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In the whole town of Pattaya you can't find a girl who looks virtually identical who needs just as much saving ? If you really want her back what you need to do is ....... Find a life preserver from some beach supply store, then go to where she works with it and scream and yell like a crazy person very loud .... I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU ..... then throw her the life preserver. ..... If that doesn't work PM me and I will come up with plan B

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SDM, how long have you been waiting for a chance to give us all your sermon.Praise the lord the saviour is here.:intheclub:

Clearly, I'd been storing that up, for a while.. however, I'm no saviour..I'm just trying to put a few straight ideas into some (possibly lost) people's heads.

And once again, for the record, I SPECIFICALLY DIDN'T pass judgment on hookers for being hookers.. I only passed a warning onto customers not to mistake hookers to be anything else OTHER than hookers. And to please act accordingly, and not go off half-cocked (pun intended) in an inappropriate cloud of schoolboy/puppy love. (coz it aint, it's just business)

But Oh, Spuddy Buddy.. lets just be glad for the little things, such as:

Uhh.. well, we should probably ALL be terribly glad that I was only waiting (and saving up the juices) to deliver you all, my "sermon", and not all my semen. :blink:

(which, in a mighty strange twist, was fairly much the main gist of my (near-to-a) manifesto about "prostitutes (and specifically, what men pay to put in them)".. mahahaha :cheesy:

OMG,, I think I need to go to sleep RIGHT NOW.. hehe

(don't laugh, we've all been there, stuck in the Overtired Zone) :whistling:

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I think it's great that so many Farangs are so generous to Thai women, spread the wealth around, good luck to the women, from the state of many of the Farangs I see with Thai women, they deserve a Medal for sticking it out, payment or no payment.

I think most of the ardent negative posts come from jealous, poorer Farangs who wish that someone would send them a few extra Baht per month.

You guys want a pension plan and as much money as you can get for your old age right ?

So why should Thai people be any different, and if I could have amassed a small fortune by shagging old ladies for money, believe me, I would have done it.

Lets put it this way, how many guys here would have liked to be a porn star when they were young, making money from sex ?

C'mon guys, be honest, most of you would have done it for free, so don't be so hard on people who do whatever it takes to get by, you, like me, are fortunate in life, we have lived in different circumstances to many.

Was your mother walking 20Kms to get clean water to drink so you never died, no, of course not, but many many people live this way in the world, and if some African Nations had women as attractive as Thai women are, they too would be full of western sex tourists complaining about how the women only want their money, but thats why the western men are there in first place ain't it !!!!!

I know many western women who work in Tokyo as hostess workers, they come from affluent countries, yet can make a fortune in the nightlife scene in Japan, good luck to them also.

So many Men are willing to put working women down, yet if the roles were reversed, how many Men would be taking women for every $ they could get ?

Men are willing to pay for sex, women know this, ugly girls can have sex by just hanging out in a Pub or club, guaranteed that if she wants sex, she'll get it, and she won't pay either, plus get free drinks.

Ugly men don't have that same luxury, so they have to pay money for sex and no free drinks, that's what pisses men off so much. laugh.gif

I agree with you but the extortion and greediness is too vivid.

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boys.. Boys.. BOYS!!!!!

::::::shakes his head, and mutters: jeez.. not another thread about a heartbroken Farang and his missing sexworker??:::::: :violin:

Listen, and try to get this through your fat western heads, my brothers:


I'm sorry, but THAT'S what they ARE!

They <removed> for MONEY. That's ALL they do. They don't CARE about you, or LOVE you. They CANNOT, and WILL NOT ever be fair, kind, equal, honest, or truly loving, in any way, other than in a show/performance DESIGNED to get you to part with MORE MONEY. Nearly ALL OF THEM will never be anything other than a mechanism that lives to get money for f_cking.

They have a single daily cycle: They <removed>, they get money, they spend it on beauty treatments, surgical body enhancements, designer drugs, mobiles, tattoos, send some home to the family, and then go get primped and polished in order to hook more men, for more money; and the cycle continues. Most of them have no other means, no other skills, and no other options. Some of them may already (or soon will) despise the cycle, but be unable to escape it. Others will happily ride it straight to an untimely death. (And a precious few will actually get out in a timely fashion, and go on to other hopefully better things). But for sure, while they're hookers, they will never be truthful, trustworthy, or loyal. It's simply not in their mandate, to do that. Because doing those things doesn't serve to reap the greatest possible amount of money from men (and that's the straight and true job description of a whore), so STOP EXPECTING THEM TO DO THOSE THINGS.

They're HOOKERS. You should really just accept the fact that you are not any more special to (ANY of) them, than ANY OTHER MAN who also has money in his pocket. I know it's difficult to accept this, cause it feels SO GOOD when a really sexy younger girl seems to like you, and enjoy your company, your body, laughing at all your jokes, and having "incredible" sex with you. I bet you believe that you're the only customer that she orgasms (or ever orgasmed) for, huh?? (even though it's always faked, for every customer), and I bet she smiles a lot, too (don't tell me you don't understand the wildly varying kinds of smiles in the LOS?)

