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How Do You Rate Our Chances Of Getting A Visa

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We are looking to apply for the tourist visa and submit documents on the 7th or 8th of December with the intention of my partner travelling back with me on the 28th of December. No flights are booked for this but in my opinion i think it will be unlikely they give us an answer before i depart , but i hope they do. We are applying for two months visa , i will right a sponsor letter explaining how we met blah blah , what we plan to do during her trip and our future plans together.

The relationship will be a week or two short of a year at the time of applying , in that time i have made two additional trips to thailand and then the first one we met on , in total weve spent about 40 days together over the three trips , we have many photos of our time together 65 photos with us both in the picture many more pictures but not showing us at the same time maybe over 100 , several receipts from meals , cinema , seven eleven , that sort of things, there is a lot of evidence of phone calls and text messages , but not so many e-mails i mean what can you e-mail when you have talked about everything already for the day , most of the phone calls are from a cheap number , No records of web chatting

Im including copies of the following documents

6 months pay slips

Last P60

Letter from employer stating length of service , present salary and national insurance number

Birth certificate

Passport and visa stamp pages

Land Registry document and mortgage statement

two utility bills

Records of money transfers

6 months bank statements money fluctates up and down but only falls to £1000 a couple of times earlier in the year but more recently average at £2000 should be about £4000 by the time we apply

The down side is my gf has no real savings , works cash in hand 200 baht per day

Only started her job on the 1st Of Sep , previously worked cash in hand for the family when needed

but she has the new id card

blue family book details

passport already

utility bill for her air con pay monthly, my idea i couldnt sleep for the heat so i pay for this send money transfer every month

pays monthly for her motorbike should have papers in her name , i also pay for this as i destroyed her old motorbike :)

she has a lot of other papers as she got a list of whats required from her friend but im not sure what they all are

So what do you think ?

Have i missed anything ?

Thanks for taking the time to read this

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yes you have missed the most important thing, her reason to return to thailand????

Ok thanks Tigerjohn

So basically her reason to return to Thailand is that " we understand the terms of the visa that Miss x must return to thailand at the end of her visa and we understand that not complying with these terms would result in a refusal or banning for further visas , as we both want to be together it would be lunacy for Miss X not to return to Thailand , therefore under no circumstances would she be intending to not comply with the terms of the visa. I would write something along the lines of this in my sponsors letter whether they would pay much attention to it i dont know ?

She also has the offer of her job back when she returns, we can probably get a letter stating this from her boss , although im unsure if he will be willing to do that as its cash in hand work ? Again we could state this in the sponsors letter or the offer of work cash in hand with her family , but would this get them into trouble ? According with what has been discussed in previous threads they are well aware this goes on and it shouldnt be a problem if its properly explained

If we cant get a letter from this work place she can get a letter to say there is work available to her in the family buisness again this is cash in hand work, they do have papers to show that they run a buisness

The small house she lives in was built for her by her mother and father , how ever there are no papers to show ownership , maybe we can get this but id imagine we would need to get a lawyer involved , her other asset is her motorbike which im paying for but its still in her name ,

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i think if we can show that we understand the terms of the visa , and answer all the doubts that the person may have in the sponsors letter and tell everything true and honest , there goin to say yes this meets the requried criteria and they have shown the relationship is genuine , so lets give them the visa.

Im trying to think positve :) and hoping a very well written and clear sponsors letter will sway them the right way , im also going to get my girlfriend to write her own letter with a description of when we met , our plans etc , and how she understands all about the terms of the visa ,

Financially costs for her trip will be flights and travel expenses paid by me , then additional costs are if we eat out , increased food costs , costs for days out , maybe some winter clothing , we will be staying at my house , visiting friends and family , going to a local music festival ill just explain this all to them without writing 5000 words to bore them to death :), but it will include everything they need to know.

But i know it maybe works nothing like that ?

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Go look the reasons they can give to deny you, there are not really many for the vast majority or cases and then make your case against each one of them.

One is accommodation, which is quite easily overcome if you have your own place. Either your lease or some mortgage / land registry papers will do but go into some brief detail describing the accommodation.

I'd put a statement of account in, where you list your income, regular outgoings and spending. If this includes some support for the partner then mention it but make sure it can be traced through your statements or through receipts. She will then match that amount in the field which asks whether she receives financial assistance from any other source.

