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Why I Don'T Teach My Gf English


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Well, this has been one entertaining thread i must say..its got the lot...bickering, witty comebacks, tales of marks various sexcapades, name calling, picking on old guys..all the things we come to know and love on TV.:rolleyes:

And good for you Mark that you can take take the punches like a champ and give a few back whilest keeping your cool. I guess that is one thing that does comes with experience..hehe

Speaking of experience, i dont think ive ever heard of a guy who has worked in so many industries as you...

A long career in the army...another long career building bridges? (or communication towers was it?) after the war...(sorry, bad memory ..it comes with age.)..

A long career in what you could loosely describe as the..err..entertainment industry...Also i think there was mention of the food industry?....working in hotels/pubs at some stage?

Of course theres the education industry,..Did i also see you mention you had a stint in the aged care industry or something of the like?...

Oh, and you were building computers at some stage, so we must assume you have had experience in that industry as well...

You obviously are a writer, so we have that industry covered without a doubt..who could forget your nocturnal activities and adventures as reported in some of your earlier threads...one thing for sure you have had ample experience in the sex industry :whistling:

Actually I think a lot of your critics are a tad green that they probably will never have the opportunities to have such a colourful existance as you have..

Anyway, for mine it has been a good read..mark me down as a fan..(yes im obviously a guy with to much time on his hands)

As far as the "not teaching the Thai girlfriend English" bit, i think this is one of the most inspiring lessons that you could possibly teach these young whippersnappers who seem to delight in calling you and old fart.

We can only hope that one day they will come to appreciate the beauty of matrimonal silence and wish they had listened to you.

That's funny. I didn't want to come right out and say it. Matrimonial silence! Speaking only in Thai also gives one the opportunity of getting an exasperated look on your face and saying, “I don't understand. Sorry, I don't understand” Ka Tote, cup, my cow jai. There have been many times in my life that I wished I would have said that instead of a pithy retort in English. I'd still be married to wife number two.

Army, only two years active duty and 6 years reserve and a stint as a consultant for a couple of years but as a contract employee. I did a lot of things in the army not because I knew how but simply because I was the lowest ranking person in the office. If my communication tower fell down it was no big deal but if the General's communication tower fell down it was an international incident.

Ya I ran strip joints and taught at a college. I got off work at the college at 3 PM so had extra time.

I can't build a computer but I can buy an empty box and plug in the various parts and make it work. I thought most people could do that.

I worked a long time in hotels graduating from food and beverage director to general manager of the hotel. As a kid I washed dishes, cooked and worked on sail boats. I started working when I was 14.

I'm a good cook.

The retirement center for millionaires was a hotel and restaurant man's dream come true. A virtually unlimited budget to run a beautiful condo/resort/hotel with a four star restaurant that closed at 8 PM. I had a movie theater and a 100 seat performing arts center for ballet and opera. I wore a Tux every night (rich old ladies love guys in Tuxedos). We had 10 private parties every night and they all left for bed at 8 o clock. A thousand dollars was a cheap bottle of wine for dinner. Sure I got the leftovers. 90 year olds can't drink a whole bottle of wine. The wait staff were all college girls. My assistant managers, 25 year old dietitians. I could pay whatever I wanted. Not only were the ladies smart but beautiful as well.

I have a lot of faults. Liking women too much is one of them. But where else would a man who likes women retire? Ian who posts on TV is kind of my hero. He is a well balanced man. He spends time with the ladies in Thailand and then goes home to Canada to fish. I don't fish. I have thought about it but the Thais ate all the fish in the Gulf of Thailand and I don't like freshwater carp. I keep thinking I should get another hobby so people won't say I'm a womanizer.

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Hi Mark,

I really enjoy your posts here and so does my GF.

Let me eplain.

I met my GF on the beach of Hua Hin. I was reading a book and it was my 1st time alone on holidays in Thailand.

Looking from the corners of my eyes I noticed this group of ladies that were about to take a dive into the sea.

They kept their shirts and pants on and I was very surprised to see that (Didn't know anything about Asian culture).

So the curious guy I am I went to them with my dictionary in hand and asked them why they did this after they came out of the water.

After an hour or so I understood that is was for protection against the sun. I wish I knew this during my first visit to Thailand with my Ex (Farang) GF were I got a severe sunburn after my first day on the beach and in the water.

You might ask yourself why I did go on a holiday with my ex GF but that is another story.

Anyway I found out that this group was mother and two daughters on a short holiday.

The oldest daughter showed some interest and with help of the dictionary told me she was interested in me and would like to have my e-mail address just in case I would come to Thailand again.

Mother and her sister agreed (after some discussion) I was a fine guy.

So I gave her my mail address and 6 months after I received an e-mail from her asking if I died already.

I told her I would be in Thailand the next week and then she told me she would take the 9 hour bus ride to go and see me.

I arrived in Thailand and she was there. No English skill just used the dictionary.

Went back with me to SG and she watched the English channels and she picked up fast.

I was based in BKK a few years ago and her English is much better than my Thai. She says no worries I just learn a little bit English and you learn a little bit Thai.

If we know too much we only have fights.

She is so lovely and down to Earth.

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Good story, Alex. Everyone has different wants and needs. Last night I spent 2 hours on the phone with my younger sister who lives in London, England (I live in Canada). We discused how everyone is affected by what happens to them, and how they perceive life from those experiences. My 3 siblings and I grew up in the same family with the same parents, but we are as different as anyone could imagine. My parents were married for over 60 years, but from as far back as I can remember they always fought and yet always got back together again. I can only surmise it was because of love... despite their differences. Looking back as an adult I can see many of the mistakes my parents made and have to conclude that they were NOT good parents despite having our best interests at heart. My younger sister is a very successful writer and has traveled all over the world (google Leslie Forbes) and now she helps women who have lived through horrible experiencs in their native countries: Africa, India and the Middle East. What those women lived through would destroy just about everyone, and yet these women survived..

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Not sure why the concern if the thread goes slightly off topic?

The diversions sometimes make it a more interesting read IMO.

I notice a few recent posts have come from "long-time" posters, ( i use that term respectfully!) and i for one find it admirable that they are willing to share so much, considering that by doing so they often put themselves up for scrutiny and ridicule from the younger crowd.

Do they give a hoot?? I would say DEFINATELY not!

In Ians case he even has the fortitute to share personal pics, which is something ive NEVER seen any younger posters be brave enough to do. And Oh, Ian old mate, just when we thought we knew it all you tell us about this daughter of yours??!! Very impressive, Is she married?? (sorry, couldnt resist!)..

