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Peaceblondie Going To Hospital


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QUOTE(Nam Kao @ 2005-07-17 22:26:58)

>>>So if you observe a dog ,or child on the road ahead slow down switch your brain to :Ready to React"

The dog that got me was just a blur out of the corner of my eye.

Another big scare i had was i took my 4 y/o look sow on a ride to the

wat, about a 15 minute ride. She was sitting behind me. Beautiful quiet

ride thru beautiful country. We stay for awhile and come home. Well

when i pull into my ban she was TOTALLY asleep!! She was still hanging

on to me but out cold. She could have slipped off. I still have nightmares

about this. Now i check her every few minutes or make her ride up front.

Do as the Thais do, and me and put her on the front. I have a little seat made for my 2 year old. She loves it, but we never go far, and definately don't go fast.

As for those <deleted> speaking about cutting a dog in half, christ you should never be going fast enough to knock over a dog, it could be a kid. Even if it is not a kid, have some compassion for the dog.

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If he is admitted to the hospital, he can request the hospital contact immigration and they will arrange an extension. Otherwise he needs to contact them with documentation from the hospital.

I once overstayed my visa by three days (the only time I ever did) due to being hospitalized. The immigration police at the border laughed at my medical certificate and made me pay the fine anyway.

On medical certificates in Thailand.

The public swimming pool/sports center required medical certificate that I don't have any communicable diseases for the membership.

My girlfriend called her maid to go to get the documents for both of us from the local Bangkok neighbourhood doctor.

No problem. :o

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As for going through them, I'd keep the engine driving as opposed to dipping the clutch to give you more oomph and more chance of cutting them in half :o

I'm not really sure if I'm doing the right thing by pulling in the clutch but it's something that I do instinctively. Whenever I see potential dangers like oil or diesel slicks, potholes, loose gravel, rocks or timber in the road etc, I tend to prefer coasting through hazardous situations with the clutch in. I don't like the idea of trying to control a bike under power if I should take a severe wobble or slide.

I'm not saying you're wrong Jack, I did read recently that a rider should actually accelerate at the last possible moment over obstacles to raise the front forks thereby giving more fork travel to absorb any shocks. Maybe different sized bikes need to use different methods. Being on a Harley I only feel a slight jolt running over a dog. I honestly don't know how I'd fare on a step-thru though.

This is what I love about motorcycling, one never really stops learning about riding. :D

Are you taking the piss?

Sorry, forgot to add this: :D

I've got a plastic pig here but have ridden one or two monsters (women and bikes) in my time.

I see what you're getting at. Spose it's whatever you feel comfortable with.

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QUOTE(Nam Kao @ 2005-07-17 22:26:58)

>>>So if you observe a dog ,or child on the road ahead slow down switch your brain to :Ready to React"

The dog that got me was just a blur out of the corner of my eye.

Another big scare i had was i took my 4 y/o look sow on a ride to the

wat, about a 15 minute ride. She was sitting behind me. Beautiful quiet

ride thru beautiful country. We stay for awhile and come home. Well

when i pull into my ban she was TOTALLY asleep!! She was still hanging

on to me but out cold. She could have slipped off. I still have nightmares

about this. Now i check her every few minutes or make her ride up front.

As for those <deleted> speaking about cutting a dog in half, christ you should never be going fast enough to knock over a dog, it could be a kid. Even if it is not a kid, have some compassion for the dog.

If we all travelled around slow enough not to kill a dog we'd still be in the Dark Ages. If it's the dog or me, the dog gets it no matter how cuddly they are. You're one of these types that has his dog wearing tea cosies and necklaces right? As for the <deleted> bit, pretty easy to spout off with obscenities when sat behind a screen...<deleted>! :o

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Are you taking the piss?

Sorry, forgot to add this: :D

I've got a plastic pig here but have ridden one or two monsters (women and bikes) in my time.

I see what you're getting at. Spose it's whatever you feel comfortable with.

Sorry for any misunderstanding but I wasn't taking the piss at all. About what exactly? Accelerating over obstacles? If so read Topic #58 at this link.


There's tons more stuff on all aspects of m/cing.


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Are you taking the piss?

Sorry, forgot to add this: :D

I've got a plastic pig here but have ridden one or two monsters (women and bikes) in my time.

I see what you're getting at. Spose it's whatever you feel comfortable with.

Sorry for any misunderstanding but I wasn't taking the piss at all. About what exactly?

I don't know what I meant Gazza, I was still pissed, but there was certainly no malice there :o

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If he is admitted to the hospital, he can request the hospital contact immigration and they will arrange an extension. Otherwise he needs to contact them with documentation from the hospital.

