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US Issues Travel Alert For Europe Amid Fears Of Terrorist Attacks


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U.S. issues travel alert for Europe amid fears of terrorist attacks

By BNO News

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- The U.S. State Department on Sunday alerted U.S. citizens to be vigilant travelling in Europe, amid fears of terrorist attacks in several countries.

"Current information suggests that al-Qaeda and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks. European governments have taken action to guard against a terrorist attack and some have spoken publicly about the heightened threat conditions," said the U.S. State Department.

Without specifying a country, the State Department said terrorists may elect to use a variety of means and weapons and target both official and private interests, and added that there is potential for terrorists to attack public transportation systems and other tourist infrastructure.

"Terrorists have targeted and attacked subway and rail systems, as well as aviation and maritime services. U.S. citizens should take every precaution to be aware of their surroundings and to adopt appropriate safety measures to protect themselves when traveling."

Intelligence agencies have warned during the last days of a terror plan to send teams of gunmen to crowded places to kill civilians in the UK, France and Germany, similar to 2008 Mumbai attacks.

"We continue to work closely with our European allies on the threat from international terrorism, including al-Qaeda," the State Department added.


-- 2010-10-04


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U.S. to travelers: Don't avoid Europe, but be on your guard

By Glenn Kessler and Edward Cody

Washington Post Staff Writers

Monday, October 4, 2010

The State Department issued a "travel alert" Sunday, cautioning American travelers of potential dangers in Europe after what U.S. officials said was an assessment of information that al-Qaeda appeared to be plotting attacks on cities there.

Full story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/03/AR2010100304580.html

The Washington Post

-- 2010-10-04


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Hamburg cell at heart of terrorist plot against Europe

By Nic Robertson and Paul Cruickshank, CNN

October 4, 2010 -- Updated 0752 GMT (1552 HKT)

Hamburg, Germany (CNN) -- A group of jihadists from the German city of Hamburg are alleged to be at the heart of the recent al Qaeda plot to launch co-ordinated terrorist attacks against European cities, according to European intelligence officials.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/10/04/europe.terror.plot/index.html


-- 2010-10-04


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Like the Mafia, the threat of what could happen is far more scary than reality and more far reaching than individual targets - let's get the whole world scared and achieve AQ's goals. Morons endorsed by Governments. dry.gif

Hardly. The governments issuing the advisories have an obligation to provide the information to the public. What do you think the oublic reaction would be if there was an attack and governments had not issued the warnings? There would be massive protests etc. and I am sure TVF would be filled with experts condemning the "failure" to issue the advisories. As thinking adults, people can decide how they will react to the advisories.

The german islamist Ahmed S. in Afghanistan US-Military Prison told CIA the story.

Hi Ahmed, how is Waterbording?

Do you know if waterboarding was used? In any case, I wouldn't worry too much about the al Quads, they are tough fellows what with their stoning of and tossing of acid on women, beheading & torture of prisoners and the practice of raping of young boys and girls. This is one moral dilemma I am not going to lose sleep over.

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Like the Mafia, the threat of what could happen is far more scary than reality and more far reaching than individual targets - let's get the whole world scared and achieve AQ's goals. Morons endorsed by Governments. dry.gif

Hardly. The governments issuing the advisories have an obligation to provide the information to the public. What do you think the oublic reaction would be if there was an attack and governments had not issued the warnings? There would be massive protests etc. and I am sure TVF would be filled with experts condemning the "failure" to issue the advisories. As thinking adults, people can decide how they will react to the advisories.

The german islamist Ahmed S. in Afghanistan US-Military Prison told CIA the story.

Hi Ahmed, how is Waterbording?

Do you know if waterboarding was used? In any case, I wouldn't worry too much about the al Quads, they are tough fellows what with their stoning of and tossing of acid on women, beheading & torture of prisoners and the practice of raping of young boys and girls. This is one moral dilemma I am not going to lose sleep over.

Yes but the problem is that this is not 'Intelligent' intelligence is it. Europe is a big place and to give a broad brush statement where it is said, 'well you can go, we are not saying don't go, but just be careful because we don't know where it is, or when it is or what it is', is as much use as tits on a bull really. With the size of the land masses and population involved it is much the same as issuing a warning that there could be an attack in the USA, but we don't know where or when or how. So what we have here is ass covering rather than trying to come up with something a little more accurate from the nation with the most sophisticated Intelligence network on the Planet. If that is the best they can come up with then don't issue it, because it is viewed by the intelligent as scaremongering, for political or commercial gain.

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Do not warry so much about Al Qaeda.

After the 9/11 and other Bush lies (WMD in Iraq) US Armee and alliance killed over 2 million Muslime.


And therein is the most amazing example of negligent risk management. Since 9//11 there have been 61 US citizens killed world wide by what could be deemed 'terrorist attacks' and in that period the US have spent more than 900 Billion on 'the war against terror'. In the same period of time, 550 000 US citizens continue to die every year from Cardiac disease, and 570 000 have died every single year from Cancer, yet during the period the US have only spent 3 Billion in research to save it's citizens from these diseases. I guess the dichotomy is that the 900 billion is for the benefit of the defence corporations, who had shareholders................ sitting on the Bush Administration. And then on top of all that is the sensless slaughter of so many lives as you point out, and for every one killed there are 5 who have suffered debilitating injuries. It makes me really hope that there really is a god, and we must all face eternal judgement, because it is as sure as hel_l the only way Justice will ever be served.

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Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said Tuesday that solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would take away much of the motivation for terrorism around the world.


Sure, of course, much but not all. But what do you think the odds are the sides can come to an agreeable peace anytime soon when the Gaza government isn't even playing and is opposed to the talks?

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Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said Tuesday that solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would take away much of the motivation for terrorism around the world.


Sure, of course, much but not all. But what do you think the odds are the sides can come to an agreeable peace anytime soon when the Gaza government isn't even playing and is opposed to the talks?

The Gaza government is opposed to talks because the Israelis refuse to stop work on the illegal settlements that are being built on what is left of Palestinian land. The Israelis continue to cut down 150 year old olive groves belonging to the Palestinian's, in their own land, and knock down Arabic houses for being illegal and unauthorised, despite the fact that they houses have stood there for 200 years and Israel has only been on the go since the 1950s. Israel have been in blatant breech of UN resolutions for 20 years, they refuse to comply and so long as the US back them the way they do there will never be peace. Israel now even tells the US to ram it when they ask for the settlement building to cease, and what happens...nothing! How can there be any talks while the Israelis continue to steal land and resources.

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Do not warry so much about Al Qaeda.

After the 9/11 and other Bush lies (WMD in Iraq) US Armee and alliance killed over 2 million Muslime.


And therein is the most amazing example of negligent risk management. Since 9//11 there have been 61 US citizens killed world wide by what could be deemed 'terrorist attacks' and in that period the US have spent more than 900 Billion on 'the war against terror'. In the same period of time, 550 000 US citizens continue to die every year from Cardiac disease, and 570 000 have died every single year from Cancer, yet during the period the US have only spent 3 Billion in research to save it's citizens from these diseases. I guess the dichotomy is that the 900 billion is for the benefit of the defence corporations, who had shareholders................ sitting on the Bush Administration. ...

It will not help to blame it all on Bush. A lame excuse. The killings in Iraq and Afghanistan are still going on.

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