Actually i was hoping that this thread would address the pros and cons of being in a relationship where there is a significant language barrier....specifically where the farang guy has limited Thai speaking ability and the Thai GF has little, or next to no English ability.

A lot of posters think this scenario is ridiculous and have no qualms in pointing it out and ridiculing those who are in that situation. I must admit to thinking along these lines myself at first.

I remember asking repeatedly..."SERIOUSLY!,..how can you have a relationship with someone who you can't communicate with 100%?"

On the flip side, many have found that some Thai girls (depending where you find them of course) who DO speak VERY good English are sometimes not of the best ilk, possibly having engaged in dodgy part-time career paths, and therefor having less than desirable motives on the agenda.

In Marks situation he probably prefers his girl NOT to be to fluent in English. I can fully understand this, in much the same way that most of my former GFs did NOT want me to be to understand to much Thai. There are clear motives from both sides.

My latest GF speaks very little English and seems to have very little desire to do so. Yes, there are challenges involved, but i am suprised at the number of advantages that i stumble upon daily.

As always it is a learning experience..and after all learning is said to be the one thing that keeps us young..

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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Nice to hear from you Mark. Sorry you take my observations as insults, but I guess if the cap fits.........

Anyway, I've appended your response with some justification for my "insults". Hope the timing of my reply doesn't continue to confuse you; I'm not in England, I'm a long, long ways away, y'all, but that's hardly relevant now, is it?


"I really liked your last post. Some new insults.

Let me catalog them. 1. Dim as a TocH lamp. Yes, well, a TocH lamp is indeed very dim. I see no evidence in your postings of intelligence, which leads me to conclude you are dim. You could no doubt add to your already long list of claims of exploits a Doctorate in something or the other and it might even be true, but that would just add you to the list of educated idiots I have had the misfortune to encounter in my meanderings through life. I see you claim a degree in "Cultural Anthropology". Of course, claiming a degree in Physics or Maths might have presented you with a problem, but you're hardly likely to be tripped up with "Cultural Anthropology", now are you. You can BS all day long with that one. Glad to see it got you good jobs running the front desk in hotels, wiping the ar*ses of geriatric nuclear physicists, running strip joints and single handedly saving SE Asia. One example of your self serving attempts at projecting yourself as some sort of expert is lifting something from the internet and not crediting the source; worse, not even acknowledging you lifted it. Example, your post on this very thread on Oct 14 at 21.40. Read it. Here's your source http://www.country-d...y/r-13790.html. We can all Google, dude. There are other examples - clearly you lifted them, because they just ain't your style, but you fail to credit the source. I do hope you didn't do that when you graduated as a "Cultural Anthropologist".

2. A pervert. Yes, well, you indicate a penchant for women considerably younger than yourself who exhibit - see later - a rather worrying tendency to behave in a way considerably younger than their already tender years. I think that's perverted, but it is, I'll admit, just an opinion, I am no expert in perverted activities, thankfully.

3.(GF) a mental child. I don't need to comment. You do a more than adequate job as characterizing her as such.

4. Walter Mitty postings. Quote: "I worked in retirement centers where a big part of my job was to listen to old people who had shaped the world 50 years before I was born. Those people are almost all dead now. I knew three who worked in key positions of the Manhattan Project (atomic bomb). One old guy developed the trigger, apparently a problem area. He had nightmares almost every night. Young nurses used to tell him he couldn't smoke a cigar in his garden because it was against the rules. This man carried the burden of hundreds of thousands of dead souls and a 30 year old nurse was telling him he couldn't smoke a cigar. I met another person who had saved over a million lives. Yes I know this to be a fact. It was awesome to be in the presence of a person like that." Yes, it seems quite credible to me. I don't think. Want me to pull some more examples from your remarkable life? You claim to read Joyce & Miller. Joyce is easy, you reckon. You forgot Frank Harris; that's where you get your inspiration, I think.

5. He's well into dementia. Depends.

6. Old sod. I'm an old sod and I'm younger than you. So, by definition you're an old sod, or perhaps older sod.

It would be nice if you read my posts before you launched into your critique but one cant really expect to much from a Doubting Thomas can we. I have read your posts. At least as many as I can stomach. They're all about you and your fantasy life. Somebody commented that you must be writing a book, and I think he's right. It is a bloody awful book, and needs some brutal editing, not least to get your storyline consistent, because your senility is leading you to forget what you claimed last week. That's the trouble with being a charlatan and struggling with the truth. Honesty is at least consistent. You are not. Incidentally, quite why one "can't really expect much from a Doubting Thomas" only you know. And we know that you know. Boy do we know that you know. You're a legend in your own lunchtime.

You said,

"a Thai lady who spends much of her time listening to English conversation and fails to pick it up? My experience is that this is one area they were all born to; the ability to absorb new languages. Heck, many of them can speak Thai, Lao, Khmer, English and you name it."

My lady has never worked in a place where English is spoken and I speak Thai at home. I only watch two TV shows a week in English. So how is the lady going to pick up English? So, even if the lady was an Einstein she has had no opportunity to speak English. I don't associate with Falang on a daily basis and only know a couple who may visit once a year. I don't work with Falang either.

Also you might want to go to the teachers forum and ask them how easily Thais pick up English in a class setting. Since almost all Thai's study English for 12 years and the ones who go to college for 16 years or more it is rather odd that none of them can speak English.

Well, my observation is that you are talking bulls*it, which is just as valid as your observation. Except "almost all Thais study English for 12 years" is such patent nonsense that it requires no more comment from me. Except I will say that since I presume you include your GF in that statement, and if it is, at least, true for her, I stand by my comment that she's not too bright. Oh, and while I'm at it, your Thais can't speak English yet you, of course, speak perfect Thai. Of course you do Mark. Of course you do. Funny, my Thais speak pretty good English. Must be because they DIDN'T do 12 years of classes. There, I've solved the problem. BTW, the real reason they struggle with English that their teachers are truly dire.

I rather think the dementia to which you refer may be personal. Good luck with it. By the time of your post I assume you are posting from England. Weather is nice in Thailand right now, no flooding where I am.

Well no, not England. Actually one of the places you claim to have lived, possibly when running a strip joint, knocking up women left right and center and having secret meetings with "M" and "Q". As I already said, truth is consistent. You're not. Perhaps it's not dementia, perhaps it's something worse. As I said, Depends.

But thanks for the post. With the exception of the "old sod" one the rest were new insults and I appreciate new insults. It shows you put some thought into writing. Not particularly bright thoughts but at least you tried. Good on you.

