webfact Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Red warriors are 'planning more attacks' By The Nation Red warriors are planning to wreak havoc on the country again, a security source said yesterday. The information came from Kittichai Jansawasdee, who was arrested on Saturday afternoon after trying to escape from a red-warrior den in Chiang Mai, the source said. When Kittichai reportedly asked for directions from locals, he looked so suspicious that they alerted their village head, who later sent him to police. The source said that during police interrogation, Kittichai confessed that he had been staying with 12 other red warriors at a resort in Chiang Mai since September 7 but could no longer bear the intense pressure there. "He said he was homesick and was beaten too. All red warriors have received weapons training on the Thai-Cambodian border before," the source said. According to the source, Mae On Police Station superintendent Colonel Kanit Prasarnsuk led a team to arrest 11 suspected red warriors at the resort later on Saturday. A man identified as Saharat, the leader there, was not present during the raid and remains on the run. The resort's owner denied knowing anything, the source said. Kittichai told police the resort had rented two villas to his group for Bt12,000 each per month. A source at the Department of Special Investigation said cash was being brought in from Cambodia to finance black-clad warriors' terrorist operations in Bangkok later this month. -- The Nation 2010-10-04
Jingthing Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 They are threatening to wreak havoc again, are they? To those who deny it, don't such threats alone, even as threats, qualify as terrorism? They seek to repress normal society and instill fear in the masses, not to mention tourism. 1
siampolee Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Kittichai Jansawasdee. Kittichai confessed that he had been staying with 12 other red warriors at a resort in Chiang Mai since September 7 but could no longer bear the intense pressure there. "He said he was homesick and was beaten too. All red warriors have received weapons training on the Thai-Cambodian border before," the source said. A man identified as Saharat, the leader there, was not present during the raid and remains on the run. Interesting to see the purported links to Cambodia. Brotherly love possibly to be extended to Thailand by the Marxists. Thaksin and his acolytes are indeed evil and it seems as if they will stop at nothing to reinstall the corrupt pillaging murdering regime of Thasin . Thaksins next step would be to follow in Jean Bedel Bokassa, cum Emperor Bokassa footsteps if he got the chance. Delusions of grandeur and megalomania are indeed a frightening mix. 1
PhilHarries Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 A man identified as Saharat, the leader there, was not present during the raid and remains on the run. Yet again the head honcho escapes, or just "happened" not to be there during the raid. The Thai polce force once again showing their true colours.
Buchholz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 more "Red Alert" Thai police capture 11 "red-shirt" militants in northern Chiang Mai BANGKOK -- Combined forces of police and security authorities in northern province of Chiang Mai arrested 11 "red-shirt" militants in a resort Saturday evening, a local website Kom Chad Luek reported Sunday. A local security source unveiled with Kom Chad Luek on Sunday that the Police Chief of Mae-On district in Chiang Mai Saturday arrested Kittichai Chansawatdee alleged as a member of "red-shirt" militants who said he had escaped from a resort where the rest of militants stayed and used as an operational base. As Kittichai confessed, the police were then able to capture the rest of the members, except Saharat who was claimed to be the leader of the group and was under arrest warrant issued by the Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation. According to Kittichai who reportedly said his personal code is j0011, there were 30 members of "red-shirt" militants trained in the border area of neighboring Cambodia and then around 12 of them came one by one to Chiang Mai to wait for an appropriate time for conducting operations. After being investigated, all 11 arrested militants are currently detained in a safe house in Chiangmai for further interrogation. They are native differently to northeastern, central, and northern regions of Thailand. Continues: http://newsystocks.com/news/3724354 Xinhua (China) - October 3, 2010
