there as there were too many jelly fish..My 6 year old was stung and that was not fun..Really so many jelly fish that it ruined our stay to some degree.....

Personelly I would not go there again..Its a honeymoon spot and there were a few there...But was good value at 1800 baht a night for those who liked it really quiet....

If you do go do not get the boat there from Ao Nang...We went there from there and it was the scariest ride of our lives....looked a bit rough but hey ho they know what they were doing? I thought! No......People were screaming and being sick and we took on some water ...Never again...However if you go from the other side of Ao Nang its a lot calmer as the sea is sheltered by the mountains......

So its cheap to fly to Krabi and if you like day trips then thats ok but for me not again to railay..We like more choice and a better pool.....

Phuket has a great choice of hotels and beaches ...We only went to Krabi because my son has never been there and he was over fron the Uk with his girlfriend but he would go back to Phuket rather than Krabi....Best of luck with your hols Dave

Need any other info then message me PS Yes its the rainy season but towards the end September is normally ok August is normally the wettest..So you should be ok the later you are going the better..But its only rain....Boats can always normally get to Rai lay there from the sheltered side..so the hotel says and I tend to believe that

Edited by davidwright
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AuNang is beautiful .... but within the last few years it has gone super expensive (compared to Phuket that has always been expensive). If you're on a budget, stay in Krabi Town and do your island trips from there. As for Railay, just another tourist infested location ..... you're not missing much if you don't go there.

Plenty of other places in Thailand off the tourist trail that offer more ...

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I agree with previous posters, Ao Nang is expensive, even in low season - the longtails that run between Ralay and Ao Nang are also problematic, unless there's a steady stream of customers you may find yourself waiting for several hours until the boat is full, or, paying the cost for exclusive use of the boat, over five hundred as I recall (it's a ten minute ride).

Some of the hotels near the water in Ao Nang can be very pleasant, the Ao Nang Buri is excellent but it's Baht 2,000 a night and up, walk further up the road away from the beach and the prices get cheaper, ditto the restaurant scene.

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here we go again every time someone asks about ao nang all you get is ah yeah its super expensive ,yes if you are here on a 2 week package deal and dont know what your doing and where to go yes its expensive.

However if you have spent a bit of time in thailand and know what your doing its not expensive there is a soi just before the bridge going to nopparat thara has 6 or seven hotels all very nice every one has a swimming pool you can get into any of these hotels for 1000 bht a night with a bit of haggling there internet prices are only 1,200 bht,3 mins from these places there are thai food stalls selling dishes at 40 bht opposite these is a little square food area only open at night again reasonable prices.

the places that are expensive are on the beachfront most of these places sell not very good farng food this is where its expensive it s all up to you act like a tourist you will pay tourist prices use a bit off common sense and there is good deals and prices to be had.......:rolleyes:

p.s. op you will not get these prices on railey as in my book its a bit of a millionares play ground/tourist trap you are a bit trapped in there..........B)

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here we go again every time someone asks about ao nang all you get is ah yeah its super expensive ,yes if you are here on a 2 week package deal and dont know what your doing and where to go yes its expensive.

However if you have spent a bit of time in thailand and know what your doing its not expensive there is a soi just before the bridge going to nopparat thara has 6 or seven hotels all very nice every one has a swimming pool you can get into any of these hotels for 1000 bht a night with a bit of haggling there internet prices are only 1,200 bht,3 mins from these places there are thai food stalls selling dishes at 40 bht opposite these is a little square food area only open at night again reasonable prices.

the places that are expensive are on the beachfront most of these places sell not very good farng food this is where its expensive it s all up to you act like a tourist you will pay tourist prices use a bit off common sense and there is good deals and prices to be had.......:rolleyes:

p.s. op you will not get these prices on railey as in my book its a bit of a millionares play ground/tourist trap you are a bit trapped in there..........B)

I think your post reflects broadly the things that I said albeit your post added several layers of arrogance - FWIW the oldgit and myself have been resident in Thailand for many many years.

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here we go again every time someone asks about ao nang all you get is ah yeah its super expensive ,yes if you are here on a 2 week package deal and dont know what your doing and where to go yes its expensive.

