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Finnish National Arrested in Pattaya In National Child Abuse Raid


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Finnish National Arrested in National Child Abuse Raid


PATTAYA: -- A Finnish National has been arrested in Pattaya on Wednesday for allegedly indulging in sexual relations with a minor under the age of fifteen.

Pattaya 15th September 2010 [PDN] Police Colonel Worapong Tonpaiboon (Anti Human Trafficking Division Superintendent, AHTD) and his team on Wednesday arrested Mr. Pasi Earik Venaeinen (65), a Finnish national. Mr. Venaeinen was apprehended after an arrest warrant was granted by the Criminal Court on the 15th March 2010 over his alleged involvement with a 14-year-old girl.

In the national police raid, officers confiscated his passport, 10 pornographic DVD’s, 5 packets of Viagra and 10 condoms at his residence in the Diana Estate Condominiums in Soi Buakao, Central Pattaya.

Police from the AHTD were tipped off to Mr. Venaeinen’s illegal dealings when the mother of his 14-year-old victim filed a complaint with the national department stating that the offender had deceived and forced her daughter, Miss Nui (alias), into a sexual relationship.

Full story HERE


-- 2010-09-15


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I have lived in Asia for over twenty five years. I have seen in this time some first time tourists get into similar trouble as the age of a lot of Asian ladies is hard to guess with no experience. However if you have lived here for as long as this gentleman (hic) there is no excuse...........

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Wow...I guess I better just lie low :ph34r:

However, as a point of law, I will just say that Thailand's legal codes are modeled on the Continental European model (i.e., Napoleonic Codes rather than English common law) and as such there is generally NOT a presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law for people arrested for criminal offenses. I believe the burden of proof is on the defendant to prove his innocence, rather than the State.

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" Pattaya 15th September 2010 [PDN] Police Colonel Worapong Tonpaiboon (Anti Human Trafficking Division Superintendent, AHTD) and his team on Wednesday arrested Mr. Pasi Earik Venaeinen (65), a Finnish national. Mr. Venaeinen was apprehended after an arrest warrant was granted by the Criminal Court on the 15th March 2010 over his alleged involvement with a 14-year-old girl."

I am just curious why the police took over 5 months to act on an arrest warrant

after it was issued by the court ? :blink:

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While I certainly don't condone his life choices or actions by preying on young victims. Why was this young girl put in the circumstance to be victimized in the first place? And as another poster mentioned, why did it take almost 6 months to execute the arrest warrant? Gathering evidence or money?

Also, confiscating his passport is against international law as far as I have read, the passport is the property of the nation that issued it. To quote the German Consul to Phuket: “Passports are the property of the issuing state and should not be withheld by the host country.” See link to article: Phuket Consuls Meet

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While I certainly don't condone his life choices or actions by preying on young victims. Why was this young girl put in the circumstance to be victimized in the first place? And as another poster mentioned, why did it take almost 6 months to execute the arrest warrant? Gathering evidence or money?

Also, confiscating his passport is against international law as far as I have read, the passport is the property of the nation that issued it. To quote the German Consul to Phuket: "Passports are the property of the issuing state and should not be withheld by the host country." See link to article: Phuket Consuls Meet

You cannot say at this point really. Maybe the Thai authorities have the permission or the help of the issuing country to confiscate his Passport?

I don't know all f Thailands laws as I'm sure noone on TV does but maybe a country can confiscate it as long as they notify the issuing country?

Sorry, I better read your link before I say more hehe. BUT I think if they arrest someone in a foriegn country and take m to jail it is not a good idea to leave his passport in his room wouldn't you say? Therefore maybe they took it to the police station and held it. After all they wouldn't give it to him in his cell. That would certainly cover the clause "confiscate".

Edited by thailandbluegrass
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Wow...I guess I better just lie low :ph34r:

However, as a point of law, I will just say that Thailand's legal codes are modeled on the Continental European model (i.e., Napoleonic Codes rather than English common law) and as such there is generally NOT a presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law for people arrested for criminal offenses. I believe the burden of proof is on the defendant to prove his innocence, rather than the State.

Your idea about what you call "the continental european model" is quite weird. Please tell me one 'continental" country where it doesn't apply the presumption of innocence. Just one. thanks whistling.gif

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By the photo the poor bugger looks totally surprised. I doubt (I may be a bad judge) they guy could in fact even come close to a sexual relationship and as others have posted - 6 months to affect an arrest - he doesn't look like he would be too hard to track down or cause a problem. I would also like to hear his side of the allegations. I'm not convinced.ermm.gif

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If anyone reading this now were picked up by the BIB and paraded in front of a news crew because of hearsay evidence from some mother, could you prove you were not a pedophile? You might say that you are a doctor, minister, or teacher, with a good wife and several children, and they would say that the prisons are full of pedos that fit that description. So, before we burn this guy at the stake, place yourself or a friend in his position. Hearsay evidence and witnesses are easily bought in Thailand. Evidence should consist of pictures, or video, and/or a rape check kit. Again, would you want your life dangling on the word of a greedy mother? If he is truly guilty than he should serve his time. What worries me is that if word spreads that you can extort money from any farang just by filing a report at the police station, we will all be targets.