Thanks very much, I appreciate the compliment. It's tough out here in the real world living the day to day drudgery called life. I'm sure your imaginary world is far more exciting and in your condition you have to get your thrills where you can, even if it is only in your imagination.

Cheerio pip pip.

I presume you think this is some sort of "English" saying. Idiot.

Looking over your posts I couldn't help but notice you had the temerity to wade into some poor fellow over what was obviously a slip when he used Principle instead of Principal. Easily done if you're a Brit, because we don't have Principals, we have Headmasters. It is clear from this particular gentleman's posts that he is infinitely more literate than you could ever hope to be, but what makes it even more incredible is that a bloke who writes "your" instead of "you're"," Thai's" instead of "Thais", "cant" instead of "can't" and multiple other spelling and grammatical errors and claims to have taught (see my earlier comment about teaching standards in Thailand) has the gall to criticize another. But I suppose it's not difficult when you are an arrogant, pompous, self righteous, condescending, highly imaginative (that's a euphemism, by the way), narcissistic plagiarist.

If you can't take being ridiculed, don't be ridiculous. Take your fantasies elsewhere. Or just post in the joke forum.

Edited by DoubtingThomas
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Response to Doubting Thomas. (The guy who writes in Pink.)

I tried but I couldn't get your link to work nor can I find a post I wrote at the time you mentioned. Of course I maybe wrong it is hard to read that pink ink.

A pervert is a person who likes women of legal age but younger than himself? Interesting. Where did you get that definition? I am over 60 and I like women who are 20. OK, does that make me a pervert?

If you have had a boring life sorry that does not make everyone else who has not had a boring life a “Walter Mitty.”

Currently Thais have English classes in Anuban 1,2,3 and Prathom 1,2,3,4,5,6 and Mattayom 1,2 and 3. That adds up to 12 years of English classes. Ask someone who lives in Thailand. May not be everyplace but it certainly has been my experience.

OK, you don't live in England. I buy that. It is terribly obvious that you don't live in Thailand.

You said,

“You're a legend in your own lunchtime. My observation is that you are talking bulls*it. Possibly when running a strip joint, knocking up women left right and center and having secret meetings with "M" and "Q". But I suppose it's not difficult when you are an arrogant, pompous, self righteous, condescending, highly imaginative (that's a euphemism, by the way), narcissistic plagiarist. If you can't take being ridiculed, don't be ridiculous.”

You have spent a lot of time and thought to responding to me as a person and very little to what I wrote. I tried to respond to the factual errors in your post.

I can only guess at why you find me personally so offensive. Maybe, because I live in Thailand and date younger women and you don't? Maybe because I have done some things in my life that you have not done?

I do enjoy reading your posts except for the color.

It kind of reminds me of Ted Turner. I don't like Ted. I think he is a buffalo's behind. He used to race sailboats. I raced against him in a couple of races. I was just a kid. He offered me a job on his boat. I turned him down. He asked me why. I told him. He turned all red. One race we crossed the finish line close together. The boat I was on winning by a couple of seconds. I flipped him off. He turned red again.

You can't see me so I can't flip you off.

All I can do is tell you, I live in Thailand, I have money in the bank and money coming every month. I date 20 year old beautiful Thai women whenever I want. There are two in my living room as I type this. Do you feel like you have been flipped off?

I did that without calling you a bad name. Neat eh!

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Response to Doubting Thomas. (The guy who writes in Pink.)

I tried but I couldn't get your link to work nor can I find a post I wrote at the time you mentioned. Of course I maybe wrong it is hard to read that pink ink.

A pervert is a person who likes women of legal age but younger than himself? Interesting. Where did you get that definition? I am over 60 and I like women who are 20. OK, does that make me a pervert?

If you have had a boring life sorry that does not make everyone else who has not had a boring life a "Walter Mitty."

Currently Thais have English classes in Anuban 1,2,3 and Prathom 1,2,3,4,5,6 and Mattayom 1,2 and 3. That adds up to 12 years of English classes. Ask someone who lives in Thailand. May not be everyplace but it certainly has been my experience.

OK, you don't live in England. I buy that. It is terribly obvious that you don't live in Thailand.

You said,

"You're a legend in your own lunchtime. My observation is that you are talking bulls*it. Possibly when running a strip joint, knocking up women left right and center and having secret meetings with "M" and "Q". But I suppose it's not difficult when you are an arrogant, pompous, self righteous, condescending, highly imaginative (that's a euphemism, by the way), narcissistic plagiarist. If you can't take being ridiculed, don't be ridiculous."

You have spent a lot of time and thought to responding to me as a person and very little to what I wrote. I tried to respond to the factual errors in your post.

I can only guess at why you find me personally so offensive. Maybe, because I live in Thailand and date younger women and you don't? Maybe because I have done some things in my life that you have not done?

I do enjoy reading your posts except for the color.

It kind of reminds me of Ted Turner. I don't like Ted. I think he is a buffalo's behind. He used to race sailboats. I raced against him in a couple of races. I was just a kid. He offered me a job on his boat. I turned him down. He asked me why. I told him. He turned all red. One race we crossed the finish line close together. The boat I was on winning by a couple of seconds. I flipped him off. He turned red again.

You can't see me so I can't flip you off.

All I can do is tell you, I live in Thailand, I have money in the bank and money coming every month. I date 20 year old beautiful Thai women whenever I want. There are two in my living room as I type this. Do you feel like you have been flipped off?

I did that without calling you a bad name. Neat eh!

I think being 60 and having a 'girlfriend' of 20 is pretty dam_n lucky - but exhausting :rolleyes: seriously though it's all an 'exchange' we all know that 20 year olds don't actually 'want' a 60 year old but it's a transfer of talents!

I did have a big arguement with a friend of mine when he tried to convince me his wife (who must be 30 years younger than him) really loved him - I told him - yes maybe love has grown and that's great but take away your money and see how long it would last! we have to be realistic here... :jap:

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My point is, the same as the Thai elite. I like the status quo.

My second wife in the States was a farmers daughter. I dressed her up, sent her back to school, Taught her how to be a hi so woman.

I had forgotten how much I liked the farmers daughter. For the first seven years of our marriage I was happy. She was a beauty queen from Texas. She knew how to take care of a man.

A lot of guys in the States from NY or LA go to Texas and Arkansas to find a wife.

Granted the women are uneducated and a bit on the country side but they never complain about a man drinking too much or smoking. "Stand by your man, after all he's just a man." I think that's how the song goes.

Go to the airport in Dallas. The women are shockingly beautiful. Then go to any airport in NY.

The reason for this is Southern women are trained from an early age about make up and clothes and how to look good for a man. None of that lesbian new wave stuff in Texas. (realize I left the state 15 years ago).

