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Stupid Or Just Ignorant?


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Imagine this OK!

The wifes old man has been in and out of hospital for a couple of months, he has throat cancer.

I did not have enough time to run him in everyday for his laser treatment, so I coughed up to get her brothers car taxed, to save me the hassle as I need to pick my son up from school everyday.

The laser treatment has finished, but every month or so he needs to go to the local hospital, 20K or so, for blood transfusions.

Well, yesterday, despite the car being taxed, they came and asked if I could pop in to the hospital to drop some clothes off...no problem, it was on my way.

Reasons given. everyone was busy working and no one to drive the car.

Then this morning I get asked can I go and pick up old Cancerous Daddy from the hospital, as he needs to come home.

But today, my son has been off school as he has a headache and is not too well.

Anyway, I agree to the roundtrip, but ask them to confirm that they will be ready to pick up, I hate waiting at hospitals/airports etc...

So my wife confirms they will be ready at 3pm, so off we go. arrive as usual due to the locals wanting me to drop off a bag or two of rice for processing, we arrive 30 minutes late!

I expect them to be chomping at the bit to get home, but as usual, I wait for almost an hour in the car, then my wife comes back and says Mr. Cancer cannot come home today as he is feeling poorly!

Then, because I complain about wasting Diesel and time, I am branded a <deleted> for not loving their family??????? can you believe it? Not so much as an apology for wasting my time and money, not even a thank you for helping them out!

Sadly they can go if they expect another free ride, the lot of them, the longer I stay here the more I hate them.

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Sounds as if you are overreacting here, but I suspect what you have posted comes after a lengthy list of other things that have happened where you feel unappreciated and taken advantage of. All I can suggest is to set your boundaries and stick to them. Communicate your feelings with your wife. Take time for yourself. And hope for the best.

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Sounds as if you are overreacting here, but I suspect what you have posted comes after a lengthy list of other things that have happened where you feel unappreciated and taken advantage of. All I can suggest is to set your boundaries and stick to them. Communicate your feelings with your wife. Take time for yourself. And hope for the best.

Yes, indeed it is not a single run in with stupidity...even my 9 year old son agrees on these subjects.

What we cannot figure out, is are they just stupid or do they think we are?

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Sounds as if you are overreacting here, but I suspect what you have posted comes after a lengthy list of other things that have happened where you feel unappreciated and taken advantage of. All I can suggest is to set your boundaries and stick to them. Communicate your feelings with your wife. Take time for yourself. And hope for the best.

The problem I seem to encounter is that whenever you refuse to HELP the FAMILY, it becomes a very personal issue, they become blinded by their own stupidity and all logic goes out of the window.

They cannot see that by wasting my time and money to go and pick up Cancer Dad, it has pissed me off despite the number of times I asked them to check.

The fact that I complained has now turned me into a Cancer Daddy Hater, rather 5than helper, despite the fact that all of her mongoloid family were unable to go to his assistance.

I get painted in a worse light because I helped them and got pissed off as the story they spun was a pile of shit! Yet the Cancer Bags grandchildren are squeaky clean because they did bugger all, as they had no diesel!

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sit back, have a beer and weigh up the pros and cons of being with the family.

Just like i had to do 12 months ago..but decided the cons heavily out weighted the pros..so i walked away and left them all to it..whistling.gif

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I named my son for Dylan Thomas.

Nice nick, but bad attitude.

Just lie back and think of Wales.

It is not a bad attitude, it is the result of trying to help people who desreve no help!

And anyone who has lost a parent.....have a read

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

User Rating:

9.3 /10

(350 votes)

- vote - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on that sad height,

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas

I expect then that you enjoyed Under Milk Wood Too, a classic, but sadly not really appreciated for what it was!

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I named my son for Dylan Thomas.

Nice nick, but bad attitude.

Just lie back and think of Wales.

It is not a bad attitude, it is the result of trying to help people who desreve no help!

And anyone who has lost a parent.....have a read

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

User Rating:

9.3 /10

(350 votes)

- vote - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on that sad height,

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas

I expect then that you enjoyed Under Milk Wood Too, a classic, but sadly not really appreciated for what it was!

Nice 1....makes you proud to be welsh rolleyes.gif

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Thats why you NEVER live with Thai family. My mate does it. He speaks fluent Thai so its a help, Has no money now (various reasons, non to do with the family) so thats a help as well :rolleyes: but sometimes he has to go of on his bike just to get away and blow of steam. 

I also hate waiting so i know were you coming from.