Her reason to return is crucial. A job is the best one really along with family, property, land, a business etc.

Go through a dummy application which you can print out and then adjust for the real one.

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I don't think you stated what country you want to visit, but you did mention pounds, so I assume Britain. If you were applying to the U.S. for a tourist visa, you chances would be zero with what you have. With the U.S., you have the burden to PROVE thaqt she will return, which is a high hurdle. There is an assumption that no matter what you tell then, that no matter what you give them, that she plans to stay in the country and not return to Thailand. You must rebutt that presumption. Unless she is rich, that is difficult on a first time application, and impossible if you do not live in thailand fulltime yourself. Actually, her having a foreign boyfriend is a liability. She would have a bertter chance if she was claiming travel with a girlfreid PURELY as a tourist with her own money. Having a boyfriend raises a suspicion over the whole thing. Under those circumstances, the U.S. would require application for the much more difficult K-1, a spousal immigration visa.

However, maybe Britain is more reasonable about this stuff than the US. I certainly hope so. The best of luick to you.

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You seem to have done your homework, but I will agree with other posters that the reason to return is the biggest hurdle to jump and with what you have said there is every chance that this application could fail, there seems to be a hardening of attitudes of late, I will try and explain my thinking.

I think the details of your standing in the UK seem fine and you certainly seem to have ticked all the boxes, you have a job and accommodation and the trip is affordable.

You have 65 photos of you together, but this could be 65 photos of you sitting in the garden one sunny afternoon, I really don't think an ECO is going to wade through a batch of photos, and realistically it's not going to prove anything. On my partners application I supplied one photo of us together on each trip overseas and whilst these pictures were not dated because I had printed them on a couple of sheets of paper, they were evidenced by corresponding stamps in our respective passports. Photos are a good way of proving you have spent time together, but they need to be meaningful.

I think the fact that you have spent 40 days in Thailand will go in your favour, and your passport stamps will prove this, have you spent any time travelling, if so hotel receipts would help, I'm not sure that restaurant receipts would carry a lot of weight.

You phone from the UK on a regular basis, you really need to try and prove it, the ECO's will be aware of the cheap rate numbers but do the dialed cheapo numbers appear on your statements? You need to say in your covering letter that you telephone using these numbers, and if you cannot prove it say so. If you don't email and MSN then again say so and why, your reasoning is perfectly plausible, don't wait for the ECO to pick up on it.

You are correct in saying that your letter of sponsorship doesn't need to replicate "War and Peace" it simply will not be read in it's entirety, it needs to be short, snappy and to the point. Explain why the trip is planned and what you intend to do, prove the trip is affordable and why you are paying, explain how you met details of your contact and if you have plans for the future, then say so. Whilst it's true that saying that you are aware of the visa regulations wouldn't carry too much weight, stick a line in anyway, as should your partner in her covering letter.

Now on to her biggest hurdle, and you have picked up on this already, the reason to return. I think the reason to return is the biggest hurdle especially when one partner lives in Thailand and the other in the UK in a fairly comfortable position.

She has had a "cash in hand" job for a couple of weeks and maybe three months by the time she applies for her visa, but she is already planning a two month holiday, hardly going to convince an ECO that the job is so good that she wants to go home to it, even if the guy writes a letter. The ownership of the house would help, or even the land the house sits on, I understood that all property, and certainly the land, has to be registered at the Land Registry Office, the fact that it doesn't seem to be may cause the ECO to doubt it's existence, also if it was registered shortly before the application it might ring alarm bells. The papers like her ID Card, Passport and entry of her families blue book will not carry any weight, as all Thais are required to have them, ok not all Thais have a passport but she needs on for the app. I don't think the motorbike will carry any weight at all.

OK, lets sum up, you have a girlfriend in Thailand and you live in the UK, you have spent time with her in Thailand and can prove it, fine so far. Your girlfriend has a cash in hand job which she will have had for three months by the date of her application, the job is pretty poorly paid even by Thai standards, she cannot prove she owns a house.

You on the other hand have a pretty comfortable standard of living in the UK, you have a job, money in the bank and a house.