My ex wife now has herself a millionaire with a garage bigger than any house I ever owned. Why? I taught her. She had a natural ability and I smoothed over the rough edges. Now she speaks French and is as much at home in her Castle in Spain as her farm in Arkansas.

I'm not going to make the same mistake again.

The cost of supporting a woman in Thailand is minuscule. I'm not going to teach her about fine wines and gourmet food and how to dress. I did that once.

Now it's speaking Thai, eating som tom and moonshine and 50 baht dresses from the weekend open market.

The Thai elite don't want the people to speak English as a second language. That would open up a whole new world. Thailand would truly be the tiger of SEA. The wealth would be redistributed.

If all the lasses from Issan spoke English in the farming communities in the hinterland the bar business in Pattaya would dissolve.

If all the Thai young men spoke English up north and in the deep south tech businesses would rush to Thailand to start small manufacturing plants.

The wealth of the middle class would explode. Somchai rich guy would be lowered in relative status.

Somchai the rich guy would not want this.

A wealthy middle class would insist on actually voting and would not buy the argument that the middle class was not capable of voting. Politics would be irrevocably changed. You know who would be looking for a job.

Obviously a wind up merchant. You can never make a farmers daughter (insinuating that she is working class ) into a High class woman. Money can't buy class only some status. You have heard the "you can take a girl out of the bar saying"? Speaking the global business language would not have any benefit right?

There you go I have just fed the troll. :D

You must be American. If you were English you would have read Shaw's Pygmalion.

I'll quote a few lines.

Simply phonetics. The science of speech. Thats my profession: also my hobby. Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby! You can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his brogue. I can place any man within six miles. I can place him within two miles in London. Sometimes within two streets.

But is there a living in that?

Oh yes. Quite a fat one. This is an age of upstarts. Men begin in Kentish Town with £80 a year, and end in Park Lane with a hundred thousand. They want to drop Kentish Town; but they give themselves away every time they open their mouths. Now I can teach them.

Flower girl speaks.....

A woman who utters such depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be anywhere--no right to live. Remember that you are a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech: that your native language is the language of Shakespear and Milton and The Bible; and dont sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon.

You see this creature with her kerbstone English: the English that will keep her in the gutter to the end of her days. Well, sir, in three months I could pass that girl off as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party. I could even get her a place as lady's maid or shop assistant, which requires better English. Thats the sort of thing I do for commercial millionaires. And on the profits of it I do genuine scientific work in phonetics, and a little as a poet on Miltonic lines.

End of Shaw.

Of course you can turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. That is what education is all about.

What the hel_l ara you babbling about ?

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Not sure why the concern if the thread goes slightly off topic?

The diversions sometimes make it a more interesting read IMO.

I notice a few recent posts have come from "long-time" posters, ( i use that term respectfully!) and i for one find it admirable that they are willing to share so much, considering that by doing so they often put themselves up for scrutiny and ridicule from the younger crowd.

Do they give a hoot?? I would say DEFINATELY not!

In Ians case he even has the fortitute to share personal pics, which is something ive NEVER seen any younger posters be brave enough to do. And Oh, Ian old mate, just when we thought we knew it all you tell us about this daughter of yours??!! Very impressive, Is she married?? (sorry, couldnt resist!)..

Actually i was hoping that this thread would address the pros and cons of being in a relationship where there is a significant language barrier....specifically where the farang guy has limited Thai speaking ability and the Thai GF has little, or next to no English ability.

A lot of posters think this scenario is ridiculous and have no qualms in pointing it out and ridiculing those who are in that situation. I must admit to thinking along these lines myself at first.

I remember asking repeatedly..."SERIOUSLY!,..how can you have a relationship with someone who you can't communicate with 100%?"

On the flip side, many have found that some Thai girls (depending where you find them of course) who DO speak VERY good English are sometimes not of the best ilk, possibly having engaged in dodgy part-time career paths, and therefor having less than desirable motives on the agenda.

In Marks situation he probably prefers his girl NOT to be to fluent in English. I can fully understand this, in much the same way that most of my former GFs did NOT want me to be to understand to much Thai. There are clear motives from both sides.

My latest GF speaks very little English and seems to have very little desire to do so. Yes, there are challenges involved, but i am suprised at the number of advantages that i stumble upon daily.

As always it is a learning experience..and after all learning is said to be the one thing that keeps us young..

The more primitive or primal the relationship the less necessary communication.

Define what the needs of each party are and adjust the level of communication accordingly.

Eskimos have 20 or 30 words for snow. If you relocate an Eskimo to Florida they can get by with less snow words.

Children, family, career aspirations, travel, self doubts all have vocabulary demands.

If you eliminate children, family, career aspirations, travel and self doubts you eliminate a lot of words.

I think you get the idea. I have eliminated almost all discussions about the above areas from my day to day speaking in Thailand.

My normal vocabulary includes money, food, weather, buying silly things and bodily functions.

I am a simple man and lead a simple life. When I get old I want to go to a Wat in the forest and meditate.

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Response to Doubting Thomas. (The guy who writes in Pink.)

I tried but I couldn't get your link to work nor can I find a post I wrote at the time you mentioned. Of course I maybe wrong it is hard to read that pink ink.

A pervert is a person who likes women of legal age but younger than himself? Interesting. Where did you get that definition? I am over 60 and I like women who are 20. OK, does that make me a pervert?

If you have had a boring life sorry that does not make everyone else who has not had a boring life a "Walter Mitty."

Currently Thais have English classes in Anuban 1,2,3 and Prathom 1,2,3,4,5,6 and Mattayom 1,2 and 3. That adds up to 12 years of English classes. Ask someone who lives in Thailand. May not be everyplace but it certainly has been my experience.

OK, you don't live in England. I buy that. It is terribly obvious that you don't live in Thailand.

You said,

"You're a legend in your own lunchtime. My observation is that you are talking bulls*it. Possibly when running a strip joint, knocking up women left right and center and having secret meetings with "M" and "Q". But I suppose it's not difficult when you are an arrogant, pompous, self righteous, condescending, highly imaginative (that's a euphemism, by the way), narcissistic plagiarist. If you can't take being ridiculed, don't be ridiculous."

You have spent a lot of time and thought to responding to me as a person and very little to what I wrote. I tried to respond to the factual errors in your post.

I can only guess at why you find me personally so offensive. Maybe, because I live in Thailand and date younger women and you don't? Maybe because I have done some things in my life that you have not done?

I do enjoy reading your posts except for the color.

