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Thailand Live Wednesday 1 September 2010

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Related topic: Thailand Live Tuesday 31 August 2010

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Cabinet endorses NEB’s list of 11 harmful industrial projects

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Cabinet has approved in principle the list of 11 harmful industrial projects as proposed by the National Environment Board (NEB).

Mr Wachara Kannikar, Deputy Government Spokesperson, told the press that the Cabinet on Tuesday gave the green light to the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry's draft declaration of 11 harmful industrial activities required to undergo the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the health impact assessment (HIA) in compliance with the Constitution.

According to Section 67 of the Charter, all industrial projects deemed hazardous are obliged to pass the EIA and the HIA as well as be processed through public hearings and consultation with independent agencies before receiving endorsement.

The 11 activities on the harmful list include expansion of projects related to petrochemicals, mining as well as construction of dams, airport runways and power plants.


-- NNT 2010-09-01 footer_n.gif


FM aims to solve informal debt through community banks

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) Board is preparing to set up community banks across the country as a channel in loan acquisition among low-income residents.

Finance Ministry Korn Chatikavanij, as Chairman of the BAAC Board, stated that the board had discussed the setting up of community banks. He said the major role of community banks was to release loans with low interest rate for the people in rural areas.

The project is aimed to solve informal debt problem with the financial support by government-owned banks; the Government Savings Bank (GSB) and the BAAC.

The Finance Minster elaborated that the first task was to educate people on financial discipline through a training project of household accounting management. The household account will be a factor to be considered for loan approval thereafter.

Thailand Post Co Ltd has also proposed itself in a bid to perform duties as community banks. Minister Korn Chatikavanij assented to the proposal due to the company’s readiness of numerous branches and its access to local communities nationwide.


-- NNT 2010-09-01 footer_n.gif


7th National Herb Expo 2010 to kick off

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Department for Development of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine (DTAM), Ministry of Public Health, is organizing the 7th National Herb Expo 2010, on 1-5 September at Impact Muang Thong Thani.

The program will be held at the cooperation between the DTAM and 14 other governmental and private organizations. The event features several activities include four regions’ cultural showcase, herb garden demonstration, short training courses, and more than 300 booths of herb put on sale.

The highlight is the vegetable garden contest and 700 free herb seedling to be given out each day.


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People urged to get involved in community welfare fund operation

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Government supports local administrations to take part in operating the community welfare fund.

Deputy Permanent Secretary for Interior Viboon Sanguanpong unveiled that the government had a policy to promote welfare fund operation to community people. Sources of fund are community members through their savings, with the support of the local administration and the government.

The Ministry views that the welfare fund operation by the local administration is a measure to promote people participation in the public service management. Each local administration and other related parties are thus tasked to explain to local residents the direction of the welfare fund, for efficient implementation accordingly.


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WEEE project launched with the aim to change people´s behavior

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) aims at people’s behavioral change in order to help reduce global warming, through the WEEE project.

MNRE Minister Suwit Khunkitti stated that the MNRE in cooperation with the Business and Professional Women’s Association (BPW) to help reduce global warming, had launched a project “Waste of Electronic and Electrical Equipment” or WEEE.

WEEE is one of the seven BPW’s projects in honor of Her Majesty the Queen to urge the public to conduct electronic waste separation. The project has already been launched in seven provinces including Bangkok. It is aimed to change people’s behavior to separate garbage at the source correctly, and making them aware of global warming situation.

More than 20 governmental and private organizations in Bangkok have responded to the project, while the campaign will be operated until 31 August 2011. WEEE garbage bins will be placed at those organizations for electronic waste drops, to be disposed in the right methods by related units of the BMA.


-- NNT 2010-09-01 footer_n.gif


Deputy PM: Bilateral Ties to Improve When Both Leaders Meet

The deputy PM of national security told the Senate he is confident that bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia will improve after the leaders of both nations have had an opportunity to meet in person.

Suthep Thaugsuban, deputy PM of national security, answered a question directed at him by Senator Somchai Sawaengkarn regarding his approach to resolving the soured relations between Thailand and Cambodia.

Suthep said that so far, the Thai government has been very patient in finding ways to be on amicable terms with Cambodia through talks between officials at different levels.

He added that the Thai government has tried to contain the impact of the border tensions and prevent them from spreading and affecting people who live along the border.

Regarding the resignation of Thaksin Shinawatra as economic adviser to the Cambodian government, he said the resignation will ease tensions between Thailand and Cambodia and in the future, international summits will present opportunities for leaders of both nations to discuss the conflict.

