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When I ask my TGF if it's ok to drink the ice and/or water when we eat at a street-side stall, she says "You see any dead people?" I always try to acclimate myself gradually to the water/ice here, but usually drink bottled water. I usually get sick from the water when I go home.

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usually get sick from the water when I go home.

Same, its the amount of fluroide in the water in most countries thay knackers your stomach if not used to it, I normally get a few days of the trots, Mrs Soutpeel refuses point blank to drink tap water anymore when she goes home with me....she tried the tap water once and same same.....the trots for a couple of days...:lol: ....not a happy bunny

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When I ask my TGF if it's ok to drink the ice and/or water when we eat at a street-side stall, she says "You see any dead people?" I always try to acclimate myself gradually to the water/ice here, but usually drink bottled water. I usually get sick from the water when I go home.

The water from the food stall is from the 1B/1.5L water dispensers. I drink that reguarly. For the ice I don't really know if it is treated or not but never made me sick. Don't try to drink from the faucet, I got a terrible experience.

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doesnt matter.

I have constant diahrea in thailand. Sometimes its hardcore, sometimes its very close to being normal stools but it's always wet and comes out in 5 secs.

Thanks to the ICE cubes and brushing my teeth with tap water, now i dont have to waste 25mins on the toilet, with a dry ass from the toilet paper and all the pushing

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I always eat ice out of drinks even when i purchase a drink on the street. Most vendors get ice delivered on a daily basis; you rent a big cooler and a van comes around and fills it up each morning with clean ice.

Even tap water is clean enough to drink, so to make bad ice they'd really have to go out of their way (use water out of a pond or something?)

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doesnt matter.

I have constant diahrea in thailand. Sometimes its hardcore, sometimes its very close to being normal stools but it's always wet and comes out in 5 secs.

Thanks to the ICE cubes and brushing my teeth with tap water, now i dont have to waste 25mins on the toilet, with a dry ass from the toilet paper and all the pushing

Fascinating. Please, tell us more.

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<br />
<br />doesnt matter. <br /><br />I have constant diahrea in thailand. Sometimes its hardcore, sometimes its very close to being normal stools but it's always wet and comes out in 5 secs.<br /><br />Thanks to the ICE cubes and brushing my teeth with tap water, now i dont have to waste 25mins on the toilet, with a dry ass from the toilet paper and all the pushing<br />
<br /><br />Fascinating. Please, tell us more.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

What no video clip, I am most disappointed.

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doesnt matter.

I have constant diahrea in thailand. Sometimes its hardcore, sometimes its very close to being normal stools but it's always wet and comes out in 5 secs.

Thanks to the ICE cubes and brushing my teeth with tap water, now i dont have to waste 25mins on the toilet, with a dry ass from the toilet paper and all the pushing

Fascinating. Please, tell us more.

Yeah !!! sounds pretty crazy to me.wet.gifand dave111223 you must be lucky my wife filters our water from the tap and even then I cannot drink it.

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I don't know about other areas, but on Phuket, from the ice making company and is delivered in big plastic bags. It is filtered and ok at the source. The contamination occurs at the end user. If the vendor has dirty utensils or if the bar dispenses the ice by means of the fingers of the girl or guy that just took a poop and didn't wash his or her hands, then yes, the ice will be dirty.

I didn't use to ice in my drinks, but then I realized, if I was that concerned, I had better bring my own glass to the bar. :bah:

This is probably not a big issue for a few TV members, since they are so cool, they don't need no fawkin ice.

Yea, baby. B)

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doesnt matter.

I have constant diahrea in thailand. Sometimes its hardcore, sometimes its very close to being normal stools but it's always wet and comes out in 5 secs.

Thanks to the ICE cubes and brushing my teeth with tap water, now i dont have to waste 25mins on the toilet, with a dry ass from the toilet paper and all the pushing

Fascinating. Please, tell us more.


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Do you use tap water when you brush your teeth?

If you want disease free water, use a cheap & effective clay filter.

I stopped using tap water for cleaning my teeth in my Thai hotel for just that reason.

I expect to get runny stools occasionally in Thailand. For that reason I always have Imodium available. Fortunately, I've been blessed with a fairly strong stomach.

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When I ask my TGF if it's ok to drink the ice and/or water when we eat at a street-side stall, she says "You see any dead people?"

To which the reply should have been " What like that creepy kid in " The Sixth Sense? "

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When I ask my TGF if it's ok to drink the ice and/or water when we eat at a street-side stall, she says "You see any dead people?" I always try to acclimate myself gradually to the water/ice here, but usually drink bottled water. I usually get sick from the water when I go home.

You see any dead people? :lol: excellent

check this plastic ice cube site out http://www.plasticicecubes.org/

to quote them "Don’t be tiresome like the flock of commonplace, ordinary, drab people using normal ice cubes. Normal is boring. Dare to be different and you won’t be disappointed." :D

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I have noticed that in some places , when you order a Coke or pepsi now and ask for no ice , they will give you only a third of the cup. I used to request no ice because i wasn't sure if the water that made the ice was okay and also because i am a cheap charlie that doesn't like paying for two thirds ice or if it is MacDonalds, about 90% ice.

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I brush with tap water. I make ice cubes with tap water. I eat the ice in my drinks. Once your body gets used to any differences in water quality, all will even out. But if you are a big wimp and constantly avoid the water, then your body will never truly adjust and you get the complaints about the water being bad. Just use the water. Tough it out for a week or 2, and then you will never have a problem again.

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I have noticed that in some places , when you order a Coke or pepsi now and ask for no ice , they will give you only a third of the cup. I used to request no ice because i wasn't sure if the water that made the ice was okay and also because i am a cheap charlie that doesn't like paying for two thirds ice or if it is MacDonalds, about 90% ice.

And how 'bout that rip-off on the ice itself, huh? What's with the hole in the middle of the ice, now they're saving on the water too? Those bastards!

Anyway I read somewhere that most common illnesses are spread by lack of hand washing. The same guy who didn't wash his hands leaving the toilet that brought you the glass with ice, is also the guy that's going to bring you the food. So you can skip the ice, but them sneaky germs is gonna get you anyway. Better to work on remaining healthy enough to fight them.

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doesnt matter.

I have constant diahrea in thailand. Sometimes its hardcore, sometimes its very close to being normal stools but it's always wet and comes out in 5 secs.

Thanks to the ICE cubes and brushing my teeth with tap water, now i dont have to waste 25mins on the toilet, with a dry ass from the toilet paper and all the pushing

Fascinating. Please, tell us more.

Nooooooooooo no more i'm already seeing a Baboon's ass in my mind

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When I had my hotel business in Phuket, we had 2 types of ice delivered:

- Bagged cubes of ice for using in drinks, made from potable water

- Ice used for cooling, but not in touch with food/drinks - this is the type of ice delivered in lorries and shovelled into large sacks upon delivery. It is NOT potable

If a customer annoyed me, I used to get confused over which ice to use in their drinks :whistling:

(That was a joke BTW!)


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when at home in suphanburi I can't make enough ice in the fridge so I send out one of the nieces for the packaged ice which is cheap and widely available and indicates that most folks locally don't use the tap water for ice making purposes or that they ain't got the fridge capacity...the local tap water is drinkable but heavy on the chlorine...

now I'm in rural Vietnam and I got some loose ice inna bag locally and then had the trots for about 24 hours...now only use bottled water fer that purpose...they supply a 20 liter bottle of drinking water in my accommodation sufficient for all purposes...

depends on how badly yew need the ice...in a pinch I'll drink vodka and coke unrefrigerated...lawd knows that ye gots to be tough...


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