But, here's the TRUTH: She's not letting you touch her cause she likes you. I'm sorry; she's NOT. It's all just a show. She's ONLY overlooking the fact that a stranger is repulsively touching her beautiful private parts, because she's getting many times MORE cash to overlook it, than she would be if she was working in an office, or a 7-11. She's just delivering the redlight service you're paying her to deliver. (That is, unless you leave her alone with your wallet in view as you shower, only to find she's cleaned it out and split by the time you get out of the shower)

They don't love you, they're never going to love you. They will never speak the truth, or truly be loyal to you. Maybe to their out-of-sight drunk/addict abusive Thai BF or husband, ALWAYS to their shameless Thai family (who quite often pimped them out, in the first place), but NEVER to you.

Stop this pathetic lovesick madness.. They are WORKING GIRLS. They're performing a service for monetary compensation. Just the same way that YOU do, when you go to YOUR job. Don't tell me you've never had a job that required you to show some forced, fake enthusiasm?? Is it really so hard to believe that's exactly what she's doing to you??

They're sexworkers, folks. You PAY them, you <removed> them; business is now complete? You LEAVE them.

I'll draw you a further analogy:

Hookers are like Roller Coasters.

You buy a ticket to ride, (and of course, the faster, newer and more exciting the coaster; the higher the price of the ticktet), and you go sit in the front seats and strap some protection onto your body (to avoid ending up with temporary or permenant damage to it). As the first car seductively ramps up the excitment (as it climbs up the hill), you become breathless and giddy with anticipation of the extacy and pleasure you're about to experience as it teases you the whole way up. And then.. it launches wildly from the top! And as it goes through it's rythmic spins, dips, loops and thrilling ups and downs, you hang on for dear life and totally enjoy it, and since there's no one in front of you, you get to feel like the coaster is running JUST FOR YOU, and gosh, doesn't that make you feel SPECIAL?! Then, after the RIDE IS DONE, you GET OFF, and WALK AWAY, to rid yourself of the dizzyness, and to return to a normal state. No one stays either seated in the coaster, or standing on the plattform, in the hopes of driving one of the funny little cars off the crazy rails, and onto the highway to get back home with it.


Now, don't get me wrong.. I'm not passing judgment on working girls; they just do what they do, and I'm not criticizing that. I'm not even against men using their services. I think it's a perfectly equitable business, and that any person should be free to choose what is it they do or don't do with their own (or their customer's) bodies. Additionally, my comments go for working girls ANYWHERE in the world.. (though, the Thai ones are certainly some of the best schemers and liars (aka: actresses) in the world).

I just get bent all to pieces when stiff-dicked, hormone-blinded, spineless sods try to say it's LOVE. Enough with that crap already.

They're whores (cause that's their JOB!); They don't REALLY love (or even like) you. So stop thinking that they do.

PERIOD. End of story.

Specifically, to the OP:

I'm confused.. you're still so desperately in love with your ex, that just cause your Thai-speaking buddy wouldn't travel with you, you ABANDONED YOUR ENTIRE RECOVERY EXPEDITION TO FIND HER, for a trip to Pattaya, instead?? :blink:

Let me tell, you; That's some special kind of Effed up love, my brother.

If I was you, and I really DID love her, I'd have hired a translator/private tourguide, and gone straight to Nakhon Phanom (and STAYED THERE) until I found her. I could understand if you'd gone there, and after searching for a month or 2, or 3, you couldn't find her... (and then after hiring a private investigator; even HE couldn't find her), you had decided to just move on with your life.. But you didn't even TRY to go find her!!

I don't think you really wanted to get back with her. I think, instead of writing a letter to her, you should write one to yourself, and ask yourself, honestly, if you really wanted to get back with her, or if you just started feeling bad once you saw her again (in a non-flattering return to a less-than-savory career choice). Additionally, how can you really "show her sincerity" in a letter, when you only found her because you hadn't even BOTHERED to actually go to look for her where she was supposed to be (in Nakhon Phanom), but instead, were cruising "happy ending shops" in Pattaya?? That ought to really impress her. :huh:

You referred to your ex as now being a "legal pro". You said that you re-discovered her working in a massage shop? Let me address several issues that brings to my mind.

1) There is no such thing as a "legal professional prostitute". Prostitution is ILLEGAL in Thailand, and (as far as I know, in any Asian or Middle-Eastern country, and in most western countries as well)

2) I do differentiate between a licensed/accredited massage therapist (especially if they're working in a high end Spa, Hotel, or religiously significant health/massage center like Wat Po), and some amateur (but pretty) 18 year old giving hand jobs under the camouflage of a "Proper (yet actually sleazy) Massage Shop". The real therapist isn't a sexworker. That being said, I make a much wider and greater differentiation between massage girls that may occasionally perform a firm-handed happy ending, and CAREER LBFMs, that cheat, lie, steal, and predatorily <removed> men for cash (often, several a night), with no limits, and zero scruples.