Senator Somchai Sawaengkarn proposed that both countries share the benefits of the disputed land and said that determining a border between the two countries must be done without favoring one country over the other.

He also called for both sides to withdraw their troops.


-- Tan Network 2010-09-01



Allies insist Thaksin is healthy and his Mandela pictures not faked


Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is still healthy but he keeps quiet as does not want to be linked with political issues, people close to him said yesterday.

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M-79 attack on NBT could have come from road, car


A grenade launched from an M-79 yesterday landed in a parking area within the NBT compound off Vibhavadhi Rangsit motorway in Bangkok, causing no casualties but damaging property.

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Chaiyaphum hit hard and Nan residents on alert as rains continue

By The Nation


A flash flood has submerged vast areas in Chaiyaphum's Nong Bua Daeng district, with 1,500 villagers hit with a 1-metre flood due to rapid swelling of the Chi River after days of heavy rain.

More than 100,000 rai (16,000 hectares) of farmland has been under water. Affected villagers were being evacuated last night, especially those in low-lying areas in nine villages close to the Chi. The river basin was set to be declared a disaster zone.

The other affected areas are in neighbouring Nong Bua Rawe district, which is near two major creeks connected to the river, the mayor's office said.

A flood warning was also issued in Muang Chaiyaphum district for a possible flash flood there and three other districts over the next two days. The source of the Chi is in the northeastern province, along with the fertile Phu Khiao National Park.

In Nan province in the North, the level of the Nan River reached 7.13 metres, exceeding the critical 7-metre mark and threatening a flash flood in Muang Nan and other areas.

Relief assistance had been prepared along with plans for an emergency, while people living in low-lying areas were on alert for possible evacuation at short notice.

Officials said a main stream connected to the swelling Nan River could change course from west to east because of the strong currents and could cause heavy flooding in urban areas.

An assistant municipal chief in the town of Nan, Amornrat Yakaew, said residents could face a "frightening" scenario if a flash flood travelled through Tha Wang Pha stream in the west, as that area was more crowded and had less flood-prevention measures in place, instead of via Santisuk stream in the east.


-- The Nation 2010-09-01


Libraries offered to local communities

By The Nation


The Non-Formal and Informal Education Commission is offering to transfer 46 of its libraries to interested local administrative organisations.

The offer is in line with a recent instruction from the Education Ministry's decentralisation committee.

Education Minister Chinnaworn Boonyakiat said yesterday the commission would need to talk to local administrative bodies to see if they wished to take over the libraries.

"If yes, the transfer can proceed. But if not, the office will have to improve the libraries in response to the Education Ministry's policy," Chinnaworn said.

The policy required library staff to "reach out" to people at community level and promote reading, he said.

The commission owns 851 libraries across the country. Some 46 are not being used for learning activities even though they are located in separate buildings. But some libraries are located in other agencies' buildings.

Some 456 schools have been transferred from the Office of the Basic Education Commission to local administrative organisations since the decentralisation of educational services took place in 2006.

Plans to transfer 21 more schools to local bodies were approved recently.


-- The Nation 2010-09-01


Self-care system for diabetes

By The Nation

Diabetes patients in Thailand will soon be able to take care of themselves effectively thanks to a high-tech interactive multi-modality system.

In a move to cope with a shortage of physicians, researchers at the National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec) have integrated different communication channels to educate patients on self-care and help make diagnosis and follow up treatment quicker and easier for doctors, Nectec chief Pansak Siriruchatapong said.

Dr Wiroj Jiamjarasrangsi, assistant dean of Medicine at Chulalongkorn University, said the technology would be available for diabetes patients treated at Chulalongkorn Hospital this month.

Pansak said the system would be available via the Internet, e-mail, CDs or online chats, and patients would be given pointers on their eating habits and exercise.

"After patients answer health questions, physicians will immediately analyse their condition and contact them if there are any complications, such as wounds on the patient's feet."

He said the technology would be linked to the hospital's database making analysis of patient's conditions quicker. The system could also be applied to patients suffering other chronic diseases such as hypertension, pulmonary emphysema and asthma.


-- The Nation 2010-09-01


Donations needed for livercancer programme

By Pongphon Sarnsamak

The Nation


The National Cancer Institute Foundation yesterday launched a financialdonation programme aimed at patients with advanced liver cancer who cannot undergo surgery or local chemotherapy treatment.

It will help them receive continuous supplies of therapeutic drugs during the advanced treatment.

