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You Have 6 Hours To Reconnect A Severed Penis In Order For Surgery To Be Effective


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ByThe Numbers

504 The number of road deathsper million of population according to the Department of Highways, Thailand in2005. This compares to 145 road fatalities per million in Italy (OECD Factbook,2007 edition) and 90 in the United States.

Anyone who has driven on the roads in Thailand for anylength of time will probably have no quibble with these figures. Little oldladies off to play lawn bowls on a Sunday morning and men who drive Volvos withtheir hats on appear to be fairly safe from harm for some inexplicable reason.

6 hours, the amount of timeyou have to reunite a severed penis with the rest of your body in order forsurgery to be effective. Of course, most people would suggest making sure yourhouse is free of sharp knives or any implement that could be used to sever yourmember in the first place. It’s doubtful if there is anything less erotic thanputting your severed member into a plastic bag full of ice prior to making adash for the nearest hospital and a competent surgeon.

70 The percentage number ofwomen with the sexually transmitted disease known as Chlamydia but who do notexhibit any symptoms. (According to an article published by Reuters and printedin the My Life supplement of the Bangkok Post 19 August 2010).

100 The percentage chance ofcontracting a sexually transmitted disease from someone who classifiesthemselves as a ‘swinger’ compared to a prostitute. (According to an articlepublished by Reuters and printed in the My Life supplement of the Bangkok Post19 August 2010) Obviously, it doesn’t mean you can’t get a case of gallopingknob rot from a lady who makes her living lying on her back, it’s justnoteworthy that the perception of a prostitute being unclean compared to hernon-working sisters is incorrect.

10,000 The estimated number offemales under the age of 15 in Thailand who fall pregnant each year (accordingto the Department of Health). This is out of an estimated 800,000 pregnancieseach year. Not sure how many arrests of penetrating offenders are carried outby the plod in an effort to stop this kind of statistic appearing in apublication such as this.

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-- Pattaya One 2010-10-17

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