Edited by parallaxtech
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While I certainly don't condone his life choices or actions by preying on young victims. Why was this young girl put in the circumstance to be victimized in the first place? And as another poster mentioned, why did it take almost 6 months to execute the arrest warrant? Gathering evidence or money?

Also, confiscating his passport is against international law as far as I have read, the passport is the property of the nation that issued it. To quote the German Consul to Phuket: "Passports are the property of the issuing state and should not be withheld by the host country." See link to article: Phuket Consuls Meet

I think the old bugger has more to worry about than his passport being confiscated

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While I certainly don't condone his life choices or actions by preying on young victims. Why was this young girl put in the circumstance to be victimized in the first place? And as another poster mentioned, why did it take almost 6 months to execute the arrest warrant? Gathering evidence or money?

Also, confiscating his passport is against international law as far as I have read, the passport is the property of the nation that issued it. To quote the German Consul to Phuket: "Passports are the property of the issuing state and should not be withheld by the host country." See link to article: Phuket Consuls Meet

I think the old bugger has more to worry about than his passport being confiscated

Really? You think so? (Captain Obvious?) smile.gif But what about the first paragraph I wrote, wondering about money and or possibly an extortion attempt? Seems strange that an arrest warrant was issued that long ago. I'm not defending his alleged behavior in anyway, but I'm not understanding the mother's or the police department's motive in waiting so long to arrest him. I just have questions with no answers....

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I simply defer to my response on this post here.

1. Again, Pattaya Daily Snooze vomiting out another spin-doctored story, with clear implications of guilt and hysteria over an alleged foreign rat; to engender paranoia at your foreign neighbor sitting across from you.

2. Again, a mother reporting half-truths; whereas her credibility is ignored (See 4.)

3. Again, a time lapse between the story's sentences that demonstrate willful, galactic stupidity and xenophobia, bordering upon racism against anyone non-Thai.

4. Again, no mention of following standard procedure for a reported rape case; because, clearly, it was not followed.

5. through 5000. Again, and again, and again!

And the reason for all this hooplah, the only reason that this exists, are the children. But the "abused child" card gets played like a Stradivarius, when the real issue here is generating income and protecting the guilty at its source. Not one mention of the child's welfare and condition; again, Pattaya Daily Snooze!

In a country where the police can arrest you and hold you for up to 85 days, and refuse your need to see an attorney, or anyone else, is anyone surprised at the ludicrous nature of these humans and their country club culture? I am not imagining this. Look at the other articles on human rights abuses, and the other "agains". Possibly, one of their rats missed a payment, and what we get are the gory, deceiving details that overlook the Truth of the matter.

I think that the excuse given that foreigners should discuss foreign issues here is played a bit much with the likes of trash journalism that continually comes from the Pattaya Daily Snooze. My views are enforced at their particularism towards things that make all non-rat foreigners appear as rats, and the Thais appear innocent, and the real victims left out of the story. How ironic and deceitful that this OP ends with the line "Full story HERE".

Shame on you! So much power turned to waste.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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I have lived in Asia for over twenty five years. I have seen in this time some first time tourists get into similar trouble as the age of a lot of Asian ladies is hard to guess with no experience. However if you have lived here for as long as this gentleman (hic) there is no excuse...........

ohh spare me. she was 14. You are telling me you can see some one mistaking 14 year olds for 20+? I don't care how long some one was living here or not, a look at the face will surely tell the age. If the perv would stop trying to sleep with 18-19 year old women and slept with women half their age instead they would never have any mix ups...

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While I certainly don't condone his life choices or actions by preying on young victims. Why was this young girl put in the circumstance to be victimized in the first place? And as another poster mentioned, why did it take almost 6 months to execute the arrest warrant? Gathering evidence or money?

Also, confiscating his passport is against international law as far as I have read, the passport is the property of the nation that issued it. To quote the German Consul to Phuket: "Passports are the property of the issuing state and should not be withheld by the host country." See link to article: Phuket Consuls Meet

this is a scary scary place to be accused of anything. i wouldn't trust the thai courts to find the general truth of a a traffic ticket let alone cases like these...condoms and viagra and pornography? must of been molesting children ..it's obvious isn't it?

you don't like someone, or they slighted you? just go to the police and say they molested your daughter... or throw a packet of ya-baa in their yard and tell the police they are dealing.. instant bye bye.. well, may be more complicated than that..but get the drift.. lay low and mind your business and don't make enemies. '

i don't condone bangin' 14 year olds, but feel sorry for this guy more than anything.

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I am not sure what to make of this. Did he force her, or did he not pay money enough to the mother? Awful enough there are hundreds of 13, 14 year old prostituting themselves in the Thai Karaoke bars. I is very clear that the Pattaya police is working with double standards. Rightfully acting against foreign men violating children while leaving all Thai establishments alone. (The police needs to eat too). But I would be very carefully by believing a story at first sight that the girl were "forced" I do not see how somebody who is forced can be dragged into a condominium without being noticed by tenants and staff. Unfortunately very much is okay in Thailand when enough money is paid to the parents.

