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I don't know of any but I might be able to help you out. I've had a bad back problems for 35 yrs. I dont go to chiros now.

When I have an aching back I lay down on my belly n I get my Thai friend to press on it from bottom to neck with a gentle firm pressure using the heal of the foot. Then I get a

very hot shower all over the spine. Does wonders for a good sleep. You adjust to your own condition.

Also, when I have a problem n no friend around, I go to The Mall swimming pool at Bang Raak. Swimming is fantastic for for re-alihing the spine straight.

Works every time n have been doing all this last 20 years so I avoid the cost of a chiro. I have not needed to see a chiro in Thailand for 11 years I've been here.

All the best to you


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There used to be a western guy practising out of Samui Spa (colonic irrigation place) on the way to Lamai. Whether he was any good, I can't be sure. This was about a year ago though but I guess it would be a good place to start.

Yes, John is still at the Spa Samui. He comes highly recommended. I have sent the OP his number via PM.

Personally I'd let a professional look at my back and not try and solve the problem myself with the method mentioned above, or by a thai massage. This could make matters worse.


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  • 2 months later...

i happen to know of a real chiropractor that has just moved here in the last few days. i can't start sending out his number yet as i am not sure if he has decided to practice here or retire.

If this chiro decides to practice, please PM me his contacts! I know someone who would be very much interested in therapy.

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