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Glitterman Speaks About [K] Glittermans Moon Cheese Helps The Pattaya Police

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Thankyou for choosing this 'Glitterman' product. CONGRATULATIONS if you can get to the end.

The Almighty and Powerful Wizard is back again and gives you;

PARABLE 1746066632487081. The Parable of the 'cheese from the moon'....yet again.

.............And so cycling along Beach Road one day, the Golden Glitterman did happen to see beautiful golden haired lady stop him and say,

"I love you, I really love you, and I love what you write on the forums, I am going to bake you a lovely cheese cake as I know you like cheese. I only have one question; why do you never reply on the forums? Oh I really do love you."

The Golden One gave that beautiful Goldenman smile, kissed his face mirror and said,

"I love me too, and the reason I never reply on the forums is because......."

Suddenly a policeman shouted to the Golden One,

"Save us O Great Golden Glitterman for we are being tellolised by a gloup of thugs. Evelyday a blick is thlown at our Soi 9 Police station window. Please help us."

"Fear not Mr Policeman", Said the Golden One "For as you know I am the Great Golden Glitterman, fighting justice, righter of wrongs and wronger of rights, savior of Pattaya, and I will rid you of those terrible terrorists."

..........And so the Golden One, wearing a golden face mask sat on the benches on Beach road, amongst all the rentable ladies and their potential customers. Blending in perfectly the Golden One waited for the attackers to show up, and they did. But it was only one thug. The thug, wearing a fancy feathered hat and gold coat threw a brick at the police station window and quickly hobbled away on his walking stick to hide behind a tree and watch the outcome. The thug laughing as the police ran out firing guns into the air, then quickly running back inside again.

"Strange how he.....he looks.....looks just like me, only much older." Said the Golden One, "Maybe he is my ghost from the future. Oh no! The thug is hobbling this way, I hope he has not seen me."

So the Golden One quickly ran onto the sand, got down on his hands and knees, and dug a football sized hole in the sand. Then stuck his head in the hole and covered his head up thinking,

"This is a great trick the Ostriches use. That thug will never see me, I am proud to use Ostrich feathers on my...OOOWWW!

The Golden Ones ass was kicked hard making him fly through the air and far out to see with a SPLASH!

Swimming back the Golden One said "Hmmmm I have a plan to catch that riff raff rascal thug."

.............So the next day on the Beach Road path a huge upside down wooden box lay propped up by a large stick and attached to this stick was a long rope, and at the end of this rope was the Golden Ones hand.

"This will get him." said the Golden one. "I have laid a trail of cheese from the moon onto the ground, starting at the police station and ending up under the propped up box. When the thug is under the box I will pull the stick away and the box will fall, capturing the thug. Ahh! here he comes now, right on time."

The thug wearing a fancy feathered hat and gold coat with his brick ready in his hand approached the police station. But just as he was about to toss the brick at the window, the door of the police station opened and out came three police men, eating the trail of moon cheese. The thug quickly hobbled away. But the three police men continued to eat the trail of moon cheese until they were all under the box. Suddenly the beautiful golden haired ferang lady appeared, and in her outstretched arms was a huge four foot high cheese cake,

"Oh Glittery my love," she said, "I have a huge surprise for yoooooo....OOOPPPS!"

Not seeing the rope across the path in front of her, she tripped up on it, causing the box to fall, trapping the three police men inside, and sending the cheese cake flying through the air, landing with a 'SPLAT!' on the Golden Ones face.

Then out of the police station came the police big chief Powowblahblah.

"Did you trap the window bleaking thugs?" he asked.

"Eeerrr yes, they are all in there", Said the Golden one wiping his face clean. "I would help you lift the box up, but I do not want to get my hat dirty. Oh! is that the time? I really must dash." and the Golden One got ready to run away. But just then, muffled voices came from under the box,

"Okay, we admit it, its a fair cop." The three police men under the box shouted, "Yes we are the fake bogus police men in fake police uniforms scamming the public, and we would of got away with it too, but for that pesky glittery super hero there. Lovely cheese though. Crackers anyone?"

"Well done O Golden Glitterman." said big chief Powowblahblah, "We have been after those guys for weeks."

SMASH!....hearing the crash of glass, the big chief and the Golden One turned towards the police station to see the thug wearing a fancy feathered hat and gold coat hobble away on his walking stick to hide behind a tree and watch the outcome ....Then vanish into thin air.....AMEN.

MORAL OF THE PARABLE IS; All is not what it seems to be. The brick throwing thug did NOT kick the Golden Ones ass into the sea, he only approached the Golden One to warn him. Instead it was the beautiful golden haired ferang lady that did the ass kicking. Later she laced her home made cheese cake with poison for the Golden One.

The brick thrown at the window was meant to HELP the police, as it had all the details of the FOUR, yes FOUR bogus fake police men on the bottom of the brick. Police big chief Powowblahblah was the ringleader.

The Royal Glitterman hath Spoken.


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I see the guy always riding through pattaya on his bike and i cant imagine that it is the same man as the writer here .... more likely the writer is someone very far away....

  • Like 1

I see the guy always riding through pattaya on his bike and i cant imagine that it is the same man as the writer here .... more likely the writer is someone very far away....

Its him. Raro met him and confirmed it. ;)

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Ok Smokie you gotta tell us.......did you get a greenie from Glitterman?

I liked this 'farce' Glitterman the stories are improving

Just click on the green box to reveal who is offering me mouldy cheese. :D

I thought it was amusing this week too.


Big Chief Powowblahblah...

Nice one. I think we have all met him from time to time

"Not all is what it seems to be". How true.

Never judge a book by its cover, there are many ferang ladies with poisioned moon cheese cakes about.

I like that this is taking on a "Comic Strip Presents...." theme.



I think the Glitterman should write a book, and every book should come with a bonus of 100grams of moon cheese........

I like moon cheese

  • Like 1

Mods, PLEASE give this guy an early pass to the Bedlam forum!!!:crazy:

(...and automatically forward all future posts to that destination....)


Saw you yesterday on Beach Road. That was me who hung out the window and gave you a big wave.

P.S. When you talk with this guy, he is really laid back. But these stories. They don't seem to come from the same person. Great imagination!


latest sighting of the Glitterman down walking street last night... guess he lost his bicycle :ermm:

Perfect example that the art of dressing up to be pleasing to the eye is indeed an art.....hats off to Glitterman

Your effort William.....lacking a certain quality....... charm perhaps?


Just spent a week in Pattaya and didn't catch a sight of the golden one, .... oh well, next year maybe.

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