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Fatal Pattaya Baht-Bus Accident Caused By Drunk Canadian

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I think this is a bit to high profile to be sweep under the rug, 2 people dead and several injured. Mr. Drunk Driver will be missing his return flight home.

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That was a very serious accident and sympathies to all the victims. It is worth noting, however, that such accidents are very rare in the baht bus system here. Compared to motorcycles, they are a safe form of transport.

My condolences to the lady's family and friends and a speedy recovery for the other victims.

Guess nothing happened to the Canadian, any information?

If guilty, let him pay...........................................

He was an Alien,with a Canadian Passport,as Thais would call him


Is it me or has nobody here even got on a bike/car after a couple of glasses of the devils drink?

Come on you lot i must be the only person who feels for this candadian , ok he had a few to many but so do 1000's more every day in the land of smiles

we used to flick coins to see who would drive

This only goes tits up when there is a accident like this and then everyone says hang him dry?

I am guessing everyone here has had a few and drove home

Lets hope its not you there trying to hang next time


Is it me or has nobody here even got on a bike/car after a couple of glasses of the devils drink?

Come on you lot i must be the only person who feels for this candadian , ok he had a few to many but so do 1000's more every day in the land of smiles

we used to flick coins to see who would drive

This only goes tits up when there is a accident like this and then everyone says hang him dry?

I am guessing everyone here has had a few and drove home

Lets hope its not you there trying to hang next time

I feel nothing for the Canadian.

I have also got on a bike/car after having a few.

However, I have never tried to cut out the Dolphin roundabout at high speed without any consideration for who may coming the other way and adhering to the rules of the road.

We don't need apologists for this <deleted> :annoyed:


Is it me or has nobody here even got on a bike/car after a couple of glasses of the devils drink?

Come on you lot i must be the only person who feels for this candadian , ok he had a few to many but so do 1000's more every day in the land of smiles

we used to flick coins to see who would drive

This only goes tits up when there is a accident like this and then everyone says hang him dry?

I am guessing everyone here has had a few and drove home

Lets hope its not you there trying to hang next time

Aaaah, ummmmmm,ohhhhhh, errrrrr.

I,m lost for words.


I think that is fair enough. Most people have driven when they know they shouldn't. Impairment can be caused by many things including stress, lack of sleep, illegal drugs, legitimate medications, using electronics, talking on the phone, etc. etc. Being drunk isn't the only cause of accidents.


Marrying a thai should never be reason enough to be granted a long term visa.

Perhaps you would care to explain your reasons. Do you have something against families? I guess you would prefer to discriminate against people who are not well off. That would make you elitist.

RIP to the deceased. Unnecessary deaths are always tragic.


I hope the Canadian man is severely punished for what he did. Drinking & driving is never acceptable, even when you think you are "ok."

Agree 100%. Unfortunately, many people in Pattaya, both Thai and foreign, think it is quite acceptable to drink and drive. In this case, the unfortunate thing is that so many innocent people were injured. I frankly don't care about the drunk and can only hope this close shave was enough to teach him a lesson. What an idiot. Hope the police give him hel_l and all the victims claim compensation from him.

Hardly a close shave, two people died!!

Agree 100% This "close shave" comment was way out of line. Doggie is one sick puppy!


Aren't we all on our high horses tonight. Im sure not one of us has ever drove after drinking in Thailand. Tragic as it is, wait till a few more facts come out. As someone mentioned, there should be some cctv in that area, maybe that will change the picture some. That is a dangerous roundabout at the best of times, and giving way is not the way it is done here, bigger is always right.


Drunk driver causing an accident, how unexpected.

very sorry for the person who died and family and friends,hope the injured recover very quickly.

they said he had alcohol or drugs ,not proven yet,he did look dodgy although this might be down to impact and shock.in thailand at round abouts give way to the right as in the u.k,,we have all seen very crazy baht bus drivers many times,they cause the most accidents in Pattaya,for a 5 -10 baht fare,,but come a problem farang is always wrong ,money money money,if he is drunk or drugged throw the book at him,give way to the right.



At 04:00 am in a baht bus, they were certainly going to work , or working already for the driver... What a terrible thing.

Condolences to families and friends.

I wish for the drunk driver to face maximum penalty and compensation, and a long life with the weight of what he's done.

Since the Pattaya police force is first and foremost a business organization, their main focus is going to be extorting money out of the Canadian for the injured and families of the deceased with a substantial commission for themselves, plus money for bail and quite possibly money for enhancing evidence in his favour. Whether he is guilty or not will not be important to them, as he is a windfall lode of gold to be mined as quickly as possible and being in his 40s they will assume he can wire substantial funds out. Any non-financial punishment will be a secondary consideration.

100% correct my learned friend, however we must pass our deepesr sympathy to the relatives of the dead, not that this will be taken well, wonder what will happen if the canook has no funds

which may well be the case so many scum bags make Pattaya their choice of residence, and I apologise to all you decent people who live there, but surely you know this is a fact, regards to all you decent people BIB not included.


