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I Am Out Of Here Tomorrow


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I enjoyed reading your responses :lol:

Sure, Neverdie's will win first prize for the most inane reply, he really has no clue as always :whistling:

Then you have the most balanced replies from Guesthosue and the likes :jap:

Anyway, let me clarify a few things:

I do live in a small Isaan village and that corresponds perfectly to my wishes.

I lived and worked in many cities: Paris, Atlanta, Munich, Montreal, Lisboa, Hong Kong, Bnagkok and many more, got fed up with the rat rac eand chose to retire in this Isaan village.

I do need to get out of here 2x year to maintain my sanity. Seeing some replies here I am not alone in such predicament.

I do not live in Paris, I am flying there to night and stay there a few days hanging around, which lead me to compare Paris to Bangkok.

Now Paris is at least 100 times more exiting than Bangkok: the public transportation (less the strikes, one upcoming tomorrow?) the parcs (Luxembourg, Tuileries) the museums (Louvre etc) the monuments, the streets, the food and restaurants. Indeed first meal tomorrow lunch time Zeeland mussels in white wine .

I have a house in a small village similar to my house here in Isaan, I will get a break there.

I have enough money to do/go whatever/wherever I like and fly business class. I am too old to enjoy cattle class.

Weather: South of France has good weather 4 months/year max, Isaan hot/good 360 days/year.

Thailand cheap, France/Europe expensive.

France Europe is beautiful, you would not want me to pull a list of places don't you? From Les Beaux de Provence to the thousand lakes of Lachti Finland.

Comparing France to Thailand, the latter has not much to offer, and yes I traveled from Songkhla to Mae Sai.

Where are the real problems then?

It is not the traffic, it is the stupid way of millions driving their motorbikes and cars.

Do you understand why so many get killed on the roads? stupidity due to lack of education???

Now THEIR driving style dramatically increases YOUR risk of getting into a deadly accident and you as a farang will be in a nightmare, as you all should know, that scares me every day.

They must have one of the worst education systems on the planet producing a nation of sheep.

Not many brilliant minds have been produced in this society, you don't really need to study to get your uni grade, there are other ways, how many have read a book, why should any one read a book? do I need to uncover some more to you Neverdie?

The political system is a joke.

The yellow versus the red and the unspoken and the military, extremely worrisome isn't?

It is a society with one feet in the 21st century and the other in a feudal system long gone in the West, cultivating submission of the masses.

There certainly are more profound disturbances to be found in the Thai society.

Then you have some morons on Thai Visa who claim they understood it all after drinking bia Chang during one week in a Bangkok bar, what a joke.

They are the least of my concerns.

I am out tonight, but I will be back after refreshing some of my neurons with cheese and wine and getting away from the madding crowd B)

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"I'm out of here tomorrow"

The OP has had enough and he's leaving. Fair enough. Living in one of those backwater villages does become mind numbing fairly quickly though doesn't it. I mean, who can you have an intelligent conversation with and, besides watching satellite TV and drinking beer, what else is there for a farang to do in a place like that. I guess you could help out with the rice planting or ploughing the fields.

So you've figured the grass is greener on the other side of the hill? No it's not. You're going back to a PC oriented world and that thing that sucks the life out of people - TAX. When you come back (and we all know you will), try doing it differently. Live somewhere that has all the facilities of the real world - modern shopping center, movie theatres, gyms, restaurant and the beach (Phuket is a pretty good option). Stay away from those backwater villages mate, you'll just get pissed off again.

Once you've been here long enough you'll become like the rest off us - emotional vacuums. Nothing will phase you because you just won't care anymore. That's when you can start enjoying yourself.

Well said. Living in the villages and hoping you found nirvana is a stretch at best. in fact the OP appears to have come unprepared. Regardless people quickly forget about what they are heading back too. Learning to live with less and enjoy it more is a tall order for people that have grown up in a materialistic high expectations environment. I moved from the US and hope to only have to go back to visit aging parents and a few friends. However with technology what it is, Might be able to webcam and wave.....biggrin.gif

got it in one guys...all depends on what a person wants and needs or expects out of life...sure many of us rural types miss the treadmill and all the western style trappings..... one can always get a "fix" in Singapore or KL..

..think it's all about contentment...after being in the western corporate world yadda yadda...quite like not having to think too hard, being bound by the clock, bills etc.

..gotta say that emotional vacuum and not caring sounds a bit... er well overstated maybe.. okay yes I don't care about the problems of discontented Farangs..rather more "entertaining" over top of a coffee cup..."what are they whingeing about today".. :rolleyes: "Webcam and wave"...love it! lol

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So what the Op was really saying was, I am going on trip to France and i don't like the way Thais drive.

