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Dangers And Annoyances In Thailand

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I've deleted posts and/or handed out posting bans for people who wished to get involved in silly name calling and trolling.

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I for one am particularly annoyed by Thais riding their motorbikes directly at me while I'm walking. Not like attempting to run me down, but if I'm walking past a spot where they are aiming to park they will head straight for it like I'm not there. They will not look at me, and must figure that if they don't look, they don't see, I don't exist, and therefore it would be my fault if they hit me.

I used to think it was just a coincidence of bad timing, but it's happened so often that I'm now convinced it's a nationwide conspiracy, obviously controlled by the 'Let's Run Into The Walking Farang Mafia'.

But I now play their game and turn the tables on them. When I see that situation coming, I bend down to scratch my leg or adjust my shoe, being careful not to look at them or in their direction, and wait until they have to stop until I get up and walk past and out of their way.

Heh heh heh... ph34r.gif


Baby grabbers - For some reason, although being friendly I'm sure, bar girls, street vendors, security guards and even passers by all seem to want to touch, pick up, or pinch my son (7mo) with their mostly grubby hands, no permission from Mum or I. Yeah, don't mind us, just help yourself!

Blurters - Thais who feel a compulsion to blurt 'DEK FARANG' and point when I am pushing my son in the stroller. If TW is pushing, no such calls?? Did he change?


Hit them. Thats how babies catch swine flu and other lung infections.

When you have your son strapped to an hospital bed with a tupe in his lungs because of some dirty tosser who couldnt wash his hands or refrain himself from touching your son, you'll wish you had hit them.

By hitting i obviously mean pushing them physically away or slapping their hands hard as you would do with a monkey.


Babies need a nice variety of germs to build up their immune system.

I wouldn't worry about it.

The baby is going to put far worse things into it's mouth (earth and stuff like that).


Oh yes Karen you just reminded me of something......Motorbikes without lights at night....its frightening...I must have seen about 50 on the way back from BKK a week ago.,......Then the police of Phuket have advertising campaigns about road safety and hand out free helmets....I think handing out light bulbs as well would have been quite beneficial :rolleyes:

Yup, I agree. pretty silly to lose your life for the want of a 20 Bt bulb.

I'm sure that I read somewhere a few years when I first moved here that this was tried before and then it was forgotten. I just don't feel that most people here are fully aware of what the consequences are of being involved in a collision or accident. There is no excuse for it, there is a whole wall of gory accident pictures at the license office. And I mean gory pictures, I almost chucked up myself at more than a few of them. But this is seen as something to look at without realizing that there is a message, this could be you! It is not silly, it is unbelievable. Does not compute. Like putting your helmet on when you reach a checkpoint and then taking it off after you have passed. Words fail me!!!



I'd laugh if it wasn't so tragic. Two young people killed, hit head on by a truck and killed. And the driver runs away, what is that all about? A few months back near my place, two motorcycles collided, two mothers with small children 5 in total on two bikes. It was carnage, really bad accident. No helmets on anybody and as it turned out one of them was going the wrong way on the wrong side of the road and the other never even seen her. Am I honestly to believe that people cannot see what the problem was that caused the accident or is it just a case of "It must have been fate or bad luck", and not poor driving practices. But you may be right, because it happens on a daily basis and so many near misses. I really can't get my head around it. I drive here because of my job, but I rarely just take a drive anywhere now for something to do, or just go out anymore unless, I really really have to.


whilst I was reading back through, I thought of another few plastic annoyances. At the 7-11 (again)Four straws and a plastic bag when i buy a can of coke (sometimes even with a can of beer!!).....also a receipt with the change...I hardly think I will be claiming some sort of VAT refund on a can of coke. Also the endless supply of bags, plastic utencils and bags of crap when I get a take away feed....I just remove the foam box and hand the rest back...I have condiments and cutlery at home :rolleyes: . But its no wonder there is a bit of a garbage problem on the island with all the plastics being dished out


Baby grabbers - For some reason, although being friendly I'm sure, bar girls, street vendors, security guards and even passers by all seem to want to touch, pick up, or pinch my son (7mo) with their mostly grubby hands, no permission from Mum or I. Yeah, don't mind us, just help yourself!