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laser treatment? cancer bags? cancer daddy? <deleted> are you talking about? you sound like the asshol_e they are accusing you of being. (sorry, my father has just finished his throat cancer treatment, so your idiotic choice of words really pissed me off).

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laser treatment? <deleted> are you talking about?

I am talking about the old man getting a Darth Vader burning of his cancer by a laser...is it really that dificult to understand? He goes to the hospital, a very shit hospital, where some partially trained idiot fires lasers down his throat to try and kill the cancer...believe me, with the treatment I have seen here, he doesn't stand a cat in hells chance. He will be dead in a year!

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laser treatment? cancer bags? cancer daddy? <deleted> are you talking about? you sound like the asshol_e they are accusing you of being. (sorry, my father has just finished his throat cancer treatment, so your idiotic choice of words really pissed me off).

so anyway, yeah, you sound like an asshol_e.

(not the old man - who I actually respect and like) have fuc_ked things up, left to their own devices, I really wouldn't trust a Thai to plug in a fuc_king toaster!

Maybe as you say, I sound like an asshol_e, but it depends what you experience!

you respect the old man but, you call him "cancer bags". i'm not trying to judge you, but any intelligent reader would take one look at your words and basically discern that you're an asshol_e. we can agree on that, yeah? you're looking for sympathy in all the wrong fashions.

i think you're just one of those punters who has lived in Thailand so long that you hate Thai people. which is awesome.

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It doesnt sound like your gasket-blowing is purely as a result of this specific situation, rather a slow burn to it over time. I am myself pretty intolerant of poor time-keeping, inconsideration etc, but it's standard in Thailand and you do have to roll with it to a degree whistling.gif

As far as 'Cancer Dad' goes....he's got cancer. I can't imagine what he has to go through, along with his nearest and dearest, to have to cope with that. In that situation I'd most certainly not begrudge wasted trips nor sitting out side a hospital for a couple of hours. Not really the time to be complaining about some inconvenience I would have thought.

I have two friends and one relative all with cancer and they can send me on a 50 mile trip for ice cream if it makes them feel better and unpressured, whatever keeps them happy and unworried wink.gif

I agree, I would be willoing to help him as much as I can, the problem is the other in the family, they check nothing do nothing, I ask is the cancer gone? they don't even ask the doctor...it is like banging your head against a brick wall!

Scenario... ME... "How is dear father? is fathers cancer subsiding or is fathers cancer eating him alive?"

Response "I Don't Know"

Reply "Didn't you ask the doctor"

Response "No"

ME....."But you were at the hospital today with the Doctors, did it never occur in you retarded fuc_king head to ask a simple fuc_king question about you own fathers health?"

Response "NO"

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laser treatment? cancer bags? cancer daddy? <deleted> are you talking about? you sound like the asshol_e they are accusing you of being. (sorry, my father has just finished his throat cancer treatment, so your idiotic choice of words really pissed me off).

so anyway, yeah, you sound like an asshol_e.

(not the old man - who I actually respect and like) have fuc_ked things up, left to their own devices, I really wouldn't trust a Thai to plug in a fuc_king toaster!

Maybe as you say, I sound like an asshol_e, but it depends what you experience!

you respect the old man but, you call him "cancer bags". i'm not trying to judge you, but any intelligent reader would take one look at your words and basically discern that you're an asshol_e. we can agree on that, yeah? you're looking for sympathy in all the wrong fashions.

i think you're just one of those punters who has lived in Thailand so long that you hate Thai people. which is awesome.

I am not looking for sympathy, an if i was, I certainly wouldn't look on this site!

I am simply stating a point, You get a bit jaded over time here, I like her old man I actually respect him a lot, despite what you lot think, I was simply posting an observation as to how these people are incapable of getting over their loss of face, Kreng Jai, call it what you will, but I won't be taking anyone to any hospitals in the near future!

It Doesn't matter what I call him, DADDYm, CANCER BAG or whatever, he certainly doesn't read here so what is the problem? He can't read full srop, I am not taking the piss out of him!

One day ago the family spent 500Baht on the Lotto...now where are your priorities..the lottery or you father?

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Rather sadly, I don't own a car, so I could never be asked to drive anywhere.

I also have no money, so I can't give any to the family (apart from 3k a month for MIL as agreed in wedding contract negotiations)

Beyond feeding and housing the wife and step-daughter .... that's it.

The first 2 months of marriage, everyone wanted a loan, if only I had the money!!!

I'm a big believer in "don't give an inch"

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