Buchholz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Since when are these as*holes 'warriors'. <deleted>' Nation sensationalistic BS press. What a crock. I agree that Xinhua's characterization is more appropriate: "red-shirt" militants Xinhua (China) - October 3, 2010 but as for the "warrior" aspect, that's what the Reds consider themselves as and that's what they call each other. Saedaeng’s “Prajaotaak warriors” I trained “Prajaotaak warriors” (so-called King Thaksin’s “warriors”) from: Interview with Saedaeng http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2010/06/18/translation-of-interview-with-sae-daeng/ and He is wanted for questioning about a death squad known as "Ronin Warriors," a mysterious group of Red Shirt supporters whom the government blames for grenade attacks on military and public targets. The Warriors' name is the Japanese term for a samurai without a master.from: Rogue Thai general shot in the head http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/bhounshell?page=7 and some Reds even go so far as to name their children that: Nakrop, which means "warrior", Sawadipol and his mother Laddawal Ponrit. from Who? Magazine article (in Thai): http://www.whoweeklymagazine.com/whatnews_content_detail.php?t=who&t1=whatnews&id=134 and Nakrop's father, the late Major-General Khattiya Sawadipol: The cover of one of Major General Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawatdiphol's books, on sale behind the barricades. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1005/S00086.htm
TheBarbarian Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Are the "Red Wariors" a branche of the army? Or did they just sprung up from the brain of CRES as it suits them well? 1
Buchholz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Are the "Red Wariors" a branche of the army? Or did they just sprung up from the brain of CRES as it suits them well? It sprang up from the brain of Seh Daeng.... *photo of Seh Daeng's splattered brain withheld* 1
Popular Post Crushdepth Posted October 4, 2010 Popular Post Posted October 4, 2010 Warrior seems an overly grandiose term for unemployed cretins with no regard for the lives of fellow Thais and woefully pathetic bomb making skills. 3
Buchholz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Additional example of Reds calling themselves "warriors". It's as ridiculous a notion of theirs as was their notion that senile, old Chavalit was going to come in on a white horse and battle the troops to save them. The Nation - May 15, 2010 Red-shirt Facebook page issues call for help UDD Thailand, a Facebook page which supports the red-shirt movement, urged red-shirt people to come out in full force to help the Rajprasong protesters survive the crackdowns over the weekend. The page, UDD Thailand, urged red-shirt people to gather at Imperial Lardprao, Imperial Samrong and Thai Com office in Kaerai and move together to Rajprasong. The page also asked the red-shirt people to be careful, saying the black-shirt warriors and former Army chief Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh would help them battle the troops. It said if the protesters survive past Sunday, the red-shirt movement would win the war against the government. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Red-shirt-Facebook-page-issues-call-for-help-30129419.html
animatic Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Kittichai Jansawasdee. Kittichai confessed that he had been staying with 12 other red warriors at a resort in Chiang Mai since September 7 but could no longer bear the intense pressure there. "He said he was homesick and was beaten too. All red warriors have received weapons training on the Thai-Cambodian border before," the source said. A man identified as Saharat, the leader there, was not present during the raid and remains on the run. Interesting to see the purported links to Cambodia. Brotherly love possibly to be extended to Thailand by the Marxists. Thaksin and his acolytes are indeed evil and it seems as if they will stop at nothing to reinstall the corrupt pillaging murdering regime of Thasin . Thaksins next step would be to follow in Jean Bedel Bokassa, cum Emperor Bokassa footsteps if he got the chance. Delusions of grandeur and megalomania are indeed a frightening mix. Especially when coupled to huge amounts of cash to implement those warped desires
Buchholz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Seems these "warriors" are beginning to squeal. The other paper is saying that Newin is alleging that Thaksin is targeting him personally with an assassination contract worth 20 million baht and that the information is being derived from police interrogations of the Reds just captured in Chiang Mai from this thread.
Ricardo Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Are the "Red Wariors" a branche of the army? Or did they just sprung up from the brain of CRES as it suits them well? Perhaps of 'the People's Army of Thailand', aka 'the patsies', alleged to be commanded by former-PM Chavalit, until he himself saw the claim at breakfast-time & very-firmly denied having anything to do with that farce force ! 1
SomTumTiger Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Put 'em down Texas style, and lets move on.
