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Hotels In Bangkok Refuse Blacks And Indians


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I am shocked at the amount of racism on this board! :o not every black dude sells drugs for a living.


I'm more dismayed than shocked. And on many levels. So a mutliplatinum selling artist chooses to not over spend and he's taken to task for that here? And just because someone sells a lot of records doesn't mean he has yet to see that cash come in. Maybe he takes care of his family homeside . . . maybe he's cheap . . . maybe he doesn't like the aesthetics of the hotels most people think of as posh. Whatever.

And the race issue!!!! Holy [something offensive]. This is like saying that every Ozark resident is a toothless child molester and the whole region should be burned to the ground to cleanse the world.

And please do not forget that alcohol is as much of a drug as pot, cocaine, Paxil, ibuprofen, TV, & caffeine.

Please, just make the choice to assume the best of everyone, even when they disappoint you. You don't know what they're going or have been through.

Yes, certain parts of town attract certain types of people, but the Brit looking for cheap tail is not different than a Black man looking for cocaine. They're both doing something that they think make life a little better. Whether tail or any drug will is to be seen by that person at their last breath.


Enjoy your beautiful chaotic city of Bangkok. Help each other make it a better place to be. That will be achieved through kindness and generosity in your smallest interactions, and not through government policy.

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Who in the right mind would want to share a hotel with Africans?

Now i make sure when i check in that no Africans are staying, if the hotel does have a African staying I will just WALK OUT, it's just not worth the HIV risk staying in the same hotel.

Thank God the Thais can stand up to the savages.


This is my personal choice and I know plenty of higher class farang such as myself who hold the same views.

Although I only stay in 5* hotels I might have to check this Nava hotel out.

And I am suprised a African teacher is on this fred, can i ask do you have to take a AIDS test before you work with thai children?

One would like to think of the HIV risk

And I don't want want to be on the same "fred" as you. I suppose if there is anything good to be gained from posts like yours its the knowledge that you are helping to disprove controversial views that whites are genetically more intelligent, clearly not so in your case :whistling:

Edited by roamer
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Excuse me, but I haven`t any names. Glad you fell for my bait.

Well done having a non aryan child, my children are non white.

He didn't say you named names, he is saying that you are a typical liberal that starts to shout 'racist' as soon as anyone might point out that racial profiling of some individuals in some areas have a basis in statistics.

What is "liberal" about equal rights? We tried apartheid in South Africa and it didn't work. Businesses may have the "right" to refuse service to anyone they want, but this kind of behavior creates all sorts of problems and is ultimately not good for the economy.

post-6519-043556700 1286205539_thumb.jpg

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Excuse me, but I haven`t any names. Glad you fell for my bait.

Well done having a non aryan child, my children are non white.

He didn't say you named names, he is saying that you are a typical liberal that starts to shout 'racist' as soon as anyone might point out that racial profiling of some individuals in some areas have a basis in statistics.

What is "liberal" about equal rights? We tried apartheid in South Africa and it didn't work. Businesses may have the "right" to refuse service to anyone they want, but this kind of behavior creates all sorts of problems and is ultimately not good for the economy.

What do you mean you tried it and it didn't work? Were you not the strongest country in all of Africa under apartheid? Did all your industries not flourish?

10 more years and South Africa will be no better than her Rhodesian neighbour.

The neighbour of white South Africans fleeing South Africa is testament to the fact it is fast becoming uninhabitable under the current black regime.

But I guess, looking at the way things are for the natives, we'll be able to move back in in about 50 years, once Darwin has his say.

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While I think it's bad that they refused this guy service because he's black, I can honestly see how this will be a growing trend as the police and immigration are doing nothing to stem the flood of west African drug dealers, pimps and con artists that have taken over lower Suk.

What they should be doing is discriminating based on country of origin and not giving these people visas to come here in the first place.

This is not a racist thing, it's a human garbage thing. These west Africans are out on the lower sois of Suk every night and hanging around malls like Paragon selling drugs, pimping their unattractive, over the hill women and running counterfeit money and shady business investment scams. They are not here to hold honest jobs. They are not tourists looking to have a good time. They are here as an organized group of criminals and the police are being paid to let them operate. There are some articles in the Bangkok Post about this if you want to see how bad it's gotten. It's good that Gullivers kicked them out as they were harassing paying customers on a regular basis.

