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Croaking Frogs


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Can anyone PLEASE give advice on croaking frogs their driving me and the missus insane.

We have had a lot of rainfall this year and it has left a lot of water on the surface surrounding our house,frogs are going at it all night we haven't had a decent sleep for two weeks,so much so im thinking of going to the doc's for medication ?,as a last resort unless i can find another solution,we have even tried ear plugs but to no avail,the constant noise is deafening and is starting to take it's toll making us both grumpy and irritated,their even singing their chorous as i write this post (7am).

This may seem a strange request but believe me it's a very serious one,is there anything i can do apart from moving house or going for medication.

Thanks for any genuine info.

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don't know about your sleeping issue but I have noticed that the frogs/crickets in the "wet" tend to stop their racket when there is another noise ie clapping your hands , or traffic noise...starts again soon enough though...maybe some sort of noise generator, little radio or somesuch?

bit of a problem....think I prefer the frogs to the speaker "thump thump" of a neighborhood wedding or wake party/karaoke though...guess we get used to anything EVENTUALLY...lol

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don't know about your sleeping issue but I have noticed that the frogs/crickets in the "wet" tend to stop their racket when there is another noise ie clapping your hands , or traffic noise...starts again soon enough though...maybe some sort of noise generator, little radio or somesuch?

bit of a problem....think I prefer the frogs to the speaker "thump thump" of a neighborhood wedding or wake party/karaoke though...guess we get used to anything EVENTUALLY...lol

Yeah so im gonna stay up all night and clap my hands,we dont live on a main road so forget the traffic,dont have a genny,and the radio i think would be defeating the object,but thanks anyway,i wish i could lol.

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Round our way, Thai's catch, sun-dry, grill and eat frogs (whole, not just frogs legs).

Just find the right frog catcher and set them loose!



Now there's a thought,any idea how they catch them,im so desperate i,d even consider doing it myself,cheers NT.

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Round our way, Thai's catch, sun-dry, grill and eat frogs (whole, not just frogs legs).

Just find the right frog catcher and set them loose!



Now there's a thought,any idea how they catch them,im so desperate i,d even consider doing it myself,cheers NT.

Brother-in-law goes out at night with one of those lamps on a headband in the rice paddies.

He catches loads. Also hunts bats and the occasional wild boar up the "mountains".

Will find out more & PM when wifie calls home (not on LOS at present).



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Hi to all that have tried to help on this frog subject,i managed about three hours kip last night,i am considering all your suggestions,i have a few irons in the fire.

To tell you the truth last night wasn't so bad,im hoping they have had their fling and it will ease off,fingers crossed,thanks again to all.



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