It kind of reminds me of Ted Turner. I don't like Ted. I think he is a buffalo's behind. He used to race sailboats. I raced against him in a couple of races. I was just a kid. He offered me a job on his boat. I turned him down. He asked me why. I told him. He turned all red. One race we crossed the finish line close together. The boat I was on winning by a couple of seconds. I flipped him off. He turned red again.

You can't see me so I can't flip you off.

All I can do is tell you, I live in Thailand, I have money in the bank and money coming every month. I date 20 year old beautiful Thai women whenever I want. There are two in my living room as I type this. Do you feel like you have been flipped off?

I did that without calling you a bad name. Neat eh!

I think being 60 and having a 'girlfriend' of 20 is pretty dam_n lucky - but exhausting :rolleyes: seriously though it's all an 'exchange' we all know that 20 year olds don't actually 'want' a 60 year old but it's a transfer of talents!

I did have a big arguement with a friend of mine when he tried to convince me his wife (who must be 30 years younger than him) really loved him - I told him - yes maybe love has grown and that's great but take away your money and see how long it would last! we have to be realistic here... :jap:

Of course you are correct. Although some people might make the point taking away money, status and/or hope of future security might chase any woman away.

I have two married daughters. One married to a rich guy and one a poor guy. The daughter married to the poor guy is a lot happier. Having said that, the poor guy built my daughter a house with his own hands. They have a garden which produces a great vegetable crop and he is a handy guy (makes his own beer). I get along with both husbands.

I stopped worrying if any woman loved me during the Kennedy administration.

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My point is, the same as the Thai elite. I like the status quo.

My second wife in the States was a farmers daughter. I dressed her up, sent her back to school, Taught her how to be a hi so woman.

I had forgotten how much I liked the farmers daughter. For the first seven years of our marriage I was happy. She was a beauty queen from Texas. She knew how to take care of a man.

A lot of guys in the States from NY or LA go to Texas and Arkansas to find a wife.

Granted the women are uneducated and a bit on the country side but they never complain about a man drinking too much or smoking. "Stand by your man, after all he's just a man." I think that's how the song goes.

Go to the airport in Dallas. The women are shockingly beautiful. Then go to any airport in NY.

The reason for this is Southern women are trained from an early age about make up and clothes and how to look good for a man. None of that lesbian new wave stuff in Texas. (realize I left the state 15 years ago).

My ex wife now has herself a millionaire with a garage bigger than any house I ever owned. Why? I taught her. She had a natural ability and I smoothed over the rough edges. Now she speaks French and is as much at home in her Castle in Spain as her farm in Arkansas.

I'm not going to make the same mistake again.

The cost of supporting a woman in Thailand is minuscule. I'm not going to teach her about fine wines and gourmet food and how to dress. I did that once.

Now it's speaking Thai, eating som tom and moonshine and 50 baht dresses from the weekend open market.

The Thai elite don't want the people to speak English as a second language. That would open up a whole new world. Thailand would truly be the tiger of SEA. The wealth would be redistributed.

If all the lasses from Issan spoke English in the farming communities in the hinterland the bar business in Pattaya would dissolve.

If all the Thai young men spoke English up north and in the deep south tech businesses would rush to Thailand to start small manufacturing plants.

The wealth of the middle class would explode. Somchai rich guy would be lowered in relative status.

Somchai the rich guy would not want this.

A wealthy middle class would insist on actually voting and would not buy the argument that the middle class was not capable of voting. Politics would be irrevocably changed. You know who would be looking for a job.

Obviously a wind up merchant. You can never make a farmers daughter (insinuating that she is working class ) into a High class woman. Money can't buy class only some status. You have heard the "you can take a girl out of the bar saying"? Speaking the global business language would not have any benefit right?

There you go I have just fed the troll. :D

You must be American. If you were English you would have read Shaw's Pygmalion.

I'll quote a few lines.

Simply phonetics. The science of speech. Thats my profession: also my hobby. Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby! You can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his brogue. I can place any man within six miles. I can place him within two miles in London. Sometimes within two streets.

But is there a living in that?

Oh yes. Quite a fat one. This is an age of upstarts. Men begin in Kentish Town with £80 a year, and end in Park Lane with a hundred thousand. They want to drop Kentish Town; but they give themselves away every time they open their mouths. Now I can teach them.

Flower girl speaks.....

A woman who utters such depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be anywhere--no right to live. Remember that you are a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech: that your native language is the language of Shakespear and Milton and The Bible; and dont sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon.

You see this creature with her kerbstone English: the English that will keep her in the gutter to the end of her days. Well, sir, in three months I could pass that girl off as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party. I could even get her a place as lady's maid or shop assistant, which requires better English. Thats the sort of thing I do for commercial millionaires. And on the profits of it I do genuine scientific work in phonetics, and a little as a poet on Miltonic lines.

End of Shaw.

Of course you can turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. That is what education is all about.

What the hel_l ara you babbling about ?

I think you would understand if you read Shaw's Pygmalion. If you have not read it or don't want to that is of course understandable but then you won't know what I am babbling about.

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Response to Doubting Thomas. (The guy who writes in Pink.)

I tried but I couldn't get your link to work nor can I find a post I wrote at the time you mentioned. Of course I maybe wrong it is hard to read that pink ink.

A pervert is a person who likes women of legal age but younger than himself? Interesting. Where did you get that definition? I am over 60 and I like women who are 20. OK, does that make me a pervert?

If you have had a boring life sorry that does not make everyone else who has not had a boring life a "Walter Mitty."

Currently Thais have English classes in Anuban 1,2,3 and Prathom 1,2,3,4,5,6 and Mattayom 1,2 and 3. That adds up to 12 years of English classes. Ask someone who lives in Thailand. May not be everyplace but it certainly has been my experience.

OK, you don't live in England. I buy that. It is terribly obvious that you don't live in Thailand.

You said,

"You're a legend in your own lunchtime. My observation is that you are talking bulls*it. Possibly when running a strip joint, knocking up women left right and center and having secret meetings with "M" and "Q". But I suppose it's not difficult when you are an arrogant, pompous, self righteous, condescending, highly imaginative (that's a euphemism, by the way), narcissistic plagiarist. If you can't take being ridiculed, don't be ridiculous."

You have spent a lot of time and thought to responding to me as a person and very little to what I wrote. I tried to respond to the factual errors in your post.

I can only guess at why you find me personally so offensive. Maybe, because I live in Thailand and date younger women and you don't? Maybe because I have done some things in my life that you have not done?

I do enjoy reading your posts except for the color.