Your girlfriend, who cannot demonstrate much of a life in Thailand, now wants to go to the UK for a couple of months, I think the ECO is really going to take some convincing that she is likely to leave the UK at the conclusion of her visit.

I am sorry to be brutally honest, but I really think you guys are facing an uphill struggle and I think you know this already, especially when we have read the details of some of the refusals of late. I think it's a lot harder for a Thai partner to get a visa for the UK when the other half is resident there.

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The Old Git has summed up this case very precisely, and I can only agree that this would be a tough application. It all comes down to showing an incentive to return, and there is none. For me, the most difficult point is your girlfriend's job. As TOG says, she has not been working very long yet she is going to take a two month holiday. I actually see the job, from that perspective, as being detrimental to the application rather than an asset. How was your girlfriend supported before she started this job ? You say she worked cash in hand for the family when needed. Okay, but does she have a bank account or any evidence of an income at any time ? How old is she ? How long has she been of working age, yet she still has no permanent employment ? What does she do when she is not working ? I think the ECO will, in no way, see the job as a positive point in her favour and may well just view it as an attempt to show a reason to return.

The ECO will also be wondering why a two - month visit is being applied for. Why not a six - month visit ? She has no real reason to return to thailand after two months so she could stay with you in the UK, and this will be in the ECO's thoughts when it comes to decision time.

Your refer to her as your partner. If she is your partner, are you supporting her, and have you done so for the past nine months or so ? Is there an intention to marry ? Are you thinking of bringing her to UK to live ? These are questions that may be in the ECO's mind when he is considering the application. If you are thinking of making the relationship more permanent, then it may be better to wait until you marry, and then think about a settlement application sometime in the future.

Of course, it is up to you to decide if you want to go ahead with an application. I do wonder why you say you will submit on 7th or 8th December and hope that a decision will be made before you leave Thailand. Why not make the application ( if you go ahead ) earlier ? Your presence in Thailand is not necessary to make the application.

If you do go ahead, then good luck. If you are in the Pattaya area when you are in Thailand, or if your girlfriend lives in the area, then call in and see us if you need any assistance.

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the reason we are not applying before i go there is that , my girlfriend is not confident about submitting the application alone , we were using a visa agent but decided to go it alone , therefore were goin to need a couple of days to sort out all the paperwork go through everything together and do the application , then travel to Bangkok and submit the application ,

the reason its only 2 months we are applying for is because , we feel thats best as it will be a real shock having to face a Scottish winter and she may get homesick , so its just to see how things go ,

She is 25 years old , she has had financial support for the last 9 months from me , to pay for bike , air con , electric and food

Has done various jobs all cash in hand

No records of regular income but does have a bank account

She has a daughter who lives with the exhusband

Her house is right next to her brothers , the brother runs the family buisness

What happens then to someone who does try to stay after thier visa ? , do they not send them back anyway and ban them from applying to stay here ? Thats the reason she would return were not trying to pull a fast one , we are having a genuine relationship and want to spend two months together in my country to allow our relationship to move forward , we may marry in the future and if we do then yes she would be moving to the uk ,

Would it help if i had a letter from my local mp ?

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What about if i said that i plan to take a year out from my work in the future and live in thailand for a year and teach english which is something i have been thinking about , this would obviously be after we marry and after she had stayed in the uk for a year or two

Im going to try and see if she can get some documents to show ownership of her house , not sure whats involved with that but ill tell her tommorow we are going to need this ,

I also would include that im planning to go back to thailand to marry in maybe april songkran or later in the summer , but this obviously depends on what she thinks about my country and whether she could live here , and before that can happen she needs to make a trip here , its a catch 22 situation !

Thanks for your help guys i really appreciate all your advice

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What happens then to someone who does try to stay after thier visa ? , do they not send them back anyway and ban them from applying to stay here ?

Would it help if i had a letter from my local mp ?

Nothing much happens if someone chooses to overstay - that's why the system is heavily weighted towards trying to sift out the likely offenders before they get into the UK. If an overstayer does come to light, they are liable to be detained and removed. It is to Thailand's credit that they take a responsible attitude towards accepting return of their nationals and do not, unlike many other countries, put obstacles in the way of the removal process - for that reason I have believed for some time that visit visas for Thai and some other nationalities should be cheaper and easier to obtain, but I don't expect this will ever happen.