Blurters - Thais who feel a compulsion to blurt 'DEK FARANG' and point when I am pushing my son in the stroller. If TW is pushing, no such calls?? Did he change?


Hit them. Thats how babies catch swine flu and other lung infections.

When you have your son strapped to an hospital bed with a tupe in his lungs because of some dirty tosser who couldnt wash his hands or refrain himself from touching your son, you'll wish you had hit them.

By hitting i obviously mean pushing them physically away or slapping their hands hard as you would do with a monkey.

Thais love babies, particularly farang ones. And if I ever saw you hit a Thai simply because they were cooing over your child (God forbid you are/already have one), they would simply beat the shit out of you. And I'd be be right there amongst them.

Mods. Is there, or is there not, a 'rule' against this kind of post? This thing should not be allowed to post on a forum (apparently) dedicated to the usage of those who are not from this particular country. This is not unusual for this particular poster. He/she is a disgusting rascist.

ps 'Google' is indeed you're friend ...


Baby grabbers - For some reason, although being friendly I'm sure, bar girls, street vendors, security guards and even passers by all seem to want to touch, pick up, or pinch my son (7mo) with their mostly grubby hands, no permission from Mum or I. Yeah, don't mind us, just help yourself!

Blurters - Thais who feel a compulsion to blurt 'DEK FARANG' and point when I am pushing my son in the stroller. If TW is pushing, no such calls?? Did he change?


Hit them. Thats how babies catch swine flu and other lung infections.

When you have your son strapped to an hospital bed with a tupe in his lungs because of some dirty tosser who couldnt wash his hands or refrain himself from touching your son, you'll wish you had hit them.

By hitting i obviously mean pushing them physically away or slapping their hands hard as you would do with a monkey.

Babies need a nice variety of germs to build up their immune system.

I wouldn't worry about it.

The baby is going to put far worse things into it's mouth (earth and stuff like that).

Everybody knows that Thais love babies, especially foreign ones. They don't mean to upset anybody, they just don't understand the cultural differences. My attitude has always been, it's their country, so the onus is on me to understand their cultural ways more than it is for them to understand mine.

KB is spot on with his comment. People are so paranoid about germs that they fail to understand how important they are for the immune system. Bringing babies up in a sterile environment will do way more harm than good.


there's a difference between some dirty rocks on the ground ,some random clean person And someone who looks rotten and has worked in a coal factory all day with cancer on his fingers.

a LOT of poor thais have touched stuff that is way toxic and a LOT of them have not washed their hands in 12+ hours

But of course, people who've never had kids in thailand won't ever understand this. I have personally slapped a bunch of dirty people when they would not listen. A parent letting you know, not to touch his kid should be enough to keep anyone extremely dumb away yet many here persist in approaching.

Queue: 10 sexpat coming to tell me that some thais were never thaught about the word no or washing hands and its not their fault

question: Would you let your kid run loose in a slaughter factory because germs are good and people are awesome?

What kind of % of thais are in contact with raw meat every single day? must be pretty high, most chicken at markets are not even cooked properly. just touching some dirty raw meat and putting your finger on a baby's lip or eye can be disastrous


Baby grabbers - For some reason, although being friendly I'm sure, bar girls, street vendors, security guards and even passers by all seem to want to touch, pick up, or pinch my son (7mo) with their mostly grubby hands, no permission from Mum or I. Yeah, don't mind us, just help yourself!

Blurters - Thais who feel a compulsion to blurt 'DEK FARANG' and point when I am pushing my son in the stroller. If TW is pushing, no such calls?? Did he change?


Hit them. Thats how babies catch swine flu and other lung infections.

When you have your son strapped to an hospital bed with a tupe in his lungs because of some dirty tosser who couldnt wash his hands or refrain himself from touching your son, you'll wish you had hit them.

By hitting i obviously mean pushing them physically away or slapping their hands hard as you would do with a monkey.