It kind of reminds me of Ted Turner. I don't like Ted. I think he is a buffalo's behind. He used to race sailboats. I raced against him in a couple of races. I was just a kid. He offered me a job on his boat. I turned him down. He asked me why. I told him. He turned all red. One race we crossed the finish line close together. The boat I was on winning by a couple of seconds. I flipped him off. He turned red again.

You can't see me so I can't flip you off.

All I can do is tell you, I live in Thailand, I have money in the bank and money coming every month. I date 20 year old beautiful Thai women whenever I want. There are two in my living room as I type this. Do you feel like you have been flipped off?

I did that without calling you a bad name. Neat eh!

I think being 60 and having a 'girlfriend' of 20 is pretty dam_n lucky - but exhausting :rolleyes: seriously though it's all an 'exchange' we all know that 20 year olds don't actually 'want' a 60 year old but it's a transfer of talents!

I did have a big arguement with a friend of mine when he tried to convince me his wife (who must be 30 years younger than him) really loved him - I told him - yes maybe love has grown and that's great but take away your money and see how long it would last! we have to be realistic here... :jap:

Of course you are correct. Although some people might make the point taking away money, status and/or hope of future security might chase any woman away.

I have two married daughters. One married to a rich guy and one a poor guy. The daughter married to the poor guy is a lot happier. Having said that, the poor guy built my daughter a house with his own hands. They have a garden which produces a great vegetable crop and he is a handy guy (makes his own beer). I get along with both husbands.

I stopped worrying if any woman loved me during the Kennedy administration.

Not suggesting that money brings happiness, of course, but over 'here' that security that an older guy brings is more highly valued and sought after by our young pooyings B) I'm fine with it - brings me lots of fun and it's an 'exchange' - bit cynical I guess but hey ho!

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I did have a big arguement with a friend of mine when he tried to convince me his wife (who must be 30 years younger than him) really loved him - I told him - yes maybe love has grown and that's great but take away your money and see how long it would last! we have to be realistic here... :jap:

You are the one being unrealistic. The majority of wives across this planet would react the same way. The hollywood notion of unconditional love is a *minority* condition for actual real human beings. The cultures of India, China, Japan, Russia... etc,etc,etc.. and even in America and even in the UK, how many married couples really are engaged in "unconditional love"? Have you really given some serious thought to what "unconditional" means? My personal opinion is absolutely none, but if any do its still not the majority.

Normally ("realistically") love is conditional upon many things, frequently finances being one of them.

Indeed it is not even evolutionary necessary, in fact the very idea is counter productive to evolution.

Possibly I am being unfair to your position (making a straw man out of you) and what you infact mean is that love is conditional and that in the case of your friend there are not enough conditions met to ensure "real love". But to that charitable view of your argument I would still say that by acknowledging conditions as you might be, you have provided no reason to put such weight on the condition of financial security nor on the condition as you might define it of similar age/physical condition.

Edited by OxfordWill
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I did have a big arguement with a friend of mine when he tried to convince me his wife (who must be 30 years younger than him) really loved him - I told him - yes maybe love has grown and that's great but take away your money and see how long it would last! we have to be realistic here... :jap:

You are the one being unrealistic. The majority of wives across this planet would react the same way. The hollywood notion of unconditional love is a *minority* condition for actual real human beings. The cultures of India, China, Japan, Russia... etc,etc,etc.. and even in America and even in the UK, how many married couples really are engaged in "unconditional love"? Have you really given some serious thought to what "unconditional" means? My personal opinion is absolutely none, but if any do its still not the majority.

Normally ("realistically") love is conditional upon many things, frequently finances being one of them.

Indeed it is not even evolutionary necessary, in fact the very idea is counter productive to evolution.

Possibly I am being unfair to your position (making a straw man out of you) and what you infact mean is that love is conditional and that in the case of your friend there are not enough conditions met to ensure "real love". But to that charitable view of your argument I would still say that by acknowledging conditions as you might be, you have provided no reason to put such weight on the condition of financial security nor on the condition as you might define it of similar age/physical condition.

I wasn't, in fact, saying any of that at all. I was saying that in Thailand economic factors are MUCH more important than in the West and hence females are far more likely to choose economics and security over love. Much more so than in the first world - get it?

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O.K. Mark45y, last one, you pompous ass.

If the best you can do is complain about the colour I used, you are indeed a desperate man, and in dire need of new specs. Anyway, it's all rather irrelevant, isn't it.

The major problem I have with your posts (and it is clear that I am far from alone) is that you post some pretty outrageous remarks. Nothing unusual in that, you say, there is certainly no shortage of stupidity on TV, so what makes you different? You are different because you try to justify your posts and your position with outrageous claims of degrees, life experiences and knowledge, painting yourself as some sort of sage, peering down on the rest of us poor unfortunate unknowing, inexperienced plebs who you imagine, I'm sure, to be bowed at your feet, hanging on every wise word. We're not. At first, people like you can be funny, but in the end it becomes tiresome. A laugh at your next claim of an unlikely experience quickly deteriorates into a yawn. The British term for someone like you is "capper". It doesn't matter what somebody has done, you've done better. Cappers can be fun, because you can usually wind them up and extract the next outrageous claim from them to order; no need with you, just wait and out it spews.

Furthermore, you take a supercilious, condescending, patronizingly dismissive approach towards other posters who are just exercising their right to make a comment and express an opinion. You do this through your "I'm getting on in years, I have more degrees than a thermometer, I screwed Jackie Onassis in the strip club I was running while working under deep cover for mossad and James Bond was modeled on me" approach. It's tiresome dude, give it a rest. Only newbies or stupid people believe you anyway.

Finally let's clear up a few points, Mr. Know-it -all.

1. You're right. The link doesn't work. Not sure why, here it is again. www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-13790.html this one works. What I find amazing though is that you are so arrogant as to effectively deny your plagiarism using the excuse of the link not working. You know you nicked it, so the link is hardly relevant, now is it? It would have been honorable to hold up your hands and say "O.K. you tumbled me, fair cop" Oh no, not you. Honor? What's that? Prediction; you'll claim the link lifted it from you. Ha!

2. I lived until very recently in Thailand, for 6 years. Working, not pussy chasing. I own a property in Thailand. I'm in the US now and I (we, of course) may or may not move back. Probably not because the Thai schools have idiot teachers like you so the kids are better off in the US. No doubt you know that, I'm sure that between the CIA and FBI jobs you were a School Principal.

3. I don't give a sod about you trotting out and trying to impress us all with the Thai school grade system. We can all Google it, we don't need your help. I could just ask my Thai friends, which I did. They didn't start English until 8th grade and their teacher was worthless (probably you). So they left school with poor or non-existent English. Of course. They seem to have found it easier to learn though than your bird.