"This programme focuses on extending the life of hepatocellularcarcinoma patients while lessening their medical costs," said the foundation's director, Dr Thiravud Kuhaprema.

Among cancers, hepatocellular carcinoma or liver cancer is the No 1 cause of death among males and the thirdmostprevalent cause of death for females, following cervical and breast cancer.

The local incidence of liver cancer this year is estimated at 23,000 cases. Of this number, about 20,000 patients succumbed to the disease. Thailand has been ranked as having the fourthhighest livercancer mortality rate in Asia. Mongolia was ranked first, followed by Taiwan and Laos.

"Hepatocellular carcinoma develops quickly before spreading to the blood system. The disease rarely develops symptoms during initial stages until it has reached a level when most patients are diagnosed with advanced disease and usually die within three to six months," Thiravud said.

Apart from the physical implications of the illness, liver cancer deals a severe blow to the emotional and mental state of patients and their relatives.

In addition, they must shoulder heavy medical charges during the treatment period. Most patients at advanced stages need consistent anticancer therapy for more than three months, costing about Bt600,000 in total, or Bt200,000 a month.

Under the new programme - called the "hepatocellular carcinoma patient aid programme using innovative treatment approaches" - which is supported by Bayer Thai, patients with hepatocellular carcinoma can now register with the National Cancer Institute Foundation to receive the target therapy.

The programme has set a ceiling for medical costs at Bt600,000, after which the patient will be eligible for the drugs for the remainder of their lives, the remainder of the treatment period, or until the physician deems it appropriate to discontinue medication, without any additional charge.

"This allows the patients to estimate charges from the treatment and control overall costs accurately, compared with times when patients could not forecast costs," he said.

After the registration, patients will be diagnosed by a physician to evaluate the course of treatment. First they will receive a box of drugs to use for two weeks. Patients can stop the course of treatment but they must pay Bt100,000 to the programme. If they respond well to the drug and continue to use it over three months, the amount due will be limited to Bt600,000.


-- The Nation 2010-09-01


DSI admits dropping pyramid scheme case, while another goes to court

By The Nation

Published on September 1, 2010


The highly publicised case against Best 59, which allegedly operated a pyramid scheme via Poodang Kitozan fertiliser products, would not be going to court, Department of Special Investigation (DSI) chief Tharit Pengdit said yesterday.

Tharit insisted there was no lobbying to prevent the case going to court. But a committee assigned by DSI deputy head Narat Sawetanant studied the case after investigators agreed to present evidence to public prosecutors - and it ruled that the Poodaeng scheme did not fall within the parameters of defrauding the public.

Given that conclusion, and previous Supreme Court rulings and appeals from the accused for justice, Tharit said he then notified the public prosecutor about the DSI decision not to pursue the case in court.

Tharit declined to comment on criticism written on Facebook by a DSI investigator about four cases, including Poodaeng, not being taken on court after investigators had gathered evidence against various people.

The other three cases were: an oilselling scheme by FAST that allegedly caused nearly Bt100 million in losses; a rubber scheme in the South that allegedly cost nearly 1,000 people losses of about Bt100 million; and alleged Sob Kok land encroachment in Chiang Rai's Chiang Saen district, a case in which 22 people were arrested.

However, the DSI yesterday submitted a case to public prosecutor and presented seven suspects involved in an alleged pyramid scheme by Sunshine Empire (Thailand). Staff from the firm were involved in direct sales of health products and 4G cellphones. They have been accused of duping 130 people of some Bt98.8 million.

DSI Special Criminal Case Office chief, Pol Colonel Piyawat Kingket, said investigation found the Singaporebased company lured Thais through false ads on the website, www.sunshineempire.com, that offered two investment plans; Bronze Merchant priced at Bt6,300 and Silver Merchant at Bt27,900. Investors were promised 100 points - allegedly exchangeable for Bt3,600 cash - for every two people they brought to invest in the firm.


-- The Nation 2010-09-01


Abhisit insists all promotions vetted by his deputy Suthep

By Wattana Khamchu,

Piyanart Srivalo

The Nation

The Cabinet yesterday approved a reshuffle at the Interior Ministry, which would see officials close to key government ally Newin Chidchob take over four important departments, including the Department of Provincial Administration.

New directorgeneral Wichien Chawalit was deputy governor of Buri Ram province, Newin's political stronghold, six years ago and, like Newin's brother Saksiam, he too graduated from Thammasat University's Faculty of Political Science.