Although I still consider them both to be sexworkers (for performing sexual acts on a stranger for money), I do think that the massage girl can (if she desires to), fully, and successfully shed that line of work, and then (fully free from that emotional poison), go on to have perfectly normal, healthy, honest, and balanced relationships afterwards. I do not, and will NEVER believe that career hardcore prostitutes can ever "move on" completely from that vocation; to have normal, healthy committed relationships. I can only see them as now having an unnatural mental link between their genitals and cash, instead of a natural one between their genitals and love.

I don't think the hooker's typical "money<-->genitals" link is easily broken (once firmly enmeshed in the mind of a hardcore sexworker). And consequentially, I think the creation and longstanding existence of that link prohibits those girls from being able to truly love, cherish, honor or respect ANY MAN who makes overtures to get into her pants (even the ones who may actually love her, and only desire intimacy with her, in the name of love).

It seems to me, that with most hardcore prostitutes, the link lasts forever. Even after the hooking days are long over. That's my continuing observation, based on my knowing some older Thai women, (that I am reasonably sure were former sexworkers via their fairly obvious mannerisms, alcoholism, bargirl-English, low education, and frequently inexplicable secretive behavior), who also seem quite clearly in their current relationship only for the bounty it brings them (and demonstratively do NOT love their S/O's)

Back to the OP's question for help: Since I don't know what kind of massage shop your ex was working at (or how full the "full service treatments" really are there), I can't say if she's "recoverable" from this relapse to (a possibly minor corner of) the sex industry, or not. The only other thing I'll say is, if she ran and hid from you, and absolutely REFUSED, at length, on repeated attempts, to come out and face you, talk to you, or talk to a mediator between the two of you.. I'd say things don't look good for you and her. :crying:

I know those of you who have ended up coupling with (or marrying), former prostitutes are going to flame me hard, but I'll still stand by my statement; that if the serious :hit-the-fan:, and you were unable or unwilling to continue to provide whatever it was that originally tore these former hookers away from a life of easy cash to be with you, 90% of them would end up going back to it, in one form or another. Possible exceptions could include ladies now 30+ years out of the sex business, with serious involvement in some other viable business that takes its place...?

Just my slightly generalized opinion. But I calls it like I sees it.

Yeah, spot on man. Good post!!!!!

To the O.P, Wake up and smell the coffee.

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SDM, how long have you been waiting for a chance to give us all your sermon.Praise the lord the saviour is here.:intheclub:

Clearly, I'd been storing that up, for a while.. however, I'm no saviour..I'm just trying to put a few straight ideas into some (possibly lost) people's heads.

And once again, for the record, I SPECIFICALLY DIDN'T pass judgment on hookers for being hookers.. I only passed a warning onto customers not to mistake hookers to be anything else OTHER than hookers. And to please act accordingly, and not go off half-cocked (pun intended) in an inappropriate cloud of schoolboy/puppy love. (coz it aint, it's just business)

But Oh, Spuddy Buddy.. lets just be glad for the little things, such as:

Uhh.. well, we should probably ALL be terribly glad that I was only waiting (and saving up the juices) to deliver you all, my "sermon", and not all my semen. :blink:

(which, in a mighty strange twist, was fairly much the main gist of my (near-to-a) manifesto about "prostitutes (and specifically, what men pay to put in them)".. mahahaha :cheesy:

OMG,, I think I need to go to sleep RIGHT NOW.. hehe

(don't laugh, we've all been there, stuck in the Overtired Zone) :whistling:

Apart from the little dig,I do agree with most of what you wrote.I can understand why your tired writing all that.I nearly fell asleep reading half way through it.:)

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i would like to disagree with a lot of the above.i think the girls that are able to find real paying customers are actually getting off on the power they have over men that will subsequently throw money at them.

it is a true role reversal and they feel the power surge when you "come" they go but not without your dough.in any other playing field most of these girls are just the ones at the low end of the social ladder.the more money they extract from you the better they feel. just like consumerism has substituted quality life experience so has money substituted class.

if you have a millon bucks -you must be a great guy or is it not?

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boys.. Boys.. BOYS!!!!!

::::::shakes his head, and mutters: jeez.. not another thread about a heartbroken Farang and his missing sexworker??:::::: :violin:

Listen, and try to get this through your fat western heads, my brothers:


I'm sorry, but THAT'S what they ARE!

They &lt;removed&gt; for MONEY. That's ALL they do. They don't CARE about you, or LOVE you. They CANNOT, and WILL NOT ever be fair, kind, equal, honest, or truly loving, in any way, other than in a show/performance DESIGNED to get you to part with MORE MONEY. Nearly ALL OF THEM will never be anything other than a mechanism that lives to get money for f_cking.

They have a single daily cycle: They &lt;removed&gt;, they get money, they spend it on beauty treatments, surgical body enhancements, designer drugs, mobiles, tattoos, send some home to the family, and then go get primped and polished in order to hook more men, for more money; and the cycle continues. Most of them have no other means, no other skills, and no other options. Some of them may already (or soon will) despise the cycle, but be unable to escape it. Others will happily ride it straight to an untimely death. (And a precious few will actually get out in a timely fashion, and go on to other hopefully better things). But for sure, while they're hookers, they will never be truthful, trustworthy, or loyal. It's simply not in their mandate, to do that. Because doing those things doesn't serve to reap the greatest possible amount of money from men (and that's the straight and true job description of a whore), so STOP EXPECTING THEM TO DO THOSE THINGS.

