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i'm new to computers and am looking for some help with a very simple matter,

i hope it's not too simple for this forum but i have a problem that's driving me mad

because i'm new to typing i type looking down at the keyboard,

but if i open more than one website at a time the screen changes websites while i'm typing,

you know what i mean.

while i'm waiting for something on one website i go to another but when the first website has

done what i asked the screen changes and i'm typing on the wrong website.

is there any way to stop this automatic changing,

if so,would somebody please take the time to tell me how,

and i will get off this forum and leave it to the experts

there are no other farangs where i live,

so i can't ask anywone,



Slow down, you moving too fast, got to make to moment last now,

before you know it you'll be feeling groovy.:whistling:

It' really that simple.

Perhaps a tabbed browser would help in this dilemma, such as FireFox, Chrome or Opera?

Best of luck!


You just have to slow down, you are moving to fast for your computer.

Open max 2 IE window and switch around until you are comfortable on what is going on than you go open IE as much as you want.


You would need to provide some more information to get a definite answer on what to do.

Such as your operation system and what browser you are using.

Without this information I’d agree with other posters. Download a browser that supports tabbed browsing.

(IE8, Firefox or Google Chrome are a few examples of browsers that support tabbed browsing).

You might already have a browser that supports tabbed browsing.

Either way, instead of opening up a separate window for each site, you open them up in separate tabs.

If you go this way, then no site will steal the focus and you can keep typing until you’re done.


If you do not understand the questions/responses above......

Do you know what operating system you are using? (Windows XP, Windows 7 etc)

Do you know what browser you are using? (Windows Explorer, Mozzila Firefox etc)

What computer do you have?

If you are OK with the above - sorry for insulting your intelligence and I won't bother you again. :jap:


And if you do use a browser with tabs, you can have lots of pages open at the same time, activate one by clicking the 'tab' at the top.

It will look like this

post-86914-051631600 1286321076_thumb.jp

And looking up every couple of words is also a good idea :)


Do you have a notebook or a Desktop?

Maybe whilst typing your fingers or part of your hand touches the touch pad and thus moves the cursor, thus opening a new page.


That issue is one of the things I hate most about Microsoft's internet explorer, always switching a window to focus when something new happens.

I would guess you are using IE6 which comes pre-installed on xp and is 9 years old.

Best solution - change browser. Do not use IE, it is terrible, full of security holes and displays webpages very badly!

My personal preference would be chrome, firefox, opera or safari - in that order.

Download them, try them and see which you prefer. Its a matter of taste, they all work well and will solve your problem.


wow,so mant replies in 24 hours,

many thanks to everybody for replying,

i think i will just have to slowdown and look up every

few words because i don't have a computer,

i just use a different computer every time at the internet shop

ah well,i was hopeing there was just a simple button that i could

press that i didn't know about,

thanks all,for your patience

i will leave yee back to propper computer talk,

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