Buchholz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Are the "Red Wariors" a branche of the army? Or did they just sprung up from the brain of CRES as it suits them well? Perhaps of 'the People's Army of Thailand', aka 'the patsies', alleged to be commanded by former-PM Chavalit, until he himself saw the claim at breakfast-time & very-firmly denied having anything to do with that farce force ! that was a funny incident when they named him Commander-in-Chief and he didn't even know about it... LOL. What a clown show these Reds/PTP are, when they aren't bombing or burning or shooting.
Buchholz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Police raid Red Shirt base in Thai resort amid accusations of political assassination plans Police arrested 11 Red Shirt supporters accused of planning violent acts and political assassinations in Thailand, the Bangkok Post reported Monday. The arrests were made Saturday during a raid at Phu Fa resort in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, where police said the suspects were training to launch an attack. Police were led to the resort after Kittichai Chansawasdi, who was allegedly involved in the training, was reported acting suspiciously when he approached a man near the resort asking for directions. Kittichai allegedly confessed to police that he was part of the training, but fled the camp because he could no longer keep up with the demands of trainers and was physically assaulted. Kittichai said the group had been at the resort since September 7 after undertaking arms training near the Cambodian border. Continues: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/police-raid-red-shirt-base-in-thai-resort-amid-accusations-of-political-assassination-plans/story-e6frf7k6-1225933959007?from=public_rss Herald Sun (Australia) - October 4, 2010
hammered Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Disparate groups within the reds with different agendas and with organization now in a mess by the looks of it. The same can besaid of PTP right now with what Chalerm said yesterday at odds with what Plodrasop said. Is Chavalit trying to save the reds or save himself? He is a very weakened leader these days especially with the sidelining of the old contacts of his in the army and that position weakens every year. He runs the risk of going down in histroy as the worst ever PM and a total political failure and that is unlikely to be a tag he will want. Interesting times and anyone who expects the extremes of the reds to go quiet will be in for a surprise. It is looking like reconcilliation on mostly the establishements terms or conflict. The question is will the reconcilliators on the PTP side accept what is offered or not. In the meantime the extremists are getting ready to rock and roll but in a fairly disorganised and chaotic way with splintered leadership and pobably bad communications. That is a recipe for unpredictable events. And of course this time there are far harder elements now lined up to respond. All the talk of reconcilliation and that quite a few on both sides are serious about it indicates the options if it fails are nasty. Chalerms year zero option is also a sign of coming strife as what he proposes is obviously unacceptable to the other side and is a rejection of reconcilliation 2
Buchholz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Chalerms year zero option is also a sign of coming strife as what he proposes is obviously unacceptable to the other side and is a rejection of reconciliation Shockingly brazen interview with him in the other paper. His revelations about PTP and its plans are disturbing and yes, a rejection of reconciliation efforts and further refutes these repeated claims that Thaksin's not involved in all this mess.
Jingthing Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 So the war is still on then? Guess we aren't surprised.
hanuman1 Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 The page also asked the red-shirt people to be careful, saying the black-shirt warriors and former Army chief Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh would help them battle the troops. Once again the article jockey extraordinaire brings us another classic platter to help spread Truth and Clarity among TV members. This time we are offered a UDD Facebook page whose journalistic value or integrity need no questioning on this particular occassion since the piece backs up his own prejudiced views, and after all, the veracity of The Nation's reportage is well known among.....ooh, dozens of people. Let me ask you a question. Does a bullet through a person's brain help them in any way? What are you trying to say? The 'black shirted killers' were as much help to the reds at the moment they were killing them as they were months later with the benefit of hindsight. What part of the word 'help' don't you understand? With friends like that, who needs enemies? People such as you, it seems. So this post is a little confusing, but maybe this is what we should expect when 'informed' by the kind of people who probably think 'al-Quaeda' use letter-headed notepaper for writing internal memos.