They're HOOKERS. You should really just accept the fact that you are not any more special to (ANY of) them, than ANY OTHER MAN who also has money in his pocket. I know it's difficult to accept this, cause it feels SO GOOD when a really sexy younger girl seems to like you, and enjoy your company, your body, laughing at all your jokes, and having "incredible" sex with you. I bet you believe that you're the only customer that she orgasms (or ever orgasmed) for, huh?? (even though it's always faked, for every customer), and I bet she smiles a lot, too (don't tell me you don't understand the wildly varying kinds of smiles in the LOS?)

But, here's the TRUTH: She's not letting you touch her cause she likes you. I'm sorry; she's NOT. It's all just a show. She's ONLY overlooking the fact that a stranger is repulsively touching her beautiful private parts, because she's getting many times MORE cash to overlook it, than she would be if she was working in an office, or a 7-11. She's just delivering the redlight service you're paying her to deliver. (That is, unless you leave her alone with your wallet in view as you shower, only to find she's cleaned it out and split by the time you get out of the shower)

They don't love you, they're never going to love you. They will never speak the truth, or truly be loyal to you. Maybe to their out-of-sight drunk/addict abusive Thai BF or husband, ALWAYS to their shameless Thai family (who quite often pimped them out, in the first place), but NEVER to you.

Stop this pathetic lovesick madness.. They are WORKING GIRLS. They're performing a service for monetary compensation. Just the same way that YOU do, when you go to YOUR job. Don't tell me you've never had a job that required you to show some forced, fake enthusiasm?? Is it really so hard to believe that's exactly what she's doing to you??

They're sexworkers, folks. You PAY them, you &lt;removed&gt; them; business is now complete? You LEAVE them.

I'll draw you a further analogy:

Hookers are like Roller Coasters.

You buy a ticket to ride, (and of course, the faster, newer and more exciting the coaster; the higher the price of the ticktet), and you go sit in the front seats and strap some protection onto your body (to avoid ending up with temporary or permenant damage to it). As the first car seductively ramps up the excitment (as it climbs up the hill), you become breathless and giddy with anticipation of the extacy and pleasure you're about to experience as it teases you the whole way up. And then.. it launches wildly from the top! And as it goes through it's rythmic spins, dips, loops and thrilling ups and downs, you hang on for dear life and totally enjoy it, and since there's no one in front of you, you get to feel like the coaster is running JUST FOR YOU, and gosh, doesn't that make you feel SPECIAL?! Then, after the RIDE IS DONE, you GET OFF, and WALK AWAY, to rid yourself of the dizzyness, and to return to a normal state. No one stays either seated in the coaster, or standing on the plattform, in the hopes of driving one of the funny little cars off the crazy rails, and onto the highway to get back home with it.


Now, don't get me wrong.. I'm not passing judgment on working girls; they just do what they do, and I'm not criticizing that. I'm not even against men using their services. I think it's a perfectly equitable business, and that any person should be free to choose what is it they do or don't do with their own (or their customer's) bodies. Additionally, my comments go for working girls ANYWHERE in the world.. (though, the Thai ones are certainly some of the best schemers and liars (aka: actresses) in the world).

I just get bent all to pieces when stiff-dicked, hormone-blinded, spineless sods try to say it's LOVE. Enough with that crap already.

They're whores (cause that's their JOB!); They don't REALLY love (or even like) you. So stop thinking that they do.

PERIOD. End of story.

Specifically, to the OP:

I'm confused.. you're still so desperately in love with your ex, that just cause your Thai-speaking buddy wouldn't travel with you, you ABANDONED YOUR ENTIRE RECOVERY EXPEDITION TO FIND HER, for a trip to Pattaya, instead?? :blink:

Let me tell, you; That's some special kind of Effed up love, my brother.

If I was you, and I really DID love her, I'd have hired a translator/private tourguide, and gone straight to Nakhon Phanom (and STAYED THERE) until I found her. I could understand if you'd gone there, and after searching for a month or 2, or 3, you couldn't find her... (and then after hiring a private investigator; even HE couldn't find her), you had decided to just move on with your life.. But you didn't even TRY to go find her!!

I don't think you really wanted to get back with her. I think, instead of writing a letter to her, you should write one to yourself, and ask yourself, honestly, if you really wanted to get back with her, or if you just started feeling bad once you saw her again (in a non-flattering return to a less-than-savory career choice). Additionally, how can you really "show her sincerity" in a letter, when you only found her because you hadn't even BOTHERED to actually go to look for her where she was supposed to be (in Nakhon Phanom), but instead, were cruising "happy ending shops" in Pattaya?? That ought to really impress her. :huh:

You referred to your ex as now being a "legal pro". You said that you re-discovered her working in a massage shop? Let me address several issues that brings to my mind.

