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Blue House Book / Yellow House Book

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Sorry if this subjuct has been posted before, ... Myself and Thai Wife have just been to our local Ampur to see what we need to do about getting a new house book for the House we are going to build, I asked if my Name could be included on the New house book, ...? along with my wifes, ( like Mr & Mrs XXXX) The Guy was very helpful , he said he did not know ( this is a small Ampur out in the sticks ) so he made several phone calls to Bangkok and came back with the answer no I could not have my name included on the new house book, ...but if I provided him with a list of things ( marriage paperwork, etc ), and copy's etc I would be issued with a " new Yellow " house book for the same new address...?

Can any one please explaine just what this "Yellow House book " is all about...?

Many Thanks ....... Mumbo

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