Thais love babies, particularly farang ones. And if I ever saw you hit a Thai simply because they were cooing over your child (God forbid you are/already have one), they would simply beat the shit out of you. And I'd be be right there amongst them.

Mods. Is there, or is there not, a 'rule' against this kind of post? This thing should not be allowed to post on a forum (apparently) dedicated to the usage of those who are not from this particular country. This is not unusual for this particular poster. He/she is a disgusting rascist.

ps 'Google' is indeed you're friend ...

Agree 100%. There are a lot of posters that are probably disliked on this forum, for various reasons. Annoying, argumentative, opinunated and such, and I dare say i'm one of them. But it is a complete different kettle of fish, when you are an out and out racist, troll. Why is the 'Do not be rude to Thai people' rule so badly inforced. It should be top of the list as far as I'm concerned.


Although it was my intent to convey the 'germ infestation' angle, more my point was the lack of consent, I've had people stand balk in front of the pram, and go for him! Now my common sense says this is wrong, baby snatchers etc.... Lucky I always have a round-house kick ready... but seriously, its not on.... and if I had to let someone know it, I think I would, stuff culture.



Although it was my intent to convey the 'germ infestation' angle, more my point was the lack of consent, I've had people stand balk in front of the pram, and go for him! Now my common sense says this is wrong, baby snatchers etc.... Lucky I always have a round-house kick ready... but seriously, its not on.... and if I had to let someone know it, I think I would, stuff culture.


That's fair enough mate. If you don't like that particular aspect of Thai ways, then don't allow it. Simply ask politely for them not to touch, saying he's sick or something. That way you wouldn't offend any one. If that is of any concern to you that is, most normal people don't go out of their way to offend people. But all the talk of round house kicks (although I'm sure you were joking) and slapping people is way OTT, for something as people mentioned, is the Thai way of being friendly. Especially when you are getting your facts wrong about the dangers involved. (unless it's a new born, then maybe you should be a little bit more deffensive) but otherwise no real risk at all.


I think my biggest annoyance is westerners living here who expect that to be the same as living back home: same values, same language, and think they can behave the same.


Calling developments after other locations in other countries. ie. Graceland, Beverley Hills, Monaco, Plaza Del Mar.

Calling a property a "villa" when it is clearly just a house.


And I dislike those Thai apologists, who write all things off as just 'culture'! TW likes it less than I do...

TW likes what less than you do?

I think my biggest annoyance is westerners living here who expect that to be the same as living back home: same values, same language, and think they can behave the same.

Here here can't agree more There is always a airport near by


As for the lady still smiling at you, haha i fear you are soon to see the difference between a smile and a be aware smirk....!!

Got to be honest, that was my first thought. You say you're O.K with your neighbour still. Maybe you are, but the law of averages says, you behave like that on a regular basis and I guarantee you, you will eventually run in to problems.

Waving a gun about!!!! (all be it a toy one, but that's not the point) All it would take is for the wrong type of person to have been in that car and you would be face to face with a real gun and someone who wouldn't think twice about actually using it, (let's face it, you were never going to shoot anybodies dog with that gun were you)

Some people are genuinely surprised when they run in to problems in Phuket. I'm genuinely surprised how some people don't. Under the radar, it's the only way to roll.

As for 'ilyelol', how he even managed to find the airport in his own country is a mystery to me, let alone fly across the world. There's been some internet hard men on this forum before, but wow does he set new standards. I really hope for your sake you're just a wind up merchant, trying to push peoples buttons, because although that's sad and pathetic in itself, if that was really you talking then that would be tragic, I would stop finding your madness mildly amusing and start feeling sorry for you.


I think my biggest annoyance is westerners living here who expect that to be the same as living back home: same values, same language, and think they can behave the same.

Here here can't agree more There is always a airport near by

Spot on.


I cleaned up some trolling, flaming and name calling. Please report the next incident of someone calling another member "retard" so I can send them away for awhile.


And I dislike those Thai apologists, who write all things off as just 'culture'! TW likes it less than I do...