However if you have spent a bit of time in thailand and know what your doing its not expensive there is a soi just before the bridge going to nopparat thara has 6 or seven hotels all very nice every one has a swimming pool you can get into any of these hotels for 1000 bht a night with a bit of haggling there internet prices are only 1,200 bht,3 mins from these places there are thai food stalls selling dishes at 40 bht opposite these is a little square food area only open at night again reasonable prices.

the places that are expensive are on the beachfront most of these places sell not very good farng food this is where its expensive it s all up to you act like a tourist you will pay tourist prices use a bit off common sense and there is good deals and prices to be had.......:rolleyes:

p.s. op you will not get these prices on railey as in my book its a bit of a millionares play ground/tourist trap you are a bit trapped in there..........B)

I think your post reflects broadly the things that I said albeit your post added several layers of arrogance - FWIW the oldgit and myself have been resident in Thailand for many many years.

i dont see any arrogance simply telling it how it is , the problem with ao nang is its a pretty small place and a pure 2 week package tour destination with 80% off the tourists scandinavian they come for 2 weeks and have the money to throw around you dont get to many longtime stayers in ao nang,as the beach front is small the rental for shops is extremely high and thus pushes the prices up even more this is the same in most beach tourist hotspots but as yourself,th old git and me have been here a while we are well aware of this........................................

p.s i dont think 1000 bht for hotel with swimming pool 2mins from beach and food for 40 bht is expensive ,however come high season these same hotels will be 4-5000bht anight now thats expensive in my book..........

Edited by taninthai
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Another view, different but the same:


ah ha ha ha ha how strange i was going to mention the pharmacy in my other post a complete rip off and double pricing there ,the thing is the thais do not have to pay these prices refuse to rent shop front and prices will come down .

i have lived ao nang or just outside aonang for 5 years on and off the misses is a local she asked about how much the rents are on these shops one of the owners quoted 1.2 million bht a year i find this hard to believe.

however this backs up what i say people that know the place just dont spend money there and thats why your friend the chemist is struggling fior bussiness i shop krabi town most things 50% cheaper...............................................................

as ao nang gets a lot of returning tourists coming every year alot of them realize the prices on the beachfront are expensive ,hence they go krabi town to buy things i cant see bussiness in the shops getting any better.........

Edited by taninthai
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Another view, different but the same:


ah ha ha ha ha how strange i was going to mention the pharmacy in my other post a complete rip off and double pricing there ,the thing is the thais do not have to pay these prices refuse to rent shop front and prices will come down .

i have lived ao nang or just outside aonang for 5 years on and off the misses is a local she asked about how much the rents are on these shops one of the owners quoted 1.2 million bht a year i find this hard to believe.

however this backs up what i say people that know the place just dont spend money there and thats why your friend the chemist is struggling fior bussiness i shop krabi town most things 50% cheaper...............................................................

as ao nang gets a lot of returning tourists coming every year alot of them realize the prices on the beachfront are expensive ,hence they go krabi town to buy things i cant see bussiness in the shops getting any better.........

1.2 mill. is what my friend pays, just up from the beach about half a block, outrageous.

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wow that really is unreal i would expect a 3year contract for that price i guess we have solved the problem of why prices are so high there.

on another note i have been offered bungalow resorts on that road for 800.000 bht a year it is a struggle to make a profit on this ,thios is selling bungalows ,food ,drink and tours how the hel_l are you going to make 1.2 million from a shop selling clothes or cough sweets amd mozzie spray..........

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I always point people toward the J Hotel which is under The Travellers Bar sign that's about 50 meters up from the beach.

This time of year 450thb for a seaview room with a balconey, can't go wrong.

For cheap eats there is the noodle cart guy in front of the minimart, and then down in front of the MacDonalds mall, all sorts of barbecue carts, burgers etc. Grab a noodle soup, then head across the street for your main dish, you should get your fill for 120thb. Buy your beers out of the minimart.

As one post wrote, you wanna play like a tourist, you'll pay like a tourist.

Agreed Railay is a daytrip thing.

Have fun, GOM

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alternatively, escape the whole tourist scene and check out Krabi's unspoilt island life. Just 30mins on a speed boat from Ao Nang takes you Koh Yao Yai, which is largely national parkland, and home to a handful of really good resorts - which are unbelievably cheap at this time. I really recommend Koh Yao Yai Village Resort - it's like an island home.


