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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage

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If people have witness accounts (up to date), photos (of the vendors too if possible), anyone is welcome to send them and I can forward them to a friend that is willing to set up a site for the purpose of bringing the real media attention to this and expose sellers and possibly others.

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Yes it is sick but I guess some thais think they have to cater for that type of tourist that flocks to Thailand for it. There are rock spiders from abroad crawling all over Thailand looking for this stuff. The authorities need to get tougher.


It is most probably the exception to the rule. If you read between the lines it is about Hollywood blockbusters. The ambassador in question who obviously never travelled through Europe or Latin and Middle America, Asia came outside his country (porn is for sale in the open everywhere) needed child porn to make his point. Have I seen porn on the streets of Bangkok? All the time, the worst form of porn is seen all over TV everyday when you look at the government, it is pure bestiality, but I have never seen child porn on Bangkok Streets. We do not need an ambassador to outrage people of Thailand if that was the case. It is fairly easy to arrest the people selling it. But in the numbers of the post, mentions are made of the numbers of stalls selling Hollywood movies and Porn no figures about this subject what makes it highly unlikely.

Thai authorities are with right very sensitive about this subject and it is not likely that Thai authorities would allow this to happen.


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Trust someone from Pattaya to say this, even if there is an element of truth to the post.

But, personally, this highly offends me and I would immediately report this if I saw it, and demand a copy of the police report.

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A while back I wanted to start a thread about the public kiddie porn vendors on beach road on the Pattaya forum, but I asked a mod if it was OK, and was told not to start it, too inflammatory.

Really? Now that was an example of incorrect moderation if ever there was one... even if it was pre-emptive and allows me to comment on it. Too inflammatory? That the good people of Pattaya would get upset if such goings on were openly discussed? Although I can see where it would be irresistible bait for those with PDS eh?

Caveat on my Pattaya report. This is something I have seen more than once in the past, on multiple beach road DVD tables. However, it is not a recent report as these days I tend to walk on the beach side of the road.

That's the side where there's another 'problem' no?

Keep up the good work Jing. Sometimes you start wild hair up your arse threads but for the most part, you do have a keen eye for the community and astute judgement when it comes to where to draw the 'mai pen rai' line in this circus we chose to join.


Right on;

This has been going on since as long as i can remmember and that goes back to the early 80's, so this is nothing new.

Funny, I've been around since the very early 1980s, remember when Nana Plaza was mostly tailor shops and the Landmark Hotel was but a hole in the ground, and I don't ever remember seeing kiddie porn being openly displayed, neither along Sukhumwit nor anywhere else in the Kingdom. Now never having inquired whether it was available or not I can't say whether or not it was available under the table, but I have never seen it openly displayed.

I moved here in '83 and you could buy porn along sukumvit and in Pattaya with no problem, Yes back then it was not fully displayed but here were cardboard covers stating PORN.

its only in the past few years since is has so openly been in ur face. Know idea what has made it more acceptable to the general public but, Its all about $$$


And think about this: Vendors do this out in the open.........

Not only do they sell this, but they obviously do not worry about possible legal consequences!


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Maybe to find out, what kind of funny posts were released.............if nobody buys the dvd's, nobody will sell them either, and after a pretty short while, production will stop too.


Im sure many of us have bought the latest hollywood from these stalls, but i for would would be happy to have to pay for originals movie releases to get this god awful stuff of the streets for good, in fact i will no longer buy movies from these vendors from now on!

And with a decent internet connection, you can download any of them anyway. Forget the hassle of facing those guys, opt for home delivery through your favorite torrent client.


The only thing I find surprising is that other people are surprised. Child porn is sold by all those creepy porn peddlers in Pantip and no one seems to care. Thailand is a society where men can do what they like sexually as long as they pay for it and women either support the right of men to do this or turn a blind eye to it. There are underage prostitutes in every neighbourhood all over Thailand. It's sickening, but is it really something you didn't know about?

Another twist of this point is the poor rubbish collector man who was recently fined 131,000Baht for trying to sell 10 old (non porn) videos at 10Baht each.