1) There is no such thing as a "legal professional prostitute". Prostitution is ILLEGAL in Thailand, and (as far as I know, in any Asian or Middle-Eastern country, and in most western countries as well)

2) I do differentiate between a licensed/accredited massage therapist (especially if they're working in a high end Spa, Hotel, or religiously significant health/massage center like Wat Po), and some amateur (but pretty) 18 year old giving hand jobs under the camouflage of a "Proper (yet actually sleazy) Massage Shop". The real therapist isn't a sexworker. That being said, I make a much wider and greater differentiation between massage girls that may occasionally perform a firm-handed happy ending, and CAREER LBFMs, that cheat, lie, steal, and predatorily &lt;removed&gt; men for cash (often, several a night), with no limits, and zero scruples.

Although I still consider them both to be sexworkers (for performing sexual acts on a stranger for money), I do think that the massage girl can (if she desires to), fully, and successfully shed that line of work, and then (fully free from that emotional poison), go on to have perfectly normal, healthy, honest, and balanced relationships afterwards. I do not, and will NEVER believe that career hardcore prostitutes can ever "move on" completely from that vocation; to have normal, healthy committed relationships. I can only see them as now having an unnatural mental link between their genitals and cash, instead of a natural one between their genitals and love.

I don't think the hooker's typical "money<-->genitals" link is easily broken (once firmly enmeshed in the mind of a hardcore sexworker). And consequentially, I think the creation and longstanding existence of that link prohibits those girls from being able to truly love, cherish, honor or respect ANY MAN who makes overtures to get into her pants (even the ones who may actually love her, and only desire intimacy with her, in the name of love).

It seems to me, that with most hardcore prostitutes, the link lasts forever. Even after the hooking days are long over. That's my continuing observation, based on my knowing some older Thai women, (that I am reasonably sure were former sexworkers via their fairly obvious mannerisms, alcoholism, bargirl-English, low education, and frequently inexplicable secretive behavior), who also seem quite clearly in their current relationship only for the bounty it brings them (and demonstratively do NOT love their S/O's)

Back to the OP's question for help: Since I don't know what kind of massage shop your ex was working at (or how full the "full service treatments" really are there), I can't say if she's "recoverable" from this relapse to (a possibly minor corner of) the sex industry, or not. The only other thing I'll say is, if she ran and hid from you, and absolutely REFUSED, at length, on repeated attempts, to come out and face you, talk to you, or talk to a mediator between the two of you.. I'd say things don't look good for you and her. :crying:

I know those of you who have ended up coupling with (or marrying), former prostitutes are going to flame me hard, but I'll still stand by my statement; that if the serious :hit-the-fan:, and you were unable or unwilling to continue to provide whatever it was that originally tore these former hookers away from a life of easy cash to be with you, 90% of them would end up going back to it, in one form or another. Possible exceptions could include ladies now 30+ years out of the sex business, with serious involvement in some other viable business that takes its place...?

Just my slightly generalized opinion. But I calls it like I sees it.

Yeah, spot on man. Good post!!!!!

To the O.P, Wake up and smell the coffee.

Ya this man is a GOD. They should post this on billboards all around Thailand for the betterment of Falang kind.

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..................I want to help her get out of the situation she is in. I do not know the reason why she is working in this line again (she was a legal pro in SG previously but had already left after 8 months here).............

I repeat my question....

What is a "legal pro in SG" ??

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now guys are admitting their gf's are bargirls and the like what is going on here?

ps. if she your ex just stay out of her life:rolleyes:

Yes, but their bargirl girlfriends are different to all the other bargirl girlfriends.

post-110219-016210300 1283793862_thumb.j

Edited by Beetlejuice
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..................I want to help her get out of the situation she is in. I do not know the reason why she is working in this line again (she was a legal pro in SG previously but had already left after 8 months here).............

I repeat my question....

What is a "legal pro in SG" ??

need license to conduct business, pay taxes, health certificate,etc sg not as lax as thailand, if in sg needing service be sure to check girls license..............lol.

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I think you would have got more sensible advice in a specialist Singapore forum. Although they're mostly Singaporeans, that is compensated by a lower proportion of the sad, the bitter and twisted, misogynists, hypocrites and bigots.

PM me if you need more detailed directions.


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Dear bros,

Thanks alot for your comments. Be it postive or negative, helpful or not, its very much appreciated. To the question of what is a legal pro in SG, I must apologise for the usage of short-form. SG is Singapore and legal pros are girls who come to work in Singapore as a prostitute but it is legalised and they have a sort of work permit which states they are here as one. They must go for monthly check-ups and they are not allowed to walk in the streets. Basically, their partculars are registered with the immigration authority and anti-vice and whatever relevant agencies that maybe involved. They are usually here for a maximum of 2 years and then they can go home. They can go back early, as long as their boss (pimp) is agreeable to it. My ex-gf went home after 8 months. There is some vagueness in the rules thereafter whereby some people say they are not allowed to come back to SG forever (even as a tourist) whereas there are others who say that it may be possible to come back but only years (even the number is unsure) later.

