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Suspected Child Sex Ring Uncovered In Gay Porn Busts

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In the English language as well as many other languages, words have MULTIPLE meanings. Gay as same sex loving has NOTHING to do with gay as happy, it doesn't imply gays are happy or not happy. The gay as same sex loving meaning is now of course the primary meaning of the word. Sorry we stole your word. Give us equal civil rights and we may give it back!


On the "boys" [and for that matter "Girls"] point it is really very common for the term to be used affectionately or descriptively, in other words not just by those of negotiable virtue. Indeed, it was not that long ago when the French culture minister [Frédéric Mitterrand] was in trouble for using the term in a book about his exploits in Thailand. It does not automatically mean those below the legal age of consent, and should not be taken as such an indicator on its own. This is not a statement about these sites in the specific, but a reference to the generality.


Edit typo

This is quite true...

If you go to "Boys Town" in pattaya you wont find any "boys" only men over 21yo people tend to call all sex workers boys or girls even though some of them are very very OLD.

Funny thing this age thing, no one wants to get old, no one want to be called old and apparently many "men" seem to like boys! but I don't think that is at all easy even though this is an age old preference going back to the beginning of time.


Sadly it is true. Many Thai "boys" pushing 40 and 50 are still sticking with the boy word. Poor dears, there should be a retraining program for such sad cases.


I am not gay so I do not understand what is with the priestsand little boy stuff is this a circular thing do those who are abused abuse?

Maybe ask the Pope.

Next ...


Sadly it is true. Many Thai "boys" pushing 40 and 50 are still sticking with the boy word. Poor dears, there should be a retraining program for such sad cases.

I think there should be an international law drawn up: An adult is when you are over 16 and you cannot call yourself "Boy or Girl" when beyond that age you must call yourself "Man or Woman" (Punishment anyone?)

Although the exceptions would be (acording to the age of concent of those countries) Japan 13, Albania 14, Argentina 13, Spain 13, Korea 13. or the Vatican State where its what ever you can get away with!

Perhaps Thailand should change the law to the age of 30 so not much would need to change.

Some countries have strange laws such as Arab or the big "M" countries, where its all illegal and you will have parts cut off if you get caught, except if: its within the family, the person is pre-pube and the father knows about it.

Funny world of perception aint it?

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Sounds like a witch hunt. It's porn, for sure. However, there was no evidence presented about underage stuff, only speculation. I reckon (but don't know of course) that IF they had stronger evidence about the underage aspect of this than they mentioned (using vague language like "believed to be") they would have certainly presented that to the press. It is kind of odd that they publicized the websites though.

No doubt the websites are already blocked,

but this would give some clients time to cover tracks if they can.

Then again they may have the racket sowed up pretty much too.

Sad this whole episode if the child component is proved part of it.

I could care less who has safe sex with whom else,

or if someone wants to see them doing it during or later in video.

But involving children... that is not a line in the sand,

that is a big brick wall, that should fall on anyone doing

such dispicible conduct with children no matter the gender.

Agreed. However, I don't see that they have proven the underage part of it as yet, so best not to join the lynch mob quite yet. Can you imagine a conviction based on "believed to be?" Actually, I can imagine it, but that isn't right.

Dekchai means little boy. Why are you defending them??? Do you think it's a website for games???

totaly agree with you . this site is still running if you connect outside thailand

i just today visit this site and clearly advertise for dekchai little boy

realy choking thai visa moderator advertise this pedo porno internet adress but no more comment..................


totaly agree with you . this site is still running if you connect outside thailand

i just today visit this site and clearly advertise for dekchai little boy

realy choking thai visa moderator advertise this pedo porno internet adress but no more comment..................

I totally agree the site shouldn't be circulated here. However, as it sounds as if you have been to the site, maybe you can comment on exactly what you found there CONTENT WISE. Again, the NAME of the site itself is not a crime.

These kiddie porn operations sadly DO exist, there is no doubt about that. I have been shocked to see their heterosexually oriented products OPENLY DISPLAYED on the DVD stands on Beach Road a number of times, for all the "family" tourists to see. I am talking about the pictures being totally out in the open, not hidden under a desk. Also, the gay kiddie porn stuff is openly pushed in gay areas such as Dongtan Beach. I does bring up the other pervasive issue, how can such things go on for so long without a police/mafia connection? I think the outfit in question is likely a culprit, but again, I hope they have more evidence than a mere NAME of a website and a cop who "believes" something. Not good enough to convict, even in Thailand.


totaly agree with you . this site is still running if you connect outside thailand

i just today visit this site and clearly advertise for dekchai little boy

realy choking thai visa moderator advertise this pedo porno internet adress but no more comment..................

I totally agree the site shouldn't be circulated here. However, as it sounds as if you have been to the site, maybe you can comment on exactly what you found there CONTENT WISE. Again, the NAME of the site itself is not a crime.