But now, in Bangkok Post, we see a picture showing hundreds of child porn covers on open display on a 'sanctioned' stand on a busy main street.

Complicity and double standards abound.

A friend just told me it's on another webboard that the are several such open stalls on Sukhumvit Road and they have been there for at least 6 months.


This might indicate different police districts,'' said the officer. ''Silom Road is under the jurisdiction of Bangrak police station and has a different set of rules from the Lumpini station, which has jurisdiction over Sukhumvit Road.''

But surely there is just One Law

"To distribute or exhibit obscene materials is a criminal offence under Section 287 of the penal code of Thailand with the punishment not exceeding three years' imprisonment or fine not exceeding 6,000baht

The fine does not fit the crime...

I too have seen and purchased off the beach rd in Pattaya, there is only a hand full of vendors and yes there are straight and gay porn on display but i have never seen or been offered child porn or anything that resembles anything illegal (apart from the copyright crime, which no one is really apposed to)

I do not see Thai Porn as that is not a fine but a jail sentence which is stiffer than the Section 287.

If child porn is displayed in BKK i am sure the authorities will take action


It's the mention of "influential people" in a story that always has me reaching for the sick bag. Isn't there anybody in this country wielding a bigger stick so to speak with the morals and clout to bury these cancerous cockroaches?



I love all the people on their high horses. I noticed this a few months back in Pattaya, I am surprised it took so long to get here. In pattaya the first one I noticed was out the front of the police station on the beach road, they were having a free community show on at the time and I couldn't believe the vendor was set up selling child pornography RIGHT THERE.


Pedophiles are predators, and children are the only thing that satisfy their appetites. Anyone associated with producing, supplying, using this garbadge should be punished swifly and severely. I think most Thai people abhor this and would agree that something needs to be done immediately by the authorities.


Ah, one more story about Thailand and child porn, finding fertile ground in people's prejudice.

Nobody I know with frequent access to Sukhumvit's stands have seen it, but "everybody knows", right?

Reminds me of the story about Pattaya Orphanage, that was swallowed raw by most of the world.

Pirated box-office movies, TV-series, software, MP3, Camagra, toys, even weapons, counterfeit brandnames. I have seen it all. Haven't you?

Child porn? Never, and none of my friends living in the area have. Have you?

The freelance journalist is surely happy to see his article on the front page.

Google for "maxmilian wechsler" and you will see some pertinent stuff come up.


None of the stuff in the article is verifyable. "Somebody" called in, "an ambassador" stated...

Myself, and most of my friends - and most Thai people - would get real angry if this was displayed and make a hard time for the stand.

But none of them have seen it. Strange? Not at all. You can see dozens of documentaries about how readily children are available here.

Great stuff, drawing large attention. A great income for the reporters. Congratulations to Mr. Wechler for one more hit.

Shame on Bangkok Post and shame on the people who eats it all raw.

Did you?


Thai people you know?

whome you recognize you mean.

Lets face it....according to euro standards most of the thai people I recognize have a personality disorder.

NOT because they are born with it, but because they make there ego the most important issue in the world.This public outcry is a farce for the most part, in any "normal' functional society this sort of shit wouldnt be on public in the first place.

wake up and face Thai reality(show)

From my experience most of the Thai folks suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect, but I would not call it a personal disorder, as we find this in other countries as well, but IMHO to a lesser extent


Ah, one more story about Thailand and child porn, finding fertile ground in people's prejudice.

Nobody I know with frequent access to Sukhumvit's stands have seen it, but "everybody knows", right?

Reminds me of the story about Pattaya Orphanage, that was swallowed raw by most of the world.

Pirated box-office movies, TV-series, software, MP3, Camagra, toys, even weapons, counterfeit brandnames. I have seen it all. Haven't you?

Child porn? Never, and none of my friends living in the area have. Have you?

The freelance journalist is surely happy to see his article on the front page.

Google for "maxmilian wechsler" and you will see some pertinent stuff come up.


None of the stuff in the article is verifyable. "Somebody" called in, "an ambassador" stated...