4. I have not led a boring life, far from it. I never said I did, but your arrogance is such that you see criticism as envy. Let's see, am I envious that I didn't knock someone up when I was 16. No, not at all. I am happy to comment on issues without trotting out my (real) life experiences to justify those views. You need to back up everything with your private little fantasies. You won't stop. It's who and what you are. I could write back to you on TV every day for the rest of my life but it would make no difference. You are, like the frog and scorpion fable, programmed to sting. You can't help it.

5. I am responding to wot you rote. I didn't pull it out of my a*se. It's there, in B&W. You wrote it, not me. The pink I used reflected your 20 years in Key West with the bum boys.

6. I don't know you. How on earth can I find you personally offensive? I find what you write to be offensive, I am insulted that you think that I and other TV members are so stupid as to believe your fantasies. I suspect that if I did know you I would find you offensive, but it would not be for long and I will never know you anyway, so who gives a toss?

Then you cap it all by reverting to type. Mr. Scorpion raises his sting and tells us all about the time he topped Ted Turner. You are such a bloody pillock it is barely believable. See my earlier comment about bait. None needed with you.

I won't dignify your last comments. Suffice to say I am more than happy with my situation, will sure as shit not be lured by such an amateur as you into revealing it. I find it incredibly sad if it is true. But, true to form I'm sure it's all boll*cks anyway. I think I can safely speak for the majority of TV members by saying that not one of them would exchange their situation for yours, pretend or real. You are a sad example of inhumanity.

Edited by DoubtingThomas
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Your implicit point to your friend was obvious- that without his financial support his wife would leave him and that this meant she did not "really" love him.

Good morning - my point was more subtle - it is that Thai girls are more likely to go with older farangs for financial/security rewards.

This is pretty obvious and it is unlikely that this girl would have chosen him had she:

1. been in the 'farangland'


2. had he been a pauper

I think this is self-evident but I did go on to say that love can grow and I'm sure she loves him. I was only commenting on the situation concerning older farangs and younger girls here - VERY rarely seen in the west and I have given the reasons.

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O.K. Mark45y, last one, you pompous ass.

If the best you can do is complain about the colour I used, you are indeed a desperate man, and in dire need of new specs. Anyway, it's all rather irrelevant, isn't it.

The major problem I have with your posts (and it is clear that I am far from alone) is that you post some pretty outrageous remarks. Nothing unusual in that, you say, there is certainly no shortage of stupidity on TV, so what makes you different? You are different because you try to justify your posts and your position with outrageous claims of degrees, life experiences and knowledge, painting yourself as some sort of sage, peering down on the rest of us poor unfortunate unknowing, inexperienced plebs who you imagine, I'm sure, to be bowed at your feet, hanging on every wise word. We're not. At first, people like you can be funny, but in the end it becomes tiresome. A laugh at your next claim of an unlikely experience quickly deteriorates into a yawn. The British term for someone like you is "capper". It doesn't matter what somebody has done, you've done better. Cappers can be fun, because you can usually wind them up and extract the next outrageous claim from them to order; no need with you, just wait and out it spews.

Furthermore, you take a supercilious, condescending, patronizingly dismissive approach towards other posters who are just exercising their right to make a comment and express an opinion. You do this through your "I'm getting on in years, I have more degrees than a thermometer, I screwed Jackie Onassis in the strip club I was running while working under deep cover for mossad and James Bond was modeled on me" approach. It's tiresome dude, give it a rest. Only newbies or stupid people believe you anyway.

Finally let's clear up a few points, Mr. Know-it -all.

1. You're right. The link doesn't work. Not sure why, here it is again. www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-13790.html this one works. What I find amazing though is that you are so arrogant as to effectively deny your plagiarism using the excuse of the link not working. You know you nicked it, so the link is hardly relevant, now is it? It would have been honorable to hold up your hands and say "O.K. you tumbled me, fair cop" Oh no, not you. Honor? What's that? Prediction; you'll claim the link lifted it from you. Ha!

2. I lived until very recently in Thailand, for 6 years. Working, not pussy chasing. I own a property in Thailand. I'm in the US now and I (we, of course) may or may not move back. Probably not because the Thai schools have idiot teachers like you so the kids are better off in the US. No doubt you know that, I'm sure that between the CIA and FBI jobs you were a School Principal.

3. I don't give a sod about you trotting out and trying to impress us all with the Thai school grade system. We can all Google it, we don't need your help. I could just ask my Thai friends, which I did. They didn't start English until 8th grade and their teacher was worthless (probably you). So they left school with poor or non-existent English. Of course. They seem to have found it easier to learn though than your bird.

4. I have not led a boring life, far from it. I never said I did, but your arrogance is such that you see criticism as envy. Let's see, am I envious that I didn't knock someone up when I was 16. No, not at all. I am happy to comment on issues without trotting out my (real) life experiences to justify those views. You need to back up everything with your private little fantasies. You won't stop. It's who and what you are. I could write back to you on TV every day for the rest of my life but it would make no difference. You are, like the frog and scorpion fable, programmed to sting. You can't help it.

5. I am responding to wot you rote. I didn't pull it out of my a*se. It's there, in B&W. You wrote it, not me. The pink I used reflected your 20 years in Key West with the bum boys.

6. I don't know you. How on earth can I find you personally offensive? I find what you write to be offensive, I am insulted that you think that I and other TV members are so stupid as to believe your fantasies. I suspect that if I did know you I would find you offensive, but it would not be for long and I will never know you anyway, so who gives a toss?

Then you cap it all by reverting to type. Mr. Scorpion raises his sting and tells us all about the time he topped Ted Turner. You are such a bloody pillock it is barely believable. See my earlier comment about bait. None needed with you.

I won't dignify your last comments. Suffice to say I am more than happy with my situation, will sure as shit not be lured by such an amateur as you into revealing it. I find it incredibly sad if it is true. But, true to form I'm sure it's all boll*cks anyway. I think I can safely speak for the majority of TV members by saying that not one of them would exchange their situation for yours, pretend or real. You are a sad example of inhumanity.

The link works thanks. Off hand it is some historical data about Thailand. If I posted some historical information from it without listing the source sorry. This is Thai Visa and not a doctoral thesis. I really don't feel the necessity to document all of my source material. I figure you can Google if you want to.

Currently Thai school children take English lessons for 12 years. I'm right you are wrong. I know this because I have taught over 1000 Thai school children from kindergarten to high school. I didn't Google it.

I was never a school principal. The farthest I got was professor and department head of a college in the US.