I passed through there tonight and to what I remembered, there are TWO CCTV cameras on that round-a-bout. Has anyone seen the actual video of this accident? I'm very curious if a speeding baht bus was at fault. I know I've almost been killed several times (on my bike) by a bhat bus from hel_l speeding as if his life depending on it.

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This will not make me popular, but somebody has to say it:

It won't be YOU, but at least 9 out of 10 of those speaking so self-righteous about how bad drunk driving is, do not drive a car in Thailand on a frequent basis, or they are hypocrites, having driven over the limit themselves.

In addition, there is a huge difference on *how* people drive when they are drunk, and that means a lot.

I have been driving over-limit quite a couple of times in my life, and I acknowledge that it increases the risk for accidents. It's just one of the things that you do, because the risk after all is so incredibly small if you drive nice. Neither myself nor any friend I know about have been involved in accidents when they were over limit.

I don't believe that I have a single friend who is a frequent-driver and who's never been over limit. Feel free to speak about how terrible persons my friends must be, but they look quite normal to me.

The driver in this accident is responsible and he will be punished, but let's be realitic: Thai society must take a part of the blame.

Rare police checks and it is easy to bribe yourself out of the situation (20,000 Baht is standard price). Haven't tried it, a couple of friends have.

I'd be the first to prefer a change. Include speeding as well.

Especially in Pattaya there should be random checks every day by unbribable police.

A mandatory jail sentence - may I suggest one month - for anyone over a certain limit when driving a car.

That would help tremendously. Nothing else will be that effective.

Have a nice weekend with no accidents.

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Aren't we all on our high horses tonight. Im sure not one of us has ever drove after drinking in Thailand. Tragic as it is, wait till a few more facts come out. As someone mentioned, there should be some cctv in that area, maybe that will change the picture some. That is a dangerous roundabout at the best of times, and giving way is not the way it is done here, bigger is always right.

this is the only roundabout in Pattaya and it is notorious for accidents.Whether cameras are there or not,If you pay enough you go as crimes here(in L.O.S).if no money camera wake up.r.i.p the dead.and may the injured recover quickly


I have zero sympathy for the Canadian National originally born in Beirut, and I hope he goes to a Thai jail for a long time. But, there are a few discrepancies in the report. How can anyone drive through a round about at a high rate of speed? By their very design a round-about slows a vehicle. However, understand that North Americans drive on the opposite side of the road to Thailand, and in a foggy state of mind (being impaired etc) a North American driver might likely turn the wrong way into a round-about.

There is NO excuse for driving impaired after consuming too much alcohol, but considering what I see daily while driving on Thai roads it does not surprise me. It appears that at least a third of all Thai drivers are impaired to some degree or the other. Driving laws and regulations in Thailand only seem to be a general suggestion on how people are SUPPOSED to act. There is little or no enforcement except for the cursory, and very occasional, spot checks to make an appearance of police doing their job.


I passed through there tonight and to what I remembered, there are TWO CCTV cameras on that round-a-bout. Has anyone seen the actual video of this accident? I'm very curious if a speeding baht bus was at fault. I know I've almost been killed several times (on my bike) by a bhat bus from hel_l speeding as if his life depending on it.

IN thailand give way to the right side at roundabouts same as in the UK(does not seem the taxi driver did this),.Does the baht bus driver have a licence was he checked for drink or drugs(the Canadian was only suspected,no proof yet),probably not as he had a 10 baht fare waiting the other side of the roundabout,.give way to the right,do not drink a and drive,I have been run over while walkig by a baht bus reversing up a one way road(2nd road),when he hit me he stopped looked at mestarted shaking,then drove off fast down a side road,can go on with more ,


The idiotic drunken Canadian should recieve the most severe punishment that Thai law allows.

He should have to pay his vicitims and their famalies a very high amount of compensation in accordance with Thai custom.

When will drunken idiots learn not to drink and drive!


The idiotic drunken Canadian should recieve the most severe punishment that Thai law allows.

He should have to pay his vicitims and their famalies a very high amount of compensation in accordance with Thai custom.

When will drunken idiots learn not to drink and drive!

as some one posted 2 cameras at this notorious black spot for accidents,i do not want to see the footage,but i hope the courts do,so justice should be done,either way,not good for your comment when nobody knows who,s fault it is,whether innocent or guilty farang have to pay(if guilty send him to the monkey house,)Do Not Drink and drive or take drugs while driving cars, trucks, taxi,s buses and so on ,thai custom WHAT IS THAT,SATANG SATANG SATANG.,in every walk of life here..highway code says give way to your right ,who was comming from the right side.?????????


Why is it that every time we get news of a drunken driver killing people or paedophile sado-masochistic sickos or drug motivated killings etc. etc. it invariably mentions Pattaya or Phuket? Twenty years ago Phuket was a true paradise. The scum of the earth gravitate to those places.


R.I.P and condolences to the ladies family and friends. If it is proven that the Canadian was intoxicated and the cause of the accident hope he receives the max penalty from the Judge. Speedy recovery back to full health for the other injured persons


Normaly 1 million baht makes this problem go away for a Falang.

