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Thaksin Tries To Upstage PM Abhisit On Flood Relief

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I truly believe that Thaksin looks upon Kim Jong-il with envy and jealousy of the first degree. I am sure wherever he was watching the recent military parades in North Korea, he was sat dreaming of himself in the same situation passing on some form of dynastic power to his offspring.

This man will bring great great trouble to Thailand before he is done, and will make his move when a certain event occurs that sadly cannot be to much further in the future.

maybe they could use some of that money that was seized off taksin to help efforts. If taksin gets back into thailand by throwing money of his own into the thai economy then Thailand really is for sale and it might come down to who has more cash.

If Taksin can finance a war then i guess he will can finance a aid releif.

YEAH where is all that MONEY they confiscated from Thaksin ????????????????

Just another reason why the Thaksin supporters hate the BKK elite they robbed thaksin and are now enjoying his money instead of putting it to good use which might breed some good will with the reds but no better to buy a new Mercedes or 2

At least Mr Thaksin has donated and its showing concern and had put his money where his mouth is and for those that scoff a the amount when you put 5 mil up then you can comment.


Really? Where do you get such ideas? Who are these 'elite' who are enjoying Taksin's money? Names please. If anything it is the BJT (former Taksin associates) who are being accused of corruption and taking the 'People's' money.

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Many should realize that AFTER Thaksin got ousted...due to the rich clique of Bang cockians...that Thailand plummeted to medi- evil levels of awareness and that the shit then hits the fan.....and that inspite of shady accusations and unproven evilness of Thaksin ...(as this is very normal tactics in politics to shift powers ) there is a reason that 60% of the people are still siding up with him ...expressing it via the red shirts movement......

Thailand has changed and will continue to change...they can never undo it...it will get worse first before it can become better...eventually it will be better..and trying to put the masses in the pockets of the elite...won't work anymore...not in this era of Information Technology...

:whistling: Don't count Thaksin out. Will be back!!B)


Will Thaksin match the funds he gave to the RedShirts while donating to the flood victims?

If it is coming from the treasury (iei Tax), yes. However, he has no excess to that now.


I truly believe that Thaksin looks upon Kim Jong-il with envy and jealousy of the first degree. I am sure wherever he was watching the recent military parades in North Korea, he was sat dreaming of himself in the same situation passing on some form of dynastic power to his offspring.

This man will bring great great trouble to Thailand before he is done, and will make his move when a certain event occurs that sadly cannot be to much further in the future.

maybe they could use some of that money that was seized off taksin to help efforts. If taksin gets back into thailand by throwing money of his own into the thai economy then Thailand really is for sale and it might come down to who has more cash.

If Taksin can finance a war then i guess he will can finance a aid releif.

Right. War disguised as aid relief, too. Ignorance can't detect motive


Thaksin's daughter going to visit the northeast?

Is there some shopping center that we missed? They make Luis Vuitton flood boots in her size? Great, the world is becoming more of a civilized place.

Chalerm is such a tool. Such a big kiss-ass.


Many should realize that AFTER Thaksin got ousted...due to the rich clique of Bang cockians...that Thailand plummeted to medi- evil levels of awareness and that the shit then hits the fan.....and that inspite of shady accusations and unproven evilness of Thaksin ...(as this is very normal tactics in politics to shift powers ) there is a reason that 60% of the people are still siding up with him ...expressing it via the red shirts movement......

Thailand has changed and will continue to change...they can never undo it...it will get worse first before it can become better...eventually it will be better..and trying to put the masses in the pockets of the elite...won't work anymore...not in this era of Information Technology...

:whistling: Don't count Thaksin out. Will be back!!B)

YES, IN A BOX........


If he actually donated money to the Red Cross, than, at least some good will come out of it.  Hope someone benefits from Thaksin's selflessness...:whistling:

Apart from Thaksin and his coterie I presume. I should like to see confirmation from the Thai Red Cross that they actually received the money.


Slightly off subject I could not avoid snorting with scorn when reading in the press earlier in the week that Thaksins brats had donated 100 books to a childrens library....I wonder what they would give if they had access to the Reserve Bank

You shouldn't scorn them. Most likely papa Thaksin cut their allowances. Remember, k. Thaksin has gone on record with 'I have to work to feed my kids'  ;)

Perhaps he could stop working if his kids didn't go shopping 24/7? Maybe the unlovely Pojtaman could drop a few mil on the kids. Oops! I forgot. She is busy shopping too.


At least Mr Thaksin has donated and its showing concern and had put his money where his mouth is and for those that scoff a the amount when you put 5 mil up then you can comment.


I shall make the point of going to City Hall today and contribute in the same proportion of assets and income as the oh so generous Khun Thaksin. About 25 sitang should do it.


I truly believe that Thaksin looks upon Kim Jong-il with envy and jealousy of the first degree. I am sure wherever he was watching the recent military parades in North Korea, he was sat dreaming of himself in the same situation passing on some form of dynastic power to his offspring.

This man will bring great great trouble to Thailand before he is done, and will make his move when a certain event occurs that sadly cannot be to much further in the future.