The other key agencies that will be led by Newinlinked personalities are Department of Community Development, which will be given to Surachai Khanasa; the Department of Local Administration given to Khwanchai Wongnitikorn, and Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, given to Wibool Sanguanphong.

The three provincial governors promoted to the deputy permanentsecretary's post include Suraphol Phongthadsirikul, Chomchuen Bunyasas and Wallop Phringphong.

Wichien and Surachai served on an advisory body led by Saksiam during the tenure of former interior minister Kowit Vatana. Wichien became chief of the Department of Community Development just this May and Surachai was Samut Prakan governor for a year before they both got promoted, a rise that many consider to be unusually fast paced.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, avoiding direct questions about the reshuffle, said Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban had screened the shortlist before the official appointments were announced.

"Suthep said there should not be any problems with them," he added.

Asked whether yesterday's reshuffle was the worst in the ministry's history, Abhisit laughed, before saying: "There are criticisms, which I take and express concerns over. I think the ministry will take them into consideration."

Asked what more he could do as the prime minister, Abhisit said the management of the ministry was the minister's duty. "There are regulations about certain things, but many decisions have resulted from consideration under various circumstances," he added.

Interior Minister Chaovarat Charnweerakul said the criticisms are expected and that he can defend the appointment of many officials with ties to Newin.

Newly appointed Interior permanentsecretary Manit Watthanasen, who also got the job with Newin's blessings, said the promotions were based on the recent criteria set by Office of the Civil Service Council, which prioritises efficiency rather than seniority.

He cited the efficiencyoverseniority practise at the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry - in which 48yearold Chote Trachoo was nominated as the new permanent secretary.

"I see no political inference in the reshuffle. Why will I take the risk of going to jail by allowing nepotism to take place during my term? I do my job well and have done nothing wrong," he added.


-- The Nation 2010-09-01


President Obama announces the end of the American combat mission in Iraq /via @SkyNewsBreak

From Oval Office, President Obama calls end of Iraq combat mission "historic moment," notes "time of great uncertainty." /CNN Breaking News

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Cambodia rejects 41mn USD loan offer from Thailand

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Cambodian authority turns down the 41.2 million USD loan offer from Thailand, claiming that it never asked for such funding to support its new road-building project despite a contradiction to his statements made few days earlier.

Cambodian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Koy Kuong, said his government had never wanted the financial support from Thailand especially for this project. He believed that this road development program would be going smoothly self-funded.

Mr Koy has surprised the public making his latest remark which opposes to what he has announced previously that the Cambodian government is willing to accept any form of financial support without any stipulation.

The Thai government has voiced its readiness to reconsider granting the neighbor the 41.2 million USD loan deal last week after both countries have regained their ambassadorial relationship. The financial agreement, which intended to support the development of the highway number 68 connecting the Thai border to the adjacent Cambodia’s Udon Michai Province, was initiated since August last year. Cambodia’s leader Hun Sen later in November decided to shelf the deal after he had appointed the ousted ex-Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra his economic advisor, leading to a break in the diplomatic tie.

Deputy Director General of the Department of Information, Thani Thongphakdi said he knew nothing about Cambodia’s stance on funding but Thailand was willing to present formal bilateral cooperation to the neighbor.


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Suspects in Nakhon Ratchasima Cigarette Truck Murders Arrested

The Region 3 Provincial Police Bureau has arrested three men suspected of killing the driver and deliveryman of a cigarette-carrying truck.

On August 27, Wasant Sangyalor, a delivery supervisor with Saha Sammitr Company, and Sanchai Sinsurin, a deliveryman, were shot and killed in Nakhon Ratchasima province.

Both men were on the job, riding inside a cigarette truck. The killers dumped their bodies by the roadside before driving away with the truck.

According to the most recent report, the Region 3 Provincial Police Bureau has apprehended Manoj Ngarm-kham, Sithisak Chamboon, Vanlop Patum, the three men suspected of committing the crime. They were arrested in Sakaew and Saraburi provinces.

The police have also arrested Amornrat Thong-on for allegedly receiving the stolen cigarettes.

Also, Manoj and Sithisak have confessed to robbing another cigarette truck back in June. All of them have admitted to taking part in robberies in Nakhon Sawan and Phichit provinces.

Police say the suspects worked as a team and are experienced in these types of crimes.

The investigation team also believes there was someone orchestrating the crime by placing the order for cigarette deliveries. Authorities are looking for additional suspects.

Police have issued a warning to all delivery drivers that the criminals could be wearing police uniforms. The police in all areas have been notified of the event.