These kiddie porn operations sadly DO exist, there is no doubt about that. I have been shocked to see their heterosexually oriented products OPENLY DISPLAYED on the DVD stands on Beach Road a number of times, for all the "family" tourists to see. I am talking about the pictures being totally out in the open, not hidden under a desk. Also, the gay kiddie porn stuff is openly pushed in gay areas such as Dongtan Beach. I does bring up the other pervasive issue, how can such things go on for so long without a police/mafia connection? I think the outfit in question is likely a culprit, but again, I hope they have more evidence than a mere NAME of a website and a cop who "believes" something. Not good enough to convict, even in Thailand.

It was not blocked earlier today so perhaps its all over 18 stuff, and there is nothing to see, looks like its only for Thai people to sign up. How do you know whats on the site, did any readers sign up then?

I don't think the name of any web site always describes whats in it. try it : type in "http://youngboy.com" you will puke-up when you see a bunch of elderly porno stars horrible stuff, Nothing to do with boys or young people.


The name may or may not be related to the content. But again, the name itself hopefully isn't enough to convict anybody for anything. If they have more, I am sure it will come out at trial. It is weird nothing specific about underage stuff (yes they have porn, even legal age porn is illegal here) was mentioned in the press article though. Usually, if they have something, they POUR it on.


The name may or may not be related to the content. But again, the name itself hopefully isn't enough to convict anybody for anything. If they have more, I am sure it will come out at trial. It is weird nothing specific about underage stuff (yes they have porn, even legal age porn is illegal here) was mentioned in the press article though. Usually, if they have something, they POUR it on.

I wonder if PDN just spiced up the article and added the "kiddy" part?


The usual way the local press deals with this kind of thing is to actually print a non-obscene picture showing an obviously underage victim. They are not shy and they do not follow the highest journalist ethics. They didn't do that in this case, and didn't provide any evidence. Thus, the realistic skepticism that they actually have a solid case.

"Gay" is used because it's 3 letters instead of 10. Short and clear is the rule. When fashion mogul Gianni Versace was murdered, an Australian country newspaper had the headline "<deleted> Poof Dead" - a neat summary if not particularly sensitive.

"Homo" is 4 letters.

And since Bubba found the registrant's name...

Looked up poochai69.com and got this:


HoMo SoCieTy Limited


...I think it should be used. Just like it used to be.


To repeat this, I have already made it clear that I will not be at all surprised if this crew actually is guilty of the pedo porn charges.

I would guess so.

Who would be surprised??

I mean really, if I went to a website called "UsedCars" I would expect to see pre owned vehicles for sale. Unless I was looking for a price comparison, I wouldn't be looking there if I really wanted NEW cars now would I?

Yes the name of their porn website "littleboys" is thoroughly relevant. If they didn't want people coming there thinking it was a place for kiddy porn they could have chose a different name.

They reap what they sow.


To repeat this, I have already made it clear that I will not be at all surprised if this crew actually is guilty of the pedo porn charges.

I would guess so.

Who would be surprised??

I mean really, if I went to a website called "UsedCars" I would expect to see pre owned vehicles for sale. Unless I was looking for a price comparison, I wouldn't be looking there if I really wanted NEW cars now would I?

Yes the name of their porn website "littleboys" is thoroughly relevant. If they didn't want people coming there thinking it was a place for kiddy porn they could have chose a different name.

They reap what they sow.

What you expect at yahoo?




A name of a website ain't enough. If they've got more, they should have reported it. As of now, we have speculation only.


This happens too often and the police have a full time job arresting them.

They must have two jobs then, I did not know they were so hard working, we all know what the first job is, right?


when it concerns gay matters or Israel... don't mess with Jingthing!

Don't mess with Jingthing, or he'll send you a private message from Israel. Very warm.....:bah:


Has any reference to any proof of the sites containing anything of clearly underage been reported yet?

Guess cartoons with naked boys isn't enough.


Most westerners think legal age porn,

My thinking as well, 'Legal Age' varies widely and 'Acceptable Age' may allow some common, but illegal practices...

Being an American, I am reminded that age of consent and acceptable age can vary as much as 5-10 years in a single country...


when it concerns gay matters or Israel... don't mess with Jingthing!

Don't mess with Jingthing, or he'll send you a private message from Israel. Very warm.....:bah:

What does ISRAEL have to do with this topic, mate?


Has any reference to any proof of the sites containing anything of clearly underage been reported yet?

No proof as yet but a poster did report seeing cartoon images of obviously underage boys on one site's front page. That probably means the content was also underage, but again, probably is short of damning PROOF.


[quote name=Arkady' timestamp='1283929700'


Never heard short Thai guys referring to themselves as "little boys" (what would be the equivalent in Thai anyway?) and they are usually self conscious about their height. Any one can be called a "dek" regardless of age but that usually refers to people of low status like waiters and older "deks" don't usually describe themselves as such. Not sure what you are on about.

Neither have I in all the years I've been here.