I guess to cut a long story short. My relationship with my ex-gf didnt involve money directly to her. I know some bros will say that's probably why we finished up anyway. But other than paying money to the boss when i went to see her (money was split 50-50 between her and the boss), the most expensive item i bought her was a watch for her birthday that was $250. We were together for 6 months in all with 3 months of it being a distance relationship whereby she had already returned to Thailand.

I just want to shed some light on my story to the helpful bros who have been posting. Hope to hear more feedback and comments from you guys.

Thanks alot. BTW, I'm not a farang, just an average Singaporean, Chinese guy. :-)

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Excellent! Glad to see Asian men act as foolishly as us whities! You are very confused.... you say you didnt give money directly to her inferring that your "relationship" was OK because there was no direct money handing off but then quickly add that you gave the money to her PIMP :blink: which was then split with her and this somehow kept the romance feeling involved in your PURCHASE OF FLESH and has led you to the illusion that you actually shared some sort of intimacy and emotion outside of her allowing you to climb on top of her and hopefully get your nasty business over with quickly.... are you joking? You were never "together" you were just one of MANY costomers.... why are you working so hard to convince yourself otherwise? Dude do yourself a favour.... for the love of god just see the truth of the situation, you were paying money for SEX, not in a relationship!

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Just move on and forget her. She does not need your help as she is enjoying her job. Plenty of other girls around who would appreciate your help

Maybe she already as a few other falangs already helping her,,,.and with the extra money she makes massaging she dont need any extra help.rolleyes.gif

I think it's great that so many Farangs are so generous to Thai women, spread the wealth around, good luck to the women, from the state of many of the Farangs I see with Thai women, they deserve a Medal for sticking it out, payment or no payment.

I think most of the ardent negative posts come from jealous, poorer Farangs who wish that someone would send them a few extra Baht per month.

You guys want a pension plan and as much money as you can get for your old age right ?

So why should Thai people be any different, and if I could have amassed a small fortune by shagging old ladies for money, believe me, I would have done it.

Lets put it this way, how many guys here would have liked to be a porn star when they were young, making money from sex ?

C'mon guys, be honest, most of you would have done it for free, so don't be so hard on people who do whatever it takes to get by, you, like me, are fortunate in life, we have lived in different circumstances to many.

Was your mother walking 20Kms to get clean water to drink so you never died, no, of course not, but many many people live this way in the world, and if some African Nations had women as attractive as Thai women are, they too would be full of western sex tourists complaining about how the women only want their money, but thats why the western men are there in first place ain't it !!!!!

I know many western women who work in Tokyo as hostess workers, they come from affluent countries, yet can make a fortune in the nightlife scene in Japan, good luck to them also.

So many Men are willing to put working women down, yet if the roles were reversed, how many Men would be taking women for every $ they could get ?

Men are willing to pay for sex, women know this, ugly girls can have sex by just hanging out in a Pub or club, guaranteed that if she wants sex, she'll get it, and she won't pay either, plus get free drinks.

Ugly men don't have that same luxury, so they have to pay money for sex and no free drinks, that's what pisses men off so much. laugh.gif

Well...I'd never...........excellent analysis by Sillyman99!

Edited by exterminator
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Dear bros,

Thanks alot for your comments. Be it postive or negative, helpful or not, its very much appreciated. To the question of what is a legal pro in SG, I must apologise for the usage of short-form. SG is Singapore and legal pros are girls who come to work in Singapore as a prostitute but it is legalised and they have a sort of work permit which states they are here as one. They must go for monthly check-ups and they are not allowed to walk in the streets. Basically, their partculars are registered with the immigration authority and anti-vice and whatever relevant agencies that maybe involved. They are usually here for a maximum of 2 years and then they can go home. They can go back early, as long as their boss (pimp) is agreeable to it. My ex-gf went home after 8 months. There is some vagueness in the rules thereafter whereby some people say they are not allowed to come back to SG forever (even as a tourist) whereas there are others who say that it may be possible to come back but only years (even the number is unsure) later.

I guess to cut a long story short. My relationship with my ex-gf didnt involve money directly to her. I know some bros will say that's probably why we finished up anyway. But other than paying money to the boss when i went to see her (money was split 50-50 between her and the boss), the most expensive item i bought her was a watch for her birthday that was $250. We were together for 6 months in all with 3 months of it being a distance relationship whereby she had already returned to Thailand.

I just want to shed some light on my story to the helpful bros who have been posting. Hope to hear more feedback and comments from you guys.

Thanks alot. BTW, I'm not a farang, just an average Singaporean, Chinese guy. :-)

lol what a drop kick, I'm sure this is a troll post now

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Could I have a refund please my roller coaster seems to want to talk on the cell phone all day instead of complementing my fat, bald, hairy, smelly, drunken self. O and the seat is all wet.

See, that's my point, exactly. Roller Coasters are highly specialized things, good for really only one purpose; a fun short ride.:P

1) You can't send them to do complex errands for you. (complex of course, meaning; "Buy 2 of this size of this product at this store, and 1 of that size of that product at that store, and bring all three things, and ALL the change from this 1000Bht bill, straight back here") Trust me, they'll muck it up.