Unless this guy is very unlucky and the western media picks it up.

Your post is ridiculous.Not more to say.


Yup, hope he gets what he deserves.I am canadian and having been in this country for two year's and seeing most of the foreigner's that are expat's or the sex tourists that are here,this confirms to me what i been thinking all along.They are here because they do thing's here what they cannot do in their own countries.Back home he probably would not have been allowed to leave the bar he was in with the key's to the car let alone driving.Also,the bar that he got so intoxicated in would also be held responsible for the death's he caused.Hope he get's his just due.


The driver in this accident is responsible and he will be punished, but let's be realitic: Thai society must take a part of the blame.

Rare police checks and it is easy to bribe yourself out of the situation (20,000 Baht is standard price). Haven't tried it, a couple of friends have.

Thai society must take all of the blame. In any country where alcohol is legally sold and consumed there must be strict laws preventing intoxicated people from driving. Drunk people will never self-regulate their activities without strict laws in place.

There are so many extremely dangerous activities allowed on Pattaya streets I wouldn't know where to begin. All the cops really do is check on helmets and one way streets in the tourist areas and do registration and licence checks from time to time. If they took the dangerous drivers and motorcyclists off the road there probably wouldn't be any traffic congestion. Certain religious beliefs coupled with fast vehicles is a deadly combination.


Thai society must take all of the blame.

That should be a great comfort to the families of the two deceased.

(I did not type that in bold and underline it. Stick with the rules and don't change posts that you quote)

Since when did this thread become a comfort thread for the families of the deceased?

Perhaps you should write a Eulogy to comfort the families of the deceased.


Thai society must take all of the blame.

That should be a great comfort to the families of the two deceased.

(I did not type that in bold and underline it. Stick with the rules and don't change posts that you quote)

Since when did this thread become a comfort thread for the families of the deceased?

Perhaps you should write a Eulogy to comfort the families of the deceased.

Apolgies for not including the full text of your post - my mistake I was trying to cut some of the crap that you had written. The extract was taken purely show that, in my opinion, blaming Thai society for the manslaughter of two of their citizens is misguided.

You have managed to respond with even greater insensitivity. Many people have expressed their sympathy for this tragic event, so your commentt about a 'comfort thread' is also inappropriate.

Thank you for the guidance on forum rules - in future, rather than quote your posts, I shall 'quick reply' using any extracts that I consider appropriate.

Two people, at least, have been killed and the best you can come up with is sarcastic comments about a euloguy


Apolgies for not including the full text of your post - my mistake I was trying to cut some of the crap that you had written. The extract was taken purely show that, in my opinion, blaming Thai society for the manslaughter of two of their citizens is misguided.

You have managed to respond with even greater insensitivity. Many people have expressed their sympathy for this tragic event, so your commentt about a 'comfort thread' is also inappropriate.

Thank you for the guidance on forum rules - in future, rather than quote your posts, I shall 'quick reply' using any extracts that I consider appropriate.

Two people, at least, have been killed and the best you can come up with is sarcastic comments about a euloguy

I'm not particularly concerned with what you personally consider inappropriate as there are moderators who can take care of that. You could try the report function which would quietly help you to have inappropriate content removed without disturbing the entire thread.

Now dismissing a post as "crap" is flaming. If you really had any concern for the deceased you wouldn't be starting a flame war, would you?


Apolgies for not including the full text of your post - my mistake I was trying to cut some of the crap that you had written. The extract was taken purely show that, in my opinion, blaming Thai society for the manslaughter of two of their citizens is misguided.

You have managed to respond with even greater insensitivity. Many people have expressed their sympathy for this tragic event, so your commentt about a 'comfort thread' is also inappropriate.

Thank you for the guidance on forum rules - in future, rather than quote your posts, I shall 'quick reply' using any extracts that I consider appropriate.

Two people, at least, have been killed and the best you can come up with is sarcastic comments about a euloguy

I'm not particularly concerned with what you personally consider inappropriate as there are moderators who can take care of that. You could try the report function which would quietly help you to have inappropriate content removed without disturbing the entire thread.

Now dismissing a post as "crap" is flaming. If you really had any concern for the deceased you wouldn't be starting a flame war, would you?

My goodness ! You do have a habit taking words and using them for your own purposes. I suspect that you are more familiar with 'flaming' than I will ever be.

I have no intention of 'flaming' you. 'Crap' , or garbage if you prefer, is simply the expression I used to give an opinion on the content of your post. If you are offended I am sure that you are fully capable of finding the afore-mentioned report button.


My goodness ! You do have a habit taking words and using them for your own purposes. I suspect that you are more familiar with 'flaming' than I will ever be.

I have no intention of 'flaming' you. 'Crap' , or garbage if you prefer, is simply the expression I used to give an opinion on the content of your post. If you are offended I am sure that you are fully capable of finding the afore-mentioned report button.

Forum rules:

4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

I'm trying to be nice here, but you make it difficult. Referring to a post as "crap" or "garbage" IS flaming. If you don't agree with my post, then explain why you don't agree.

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