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Have U Ever Had Your Wife/Girlfriend Stolen....?


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(could a mod please embed this video link for me..ta )

back in the west that old chestnut from Dr Hook.......when your in love with a beautiful woman.....certainly rings true,but what about here in thailand where theres a more than ample supply of beautiful women to go around? have u or someone u know had their wife/girlfriend stolen by another suitor?or maybe u were the one doing the dirty deed ? lets hear your story please

Edited by nattydread
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wheres all this beeutiful thai women you speak of. have you ever seen what the majority of farangs go for...............................god help us all!

seems farangs treasure inner beauty ove outer beauty!

Edited by capKnuckle
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I enjoy the share and share alike formula. That way I'm not responsible for all other costs. Rentals are cheaper in the long run and you can always trade up to the latest model.

However, I have had friends lose their wives to other men. The visible heart ache was quite noticeable. Easier to just stay out of that scene. In almost every case it was the women who did the initial contact outside of marriage.

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Im not sure if I would call it "theft" or a blessing. But yes, my wife did cheat on me. That siad, if there was any stealing going on, I would say it was her, because during her affair, she asked me to buy here a house.....

Now I think you know where this is going...

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To prevent this I sent Mrs Smith237 to Yanhee hospital.... They've given her a flat nose, made her 2.5 inches shorter, splayed out her toes, died her hair with henna, darkened her in the sun and given her home made tattoos.

Now I loose her in tescos and sometimes find Western guys with Redbull or Chang beer vests trying to steel her !

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I have lost Mrs Soutpeel on more than one occssion in Big C and Tesco's, does this count ?

You never lose your Thai girlfriend, you only ever lose your turn.


Greater love than this, he said, no man hath that a man lay down his wife for his friend. Go thou and do likewise. Thus, or words to that effect, saith Zarathustra, sometime regius professor of French letters to the university of Oxtail.


Stephen Dedalus

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My wife was stolen once , I was out at a party celebrating the loss But i got a threatening phone call telling me if i did not take her back they would send me money to take her back , i thought about it for a minite , i agreed to take her back as i needed the dosh , I asked where was my wife now , they said that she was out side talking to the washing to dry it,:blink:

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the only women i'm drawn to here are married. i enjoy picking out furniture and stuff with them. the grown up parts of a relationship like talking. but when i go home alone i'm glad of the solitude. married women are the perfect solution. but borrow. don't steal. and of course my rule about never hiding the sausage still stands.

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