You do make one interesting point, “You are different because you try to justify your posts and your position with outrageous claims of degrees, life experiences and knowledge. “

That is absolutely correct. I justify my ideas with my life experiences. I really tire of hearing peoples opinions without any life experiences to back them up. Not only is it phoney but it is boring. Let me give you an example. I was attending a course in college about the stock market. Each of the students had to do some paper trading for the length of the term based on the principles we learned in the class. Our grade was determined by the amount of money we made from our paper trades. It was a good course and the grading system made sense to me. However I had questions about the instructor. I asked him if he was so smart why was he teaching? Why wasn't he rich? Apparently it was not the first time he had heard the question. He put a slide in the projector that listed his brokerage trading account. Not only was he well off, he was quite rich. He owned a seat on the Chicago Board of Trade among other things.

I guess it left an impression on me. To this day I am impressed by people who not only have an opinion but also the life experiences to back up that opinion. If you don't have life experiences education is the next best thing. I know a lot about Australian aboriginal kin terms and Ethiopian land transfers not because I have ever lived with Australian aborigines or Ethiopians. I studied it in school. If I didn't mention that I had a degree in cultural anthropology you might think it odd that I knew anything about aboriginal kin terms or Ethiopian land transfers.

If you choose not to believe my life experiences that is of course up to you. Another poster mentioned that he was a fluent Thai speaker and also read and wrote Thai after only being in Thailand a year and having no formal training in the subject. I don't believe him. I studied in a Thai college and have lived in Thailand for a long time and I know how hard it is to read and write Thai and speak it fluently. I don't think a year without a formal intensive language course is enough to establish fluency. But I appreciate him throwing out his life experiences to back up his claim even if I don't believe it.

I think it showed courage on his part to try and back up his claims.

Thai women are beautiful. Thai women are fiery. Thai women have big feet. I am sure you have an opinion. But I submit that opinion is worthless unless you know a lot of Thai women. Or maybe you have a degree in Thai women.

You say you own a property in Thailand. By property I assume you mean land. I don't believe that. I would believe your wife owns a property in Thailand without some clarification from you. See what I mean? A lot of statements are worthless without some kind of life experience to back them up. I have heard that a Falang can inherit a small land holding or that an American can own 100% of a business in Thailand but without clarification I think you are lying about owning a property in Thailand. Of course you could own a condo, but I wouldn't know that unless you took a chance and mentioned a life experience or divulged some personal information.

The rest of your post is either a personal attack on me or a justification of your life.

I won't respond to it.

Actually my post was allegorical. The reasons I don't teach my girlfriend English are the same reasons the Thai powers that be don't want Thai students to learn English.

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This is the standardized rejection notice from the company that produced Charlie Chaplin's 1910s-era silent movies; Some things never change --


There are writers and there are critics. There are people who try ideas and people who bash ideas.

There are people who do things and others who sit on the safe sidelines and mock them.

In the past five years how many topics have you and Doubting Thomas started? How many times have you put an opinion out there to be challenged?

The difference between me and you and DT is I do things. I write my ideas and experiences and those experiences are a result of living.

I am not a timid observer of life.

Here I am in Thailand over 60 and still kicking. My days are full of wine, women and song. Actually Bacardi Breezers for the ladies, young Thai women and Cd's that I buy at the local market.

I liked your Charlie Chaplin thing. I liked Charlie Chaplin. He had three marriages that didn't work out until he met the love of his life. He was 36 years older than his last wife. He was 54 and she was 18 when they got married. They had 8 children. The last born when he was 73.

George Bernard Shaw said Chaplain was the only Genius the movie industry had produced. I don't mind being compared to Charlie Chaplain. Thanks. Shaw also said, "A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."

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The difference between me and you ... is I do things. I write my ideas and experiences and those experiences are a result of living. I am not a timid observer of life.

My pithy (moderated) comments about my doing things RIGHT NOW were today published in The New York Times; your comments (non-moderated) were posted today on ThaiVisa.com/Forum

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The difference between me and you ... is I do things. I write my ideas and experiences and those experiences are a result of living. I am not a timid observer of life.

My pithy (moderated) comments about my doing things RIGHT NOW were today published in The New York Times; your comments (non-moderated) were posted today on ThaiVisa.com/Forum

Well, share them Jazzbo. Start a topic. How many have you started in your illustrious career at Thai Visa?

My point was my writing/opinions are a result of experience. Give us the benefit of your wisdom and tell us what you wrote in the NYT.

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How many (topics) have you started in your illustrious career at Thai Visa? At least on the 'Topics' listings, more than you ... I do not dispense wisdom ... I just responded to the NYT query in describing what I am doing ... NOW ...

... but just to show you I'm a good sport, I found this book -- Chapter 8. is 'Creating Non-realistic Characters'


... as far as sharing, being a mere 'timid observer of life', I think I will pass ... besides, how would I know you might not reveal in your next missive that you were once Chuck Norris' sparring partner and can disable me solely with your pinkie?

Edited by jazzbo
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How many (topics) have you started in your illustrious career at Thai Visa? At least on the 'Topics' listings, more than you ... I do not dispense wisdom ... I just responded to the NYT query in describing what I am doing ... NOW ...

... but just to show you I'm a good sport, I found this book -- Chapter 8. is 'Creating Non-realistic Characters'


... as far as sharing, being a mere 'timid observer of life', I think I will pass ... besides, how would I know you might not reveal in your next missive that you were once Chuck Norris' sparring partner and can disable me solely with your pinkie?

That's the great boon of an anonymous internet forum - people think they can insult me on the internet without fear of retribution, whereas in person they would be hard-pushed to underestimate my pugilitive talents


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How many (topics) have you started in your illustrious career at Thai Visa? At least on the 'Topics' listings, more than you ... I do not dispense wisdom ... I just responded to the NYT query in describing what I am doing ... NOW ...

... but just to show you I'm a good sport, I found this book -- Chapter 8. is 'Creating Non-realistic Characters'


... as far as sharing, being a mere 'timid observer of life', I think I will pass ... besides, how would I know you might not reveal in your next missive that you were once Chuck Norris' sparring partner and can disable me solely with your pinkie?

Smart move. When the bogeyman goes to bed at night he checks his closet to make sure Chuck Norris is not there. When Chuck Norris goes to bed at night he checks his closet to make sure I'm not there.

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whip·per·snap·per (noun) -- an unimportant but offensively presumptuous person, esp. a young one. (from Dictionary.com)

whoda thunk...

When Chuck Norris goes to bed at night he checks his closet to make sure I'm not there... So does Ted Turner.

Edited by jazzbo
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