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Wow...I guess I better just lie low :ph34r:

However, as a point of law, I will just say that Thailand's legal codes are modeled on the Continental European model (i.e., Napoleonic Codes rather than English common law) and as such there is generally NOT a presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law for people arrested for criminal offenses. I believe the burden of proof is on the defendant to prove his innocence, rather than the State.

Your idea about what you call "the continental european model" is quite weird. Please tell me one 'continental" country where it doesn't apply the presumption of innocence. Just one. thanks whistling.gif

France Edited by TPI
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There are many suspicious elements surrounding the arrest of this individual, most of which have been previously addressed. While not excusable, perhaps he did have a "consensual," sexual relationship with the girl which her mother only recently discovered. But that begs the question of why neighbors or other witnesess did not come forth earlier to report a young girl's visits to a man's home either to the mother and/or the police. With the increased international focus on child abuse, especially in those countries where egregious examples of child rape/molestation have occurred, the likelihood of an older, otherwise sane man raping or molesting a child would seem to defy all common sense and logic. Perhaps the individual in question is indeed a pedophile, perhaps not. As all men know, the little head can and does overrule the big head upon occasion. All men are susceptible to the seductive charms of "Lolita," richly described by the novelist Nabokov in his book of the same name. Regardless of the circumstances of this case, guilt by innuendo or association or outright false statements is unacceptable in any civilized society with an unbiased court of law The evidence for or against him must be clear and unassailable. The embassy involved must take pains to ensure the man's rights are preserved--guilty or not. I agree that this sordid case could happen to any innocent foreigner who got on the wrong side of someone for any reason. If his innocence is established, he should get a public apology from the police and reparations for defamation of character. While not likely to happen, this would send a strong message to the community that if you yell fire in a public place, there better be visible flames and smoke, or you risk getting jailed and/or fined or beaten up by an angry mob inconvenienced by all disregard for public safety.

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I am not sure what to make of this. Did he force her, or did he not pay money enough to the mother? Awful enough there are hundreds of 13, 14 year old prostituting themselves in the Thai Karaoke bars. I is very clear that the Pattaya police is working with double standards. Rightfully acting against foreign men violating children while leaving all Thai establishments alone. (The police needs to eat too). But I would be very carefully by believing a story at first sight that the girl were "forced" I do not see how somebody who is forced can be dragged into a condominium without being noticed by tenants and staff. Unfortunately very much is okay in Thailand when enough money is paid to the parents.

Yep - seen this so many times before in Thailand, and is very common place. :coffee1:

The missus and all my Thai office staff thought it such a common place event that hardly anyone batted an eyelid or even looked up from their work when I mentioned it, muttering something about Mair Kai Luuk(mother sell children) or Mair Chao Luuk(mother rent children), and another chatting on about the girl understanding she has a duty to take care of her family working like this, and thinking nothing of it.

The following link casts an interesting light on the issue http://en.wikipedia...._of_Consent.png

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Did anyone noticed the eyes of this guy? :blink:

He seems to be very upset about the situation!!! Good to see that Thailand is doing something against these criminals.

Wow, I am happy that Thai police is doing something about human trafficking...we just had an Indian well known restaurant and market owner who got caught in the human trafficking near my town...the word got out so fast and his business went down the drain...

He had to set a million dollars bail. I was soo soo happy when I went passing through his restaurant and market.......karma.....he paid his price for abusing young ladies...bringing them from Ovesea and sell them like slaves...no one came to eat even though he has the Best Indian food in town.

Well, one down and 100,000 net links for Pornography to go. These practices never out of fashion...anyone wants to sell then someone wants to buy??? However, many men got caught into Child molester cases because, these men thought they were talking to the teenagers instead of the policemen....time for jail term and no more freedom. My take and opinion.

Edited by ryladie99
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I guarantee that if this had been a "Khon Thai" man it would be accepted. How many times do we see in the news this type of report only involving Farangs, and don't tell me the Thai's don't do this kind of thing!!!

Love your post and opinion....now you know why I marry Farang instead of Khon Thai man...because Khon Thai man has so many little wives and no one seem to care as long as he can feed them...my take and I am standing tall.

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Wow....Good that Police confiscated 10 condoms and some viagra....Now we can can walk safely in Pattaya....

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I have lived in Asia for over twenty five years. I have seen in this time some first time tourists get into similar trouble as the age of a lot of Asian ladies is hard to guess with no experience. However if you have lived here for as long as this gentleman (hic) there is no excuse...........

If he had any doubt about the girl's age, all he had to do was to ask to see her ID. I'm sure he's capable of learning enough Thai to ask the following:

บัตรประชาชนคุณ = in Thai, say "bat bpra chaa chohn" which means "Your ID card"

ขอดูด้วย = then say "kaw do duay kap" which means "May I see (look) please?"

Then deduct 543 from whatever date is shown on the card to get her date of birth.

Love the look on his face though!

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