But I am coming back and nothing has changed.

I suppose if his post would have been titled more precisely, no one would have bothered to answer it.

Exactly. His thread was really about 'Hey look everyone, Im riding Business Class' . Pathetic really, leaving the country for a few days so you need to come online and express your disdain for the country in which you reside. :jerk:

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I enjoyed reading your responses :lol:

Sure, Neverdie's will win first prize for the most inane reply, he really has no clue as always :whistling:

Obviously my post was the one that hit closest to home. You create a thread announcing that your leaving & then set about putting Thai people and Thailand down, beating your pasty little hands on your chest about how good you are, how superior your new destinations are & most amazingly you don't realise what a <snip> you are by doing so.

Then your next post a couple of days later is to clarify that your only going away for a few days & will be back. I guess the Parisvisa forum will have to standby for your deliberations just prior to departure.

You are a miserable <snip> & it must be difficult moving about society staring down ur long skinny nose from that high horse you ride on putting up with all those below you getting in your way. What a true :jerk: you are.

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I'm out of here in about 10 seconds. I need a shit and I'm touching cloth.

Start the day with a Shart! That's what I say! :D

[Does the op qualify? :unsure: ]

I'm not sure Loz but the OPs thread certainly does smell like a shart, its got something to do with attitude ;)

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Thailand is not right for everyone that's for sure and if you have been here awhile, it can certainly get to you. However, nowwhere is perfect and I'm sure even Paris has its downsides but if you think you'll be happy there then that's where you should be. Your description of where you were living sounds upcountry and now you are going to Paris (a big city), maybe you would have been happier living in Bangkok...though the public transport is nothing like Paris you can certainly find most of the gourmet food and restaurants one could want. And besides, the Bangkok "public transit system" of taxis are probably cheaper than a Paris metro/bus ticket.

Not really sure what you mean regarding you rant about Thai women...women are women anywhere in the world and they only "take" what men willingly give them. There's good ones and avaricious ones in everyplace.

Maybe you just need a change of scenery...hope you enjoy your new adventure.

That's what i think too.

Why don't u come to Naples? Compare to Naples, Bangkok looks like Switzerland

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It's hard to disagree with the OP on his litany of Thai-centric complaints, nothing new there. Missing from his list are the things that balance out the negatives. For him, I guess the balance tilted the other way. Fair enough. What's surprising is that it took him quite a while to figure that out. I guess even the slow are allowed on business class these days. First TV, then schools, then universities, and now even airlines are dumbing down.

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Id be interested to see a poll:

How long is Asia <5, 5-10, 10-15, 15+

How long in Thailand <5, 5-10, 10-15, 15+

then stay or go?

if go, when?

go when THB still 26>

go when THB hits 26<

go next 12 mos regardess

really eyeing up a move out

go if and when can sell real estate

if go, then why:

currency bubble, no end in sight

tired of visa/ immigration hassles

backward slide of the nation

feel of disrespect that is unique to Thailand among Asia and much of the world

lack of concern for environment

seen it done it, just bored

out of money, did not plan wisely

met a lady, trying it back "home"

bad business or gf - im busted

health issues will drive me home

pension issues almost solely will drive me home

im a life long monger and the p4p scene isnt what it used to be

have a good job offer back home


then have a few combo answers

Edited by bangkokburning
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It's hard to disagree with the OP on his litany of Thai-centric complaints, nothing new there. Missing from his list are the things that balance out the negatives. For him, I guess the balance tilted the other way. Fair enough. What's surprising is that it took him quite a while to figure that out. I guess even the slow are allowed on business class these days. First TV, then schools, then universities, and now even airlines are dumbing down.

Oops...I just realized, the OP's coming back (no doubt on biz class). So...what the heck was all that about?

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Are you trying to get me banned ?

Definately NOT sir, I don't want you to go down that track again, I'm one of ur greatest fans.....remind me to subscribe later. Was it something I said? :unsure:

I'm getting worried, you're talking like this here, and in the other thread you are talking about wanking. I'm sure sillyman will be equally as worried. :ermm:

Hope this has a happy ending ! :whistling:

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It's been my experience that those foreigners who learn to speak and understand Thai can be happy. Those who can't get frustrated... and even more so in Thai villages where nobody speaks English... or whatever other foreign language you speak. It is hard to live in a vacuum and not interact or understand the people around you.