Since JT has demonstrated no interest in learning Thai and seems to insulate himself from life outside of shopping malls, of the 101 things about which he seems to think himself an expert, knowledge of what Thais think or do is near the bottom. It's interesting how the same people who don't want to even bother to learn Thai assume that English translations of what the police have said should be picked apart as if it was meant to be legal testimony.

Just because a newspaper protects itself with stock phrases like "is believed to be" doesn't mean the police don't have substantial evidence to support their accusations. Without any proof too many people "know" that if the police don't act on something they must be taking bribes and if they do act on something without stating all the evidence in exact English translation in a newspaper, it must be a witch hunt. Apparently it's OK to assume the police (or any Thai for that matter) must be guilty in every situation without any substantiating evidence, but if the police act on evidence they've collected, it's a witch hunt until proven otherwise.

And, as Shakespeare commented:"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Way too much. Shakespeare ought to have a quote for people who hijack threads too much, too.

As far as the way Thai men use the term "little boys" I was clear before that I was referring to ENGLISH. These are fully mature men well over 18 who happen to be small in stature, quite common with Thai men. As many of you know, Thais are often very LITERAL. LITTLE means SMALL SIZE. If they want say young, they say YOUNG. Get the difference? Whether Thai people would use the Thai equivalent of that to describe that is something I haven't even given an opinion about, because I don't have an opinion about that. But you're focusing on the wrong thing. The name of the site even if it was much more damning than it is the name is legally IRRELEVANT. What matters is the CONTENT in the site.

What I am protesting too much or maybe not enough, my dear (and I am NO LADY!), are obvious homophobes putting me into the same boat as pedophiles just because I want to discuss this case RATIONALLY, and also that would I never be satisfied to see anybody being sent away to prison for anything without solid proof of a crime. As far as proving crime, evidence is needed. Not conjecture, gossip, bad sounding names, not even cartoons, ACTUAL proof. For some personal background, I was on a jury once (a case not at all related to this subject) and I hung the jury. No proof, no convictions, it is only fair.

Another thing to keep in mind,

in much of the world all gay people are called pedos as part of the language, and that is VERY UNFAIR, when the actual fact is that the vast majority of child sex crimes globally are HETEROSEXUAL.


I am not gay so I do not understand what is with the priestsand little boy stuff is this a circular thing do those who are abused abuse?

Maybe ask the Pope.

Next ...

A pope in heaven was leafing through some documents. All of a sudden he starts banging his head on the table. You can hear him sob 'celebrate, He said celebrate'

(I'm a Dutch Roman Catholic so allowed to make these type of jokes)


I am not gay so I do not understand what is with the priestsand little boy stuff is this a circular thing do those who are abused abuse?

Maybe ask the Pope.

Next ...

As his Holiness appears to be temporarily offline from TV perhaps JingThing won’t mind an atheist filling in temporarily. let's take a peek at what the professional, peer reviewed literature says.

1)Marie et al in the Archives of Sexual Behavior (2001) state: "One of the most salient findings of this study is that 46 percent of homosexual men and 22 percent of homosexual women reported having been molested by a person of the same gender. This contrasts to only 7 percent of heterosexual men and 1 percent of heterosexual women reporting having been molested by a person of the same gender".

2) Watkins and Bentovim in the Journal of Child Psychiatry (1992) state: “"boys victimized by older men were over four times more likely to be currently engaged in homosexual activity than were non-victims. The finding applied to nearly half the boys who had had such an experience. Further, the adolescents themselves often linked their homosexuality to their sexual victimization experiences."

So to answer the question, it would appear to be a case of “Get some, give some.” It underscores, were any underscoring required, that homosexual child rape is anything but the anodyne “intergenerational sex” that much homosexual literature/pornography—and even a certain TV personage—proclaims it to be. Rather, child rape seems to help create the homosexual syndrome, though it is not a necessary condition.

A closing thought from a lesbian columnist writing in a homosexual newspaper (Paula Martinac/the Washington Blade March 15, 2002):” "When some gay men venerate adult-youth sex as affirming while simultaneously declaring 'We're not pedophiles,' they send an inconsistent message to society...The lesbian and gay community will never be successful in fighting the pedophile stereotype until we all stop condoning sex with young people."


Straight men don't chase legal age young women? Give me a break. That is the way men are wired, to seek out youthful flesh. To make that a gay specific thing is pure homophobia, yes, even from a lesbian. Ask her what she thinks about old straight guys chasing 20 year old "girls" and I'm sure she'd box your ears off. So this is the deal then? Some potential criminals get arrested and it's open season on ALL gay people? No, that is NOT FAIR. If you want it to be fair, the next time a straight gets caught on an underage sex crime, demonize ALL straight people. You would NEVER do that, so just stop that.


That is the way men are wired, to seek out youthful flesh. To make that a gay specific thing is pure homophobia, yes, even from a lesbian. Ask her what she thinks about old straight guys chasing 20 year old "girls" and I'm sure she'd box your ears off.

what, and u think that women are not wired for the sweet scent and rushed urges of youth? what planet do you inhabit, hollywood?

your comments are pure lesbophobia, even from a homosexual.

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