2) You can't bring them to the opera (or any other cultured, highbrow entertainment), cause they'll just want to show up in their typically garish "amusement park paint job", bling, and disco light accessories, they're often VERY noisy, and it's not like they're going to appreciate serious performance anyway, unless it involves clown sound effects and everyone slapping a midget around.

3) You can't put anything of value on them; it always seems to "get lost" when they loop out of your view (accompanied by a well-practiced "Mmm..gold necklace? It gone now. I not know where it go, maybe fall down, got lost" when they arrive back to the platform).

4) You can't really expect them to hold onto any money; the ride's speed and violent turns guarantee it'll be blown away (on something) in no time.

5) It's pointless (and frustrating to the coaster) to try and discuss deep issues with them like philosophy, history, socio-economics, or food-borne disease vectors (aka: Why, if they really wanted to stop getting debilitating abdominal pain and horrid shits everyday, they could possibly stop eating 2 week old dead insects fried in 4 week old rancid oil, dispensed from decrepit, dirty foodcarts by unkempt, unwashed foodsellers.. but I digress).

6) If you were to try and use a Roller Coaster for transportation, you'd never be sure if they'd show up on time, or even, show up at all, and there's a good possibility their tracks may not be going where you need to go at the moment. Also, due to their frenetic and mad-dash nature, they're highly prone to break downs (often making a great spectacle of themselves) at the most inopportune moments. "Reliable Daily Transportaion", a coaster is not.

7) As they are usually locked to the track they travel on, they rarely show much interest in any other kind of experiences, other than an expensive upgrade to a bigger, fuller, rounder (often unnaturally large) set of tracks.

8) Quite frankly, once you pull that little train off it's prescribed track and set it on the ground, no mater how much you coax it to perform daily useful tasks, it really lacks the ability to do much of anything, except look good sitting (or laying?) in one place, and to single-mindedly plan how it's gonna get more people to ride it when it inevitably gets back onto its track.

9) Try to imagine for a moment, if actual roller coasters got as violently jealous, angry and vindictive as sexworkers did, if you (the ticketbuyer, after all) went to ride some OTHER Coaster? (but,"your" Coaster can collect as many riders as it's possibly able to, with absolute impunity!)

10) You might not realize this, especially if you've mostly been riding your Coaster in the dark, but all the frequent, jarring trips they do, day after day, loaded with riders, (and all the "chemicals" used as treatments to help cope with the hard riding, along with being frequently splattered with dangerous "lubricants", and frequent visits to the repair shack), takes a rather steep (and rapid) toll on their originally smooth, shiny bright bodies, and DEFINITELY on the overworked inner mechanics. Coasters, if they've been in service for a while, often show dramatically accelerated aging and physical deterioration, especially as compared with, say, more normal trains. Just something extra to think about.

In summation, a Roller Coaster is something that's there STRICTLY FOR LOWBROW, NAUGHTY, KINETIC/PHYSICAL FUN. It just doesn't have the drive, intelligence, or culture to do much else, than give you an exciting ride, for a little while.

As for a refund..? Well, that, I can't do, as I'm neither the ticket seller, the ticket taker, or the owner of the ride.

No.. I'm more like the poor shlub who tirelessly spreads the peppermint-scented sawdust on the "ring of vomit" that forms in a circle on the ground around the "Tilt-a-Whirl" ride, next to the Roller Coaster.:sick:

I'm often quiet, but since I see everything that goes on, I get a pretty good idea about how it all works (without having to actually have ridden the rides, to do so). When I see something just too outrageous to let go by, I will break my silence, and give a little "shot straight-from-the-hip" advice/observations to dting-dtong farangs that think bringing an amusement park ride home with them is a good idea.

(oh, and you're not gonna like this, but the seat in your Coaster is wet, cause your Coaster let her last rider piss all over her (head to tail) during his ride, which she handsomely charged him extra for) :cheesy:

Edited by SiangDeeMahk
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Dear bros,

Thanks alot for your comments. Be it postive or negative, helpful or not, its very much appreciated. To the question of what is a legal pro in SG, I must apologise for the usage of short-form. SG is Singapore and legal pros are girls who come to work in Singapore as a prostitute but it is legalised and they have a sort of work permit which states they are here as one. They must go for monthly check-ups and they are not allowed to walk in the streets. Basically, their partculars are registered with the immigration authority and anti-vice and whatever relevant agencies that maybe involved. They are usually here for a maximum of 2 years and then they can go home. They can go back early, as long as their boss (pimp) is agreeable to it. My ex-gf went home after 8 months. There is some vagueness in the rules thereafter whereby some people say they are not allowed to come back to SG forever (even as a tourist) whereas there are others who say that it may be possible to come back but only years (even the number is unsure) later.

I guess to cut a long story short. My relationship with my ex-gf didnt involve money directly to her. I know some bros will say that's probably why we finished up anyway. But other than paying money to the boss when i went to see her (money was split 50-50 between her and the boss), the most expensive item i bought her was a watch for her birthday that was $250. We were together for 6 months in all with 3 months of it being a distance relationship whereby she had already returned to Thailand.

