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Swedish National Kim Roger Eriksson To Face Death Penalty In Thailand

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Swedish Kim Face the Death Penalty in Thailand


Kim Roger Eriksson is telling

Expressen about a living hell,

where fights and drugs is a

part of a violent environment.

By the way, Kim was arrested

for producing the so called Ice.

Photo: Scandmedia.

Kim Roger Eriksson, 29, according to Expressen, officially prosecuted for possession and production of more than 53 grams of methamphetamine, one of the most powerful drugs on the market. According to him self, he can risk to get the death penalty.

The Swedish tabloid Expressen is running an interview with Kim Roger Eriksson in their Sunday editio

During the entire interview the Swedish journalist is using something that seems to be Kim Roger Eriksson new family nam

When the Swede was arrested in mid-July. 2010, his full name was Kim Roger Eriksson, and scandasia.com prefer to stick to that name

During the interview Kim Roger Eriksson, who originally is from the north western part of Sweden, tells that he is locked up in the Klong Prem prison in Bangkok.

He is telling Expressen about a living hell, where fights and drugs is a part of a violent environment. By the way, Kim was arrested for producing the so called Ice.

Friday, the day when the detention of him, the prosecutor presented the charges against him in a court in Bangkok.

Kim Roger Eriksson is now, according to Expressen, officially prosecuted for possession and production of more than 53 grams of methamphetamine, one of the most powerful drugs on the market.

During the police raid in mid-July the police also found and confiscated a complete laboratory that is suspected to have been used to produce drugs, namely methamphetamine.

Under the Thai law possession of such a large quantity can be punished with the capital punishment if it’s assumed to be for sale.

And here comes the explanation of the use of a new family name.

Kim Roger Eriksson tells Expressen that he took his Thai wife's surname when they married.

He came to Thailand a couple of years ago and has been active in the Swedish real estate sector in the country, he says. To the knowledge of scandasia.com that information remains to be documented.

What is public knowledge is the fact that Kim Roger Eriksson claims he is innocent, According to him self he hasn’t done what he is accused of. The laboratory, which police found, he says, was not attempted to produce.

- I would not produce anything, just learn how it works. The knowledge I would just re-sell, he claims.

He puts the blame for the whole mess on another Swedish man, a chemist; he hired to teach him how the laboratory worked.

Kim Roger Eriksson suspect that the man always worked as an informer for the police. The may have disappeared shortly before the raid, which according Kim was led by the U.S. drug police DEA.

Source: http://www.scandasia.com/viewNews.php?news_id=7462&coun_code=se


-- 2010-10-11


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I don't feel sorry for him. Let him rot where he is.

" I would not produce anything, just learn how it works. The knowledge I would just re-sell, he claims" to me translates as "I want to teach others how to break the law."

Just as guilty :angry:

- I would not produce anything, just learn how it works.

Certainly one of the most lame excuses I've ever heard from someone charged with being the owner of a meth lab. :huh:

Another was the owner of a meth lab busted with about 10 kilos of it who offered up, "it was just for personal use, I wasn't selling any of it."


Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?<_<

Absolutely not. Even if he did not produce any ice, he was making a lab so he could sell a "how to" book to others so they could. He's guilty of something and deserves his jail time.


"I would not produce anything, just learn how it works" & The devil made me do it (U.S. drug police DEA)

Dear Mr. Eriksson

You are on a street car called denial.




TIT - I am as guilty as f@!k but as this Thailand it MUST be entrapment. Maybe the chemist was also complicit in the stitch up ??




TIT - I am as guilty as f@!k but as this Thailand it MUST be entrapment. Maybe the chemist was also complicit in the stitch up ??

Perfect. Or do the typical Thai politician thing...deny and lie...till the very end...


He came to Thailand a couple of years ago and has been active in the Swedish real estate sector in the country, he says. To the knowledge of scandasia.com that information remains to be documented.

Yes, such a confirmation might open the jar of pickled herring. :lol:

It wouldn't instill much confidence in the the hucksters peddling "dream homes" to the Swedish market.


I see some truth in this story.

Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.


Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.


I not intention to make bomb, I not want to kill infidel. I just want know how to make fertilizer go BOOM. No harm in that. I'm only guilty of getting knowledge.

Yeah, right. He's admitted to having the lab thus the means to produce the stuff. You do not buy a Ferrari just to see what's under the hood.


Life, for 53 gr. is way to much even it is grade xxxx whatever drug, it takes 2 to tango!

reminds me of some book I read while ago, forgot the title, but a guy, his gf, a disco, a little something slipped into the chestpocket of the guys shirt, "for make good sex later".... lights go on - routine raid by the BiB's and BANG!

it's way too easy - and life isn't the answer, what they do with this iranian caught with 3kg of ice at the airport - will he be put into a shredder?


Usually I would agree with the death penalty for manufacturing or selling drugs, but that is too swift and painless.

Let him spend the rest of his natural, suffering every day in the hel_l hole of a prison and I hope he suffers.


Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

Why Oslo?:rolleyes:

He is telling Expressen about a living hel_l' date=' where fights and drugs is a part of a violent environment.[/quote']

Living hel_l, not really at all, as foreigners are allowed to sit around all day and do as they please within reason of course. Foreigners are not required to work in a Thai jail.