Agree. To claim to have any sort of understanding about Thais and Thai behavior, but not being able to speak/understand the language goes directly to credibility (or lack thereof).

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When you had enough its certainly time to leave.

I've seen people come and go many times over the years, when they first come they love it, think life is gonna be just one long holiday. Of course that wears off after a while and its another place to live, then the faults start appearing, faults they never noticed at first, they were too busy having a good time in a new enviroment.

Then reality sets in and they come to realise that they're not in their own country anymore, they have no rights to buy land, they will have to pay for medical treatment, there is no social security to run to when they have no money, gone is the protection of their home country where they are as equal as the next man.

Here they are different, a foreigner, an outsider, a Farang !!

In my experience the main factor in many people leaving was financial reasons, they never planned well enough in the beginning or mismanaged their funds in Thailand.

It's no fun to be poor anywhere, not in their own country and certainly not in Thailand.

Then the blame game starts, usually Thailand and Thai people get the blame for the failures of the person who has really only himself to blame, his poor management and planning have cost him his dream, nows the time to join ThaiVisa and tell everyone else how terrible Thailand is.

Many follow similar paths and leave, some get a pile of money together again and even though they professed to have had enough of Thailand, they head straight back out here and slag off their own country again. laugh.gif

Pretty accurate assessment.

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When I read an OP like this, it does make me wonder what brought the OP to Thailand in the first place. What sort of expectations did he have? Was his first visits to Thailand to Pattaya and other tourist places only? Did he think that all Thai women were like Thai bargirls? Did he really believe that he was a "hansum man?" Did he not know that Thailand was a developing nation? Did he not know about the visa laws? When somebody becomes this disenchanted with Thailand, it's usually because the reality couldn't live up to the expectations. I hope his expectations of life in Paris--or anywhere else--is a little more realistic. Otherwise, I doubt he will ever find true happiness.

Agree, an interestign point 'What brought some people here in the first place, either as tourists or actually living here'.

I have one acquaintence who:

- Came for a one week holiday, mostly from pressure from friends who had already savoured the delights.

- He rushed home, after the one week holiday, arranged early retirement*, and although it took 3 years to get to the end, he used that time to study (seriously study) Thai langauge, Listening, speaking, reading and writing, and when he moved here his Thai language skills were very advanced except that he has a very strong accent and the Thai people he interacted with couldn't understand a word he was saying.

*retirement from a very senior public service position where he was an advisor to a premier, he had a long list of academic awards, including two MBA's and a Masters degree in Ecomonics and Public Administration.

- He sold everything at home, house and all, arrived in Bkk, and very quickly started to get very angry when people (continuously) didn't underatnd what he was saying in Thai. Got very angry when waiters didn't understand the western food items he was requesting and in most cases there was no possibility that they would have any clue what he was talking about. Etc.

- He was near to having a nervous breakdown, for a very straight forward reason - his dream of living in utopia had been quickly and totally shattered. He had convinced himself that he would not only come here and live but would also quickly become somebody famous.

- End of story, a group of friends (who had become very concerned about his mental health and very concerned that his more and more frequent severe temper outbursts would land him in serious trouble) told him 'either you buy a ticket and go home, or we will pool some money and buy a ticket and take you to the airport'.

- He thankfull realized that he should go home, and he did.

- This is all about 15 years ago, he still hates Thailand.

That was my point exactly. I've known many guys that fit this description.

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Not once in his original post did the OP say anything about leaving permanently. That was an assumption by this group of readers. For myself, I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Thirty minutes of my remaining life span is now gone, but it was a pretty interesting 30 minutes nevertheless... The OP's planning, as it turns out, has been flawless. He is in a position to travel out of Thailand whenever he feels like it. I would be satisfied with planning my own retirement half as well. The work plodding continues...

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Next stop Paris.... I'm envious. Have a good time - A change is always refreshing.

I am not.

I lived and worked just below the ring road of Paris for 7 months and I thoroughly disliked the place.

The RTR and the Metro were good but the rental I paid was high, the food I bought at the supermarket and cooked at home was good and the bread and butter fantastic but outside in the evenings I had to go a long way to the centre of Paris if I wanted to drink as the bars locally closed around 8 pm though in most of the cafe/bars you could start drinking around 4 am.

Outside of Paris France is a real country and it is like saying Bangkok is Thailand.

It isn't and never will be.

Outside of Paris France is a real country??? So what is Paris some sort of illusion.

By the way Bangkok is the capital of Thailand so definately is Thailand.