I can't see the point of roping in your MP to support an application. UKBA will just say that it will get the same consideration as all others, no more and no less. If there is some apparent injustice in a refusal, an MP's intervention may help to tip the balance.

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You've had good advice here my two bahts worth is ( without wanted to sound alarmist ) your short time of aquaintance.

As said the vital thing is reason for return.

If it is possible and she can give her daughter as a reason as well as other things it carries some weight because she then has dependence.

The reason I tell you this is my wife now but when girlfriend she came to England and the lady in the UK Embassy told her to make sure she put down her son first as one of the reasons for return.

You can say in your letter that you will be supporting her daughter in Thailand while she is staying with you in England.

Good that you are going with her but what ever you do , do not lose your rag !!!! A must with icing on top. Goodluck Buddy.

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A very long time ago, I worked for an embassy (not the UK). My opinion is a little jaded because I worked in the 'rejection review' unit. This was for people who had been rejected but asked for a review. Your scenario was a very common one and the rejection rate was quite high. Few were overturned on review.

Officers get jumpy if could even remotely be considered some sort of human trafficking case, for one (and that's a big issue right now). Second,they get pretty jumpy if they think you'll run off and get married and cut into the queue that way. Finally, they get concerned that she might just run off and live happily ever after without you, but in the UK.

As you describe the situation, this is a developing relationship that is likely to end up in marriage. That's a whole different kettle of fish to an officer than a simple tourist visa.

However, remember there is nothing wrong with applying and trying. The most they can say is 'no' and this doesn't mean the next time will be a no. If this one fails, the next one may have a better chance. Persistence pays off in these situations.

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Just as a follow up to the unpredictability of these situations, my friend (well a bit more than that) got a tourist visa about 15 years ago to go with me to the States. At the time he was a student, no means of support, no bank account, no job.... He now has a long work record and a good job, fair amount of money, property, car etc. He went in for a visa last year and was rejected. Last week he strolls into the US Embassy to request a visa. He's going to a work related meeting in the Caribbean (transiting through New York) and wants to spend some time looking around the city. They gave him a 10 year visa! Go figure.

Best of luck.

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A very long time ago, I worked for an embassy (not the UK). My opinion is a little jaded because I worked in the 'rejection review' unit. This was for people who had been rejected but asked for a review. Your scenario was a very common one and the rejection rate was quite high. Few were overturned on review.

Officers get jumpy if could even remotely be considered some sort of human trafficking case, for one (and that's a big issue right now). Second,they get pretty jumpy if they think you'll run off and get married and cut into the queue that way. Finally, they get concerned that she might just run off and live happily ever after without you, but in the UK.

As you describe the situation, this is a developing relationship that is likely to end up in marriage. That's a whole different kettle of fish to an officer than a simple tourist visa.

However, remember there is nothing wrong with applying and trying. The most they can say is 'no' and this doesn't mean the next time will be a no. If this one fails, the next one may have a better chance. Persistence pays off in these situations.

When you say its a whole different kettle of fish if the relationship ends in marrige , do you mean its makes the outcome of approval more likley or not ?

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You've had good advice here my two bahts worth is ( without wanted to sound alarmist ) your short time of aquaintance.

As said the vital thing is reason for return.

If it is possible and she can give her daughter as a reason as well as other things it carries some weight because she then has dependence.

The reason I tell you this is my wife now but when girlfriend she came to England and the lady in the UK Embassy told her to make sure she put down her son first as one of the reasons for return.

You can say in your letter that you will be supporting her daughter in Thailand while she is staying with you in England.

Good that you are going with her but what ever you do , do not lose your rag !!!! A must with icing on top. Goodluck Buddy.

But the daughter doesnt stay with her she stays with the ex hubby in chumpon , and my gf is from udon , she doesnt support the daughter but does go to visit 3 or 4 times a year ?

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A very long time ago, I worked for an embassy (not the UK). My opinion is a little jaded because I worked in the 'rejection review' unit. This was for people who had been rejected but asked for a review. Your scenario was a very common one and the rejection rate was quite high. Few were overturned on review.