Pi Sek Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 The page also asked the red-shirt people to be careful, saying the black-shirt warriors and former Army chief Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh would help them battle the troops. Once again the article jockey extraordinaire brings us another classic platter to help spread Truth and Clarity among TV members. This time we are offered a UDD Facebook page whose journalistic value or integrity need no questioning on this particular occassion since the piece backs up his own prejudiced views, and after all, the veracity of The Nation's reportage is well known among.....ooh, dozens of people. Let me ask you a question. Does a bullet through a person's brain help them in any way? What are you trying to say? The 'black shirted killers' were as much help to the reds at the moment they were killing them as they were months later with the benefit of hindsight. What part of the word 'help' don't you understand? With friends like that, who needs enemies? People such as you, it seems. So this post is a little confusing, but maybe this is what we should expect when 'informed' by the kind of people who probably think 'al-Quaeda' use letter-headed notepaper for writing internal memos. Actually his message was fairly clear. Your English vocab and grammar are fine, but I sort-of lost track when you started going on about a bullet in the brain. The UDD Facebook page (endorsed by the UDD publicly on stage) openly stated that Gen Chavalit and the black shirt warriors - you know, the ones that you say the govt employed to kill the red shirts - would fight the army in the streets of Bangkok. I thought Sean Boonpracong is responsible for the UDD Facebook page, isn't he? Or was that a govt employee hacking into their Facebook account? Certainly noone came out to deny it. Really, man, you look at the evidence, add 1+1 and get 3. 1
Buchholz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 The page also asked the red-shirt people to be careful, saying the black-shirt warriors and former Army chief Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh would help them battle the troops. - insulting language removed - This time we are offered a UDD Facebook page whose journalistic value or integrity need no questioning on this particular occassion If you are disputing the report and have some input as to what was written on the UDD Facebook page, we'd be interested in hearing. What did the posts on there say about the black shirts and Chavalit? Let me ask you a question. Does a bullet through a person's brain help them in any way? What are you trying to say? The 'black shirted killers' were as much help to the reds at the moment they were killing them as they were months later with the benefit of hindsight. - insulting language removed - Not sure what you're on about. All I was "trying to say" by my inclusion of that news was to provide another example of the Reds referring to themselves as "warriors."
monkfish Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Is today not the first day of Red Shirt Leaders trial? Too many unnamed sources in the Story! Who is the leak? Anyway better wait see how the Story develops! It looks like propaganda to me.
Portlandstone Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Wooohooo, look at all the web forum users ramble on about these situations when, only a few months ago it was the same users who were screaming that foreigners are not to get involved in Thai politics, and that what a foreigner thinks or says does not make even a dent on how things work out in Thailand.
elcent Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Seems like a real threat looming. Thailand is switching back into the clandestine fighting era which happened until about 19 years ago and now start again. Looks bad but not unexpected. This all was upset by the coup in 2006, until now not even a reasonable constitution in place due to the interim gov under the coup leaders. Lol, I never had visits from Montenegro on my site and then I got 8 within one day.
peacefulwarrior Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Quote: "A man identified as Saharat, the leader there, was not present during the raid and remains on the run." As it is always with these guys, be they Osama, Arisman or whoever... They never catch the leader, because then, there is no phantom to instill fear in the public via messages like this. Many countries have "state sponsored" terror, not only the U.S. and so it is my believe, that the fear mongering government or radical elements are setting these guys up in order to keep up the draconian security measures which allow for detainment without reasons, censoring the press and silencing any opposition. And the tactics have all the fingerprints of such clumsiness, like the bombs that first appeared on the parking lot of the justice ministry? Like every idiot from the reds is able to get military grade M79 grenades. And all the blue-shirts back then in Pattaya?
Insight Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Wooohooo, look at all the web forum users ramble on about these situations when, only a few months ago it was the same users who were screaming that foreigners are not to get involved in Thai politics, and that what a foreigner thinks or says does not make even a dent on how things work out in Thailand. Care to back this accusation up with a few quotes?
ableguy Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 So the war is still on then? Guess we aren't surprised. the war is still on my friend, thank God we have over a thousand generals in the Thai army, one of them must have a brain.
Buchholz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 are setting these guys up in order to keep up the draconian security measures which allow for detainment without reasons and yet, these measures are constantly being scaled back as more and more provinces are removed Like every idiot from the reds is able to get military grade M79 grenades. It doesn't take every "idiot" Red to have grenades, but there's no shortage of Reds with grenades, a small sampling of many:
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