-- Tan Network 2010-09-01



Chai Nat Farmers Seek DSI Help Over Rice Scam

A group of farmers in the Manorom and Sappaya districts of Chai Nat province are seeking assistance from the Department of Special Investigation, as they have been cheated out of 14 million baht by local rice dealers.

Some 20 rice farmers in Chai Nat province have filed petitions with the Department of Special Investigation or DSI and the Justice Ministry's Office for Victims of Crime, to ensure prosecution in a rice fraud case, in which a rice dealer allegedly cheated local farmers out of 14 million baht from rice sales.

The farmer reps said more than 200 farmers in Manorom district have not been paid for the rice they sold to rice dealer P. Buddharaksa.

They have been awaiting payment since April. They added that the company wrote invalid checks to farmers and tried to avoid paying when the farmers made complaints.

Meanwhile, the provincial court has called in farmers and the rice dealer on September 6 to find a settlement in the case.

Similar fraud cases have been reported in Sappaya province.

Both agencies have pledged to send officials to look into the case and provide aid.


-- Tan Network 2010-09-01



9-year-old student killed by stray bullet in rival students' fight

A group of vocational school students blocked a part of Ramkhamhaeng Road and fired into a bus, fatally hit a nine-year-old student.

Police said the students blocked the road between Soi Ramkhamhaeng 168 and 170 at 7 am and they stopped the Bus No 113 and one of them fired a shotgun into the bus.

Police said the bullet hit Jatuporn Pholphaka, 9, who was pronounce dead at the Kasemrat Hospital.


-- The Nation 2010-09-01


Govt will be vigilant during Sept-Oct for political movements

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Government spokesperson Dr Panithan Wattanayagorn has vowed that the government will keep a watchful eye on politically motivated movements aimed at inciting disorder in the capital.

According to the Spokesperson, as September and October have for years been symbolic months in Thailand’s political movements, the government will be extra watchful over the situation. He has further said that some of the anti-government groups have been active, more so during the two months; which is normal and allowed by the constitution, as long as the movements are within the framework of the law. However, whether or not the movements will turn violent depends on how vigilant the authorities will be. As for the movements of the anti-government living overseas, Dr. Panitan, has admitted that the issue has raised suspicion among the public whether they are connected with the movements in the Kingdom

In reference to the remarks made by General Chavalit Yongchaiyuth that there would be political changes by the end of the year, Dr Panitan has retorted that changes in politics are normal, as it is part of the democratic process. However, a general election will certainly be held late next year when the term of present government comes to an end.


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Bhum Jai Thai Politicians Shot in Si Sa Ket

Two Bhum Jai Thai politicians were seriously wounded in a gun assault last night.

Last night, a Si Sa Ket provincial council member from the Bhum Jai Thai Party, Suriyaporn Phienkasikam, was shot in her own local convenience store by a gunman who pretended to be a customer.

At the store, the culprit also shot Worasak Tangpoolpolsawas, a Bhum Jai Thai prospective candidate for the next General Election in the province, before fleeing the scene.

Both suffered serious injuries and are currently being cared for at Sappasitthiprasong Hospital in Ubon Ratchathani province.

Police believe the shooting was politically motivated.


-- Tan Network 2010-09-01



UNICEF urges schools to ban harsh punishments

BANGKOK (NNT) -- UNICEF Thailand has issued a declaration encouraging all schools nationwide not to give severe punishment against students after researches show that maltreated students usually will have lower educational performance.

Deputy UNICEF Thailand Representative Andrew Morris stated that many schools still ignored to comply with the regulations imposed by the Ministry of Education and the National Committee for Child Protection banning inhumane and violent punishments.

Mr Morris suggested that the regulation should be enforced in stricter manner while teachers should be trained to equip students with discipline instead of caning them.

Meanwhile, child protection specialist of UNICEF’s East Asia and Pacific regional office, Amalee McCoy, cited numerous researches that children experiencing maltreatment, discrimination, or violence at school usually would have lower academic performances than children without these harsh experiences.

Mrs McCoy added that many countries in this region also lacked national policy to protect children in the education system, a handbook for teachers on how to treat students with risk of violence and appropriate codes of conduct on how to treat and respect rights of students.

Earlier, an art teacher from a school in the northeastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima punished his 40 students by hitting them with a Rattan Palm cane wrapped with electrical wire for their failure to clean up their living quarters. The teacher was expelled after the video clip was exposed to the public.


-- NNT 2010-09-01 footer_n.gif

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