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Very Few Pet Friendly Apartments & Condos!

Drew Aitch

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Hi Home Hunters

Do you think there are enough Pet Friendly Apartments & Condos in Bangkok and Thailand? There's a discussion going on about this on another popular forum, and views are varied. The issue is mainly with dogs, but cats are favoured pets by some too.

I'm a dog lover myself, but couldn't think of anything more annoying that a yapping poodle or ear splitting Hound dog barking persistenly in the room next door.

I also firmly believe that our 4 legged friends do need a garden, or at least a yard, to wander around in amid those walks in the park.

Sorry ladies, I know these tiny Toy Poodles might look cute with their little heads bobbing out the top of a fake Gucci handbag, but even in the case of small breeds such as the Chihuahua, Thai apartments, condos, and handbags, just aren’t the right places for something with 4 legs to live its life!!!

This is of course, just my humble opinion ;)


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Our four legged pets will also instinctively mark out their territory using urine. Not appropriate for rental premises with differing tenants, some with young kids.

Good point trogers, i never thought of that. Even though a pet might be 'house trained', one can't help but think that the 'house' might not expand to the long corridors, elevators, and doorways found in apartment buildings and condos. There's a dog lives at the back of the security gatehouse of the condo i reside in (he's a really lovely mutt too), but the ole boy wanders around the car park cocking his leg up at just about every vehicle he can squirt at during the course of the day.

Imagine if he was allowed indoors and started marking his territory on everybody's doorstep, ha ha lol :)


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Many condo developers simply do not allow pets and for good reasons, noise is one, when the owner leaves it might bark all day, as an owner of condos I wouldnt want cat scratching the sofa or curatins or anything else + the other reasons mentioned above.

Is there a shortage of rooms more than likely yes.

If i rent my room to a cat /dog owner maybe they would seem oblivious to the damage tigger/fido is doing and when it came to deposit return time they could wave it goodbye.Its not worth the hassle, all owners swear their pet "isnt like that"

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Our four legged pets will also instinctively mark out their territory using urine. Not appropriate for rental premises with differing tenants, some with young kids.

Good point trogers, i never thought of that. Even though a pet might be 'house trained', one can't help but think that the 'house' might not expand to the long corridors, elevators, and doorways found in apartment buildings and condos. There's a dog lives at the back of the security gatehouse of the condo i reside in (he's a really lovely mutt too), but the ole boy wanders around the car park cocking his leg up at just about every vehicle he can squirt at during the course of the day.

Imagine if he was allowed indoors and started marking his territory on everybody's doorstep, ha ha lol :)


Ive seen some condos where the dogs have done this in the lifts:bah:

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When I had to transport one of my pit bulls from Phuket to Chiang Mai I thought I would make the trip in one shot.

But I made it as far as Nakhon Sawan and needed to sleep.

No hotel would let me and my 40kg pitbull stay so I went to a short time hotel where they pull the curtain around the car when you have parked, so I could sneak the dog in.

The guy got a nasty fright when he knocked on the door in the morning to hear my dog barking at him from the other side.

I often wonder what he thought happened that night.

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When I had to transport one of my pit bulls from Phuket to Chiang Mai I thought I would make the trip in one shot.

But I made it as far as Nakhon Sawan and needed to sleep.

No hotel would let me and my 40kg pitbull stay so I went to a short time hotel where they pull the curtain around the car when you have parked, so I could sneak the dog in.

The guy got a nasty fright when he knocked on the door in the morning to hear my dog barking at him from the other side.

I often wonder what he thought happened that night.

Ha ha LOL :) He probably thought, "Oh well, each to his own! ;)


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More for general discussion, rather than accommodation finding.


I must say, i found that a little odd. If finding or discussing accommodation that allows pets isn't related to the topic of 'Accommodation Finding', then I'm made of chocolate lol :)


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More for general discussion, rather than accommodation finding.


I must say, i found that a little odd. If finding or discussing accommodation that allows pets isn't related to the topic of 'Accommodation Finding', then I'm made of chocolate lol :)


We are at the mercy of the thaivisa gods... but, he actually did you a favor, I didnt even know there was an accommodation forum and I bet most people dont go there, so at least now you will get some answers in the more busy general forum.

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I brought two dogs here from the states. The thing about apartments and pets is you need to be home to let them out for a walk at a minimum 3 times a day. If you can't do this don't think about it because its cruel to the animal. I have two golden retrievers who are well trained and house broken, but if they are left alone for too long they will do crazy things like chew carpeting and furniture.

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I got 2 dogs and i must say they are great. However i wonder if the smell of dog ever goes away. I don't mean them peeing in the house they dont. I mean just the smell of it. I dont smell it because im used to it. But if i were a home owner i would not let people get a dog.

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