Fights, not true, as any fight is severely squashed by the prison "trustees", and those involved placed in a punishment cell. Fighting is really discouraged in jails. Also, Thai prisoners will always leave foreigners alone, unless the foreigner really provokes the Thais. The guards leave the quiet foreigners alone because first they are no problem and secondly most foreigners(European/US) have an Embassy who sort of takes care of their interests.

Drugs are indeed available but are very, very expensive to purchase, and if a prisoner is caught using or selling then they will get taken to court and given even more time.

The bad thing about Klong Prem is that these guys cannot get out, but each section has a shop open all day where prisoners can buy food, drinks and snacks. And they have access to real doctors, nurses and medicine in the hospital section if they get ill.


Living hel_l, not really

As nice a picture you paint, I think I will give that place a miss. So what if you can buy food and drinks and snacks all day. For a great portion of the time you are couped up in a small sell with 50 or 60 other men who are all farting iching and scratching 24/7, made to sleep of little mats on the floor head to toe with other prisoners in the 30-40 degree heat with not even as much as a fan. If you arnt cashed up you might even be lucky enough to sleep right next to the shitter, so you can have the spinchter view & all the lovely smells that go with it.

Fish head soup doesnt sound that appealing either.


Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

Why Oslo?:rolleyes:

Oslo Stockholm...Same same but different :)


Living hel_l, not really

As nice a picture you paint, I think I will give that place a miss. So what if you can buy food and drinks and snacks all day. For a great portion of the time you are couped up in a small sell with 50 or 60 other men who are all farting iching and scratching 24/7, made to sleep of little mats on the floor head to toe with other prisoners in the 30-40 degree heat with not even as much as a fan. If you arnt cashed up you might even be lucky enough to sleep right next to the shitter, so you can have the spinchter view & all the lovely smells that go with it.

Fish head soup doesnt sound that appealing either.

What I am painting is the fact that the place isn't half as bad as people like the Swede make out, and no its more like 20 something to a cell and yes the cells do have fans, and the building is brick and therefore not as hot as you suggest as all cells have very large glassless windows. Also, all prisoners are out of the cells from about 7.30 AM until about 4 Pm everyday. Prisoners now have mattresses provided, and foreigners will get blankets from their embassies. Also, there is a space left empty around the toilet, so nobody has to look at someone's ass as you put it.

Lastly, foreign prisoners are allowed to buy their own food, so they don't have to worry about the prison food being inedible.

My comments are just to balance what the Swede is saying, that the prison certainly ain't the Sheraton but its not a violent, chaotic, drug infested hel_l hole as he states.


I see some truth in this story.

Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.

So you are saying that guy is just a helpless victim of a corrupt police & judicial system? Please open your eyes on what drugs is doing on people, specially those really innocent one who just happen to be close to drug-users (like their children).

Thinks about it, if the guy was a victim, why the Swedish embassy did not act?


My comments are just to balance what the Swede is saying, that the prison certainly ain't the Sheraton but its not a violent, chaotic, drug infested hel_l hole as he states.

True ... it is called the Bangkok Hilton whistling.gif




Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.



1. If you associate with criminals, and engage in illegal activities, (such as dealing in drugs) you need to expect that anyone who helps you...when they get caught...will turn on you and do almost anything to avoid going to jail themselves. That's just as true in the U.K., the U.S., Sweden, or Thailand as anywhere. So "don't do the crime if yu can't do the time" is what I say.

2. I'm not a "psycho farang". I know the police are corrupt in Thailand.

3. Entrapment is a common way to catch drug crooks...in Thailand and other countries also. It's usually their greed that gets them trapped. The Thai police use it all the time to get small fry to rat on the people above them, so they can catch those who supply drugs. No I'm not stupid, I'm fully aware they also use entrapment to catch farangs who get greedy (Jeez, If I could just get xxx grams of xxxxx back in my suitcase....I would be rich then).

4. I have absolutely no mercy or sympathy for drug dealers who peddle misery and pain...and that's what drugs are to the user who gets hooked. Drug dealers sell pain and degradation to their clients. If they want sympathy from me, they can look it up in the dictionary between s_it and syphilis.





Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.



1. If you associate with criminals, and engage in illegal activities, (such as dealing in drugs) you need to expect that anyone who helps you...when they get caught...will turn on you and do almost anything to avoid going to jail themselves. That's just as true in the U.K., the U.S., Sweden, or Thailand as anywhere. So "don't do the crime if yu can't do the time" is what I say.

2. I'm not a "psycho farang". I know the police are corrupt in Thailand.

3. Entrapment is a common way to catch drug crooks...in Thailand and other countries also. It's usually their greed that gets them trapped. The Thai police use it all the time to get small fry to rat on the people above them, so they can catch those who supply drugs. No I'm not stupid, I'm fully aware they also use entrapment to catch farangs who get greedy (Jeez, If I could just get xxx grams of xxxxx back in my suitcase....I would be rich then).

4. I have absolutely no mercy or sympathy for drug dealers who peddle misery and pain...and that's what drugs are to the user who gets hooked. Drug dealers sell pain and degradation to their clients. If they want sympathy from me, they can look it up in the dictionary between s_it and syphilis.


Agreed...especially when many drugs are sold to minors....they have been known to ruin many peoples lives. No sympathy from me. But I do agree the death penalty is a bit to harsh. Life in prison would be much worse...

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