And before you say "whites and Thais are selling drugs also" these west Africans are 100 times more blatant and out in the open. They also don't leave you alone when you say "no" and many times will continue to follow you and harass you. I read some news reports that said there are as many as 400 of these guys working the Suk area now and the number of Africans locked up in Bangkok prisons has exploded in just the past several years. When the police do arrest them, they are either bailed out or replaced by more cheap foot solders from back home. If the police and governemnt are going to do anything about this, then the private businesses have no choice but to protect their business and customers.

Even the Nigerian embassy said some years ago that they estimated 99% of all Nigerians traveling to Thailand were either smuggling drugs or looking to act as dealers when they got there. That's their own embassy saying that.

Again, this isn't a "black" thing, it's a west African criminal thing and it's gone from nearly zero to out of hand in just a few years. I just hope the Thai mafias wake up and put the smack down on these guys before they get a foothold like the Russians have.

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It's absolutely disgusting and abhorrent to make bad assumptions about a person based on the colour of their skin, their " class " status or the country they are from. The sort of person who would do such a thing is nothing more than a low life bigot who I would never wish to associate with. We are all one under the skin, all equal and deserving of the same respect as fellow human beings.

Apart from the French.... :D

This is the best post on this subject.

As an American, I cannot understand racial bigotry. Yes, I have seen it, but it has always startled me, especially as Americans are so racially mixed.

Yes, some will be offended, but it is clearly stated in the record - for the first century of colonization, ships carried mostly men. Naturally, those men eventually married and had children. Without women from Europe, then the obvious choice was Native American women...

Mankind has always done this. This is why so many Europeans come to Thailand - to procreate...LOL

Edited by dighambara
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Excuse me, but I haven`t any names. Glad you fell for my bait.

Well done having a non aryan child, my children are non white.

He didn't say you named names, he is saying that you are a typical liberal that starts to shout 'racist' as soon as anyone might point out that racial profiling of some individuals in some areas have a basis in statistics.

Racial profiling based on statistics?

In other words, tar everyone of a certain kind with the same brush. Living here in Thailand as a stranger in a foreign land, I live in hope that the Thais never take same attitude against me; otherwise Thailand is going to be a pretty miserable place to live.

Thai's are not racist towards farang.What planet are you on.And stop waving your race card unless you've got good reason to,

The statement that Thais are not rascist to Farangs must take the award as the most naive on the thread.

They are rascist to Farangs where it hurts most , in dual pricing policy .

I dont mind being turned away from an "Asian Only "Club in Bangkok, or a Thai Only karaoke in country Thailand...its probably better that they warned me.

But I do object to being quoted 1800tb for a hotel room my Thai girlfiend has just established is 1300, I do object to having a fruit vendor stutter a price double what my Thai friends have just paid for the same thing and I dont like to go to Clubs that have a Free Entry sign in Thai and a Farangs 200 Baht sign above that in English.

And I especially dislike going to a National Park and seeing that its only non Thais who pay 300 baht for a trickling waterfall, with Thais throwing their food containers over the edge to watch them float.

The only thing the 'rapper' has to complain about, is not being of any particular colour, its about not getting his money back.

I had accommodation houses in my native country.

I regularly refused rooms to people based on their attitude and appearance.

The nationality I refused most often was my own. If anyone knows what they can get away with, without penalty, its a national.

The reason I refused them was for the good of the other guests., not because I didnt need their money.

Anyone who went 'off the rails' once in, was offered a refund and told the room was no longer available.

Amazingly , the vast majority accepted this quietly, they were obviously experienced at being ejected.

But god help me if the 'refused' potential customer was a minority or had a disability and was vocal, then I had to fight the government over my decision.

The Hotel, the school, the taxi, the bank ( try opening an account here) should have the right to refuse a customer its services and does so , unmolested, in Thailand.

The only complaint the rapper has thats valid, I say again, is that his deposit was not refunded. ( Tho I think the whole story is a beatup.)

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It is their country!

It's their business, they should be able to serve who they want.

The West Africans are clearly causing problems. If the Thais can't tell the difference

between an American and an African it is their own stupid fault.

I am discriminated for and against nearly every day of my life in Thailand just because I am a Ferrang.

It is the same deal for the "Ne-croe" except they are so used to the racist white man apologizing for this kind of bullshit.

This is Thailand, they should just move on. It sounds like they are far better off not staying at that Hotel anyway.

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It's their country, indeed, but they do invite the WORLD to come here, at least as tourists and visitors. I think there's the rub. People who make the serious decision of living here indeed do have to take the warts with the goodies, but visitors deserve to be treated with hospitality regardless of color, or it puts the entire Land of Smiles marketing meme down the toilet.