Just 1348 baht on agoda right now and it is the best designed, most peaceful resort I've ever stayed in.

There is no nightlife, but just a couple of days/nights spent here allows you to experience Thailand's real island culture. You can rent a bike or bicycle and tour around, the beaches are completely deserted and the locals are so lovely.

Here's the link to their own site but think rates usually better on agoda.


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Mate, I stayed at a really good hotel in Ao Nang Beach last year, it was new then and barely had any guests but I really enjoyed my stay there.

It was called SALA TALAY Resort and Spa and it was a pleasant walk just outside the madness of the busy strip.

Edited by neverdie
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Very grateful for all the advice, sadly some arrived a tad too late as we left Bangkok early on the 20th, we got back last night after an enjoyable trip.

Took the advice not to stay in Railey, and glad we followed that advice, stayed at a Best Western in Ao Nang, not the one on the beach it was slightly up the hill, for a tad under 1300 Baht a night for bed and breakfast, thought it was very good value.

Went to Railey for one day, again enjoyed it very much with the exception of the touristy place we went for lunch, it was near the beach in an area they called walking street. My meal was probably the worst Thai meal I have ever eaten, or rather not eaten. At 260 Baht my red chicken curry was a few slices of anemic green coloured chicken with a couple of lettuce leafs, when I commented to the waitress that what she presented bore little resemblance to what I had ordered she just laughed, they clearly do not need to worry about repeat customers.

We thought Ao Nang was very nice, had a few nice meals in the evenings, we noticed how quiet it was and that some restaurants had reduced their prices and were doing a roaring trade whilst others were seemingly holding their prices and were empty. Same with the bars, we took to a really nice bar in yet another walking street, the bar was called 60's or something like that, they had also reduced their prices with 2 for 1 on draught Chang at 90 Baht and 120 Baht for their cocktails, the bar had a really good atmosphere and was packed to the gunnel's whilst others remained empty. Next to the bar was a decent looking hotel offering rooms at 600 Baht, think it was the Viceroy, or something like that, looked ok but was put off by the girl delivery service where a guy was offering various girls for rent to the tourists looking from their respective balconies, not for me but fun to watch.

On Thursday my girlfriend wanted to go to a seafood restaurant at the far end of Ao Nang actually on the beach, looked a bit touristy for me and anyway I wanted to go for an Indian meal, but as she was paying she had the last say. The place was excellent and very reasonably priced, and full of Thais, which speaks volumes.

Air Asia was spot on both ways.

Thank again for all the pointers.

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I'd guess this seafood restaurant was called 'Wang Sai Seafood'? Excellent food in general, and some of the best seafood in the area. Always full of domestic tourists and wealthy locals. Definitely recommend it too.

Edited by lalinda
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I'd guess this seafood restaurant was called 'Wang Sai Seafood'? Excellent food in general, and some of the best seafood in the area. Always full of domestic tourists and wealthy locals. Definitely recommend it too.

Yes, that was the place. It was actually reviewed in last Friday's Bangkok Post,

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I'd guess this seafood restaurant was called 'Wang Sai Seafood'? Excellent food in general, and some of the best seafood in the area. Always full of domestic tourists and wealthy locals. Definitely recommend it too.

Wangsai is Hat Nappharat, no?

From the Old Gits description sounded to me like he was at Soi Seafood which is the far end of Ao Nang, opposite end from the police box.

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I'd guess this seafood restaurant was called 'Wang Sai Seafood'? Excellent food in general, and some of the best seafood in the area. Always full of domestic tourists and wealthy locals. Definitely recommend it too.

Wangsai is Hat Nappharat, no?

From the Old Gits description sounded to me like he was at Soi Seafood which is the far end of Ao Nang, opposite end from the police box.

Yes, Wang Sai Restaurant is at the end of Nopparat Beach, in Klong Haeng.

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No it was definitely Wang Sai, I just checked the map on their website. Sorry if my description of the location was misleading - I'm a tourist you know.

We didn't think it was too expensive, think we paid about 1000 Baht for a really good spread, far too much to eat.

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