Officers get jumpy if could even remotely be considered some sort of human trafficking case, for one (and that's a big issue right now). Second,they get pretty jumpy if they think you'll run off and get married and cut into the queue that way. Finally, they get concerned that she might just run off and live happily ever after without you, but in the UK.

As you describe the situation, this is a developing relationship that is likely to end up in marriage. That's a whole different kettle of fish to an officer than a simple tourist visa.

However, remember there is nothing wrong with applying and trying. The most they can say is 'no' and this doesn't mean the next time will be a no. If this one fails, the next one may have a better chance. Persistence pays off in these situations.

interesting post, in your opinion would you say that the rejections that were appealed against were held up and stalled on purpose and could have been sorted out in a quicker fashion but because people have questioned their decision they treated them with some contempt?

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At that time, the rejections were usually based on 'reasonable' assumptions or questions. Different officers view a situation differently and like everyone they have biases. Officers never seemed to be overtly upset that their decision was being appealed--the appeal usually came back to them. The basis for the appeal was that new information was available.

A lot of times, time and persistence overcame the rejection. It's pretty obvious that there is a significant relationship if people hang in there. It's also pretty obvious there isn't if there is no sort of protest.

Another year, or six months of visits, a few more trips and meetings in another country etc., helps to settle the officers mind that there is something untoward in the works. Not always, but quite a bit of the time.

With most embassies there isn't a formal appeals process. There is a review of a rejection based on new evidence to support the visa.

One thing that I would caution the applicant about is to be very, very truthful. The officers are quite astute at figuring out if someone is lying or being evasive. It's always easier for the officer to say err on the side of caution. He/she won't get in trouble for that. Let the wrong person in and they can be in pretty serious trouble.

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You've had good advice here my two bahts worth is ( without wanted to sound alarmist ) your short time of aquaintance.

As said the vital thing is reason for return.

If it is possible and she can give her daughter as a reason as well as other things it carries some weight because she then has dependence.

The reason I tell you this is my wife now but when girlfriend she came to England and the lady in the UK Embassy told her to make sure she put down her son first as one of the reasons for return.

You can say in your letter that you will be supporting her daughter in Thailand while she is staying with you in England.

Good that you are going with her but what ever you do , do not lose your rag !!!! A must with icing on top. Goodluck Buddy.

But the daughter doesnt stay with her she stays with the ex hubby in chumpon , and my gf is from udon , she doesnt support the daughter but does go to visit 3 or 4 times a year ?

I would still mention her daughter in the reasons for return as in she visits her every three months it must carry some browney points.

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You on the other hand have a pretty comfortable standard of living in the UK, you have a job, money in the bank and a house.

Maybe I've mis-read this. I thought the OP had savings of between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds; with all due respect, I would hardly call that "comfortable", nor would I call it suficient to support someone else on holiday for a couple of months in the winter who is coming with nothing, has nothing, and is leaving nothing behind except a daughter she rarely sees and does not support.

Let's get real here.

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You on the other hand have a pretty comfortable standard of living in the UK, you have a job, money in the bank and a house.

Maybe I've mis-read this. I thought the OP had savings of between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds; with all due respect, I would hardly call that "comfortable", nor would I call it suficient to support someone else on holiday for a couple of months in the winter who is coming with nothing, has nothing, and is leaving nothing behind except a daughter she rarely sees and does not support.

Let's get real here.

Hi John at the moment i have £2400 saved by the time we apply for the visa this figure should be about £4500 , do you still think this is not enough ?

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You on the other hand have a pretty comfortable standard of living in the UK, you have a job, money in the bank and a house.

Maybe I've mis-read this. I thought the OP had savings of between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds; with all due respect, I would hardly call that "comfortable", nor would I call it suficient to support someone else on holiday for a couple of months in the winter who is coming with nothing, has nothing, and is leaving nothing behind except a daughter she rarely sees and does not support.

Let's get real here.

Hi John at the moment i have £2400 saved by the time we apply for the visa this figure should be about £4500 , do you still think this is not enough ?

Just to add i earn about 35k a year , last year i earned 40k , i have a few debts loan , 2 credit cards, im trying to clear at the moment so thats why i only have 2400 now , lets say i go there we apply for the visa , i have 4500 in the bank , now lets take off 2000 for her costs to travel to my home , it wont be as much as that but lets use that figure , then i have 2500 left , now every month after bills i will have about 900 pounds for food , fuel for my car and any entertainments we go to , that means during the course of her holiday im going to have an extra 1800 on top of my 2500 left , call it 4300 pounds , surley thats enough for us to live off for the two months ?