And yes, that includes Israeli backpackers ...

Edited by Jingthing
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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

Thailand IS a racist country. I have experienced being refused entry into bars and also been denied being able to rent an apartment because I'm Black. I've found that showing my US passport usually helps me get into bars as it seems most bars "will" let me in "if" I show them that I'm from America. None of that really bothers me much as I feel comfortable knowing that these businesses aren't getting my hard-earned money. What bothers me more are the racist Farang here. The Farang are far more racist than any Thai could be. I use to find that very surprising that White folks would travel to a country where the natives aren't White and be racist.

It's so bad that I can actually guarantee you that I'll have a serious problem with some idiot racist Farang any night I choose to go out. If I don't immediately have a problem all I have to do is try another establishment or bar. If I mingle with enough Farang and it's guaranteed. It's nothing to do with my behavior as I'm one of the most reserved acting and self-controlled individuals you'll meet. I recently went on holiday to Nong Khai and met several interesting Farang who wanted me to hang out and hit the bars with them. I explained my reservation as I have so many problems with Farang in this country. They told me not to worry as I'd be with them, but they also added that they thought I was just being paranoid as it couldn't be that bad. I explained that they'd soon see as a problem was guaranteed to happen if we went to enough places. Sure enough, a few hours later we are in a bar with a guy across the room yelling at me that "Niggers should die!" etc, etc, etc. He went on for awhile. Wasn't anything I had done and it never is as I know how to act appropriately and in this case I hadn't even spoken to this guy as he was on the other side of the room. My new friends all apologized to me and had to admit that they just didn't know it was that bad here. Good morning, it is!

I'm sure there are worse countries than Thailand, and there are a handful of countries I'd never want to visit, but Thai's are racist. Thais are probably more racist amongst themselves though as many of you certainly understand what I'm talking about, and I won't go into explaining that as I have less issues with the Thais and more with the Farang here as their racism is much more blatant and hateful. With Thais its usually just a case of them cowardly saying something rude in Thai or "not" getting my hard earned money which just leaves me with more money at the end of the day, but with the Farang it's usually aggressively confrontational. It'd be nice to be able to go out and relax or have fun without fear of getting into a fight.

Mike. I don't know if you have ever been RSA, but if you have you will know that the blacks there are very racist. They have an 'affirmative action' policy. By that I mean that if you see a job advertised in the newspaper that has the 'affirmative action' logo no whites, browns, Indians or Chinese need apply. These jobs are reserved for black. people. Even if you are more qualified the black guy will get the job. I was shocked and stunned to see this on my last visit because racism is alive and well in South Africa, but now the boot is on the other foot.

Cheers, Rick

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The only reason Africans are there is to commit crime. I'm not speaking from prejudice, I am speaking from experience.

As for the Indians, they're just .. [ 2 words deleted ]

This post has been edited by george: 2010-10-03 20:24

Reason for edit: Racistic comment removed /Mod

A Shame Hayden5650 aint been removed from the forum yet,37 reds from one post up to know.. :o

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My thing is : when you are in Thailand you have to deal with their rules. People don't need to make a fuss and cry about it, just keep it moving.

I'm not racist, but when was going to school on sukhumvit road I would just look and wonder <deleted> are all these buk dum and Arabs doing on this block? It don't make not any type of sense to me why a black person would be doing in Thailand unless it was for school or business.

My point is that to me, Thailand is not a country where more than one race is born there, so if they choose to believe and think all blacks are bad and sometimes they do see them commiting crimes, then they have a right to stereo type and choose who they serve.

Get abunch of blacks together and they feel the same way. It's not a one way street.

Drop a Thai or white or Indian, to Kingston jamacia, or some place in Africa, or drop a white guy off in, Saudi Arabia, it could easily be the exzact same for the Thai/white/black guy to get discrimitated.

Wow, "It don't make not any type of sense.." eh Jed?

Like we couldn't just be living here productive and enjoying life right?


Or we couldn't afford to be here on Vacation right?

Ignorant peasant.


All I can say is as a Black American here in Thailand for going on 10 years now, I have not personally experienced any anti-black sentiment from Thais. ONLY from whites (much like you and Hayden), Ever, anywhere in the world. And never without ..

a. Being behind the safety of a computer screen

b. Being Sh*tfaced Drunk

c. 4 or more of their friends to back them up.

If that hotel did that to me, I dare say, I would not be so cavalier as he was, and be willing to brush it off so easily. I would get my money back, or I would give the owner a reason to be racist.