I just want to shed some light on my story to the helpful bros who have been posting. Hope to hear more feedback and comments from you guys.

Thanks alot. BTW, I'm not a farang, just an average Singaporean, Chinese guy. :-)

Im sure the Thai girls would be very grateful if you could bring some more of your "Bros" over to help them out, and theyll "lub u long time":jap:

Edited by ooovaavu
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See, that's my point, exactly. Roller Coasters are highly specialized things, good for really only one purpose; a fun short ride.:P

1) You can't send them to do complex errands for you. (complex of course, meaning; "Buy 2 of this size of this product at this store, and 1 of that size of that product at that store, and bring all three things, and ALL the change from this 1000Bht bill, straight back here") Trust me, they'll muck it up.

2) You can't bring them to the opera (or any other cultured, highbrow entertainment), cause they'll just want to show up in their typically garish "amusement park paint job", bling, and disco light accessories, they're often VERY noisy, and it's not like they're going to appreciate serious performance anyway, unless it involves clown sound effects and everyone slapping a midget around.

3) You can't put anything of value on them; it always seems to "get lost" when they loop out of your view (accompanied by a well-practiced "Mmm..gold necklace? It gone now. I not know where it go, maybe fall down, got lost" when they arrive back to the platform).

4) You can't really expect them to hold onto any money; the ride's speed and violent turns guarantee it'll be blown away (on something) in no time.

5) It's pointless (and frustrating to the coaster) to try and discuss deep issues with them like philosophy, history, socio-economics, or food-borne disease vectors (aka: Why, if they really wanted to stop getting debilitating abdominal pain and horrid shits everyday, they could possibly stop eating 2 week old dead insects fried in 4 week old rancid oil, dispensed from decrepit, dirty foodcarts by unkempt, unwashed foodsellers.. but I digress).

6) If you were to try and use a Roller Coaster for transportation, you'd never be sure if they'd show up on time, or even, show up at all, and there's a good possibility their tracks may not be going where you need to go at the moment. Also, due to their frenetic and mad-dash nature, they're highly prone to break downs (often making a great spectacle of themselves) at the most inopportune moments. "Reliable Daily Transportaion", a coaster is not.

7) As they are usually locked to the track they travel on, they rarely show much interest in any other kind of experiences, other than an expensive upgrade to a bigger, fuller, rounder (often unnaturally large) set of tracks.

8) Quite frankly, once you pull that little train off it's prescribed track and set it on the ground, no mater how much you coax it to perform daily useful tasks, it really lacks the ability to do much of anything, except look good sitting (or laying?) in one place, and to single-mindedly plan how it's gonna get more people to ride it when it inevitably gets back onto its track.

9) Try to imagine for a moment, if actual roller coasters got as violently jealous, angry and vindictive as sexworkers did, if you (the ticketbuyer, after all) went to ride some OTHER Coaster? (but,"your" Coaster can collect as many riders as it's possibly able to, with absolute impunity!)

10) You might not realize this, especially if you've mostly been riding your Coaster in the dark, but all the frequent, jarring trips they do, day after day, loaded with riders, (and all the "chemicals" used as treatments to help cope with the hard riding, along with being frequently splattered with dangerous "lubricants", and frequent visits to the repair shack), takes a rather steep (and rapid) toll on their originally smooth, shiny bright bodies, and DEFINITELY on the overworked inner mechanics. Coasters, if they've been in service for a while, often show dramatically accelerated aging and physical deterioration, especially as compared with, say, more normal trains. Just something extra to think about.

In summation, a Roller Coaster is something that's there STRICTLY FOR LOWBROW, NAUGHTY, KINETIC/PHYSICAL FUN. It just doesn't have the drive, intelligence, or culture to do much else, than give you an exciting ride, for a little while.

As for a refund..? Well, that, I can't do, as I'm neither the ticket seller, the ticket taker, or the owner of the ride.

No.. I'm more like the poor shlub who tirelessly spreads the peppermint-scented sawdust on the "ring of vomit" that forms in a circle on the ground around the "Tilt-a-Whirl" ride, next to the Roller Coaster.:sick:

I'm often quiet, but since I see everything that goes on, I get a pretty good idea about how it all works (without having to actually have ridden the rides, to do so). When I see something just too outrageous to let go by, I will break my silence, and give a little "shot straight-from-the-hip" advice/observations to dting-dtong farangs that think bringing an amusement park ride home with them is a good idea.

(oh, and you're not gonna like this, but the seat in your Coaster is wet, cause your Coaster let her last rider piss all over her (head to tail) during his ride, which she handsomely charged him extra for) :cheesy:

Hooah! You are seriously harsh, man.

But our guy from SG needs needs to hear you. Where where you (or a close facsimile) when I was in my twenties and riding that roller coaster? At least I had youth as an excuse.

Will the poor sod listen? Doubt it. He's in full delusional mode ("we were 'together'; I didn't pay her, just her boss). Still, a smack like yours behind the head might just wake one of the two brain cells still at home.

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