Yes outside of Paris which as many posters have pointed out is a dirty overcrowded expensive city is the better part of France where not everyone looks down their nose at you and if you speak no French at all they will do their best to help you unlike Paris.

I actually did know that Bangkok is the capital of Thailand so I must assume that you believe all of Thailand is the same as Bangkok.

Where I live out in the countryside not so Many Thais that I talk to in my mangled Thai actually like Bangkok.

They may go there to work but they certainly wouldn't want to live there.

Neither would I having lived in Bangkok for 6 of my 17 years coming to Thailand.

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I do not live in Paris, I am flying there to night and stay there a few days hanging around, which lead me to compare Paris to Bangkok.

Now Paris is at least 100 times more exiting than Bangkok: the public transportation (less the strikes, one upcoming tomorrow?) the parks (Luxembourg, Tuileries) the museums (Louvre etc) the monuments, the streets, the food and restaurants. Indeed first meal tomorrow lunch time Zeeland mussels in white wine .

I have a house in a small village similar to my house here in Isaan, I will get a break there.

I have enough money to do/go whatever/wherever I like and fly business class. I am too old to enjoy cattle class.

Weather: South of France has good weather 4 months/year max, Isaan hot/good 360 days/year.

Thailand cheap, France/Europe expensive.

France Europe is beautiful, you would not want me to pull a list of places don't you? From Les Beaux de Provence to the thousand lakes of Lachti Finland.

Comparing France to Thailand, the latter has not much to offer, and yes I traveled from Songkhla to Mae Sai.

You are in a fortunate position of being able to choose where to live and what type of lifestyle you want to enjoy. That's great...but others have more limited options. It is not really fair comparing living a cashed-up carefree lifestyle in Europe/America/Australia to Thailand. The history, scenery, and culinary delights of the West are certainly most enjoyable...as are the parks, museums, and overall cultural milleu. All this does come at a price [quite substantial one] but if it is affordable for you and others, sure, go for it.

The point of living in Thailand for many, and putting up with a lack of some of the above (especially outside Bangkok) is the still lower cost of living and taxation, the availability of companionship [for short or long term], which is often difficult to find for older men in the West, and a general carefree lifestyle (but of course, if you have the funds, both the companionship and "la dolche vita" is also availability in the West.

Get back to us on general price comparisons of living in the French countryside vs. a village in Issan...it could be most illuminating.

Edited by FarangBuddha
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When I read an OP like this, it does make me wonder what brought the OP to Thailand in the first place. What sort of expectations did he have? Was his first visits to Thailand to Pattaya and other tourist places only? Did he think that all Thai women were like Thai bargirls? Did he really believe that he was a "hansum man?" Did he not know that Thailand was a developing nation? Did he not know about the visa laws? When somebody becomes this disenchanted with Thailand, it's usually because the reality couldn't live up to the expectations. I hope his expectations of life in Paris--or anywhere else--is a little more realistic. Otherwise, I doubt he will ever find true happiness.

Agree, an interestign point 'What brought some people here in the first place, either as tourists or actually living here'.

I have one acquaintence who:

- Came for a one week holiday, mostly from pressure from friends who had already savoured the delights.

- He rushed home, after the one week holiday, arranged early retirement*, and although it took 3 years to get to the end, he used that time to study (seriously study) Thai langauge, Listening, speaking, reading and writing, and when he moved here his Thai language skills were very advanced except that he has a very strong accent and the Thai people he interacted with couldn't understand a word he was saying.

*retirement from a very senior public service position where he was an advisor to a premier, he had a long list of academic awards, including two MBA's and a Masters degree in Ecomonics and Public Administration.

- He sold everything at home, house and all, arrived in Bkk, and very quickly started to get very angry when people (continuously) didn't underatnd what he was saying in Thai. Got very angry when waiters didn't understand the western food items he was requesting and in most cases there was no possibility that they would have any clue what he was talking about. Etc.

- He was near to having a nervous breakdown, for a very straight forward reason - his dream of living in utopia had been quickly and totally shattered. He had convinced himself that he would not only come here and live but would also quickly become somebody famous.

- End of story, a group of friends (who had become very concerned about his mental health and very concerned that his more and more frequent severe temper outbursts would land him in serious trouble) told him 'either you buy a ticket and go home, or we will pool some money and buy a ticket and take you to the airport'.

- He thankfull realized that he should go home, and he did.

- This is all about 15 years ago, he still hates Thailand.

That was my point exactly. I've known many guys that fit this description.