If i get extra over time at my work some months i can take home between 200 or 300 pounds more , its not guarenteed but we do get overtime occasionaly

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Please note this is from another thread , but this guy got the visa and only had 2 grand in the bank ?

My thai gf successfully got her visitor visa today!

We had known each other only 6 months, met only once in Thailand, I had £2000 savings and she had no real reason to return to Thailand.

So I hope this inspires confidence for other people, what I did was send as much relevant documentation as I could, be completely open and transparent and just make clear that our relationship was genuine.

Thanks for everyone's help, especially to 7by7! Good luck to everyone in getting their visas!

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A couple of points:

1) You haven't said where you met..and yes it does matter.

2) Phone bills. Highlight any calls/access numbers. You can still get a record if you are on PAYG. Same with email headers.

3) The amount of money you'll have in the bank should be fine. The minimum legal requirement is the level of income support.

4) I think you're pushing your luck trying to get the visa before you fly home. Visit visa wait times are up 15 working days - you've only left 3 weeks - including over the Christmas period and I wouldn't say your application is a definite "Yes" - more like 50/50 (although 90% of V/V applications are approved)


5) If you don't get it...apply again in the New Year after another visit. The weather will be better then! :D

Anyway, all the best :thumbsup:


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I just want to make sure I understand this.

It's the middle of winter in Scotland. You get about 7 hours of daylight every day. You have a full time job with possible overtime.

What the hel_l is she going to do in daylight hours when you're not there? Is she going to sit indoors with the heating on maximum watching DVDs or go outside and watch the icicles melting?

Have you really thought this through seriously?

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I just want to make sure I understand this.

It's the middle of winter in Scotland. You get about 7 hours of daylight every day. You have a full time job with possible overtime.

What the hel_l is she going to do in daylight hours when you're not there? Is she going to sit indoors with the heating on maximum watching DVDs or go outside and watch the icicles melting?

Have you really thought this through seriously?

have i really thought this threw , yes i have

i work day shifts and nite shifts , i actually only work 6 months of the year

why are you being so negative ?

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You on the other hand have a pretty comfortable standard of living in the UK, you have a job, money in the bank and a house.

Maybe I've mis-read this. I thought the OP had savings of between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds; with all due respect, I would hardly call that "comfortable", nor would I call it suficient to support someone else on holiday for a couple of months in the winter who is coming with nothing, has nothing, and is leaving nothing behind except a daughter she rarely sees and does not support.

Let's get real here.

Hi John at the moment i have £2400 saved by the time we apply for the visa this figure should be about £4500 , do you still think this is not enough ?

Just to add i earn about 35k a year , last year i earned 40k , i have a few debts loan , 2 credit cards, im trying to clear at the moment so thats why i only have 2400 now , lets say i go there we apply for the visa , i have 4500 in the bank , now lets take off 2000 for her costs to travel to my home , it wont be as much as that but lets use that figure , then i have 2500 left , now every month after bills i will have about 900 pounds for food , fuel for my car and any entertainments we go to , that means during the course of her holiday im going to have an extra 1800 on top of my 2500 left , call it 4300 pounds , surley thats enough for us to live off for the two months ?

If i get extra over time at my work some months i can take home between 200 or 300 pounds more , its not guarenteed but we do get overtime occasionaly

You earn £35-40,000 a year, but you have total savings of only £2,400. If you have £900 spare "every month after bills" I would have expected your savings to be rather more (as, far more importantly, may those considering your application).

You have one thing on your side - the person reading your application may be more generous than me.

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Raven0099, ignore the "doom mongers".

Simple - the rules are you must have at least a minimum amount of money "spare" to support your gf per week - this is set at the level of income support, which is currently £65.45.

So, £65.45 per week x 8 weeks = £523.60.

You will have nearly 10 times that. So therefore no grounds for refusal. Also, draw the ECO's attention to the fact that you will no longer be sending £XXX per month as she will be with you in the UK.

Like most members have said before, "reason to return" is your biggest obstacle.


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