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The only reason Africans are there is to commit crime. I'm not speaking from prejudice, I am speaking from experience.

As for the Indians, they're just .. [ 2 words deleted ]

This post has been edited by george: 2010-10-03 20:24

Reason for edit: Racistic comment removed /Mod

A Shame Hayden5650 aint been removed from the forum yet,37 reds from one post up to know.. :o

Hayden will not be banned or deleted, you only get banned here for being racist against Jews or "overly" critical of isreal.

Blacks, Arabs, Indians, whatever...you can bash them here till your hearts content.

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I find it hard to believe what your saying Mike.

I have been out a number of times with American black guys and never saw any one make any racists remarks.

Drunks in bars will start fights with anyone who they think is easy prey. It sounds like you've just had a few bad nights. So have I, probably from the same <deleted>.

Most people make racists remarks at some point in their life, possibly even you.

The reality is the average Ferrang in this country would feel more empathy towards you than hate.

I don't believe me or any of my white friends would just stand by and let you get physically attacked for being black.

I think you would find the vast majority of Ferrang feel the same way.

Now if you started wearing track suit pants out, not bathing properly and went around trying to sell shit to people they really didn't want, that would be different.

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I find it hard to believe what your saying Mike.

I have been out a number of times with American black guys and never saw any one make any racists remarks.

Drunks in bars will start fights with anyone who they think is easy prey. It sounds like you've just had a few bad nights. So have I, probably from the same <deleted>.

Most people make racists remarks at some point in their life, possibly even you.

The reality is the average Ferrang in this country would feel more empathy towards you than hate.

I don't believe me or any of my white friends would just stand by and let you get physically attacked for being black.

I think you would find the vast majority of Ferrang feel the same way.

Now if you started wearing track suit pants out, not bathing properly and went around trying to sell shit to people they really didn't want, that would be different.

While I never had it as bad as Mike is talking about, I'm a pretty big guy, and I never was one for hanging out in a bar. I would go in maybe have the obligatory drink, pick who I wanted for the evening, and head out with her to get my money's worth :D

That being said, I have seen it. When I used to live in Pattaya, I was (on more than one occasion) approached by whites asking for drugs. I told em to ask their mother's and they F'ed off.

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I guess it depends on what one calls racism. Growing up in West London during the 70s, I had to deal with real racism that involved literally having to fight for your life with white youths on a regular basis.

I guess my racism sensors aren't as sensitive any more but I do feel for Mike having read about his experiences. I don't think I'd've been as tolerant as he was. I would have decked the fugger.

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^well roamer, the lad is correct about alarmingly high HIV rates in most african countries. However certainly not because of the colour of their skin, but the use of no condoms, rape and course substandard blood transfusions/medical care.


True, no one here is disputing that. I was simply pointing out that he is an idiot. His argument is that he won't stay in a hotel if an African stays there because of the risk of HIV. Well I hate to think what nefarious practices he indulges in that merely staying in the same hotel puts at risk. Stupid argument...does he also refuse to stay there if there are Africans working in the kitchen...might even expectorate in his food you know. Does he refuse to fly if Africans are on the same flight breathing the same recycled air ?

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The Africans can be a pain in the arse, sure, but they wouldn't be on the streets selling drugs unless there was a demand for their wares. The majority of their customers are Thais followed closely by whites.

The African prostitutes are there because there is a demand for their wares - The majority of their customers are Arabs followed closely by whites.

So its Whitey/Thais fault theyre here selling drugs, and Whitey and Arabmans fault for them bringing aggressive vile hookers here.

Glad you cleared that one up.

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You know HardenedSoul I went to school in North London for two years in the eighty's.

I moved from Australia and the only kids at my school who would talk to me at first were the black kids.

So I would go to there neighborhoods on the weekends and on a number of occasions I would have

bigger black kids hold me up or bash me against the wall and try and rob me. If it wasn't for my friends

I would have been in real shit.

Back then in the Southern states of Australia we didn't have any black kids to be racists towards.

So when I moved to England, I couldn't believe it or even understand why people would be so shitty to one another.

I once saw a young black kid get the absolute shit kicked out of him on a bus by a gang of skin heads. Terrible!

Apart from Mike's story I haven't herd of any of that shit happening here.

I don't know if I'm racist or not, I don't care to much what people think of me, but I do know that I feel a hel_l of a lot better

about a black guy once I know he is American or English.

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I guess it depends on what one calls racism. Growing up in West London during the 70s, I had to deal with real racism that involved literally having to fight for your life with white youths on a regular basis.