I once overstayed my visa by three days (the only time I ever did) due to being hospitalized. The immigration police at the border laughed at my medical certificate and made me pay the fine anyway.

On medical certificates in Thailand.

The public swimming pool/sports center required medical certificate that I don't have any communicable diseases for the membership.

My girlfriend called her maid to go to get the documents for both of us from the local Bangkok neighbourhood doctor.

No problem. :o

Mine was from the Bangkok Nursing Hospital. Not that it made the slightest difference. TIT.

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>>>Next tie her to ya with bungie cords.


>>>I have a 2yr I can only shudder to think how freaked out you must have been.

I have a 2 y/o too, afraid to take her out.

Yes i was freaked, i drive even slower now when she is on. Its great riding

out in the countryside with her. Really relaxing. Hardly anyone on the road.

I avoid the main sois unless i am riding alone. I try not to ride with my wife on

one bike, one of us need to be left to take care of the kids. :o

Hey does anybody know how fast PB was going before he went down?



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Mend quickly and thanks for getting one more dog off the roads, they are a hazzard. Might not be the dogs fault more the owners fault for not keeping them off the road imo. I have been told by locals that the owner is responsible for the damage if their dog causes the accident. Might even be true as last time i kissed the road, nobody would claim the dog. Mind you i was rather upset, many Thais started to come over to see if i was ok, but as i hit the road rolled got up and went charging straight for the bloody mutt cursing and trying hard to bite its bloody head of they all fell back and just watched the show. (the dog survived both the hit and me)

Oh for thoes that think Thai dogs wandering around in the midle of the road is ok, just think about the number of small children on motorbikes with their family, no helmet hiting a dog. The number of deaths on the road caused by dogs is (i would think not a small number)! :o

Good luck PB.

Edited by Boatabike
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A doble-heart thanks to everyone. Am home, healing slowly.

First, it was a big, stupid dog that suddenly appeared directly in front of me, I didn't swerve, and wasn't going too fast. Hit him broadside; bike then fell to the left on its right side, and dog landed in left ditch. I was in center of the left lane. Flew over handlebars; passenger flew past me and rolled on ground, unhurt (little more than abrasions on his exposed skin; cotton jacket and shorts not abradeded).

I was wearing a 1,500 baht full face Nolan helmet made in Italy.

Immigration - well, they keep talking about overstay fines even though I showed up on my final day. Then, they contradicted themselves, gave me TM Form 7 but gave it back to me without a mark on it, told me to go to Mae Sai Friday. I presented a perfect medical certificate from a Thai doctor in Thai and she still made me show her the wound. I was tempted to drop my pants to show the knee scabs. No need; she was duly inmpressed by the bandages.

Except for Immigration, every Thai was totally helpful, just as the Mexicans were in similar situation, Dec. 1999. Three ER rooms, all courteous and professional.

Thanks again.

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Except for Immigration, every Thai was totally helpful, just as the Mexicans were in similar situation, Dec. 1999.  Three ER rooms,  all courteous and professional. 

Thanks again.

When they are good they can be very good :o

Best wishes and get well soon. :D


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The guy riding well behind me stopped, rendered aid, and took me to local hospital. Policeman was on the spot, helpful. Bystanders, etc. were great - a kid showed me the dead dog with a nervous laugh. Dog was over 30 pounds, well fed and groomed, but stupid. If I'd have seen him sooner, I'd have braked and swerved (it's a CBR Honda 150- very responsive) but I plowed straight into him.

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A doble-heart thanks to everyone.  Am home, healing slowly.

First, it was a big, stupid dog that suddenly appeared directly in front of me, I didn't swerve, and wasn't going too fast.  Hit him broadside; bike then fell to the left on its right side, and dog landed in left ditch.  I was in center of the left lane.  Flew over handlebars; passenger flew past me and rolled on ground, unhurt (little more than abrasions on his exposed skin; cotton jacket and shorts not abradeded).

I was wearing a 1,500 baht full face Nolan helmet made in Italy.

Immigration - well, they keep talking about overstay fines even though I showed up on my final day.  Then, they contradicted themselves, gave me TM Form 7 but gave it back to me without a mark on it, told me to go to Mae Sai Friday.  I presented a perfect medical certificate from a Thai doctor in Thai and she still made me show her the wound.  I was tempted to drop my pants to show the knee scabs.  No need; she was duly inmpressed by the bandages.

Except for Immigration, every Thai was totally helpful, just as the Mexicans were in similar situation, Dec. 1999.  Three ER rooms,  all courteous and professional. 

Thanks again.

All of us are happy that you are now home and healing.

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