TW likes what less than you do?

Thai apologists?

hee, hee....:giggle:


Your probably right as they were Thais it would have created too much grief.

But If they were falangs like that guy from Kamala there wouldn't have been one moment of hesitation at shooting him and his dogs. :rolleyes: The Neighbors have seen me using it on cans for target practice so they know its not real. The other Neighbor who runs a small business here has used it on many occasions...his english is not so good either but he is highly entertained by this toy. So we all know its not real. I think the occasional blow up is good for neighborly relations....the respect each way thing.....Ive been living here in this house for around a year and its the first small problem thats been encountered apart from parking issues.

As I said to the guy from Kamala....I'll still be here in years to come :)

As for the lady still smiling at you, haha i fear you are soon to see the difference between a smile and a be aware smirk....!!

Got to be honest, that was my first thought. You say you're O.K with your neighbour still. Maybe you are, but the law of averages says, you behave like that on a regular basis and I guarantee you, you will eventually run in to problems.

Waving a gun about!!!! (all be it a toy one, but that's not the point) All it would take is for the wrong type of person to have been in that car and you would be face to face with a real gun and someone who wouldn't think twice about actually using it, (let's face it, you were never going to shoot anybodies dog with that gun were you)

Some people are genuinely surprised when they run in to problems in Phuket. I'm genuinely surprised how some people don't. Under the radar, it's the only way to roll.

As for 'ilyelol', how he even managed to find the airport in his own country is a mystery to me, let alone fly across the world. There's been some internet hard men on this forum before, but wow does he set new standards. I really hope for your sake you're just a wind up merchant, trying to push peoples buttons, because although that's sad and pathetic in itself, if that was really you talking then that would be tragic, I would stop finding your madness mildly amusing and start feeling sorry for you.


Hit them. Thats how babies catch swine flu and other lung infections.

When you have your son strapped to an hospital bed with a tupe in his lungs because of some dirty tosser who couldnt wash his hands or refrain himself from touching your son, you'll wish you had hit them.

By hitting i obviously mean pushing them physically away or slapping their hands hard as you would do with a monkey.

It seems you have experience spanking a monkey.


What bothers me more personally, is that most Thai people have never learned to read a map - and if you cannot read a map, street names do not make much sense. Easy to explain which street you are talking about if this street has a clear landmark ( a big hotel for instance), but if anything sticking out is lacking, it can be difficult.

Many Thais cannot read and write ........... so they can't read a map and they don't know the road names .... cos they can't read them ...... DOH!

I always laugh when tourists get place names written in Thai to give to Tuktuk drivers ..... might as well write in English .... they can't read or write any language!


Waving a gun about!!!! (all be it a toy one, but that's not the point) All it would take is for the wrong type of person to have been in that car and you would be face to face with a real gun and someone who wouldn't think twice about actually using it, (let's face it, you were never going to shoot anybodies dog with that gun were you)

Lucky he wasn't in Bangkok, my wife's Papa walks around BK with a little clutch bag, inside is a S&W .357magnum loaded with hollow points.

If he met the guy with the fake, he would blow him away in a second, and get away with it ....... even if the gun was obviously a fake.

I agree with the Thai Buddhist thing, why do none of them know anything about Buddha?

I taught a few lessons of RE in the UK, I know more about Buddha than most Thais.

Ask them about 'The Middle Path' .... great sadness, great happiness ..... totally blank looks!


Having 5 (experts) tell and show you all the exellent points on electric goods (TV Water pump whatever ).Then when you say ok Ill have one please ,you get No have in stock as reply and they then refuse to give you the one your looking at.

Hearing Thais talk about charge him more he is farang in Thai, then getting upset when you point out in polite and fluent Thai you understood every word.

Apart from these minor irritations I love the place warts and all !


Having 5 (experts) tell and show you all the exellent points on electric goods (TV Water pump whatever ).Then when you say ok Ill have one please ,you get No have in stock as reply and they then refuse to give you the one your looking at.

An endemic problem at Tesco-Lotus.

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