If Thaksin can finance a war then i guess he will can finance a aid releif.

YEAH where is all that MONEY they confiscated from Thaksin ????????????????

Just another reason why the Thaksin supporters hate the BKK elite they robbed thaksin and are now enjoying his money instead of putting it to good use which might breed some good will with the reds but no better to buy a new Mercedes or 2

I guess you weren't here in May, huh?

The money was put to excellent use.

Sorry to interrupt a good rant with reality, but...

Thaksin's confiscated cash goes to Thai national debt repayments

The Thai government has decided to use 42 billion baht (1.3 billion dollars) confiscated from fugitive politician Thaksin Shinawatra and his family to help repay the country's public debt, media reports said on Tuesday.

The Comptroller Department decided to use Thaksin's money for national debt repayments after 46 billion baht were transferred to state coffers from 32 bank accounts in six commercial banks previously holding the frozen cash, the Bangkok Post reported.

DPA - May 4, 2010

An excellent response to an unresearched and ill-considered accusation of corruption against the current government.

I do wish the supporters of this vile blot on the landscape of Thai politics would actually read up on things and find out the truth about their glorious leader Khun T.

Having now been educated with regard to what the government has actually done with the legally confiscted ill-gotten gains of this plunderer, why not consider how many new Mercedes their illustrious leader managed to acquire during his time in office....


If Thaksin truly wanted politics put aside to help the flood victims then why announce all he is doing? Why not do it quietly or the Buddhist way when it comes to generosity. Sadly all politicians try to use disasters to their advantage even if they truly want to help but I believe Thaksin's only concern is Thaksin. Every time he opens up his mouth BS comes out.

Edit: And if he is going to open up his mouth about his giving ... why not say how much he is giving. I would surely be interested in knowing how much this billionaire cares.


He called on all sides to stop politicking in order to devote attention to assit flood victims.


Former Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat, his brother-in-law, will head the team of Pheu Thai MPs to distribute relief supplies, he said.

Yes, let's not politicize the aid, so let's send a bunch of PTP politicians to hand out the relief money and supplies. :rolleyes:


I'm only surprised k. Thaksin didn't boost of less flooding in his time. the rest is the usual biilsh1t.

PTP as incarnation of PPP as incarnation of TRT hasn't changed much. It's not about the people, it's about Thaksin. PPP in two governments only had as agenda point 'bring back Thaksin', PTP has improved, two agenda points: 'blame the government' and 'get back Thaksin'.

Luckily we have a government which does things, even if corruption and self-interest is still not of the past.

"He called on all sides to stop politicking in order to devote attention to assit flood victims."

Of course his saying that is totally political in nature.

Trying to make it look like only HE is not being political,

IS political in it's very essence. More myth building for

profit in the future.

I was in severe floods in Surat Thani 5 years ago

and Thaksin refused to help, until a ministry on it's own,

declared it an 'official state emergency' and then sent money.

His only reasons for not helping when originally asked is:

They didn't vote for TRT, so tough luck.


Good, good, go to sleep now.

We need to increase the content of logic here.

Your eyes are getting heavy, you feel drowsy and somnolent.

Sleep little poppy sleep.


Thakson should be charged for vote buying. It is so clear that he is using the disaster as an opportunity to buy support (hence vote for him later), Same same for Mark.

Actually the PM's responsibility as national leader is

to help these people and the region recover.

Thaksin is playing at politics, Abhisit is doing his job,

a great difference between the two.

And I clearly remember Thaksin NOT doing his job in '95

to play TRT favoring politics.


Most big donors remain anonymous. Government has the duty to give relief. The opposition has a position to monitor it. Donors should just give and leave it at that unles of course they are meglomaniacal, egomaniacal headcases. The man in question acts like the country is his personal fiefdom and the opposition party act pathetically in once again showing all they are are the slave boys of master. Thai poltics and those playing it get worse every day. The problem is that there is no solution from the discredited fools playing the game and that is a dangerous situation. In the past two years the only national level poltico who has got on wit his job has been Korn. The rest have all been obsessed with either returning master to power or fighting his boot boys and polticos.


Most big donors remain anonymous. Government has the duty to give relief. The opposition has a position to monitor it. Donors should just give and leave it at that unles of course they are meglomaniacal, egomaniacal headcases. The man in question acts like the country is his personal fiefdom and the opposition party act pathetically in once again showing all they are are the slave boys of master. Thai poltics and those playing it get worse every day. The problem is that there is no solution from the discredited fools playing the game and that is a dangerous situation. In the past two years the only national level poltico who has got on wit his job has been Korn. The rest have all been obsessed with either returning master to power or fighting his boot boys and polticos.

Ah, Korn Chatikavanij, "not obsessed with either returning master to power or fighting his boot boys and polticos" This from his website under the heading "About Korn";

During the extremely hostile political environment of 2006 - 2007, I had a key role in dissecting ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's sale of his family's business to Temasek, and the alleged tax fraud related to the sale – the effects of which eventually led to coup of September 19th, 2006 and the fall of Dr. Thaksin along with his Thai Rak Thai Party.