Myself, and most of my friends - and most Thai people - would get real angry if this was displayed and make a hard time for the stand.

But none of them have seen it. Strange? Not at all. You can see dozens of documentaries about how readily children are available here.

Great stuff, drawing large attention. A great income for the reporters. Congratulations to Mr. Wechler for one more hit.

Shame on Bangkok Post and shame on the people who eats it all raw.

Did you?

Have you been reading the posts?? I have seen it as have others, Its discusting. If you do see it what exactly will you do about it?


And think about this: Vendors do this out in the open.........

Not only do they sell this, but they obviously do not worry about possible legal consequences!

here in Hat Yai the vendor will ask you if you are interested, but as I don't do 2D Sex.... :rolleyes:

"Vile, disgusting, dirty ^%%#$@!, reaching for the sick bag, cancerous cockroaches, another level of depravity, another, more sinister, side to this, the nastier side of the human condition, severe and scary, filth, sh1t, Disgusted, twisted logic, warped, little, if any morality, this sort of filth, the nasty farang, personality disorder, this sort of shit, god awful stuff, Flabbergasted, these scum buckets, castration against these low-lifes, stretch them low and cut them (off)!, "Sickos", sickening, criminal enterprises, Pretty vile stuff, shyt, sickening, shocked, sad commentary on the morals, greed and corruption of the police and all those involved, Disgraceful, mortifies me, abhorrent, lewd, disgusting and disturbing, pathetically cultural, sickening, crosses a line of corruption and depravity that is beyond the pale, sick desires, the lowest of the low, very disturbing,..."

OK, OK, I get it already! Get a grip!

The point being; there is no point.

Nothing new here, except what Westerners think about something that is the norm for these people.

Much ado about nothing.

I really couldn't give a shit what is the "norm" for these people. I've got a 7 year old daughter. If it's all much ado about nothing would it be alright if I came and filmed somebody shagging a pre-pubscent member of your family and then flogged the tapes on the streets? Would you be so blase about it then?


So a lot of posters have seen kiddie porn openly on display in the past. It has disturbed then greatly, yet they haven't felt troubled by it enough to go to the police or tip off a newspaper. Or for that matter to post anything on a discussion board. Until now.


Im sure many of us have bought the latest hollywood from these stalls, but i for would would be happy to have to pay for originals movie releases to get this god awful stuff of the streets for good, in fact i will no longer buy movies from these vendors from now on!

And with a decent internet connection, you can download any of them anyway. Forget the hassle of facing those guys, opt for home delivery through your favorite torrent client.

Both are illegal. To be fair, I don't think all DVD vendors deal in the kiddie porn material, and certainly not all are displaying it openly.


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

And what about yourself? Normally reading about crime don't make you a crime suspect or?


How can people on this forum claim this to be such a terrible thing but claim to see it on a daily basis and do nothing about it. Please don't plead ignorant as if you don't know what to do.

Sorry mate, I'm not going to be the next naked falang tossed off a high rise building. Considering this stuff is so in the open and the police see it daily, you can only assume the police are involved in it. It would not exist in the open otherwise.

But, personally, this highly offends me and I would immediately report this if I saw it, and demand a copy of the police report.

Considering the police are probably in on it or at the very least are taking huge pay-offs from them to look the other way, I'm not sure how far that would go. At best, they would remove the DVDs for a day or two and then they would go right back to selling them. You're in a no win situation when such a horrible crime is backed by the police.

In pattaya the first one I noticed was out the front of the police station on the beach road, they were having a free community show on at the time and I couldn't believe the vendor was set up selling child pornography RIGHT THERE.

I rest my case.

Any Rambo types who want to come down and smash the face of the vendors, please send me a PM first so I can go down and film it. 10 to 1 says it will backfire on you and you'll only end up cashing out the vendor as well as the police. If you're lucky, one of Pattaya's sorry excuse for a news company may even report than the kiddy porn belongs to you.


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

And what about yourself? Normally reading about crime don't make you a crime suspect or?

Clearly suggesting that reading about this is suspect is a blatant troll tactic, but here we are responding to it.

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