No that wasnt your point, your point can be read here

Its just a made up rant about all other expats not being visionaries like you are, and having full knowledge of Thais and their ways from day 1 .... it then goes on to insinuate he's obviously a un-hansum drunken sexpat, who when he first came here was so uncultured he actually went to those ghastly tourist areas youve obviously never lowered your standards to go to ... followed by a bid of cod philosophy/ amateur psychology about eternal happiness

If you read his post he doesnt like the driving standards, litter, the smell of sewers when eating and the police corruption ..... do you?

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When I read an OP like this, it does make me wonder what brought the OP to Thailand in the first place. What sort of expectations did he have? Was his first visits to Thailand to Pattaya and other tourist places only? Did he think that all Thai women were like Thai bargirls? Did he really believe that he was a "hansum man?" Did he not know that Thailand was a developing nation? Did he not know about the visa laws? When somebody becomes this disenchanted with Thailand, it's usually because the reality couldn't live up to the expectations. I hope his expectations of life in Paris--or anywhere else--is a little more realistic. Otherwise, I doubt he will ever find true happiness.

Agree, an interestign point 'What brought some people here in the first place, either as tourists or actually living here'.

I have one acquaintence who:

- Came for a one week holiday, mostly from pressure from friends who had already savoured the delights.

- He rushed home, after the one week holiday, arranged early retirement*, and although it took 3 years to get to the end, he used that time to study (seriously study) Thai langauge, Listening, speaking, reading and writing, and when he moved here his Thai language skills were very advanced except that he has a very strong accent and the Thai people he interacted with couldn't understand a word he was saying.

*retirement from a very senior public service position where he was an advisor to a premier, he had a long list of academic awards, including two MBA's and a Masters degree in Ecomonics and Public Administration.

- He sold everything at home, house and all, arrived in Bkk, and very quickly started to get very angry when people (continuously) didn't underatnd what he was saying in Thai. Got very angry when waiters didn't understand the western food items he was requesting and in most cases there was no possibility that they would have any clue what he was talking about. Etc.

- He was near to having a nervous breakdown, for a very straight forward reason - his dream of living in utopia had been quickly and totally shattered. He had convinced himself that he would not only come here and live but would also quickly become somebody famous.

- End of story, a group of friends (who had become very concerned about his mental health and very concerned that his more and more frequent severe temper outbursts would land him in serious trouble) told him 'either you buy a ticket and go home, or we will pool some money and buy a ticket and take you to the airport'.

- He thankfull realized that he should go home, and he did.

- This is all about 15 years ago, he still hates Thailand.

That was my point exactly. I've known many guys that fit this description.

No that wasnt your point, your point can be read here http://www.thaivisa....ost__p__3911020

Its just a made up rant about all other expats not being visionaries like you are, and having full knowledge of Thais and their ways from day 1 .... it then goes on to insinuate he's obviously a un-hansum drunken sexpat, who when he first came here was so uncultured he actually went to those ghastly tourist areas youve obviously never lowered your standards to go to ... followed by a bid of cod philosophy/ amateur psychology about eternal happiness

If you read his post he doesnt like the driving standards, litter, the smell of sewers when eating and the police corruption ..... do you?

Englander, The link you provided was for my post already included above. Do I have to explain it to you in detail? My primary point was "expectations." Mr. Scorecard gets it. You don't appear to. You seem to have gone off on some tangent, which sounds like it's more appropriate for your own personal situation. But it's not about you, it's about the OP.:whistling:

Edited by sbk
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im a londoner too ! and i know only to well about your part of the manor, having lived best part of my existence in the u.k. in and around archway, tufnell park, islington, kentish town and camden. now living in bangkok. and no im not your son, alright geezer wink.gif

and having dated a woman from the swansea area (otherwise known as a jack) i couldn't think of a more depressing place to live. tell me are the vetchfield faithful still harping on about how one day they will be back up playing with the big boys.

about the only good thing to brag about the place is the rugby team, the neath/swansea ospreys and the fact that you can pick up a half decent curry down the other end of the kingsway. the other half you can keep !

still things could be worse, you could have ended up in a place like port talbot.

Yeah Swansea is not great............... I agree.............. NW5 all day long.

Talking about the big boys your right there in Babgkok eh? Big fish little bowl???

I live in Swansea, if I tell other people that I live there they may look at

me with little interest and may bore them, tell people where you are now living

right now and see what kind of reaction you will generally get. Nuff said.

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If your not happy go home. Anyone who has been to Paris loves the place hates the people. That includes the Non Parisian French. Says a lot about you.

Good luck and don't bother writing.

We are happy and we stay. It is our chocie just as yours is to leave.

Personally I have no time for quitters.

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