Try being white walking through certain parts of London predominantly populated by people of Afro Caribbean/ Somalian/ Pakistani origin in 2010, now that is real racism.

Edited by Englander
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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

Thanks for your post which reminds us that racism is as widespread amongst Westerners as it is amongst Thais.

One night for a laugh as I was walking around the Nana - Asok area, I decided to simply approach every black I saw and ask for cocaine or weed. Every single one was able to give me info, prices, tell me where to go.

The only reason Africans are there is to commit crime. I'm not speaking from prejudice, I am speaking from experience.

As for the Indians, they're just .. [ 2 words deleted ]

At last people speaking from experience and not from the liberal politicaly correct notebook!

We had a discussion a while back about Africans standing on street corners selling drugs ,fighting different gangs for their pitch. How dare you I heard most people say.

I travel at least 5 times a year to Thailand and have Taken Nana and the surrounding area off my places to stay. These people have brought the place down. I call it Racial profiling these people have come to exploit Thailand !Why the Thais have allowed it to go this far I don't know.

Its not all but it is most off them, the problem is a Black guy comes for a holiday and he gets the brunt of it .Well last i heard they are all brothers(Thats a quote from my Black friend) so sorry Brother blame it on the Brothers

I love Thailand because we are all Farangs and Thais come first I respect that.

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I'm quite sure the decision not to accept people from these two groups wasn't based on racism but purely previous experience. I've heard some horrible stories from bar girls relating to Arab men. Surely this gives the girls the right to refuse their custom for the same reason. I admire the Thai people for not being afraid to take proactive measures, and they will do so equally with their own people - I've seen plenty of signs banning lady boys from hotels as well.<br>

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The hotel has a right, as any private company, to set their own policies.

Don't like them? Don't support them.

A company is always a for profit venture, so they only instigate policies like this if it makes sense in their wallet.

Ask yourself why that is.

(They should however have refunded them for their pre-paid booking.)

<snipped from TAWP's post # 30>:

racial profiling of some individuals in some areas have a basis in statistics.

Here's why racial profiling is wrong:

It goes against the very basis of the Western justice system—that we are all innocent till proven guilty. In turn, this involves the concept of keeping an open mind, a fundamental Western notion in education, social interaction, law and science. This precept is a big reason why The West is in so many ways more advanced.

Racial profiling is convenient, it may indeed work a lot of the time in solving immediate problems, but it's the thin end of the wedge because it requires that we abandon some very fundamental principles that have contributed to so much progress, and alleviated so much human misery.

Businesses are part of the social fabric. Like individuals, they have duties as well as rights. Businesses should not have the right to refuse service on the basis of race, creed or sexual orientation because eventually that leads to first, fragmentation, then the coalescence of business, neighborhoods, schools, etc defined by race, creed or sexual orientation. Ghettos and divisions, based on nothing more than superficial features. The fact that ghettoization happens anyway is beside the point; it should not happen by way of discrimination or a policy of marginalization by businesses or governments.

We all want a better world. It should be self-evident that we cannot have that by creating or encouraging divisions, or acquiescing in other people's divisive behaviour.

Racial profiling is to be condemned because, as useful as it *may* be in some situations, it is ultimately divisive.

Edited by Thakkar
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I'm sorry Thakkar but I disagree with you.

The sad reality is that these people create their own racial profile because it is culturally unnecessary for them to bath.

So even if you bury your head in the sand you can still smell them.

Life and limb are also culturally unimportant to them.

One thing you can be quite sure of is that you are going to be racial profiled by them.

Where are all the great scientific, educational and legal advances come from bringing Nigerians into Western countries?

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I guess it depends on what one calls racism. Growing up in West London during the 70s, I had to deal with real racism that involved literally having to fight for your life with white youths on a regular basis.

Try being white walking through certain parts of London predominantly populated by people of Afro Caribbean/ Somalian/ Pakistani origin in 2010, now that is real racism.

:lol: Real Racism to be called white trash and have a few stones thrown at you? Mate I come from that part of London, not far from Southall. yeah your right there is racism there aimed at the whites but its far from real racism! :blink:

try picking cotton for years on end IF you survive and not get paid but get regular beatings for it. taken away from your homes to work as slaves, now thats real racism. did you ever study history? come forward a few years to London during the 60s and 70s, whats that they called paki bashing! I think whatever you have tried in London 2010 is a lot less than many blacks have gone through over the course of a few hundred years.

I am shocked at the amount of racists there are on this board and yet most of you are screwing Thai girls :blink: the mind boggles.

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