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What Would You Miss Most If You Left Thailand


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i wouldn't miss the buttwasher because i am using bidets since decades. what i would miss after leaving Thailand are the four seasons. snow and icy roads from january till march, then a beautiful spring with comfortable temperatures, trees blossoming and the big fun one has during Songkran. then summer when one fills up the pool and frolicks in it and last not least the foggy november and december days when everybody prepares and hopes for a white Christmas with a lot of snow and the Thai neighbours bring cookies to the Farang neighbours.

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B) Gee, I have been gone for over 3 years now, after living LOS for 7 . I was back last summer for 2.5 months but that doesn't really count. What I Miss?? Nothing really. When I was gone for nearly a year before The only thing I really missed was was my Thai wife and daughter, Now, They are here in Farangland with me and we are doing great. I was lucky I had a paid for house to move back into, my wife and I both have jobs and we live in a good school district. I eat Thai food every night, we live in Southern U.S. so climate is hot, we have Asian/Thai supermarket. I know my wife misses her family but we visit every year or so.\\What I don't miss is a crappy exchange rate , run away inflation, changing attitudes, Visa hassles, incompetentcy, corruption, no opportunity, etc. oh, and the charm of it all, Which BTW wears off after a few years. No sour grapes here , I will always love Thailand and it's people, I married a Thai 10 years in OCT. One more thing I really do miss the butt washer!


Edited by llso
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If you were to leave Thailand what would you really miss the most. For me it would be the butt washer. Can't imagine not having one seems unsanitary to be without one. :blink::bah::unsure:

Buy one and take it with you. Or buy a dish washer sprayer and install yourself.

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Meh. I'd miss the girls in general. A wife you can bring, but you can't bring them all.

(Honestly, post #8 and nobody has mentioned that?)

I would also miss food that has taste, the freedom (=getting away with just about anything), being on the right side of an excruciatingly unfair wealth-gap, and being able to have a life 24/7. (Or any kind of life, I suppose.)

I bet most replies will fall into one of the categories above. Except for the butt gun, but nothing is stopping you from visiting Home Pro on the way to the airport.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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My number one: Massage Culture. Can't afford to indulge very often back home (US).

1-hour foot massages for 4 bucks (120 THB) A foot massage while reading allows me to leave the planet for a mini mental vacation.

2-hour oil full body massages for 13 bucks (400 THB)

Special massages on occasion. (varies)

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I'm gonna miss the kids. Working with people who want to be helped and appreciate the help and seek out the help is really rewarding. I wouldn't dream of teaching back in England but I do want some of the "comforts" of my former lifestyle.

A weekend in BKK is no better or worse than a weekend in London, manchester, Leeds etc... Except I don't have to go as far all that way just to see a movie back home.

I won't miss sweating so much. :ermm:

I agree though, so many good reasons to go back home, missing stuff is not really an issue. Not like one can't come back, is it?

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My housekeeper. I have become very spoiled in not having to do the housework and would hate to go back to doing it. It is not that I mind doing most things, I just hate having to do them and that once they are done they have to be done again the next day.:(

Interesting you should mention that. I have to agree! We have a maid and a gardener (who also does the pool). Life is sure nice with them around. After dinner, they show up, do the dishes, put things away, clean up, and water the plants! Even wash the car when it needs it. Tough to beat...could never afford that kind of help back home.

The bum gun...no way...I just don't get it...

Oh...and also agree with inexpensive seafood on the beach!

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I would miss all the grumpy old gits that still think they are the salt of the earth.

I would miss situations where i was supposed yo walk away and not beat the crap out of some @sshole.

I would miss the girls.

I would miss all the hassles of getting every simple thing accomplished.

I ll miss speaking in funny English half the time.

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I would miss situations where i was supposed yo walk away and not beat the crap out of some @sshole.

Id imagine you get into those situations fairly often.

Me id miss the weather from November to February when i was in England, warm evenings and being able to walk around in t-shirt and shorts all year round.

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My number one: Massage Culture. Can't afford to indulge very often back home (US).

1-hour foot massages for 4 bucks (120 THB) A foot massage while reading allows me to leave the planet for a mini mental vacation.

2-hour oil full body massages for 13 bucks (400 THB)

Special massages on occasion. (varies)

My full body massage costs me 1800 THB. Where you get that for 400, you must share with us !!!

I may look like a pervert but what I would miss the most is looking at all the sexy women on the street, i come from a very cold city where you wear long clothes 8-9 months a year... don't see much mini-skirts there.

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I'd miss the sun. Couldn't go back to living in the freezing cold again (Scotland). I'd miss the skytrain as well. And cheap Thai food. And the view. And shop keepers telling me I have a "nice nose". That's happened about three times now. I've no idea why- sure, my nose is lovely but nobody ever thought of telling me before I came here.

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Actualy , when I moved on from Thailand , despite the fact I had enjoyed myself much of the time I was there , there is not one thing that I have missed , when I visit Canada , I feel at home there also , but I miss the loving care my wife gives me every day , so I invariably return early to be with her .

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I would miss the fact that I was no longer in a country where western BS PC hasnt established a foothold.

Just the other day I was listening to a song on the radio that had it been released in the west there would have been an uproar by those of a sensitive nature.

Song was about going to Suwannaphum airport and seeing the farang kee noks, I was pissing myself with laughter.

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