And a bit more background on his views taken from his "Issues" page relating to interviews with the media, dated 9th September 2008, after the Government House break-in (his words, not mine);

Let's be clear I am a PAD sympathiser. Almost all of the tens of thousands of the attending public are Democratvoters. Most importantly, the PAD and their supporters make similar arguments with us that the government has lost its way and lost its legitimacy, given breach of both law and ethics. Recently, the government has also lostits authority.

I concluded that we needed to pursue all attempts to convict members of the government, their political party as well as the government itself. Unless we succeed in doing so, the ruling party and their co-conspirators would simply continue to abuse the majority vote given to them by the Thai public

Many observers say that it is undemocratic for a crowd to call for the resignation of an elected government. I find that to be absurd. It is true that a government should only be removed through parliamentary process, but not true that this implies the general public cannot voice their desire for a change in government.

I also believe that, like it or not, the Democrats could not on our own have resisted the PPP or the government from abusing their powers in the seven months of their rule. I think that without our parallel efforts, it is likely that the Constitution would by now have been amended and protection given to both Thaksin and PPP itself.

I believe the government would have approved 6,000 hugely expensive buses rather than the 4,000 they are trying to get away with.

I believe we would have lost future claim and current territory at the Phra Viharn temple.


I think many people, me included, were PAD sympathisers in the year leading up to the coup, at that point the priority was to get rid of Thaksin...however, we do not condone many of their actions, their rhetoric and have since distanced ourselves, if not outright condemned them - see red shirt sympathisers? You CAN cut Thaksin loose and regain your legitimacy. We are entitled to change our opinions, if not our principles.

So, PhiPhiDon quoting something which sounds years and years old from someone who has since denounced PAD (Please correct me if I am wrong, I was sure I heard him in parliament last year denouncing PAD), and trying to fit it into modern context is simply wrong.

As to Thaksin and his piddly five million (and PR value of much more spun-off the donation). Whatever.


Many should realize that AFTER Thaksin got ousted...due to the rich clique of Bang cockians...that Thailand plummeted to medi- evil levels of awareness and that the shit then hits the fan.....and that inspite of shady accusations and unproven evilness of Thaksin ...(as this is very normal tactics in politics to shift powers ) there is a reason that 60% of the people are still siding up with him ...expressing it via the red shirts movement......

Thailand has changed and will continue to change...they can never undo it...it will get worse first before it can become better...eventually it will be better..and trying to put the masses in the pockets of the elite...won't work anymore...not in this era of Information Technology...

The Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts have more in common than they realize. They need to combine forces to get the government in line and away from corrupt power plays.


I truly believe that Thaksin looks upon Kim Jong-il with envy and jealousy of the first degree. I am sure wherever he was watching the recent military parades in North Korea, he was sat dreaming of himself in the same situation passing on some form of dynastic power to his offspring.

This man will bring great great trouble to Thailand before he is done, and will make his move when a certain event occurs that sadly cannot be to much further in the future.

maybe they could use some of that money that was seized off taksin to help efforts. If taksin gets back into thailand by throwing money of his own into the thai economy then Thailand really is for sale and it might come down to who has more cash.

If Taksin can finance a war then i guess he will can finance a aid releif.

YEAH where is all that MONEY they confiscated from Thaksin ????????????????

Just another reason why the Thaksin supporters hate the BKK elite they robbed thaksin and are now enjoying his money instead of putting it to good use which might breed some good will with the reds but no better to buy a new Mercedes or 2

At least Mr Thaksin has donated and its showing concern and had put his money where his mouth is and for those that scoff a the amount when you put 5 mil up then you can comment.


It sounds like you would like to shake his hand (or grovel at his feet) for stealing your money...

Like the magic show, watch what he does, not what he says...


one hundred books

Slightly off subject I could not avoid snorting with scorn when reading in the press earlier in the week that Thaksins brats had donated 100 books to a childrens library....I wonder what they would give if they had access to the Reserve Bank

101 books


I truly believe that Thaksin looks upon Kim Jong-il with envy and jealousy of the first degree. I am sure wherever he was watching the recent military parades in North Korea, he was sat dreaming of himself in the same situation passing on some form of dynastic power to his offspring.

This man will bring great great trouble to Thailand before he is done, and will make his move when a certain event occurs that sadly cannot be to much further in the future.

maybe they could use some of that money that was seized off taksin to help efforts. If taksin gets back into thailand by throwing money of his own into the thai economy then Thailand really is for sale and it might come down to who has more cash.

If Taksin can finance a war then i guess he will can finance a aid releif.

YEAH where is all that MONEY they confiscated from Thaksin ????????????????

Just another reason why the Thaksin supporters hate the BKK elite they robbed thaksin and are now enjoying his money instead of putting it to good use which might breed some good will with the reds but no better to buy a new Mercedes or 2

At least Mr Thaksin has donated and its showing concern and had put his money where his mouth is and for those that scoff a the amount when you put 5 mil up then you can comment.


It sounds like you would like to shake his hand (or grovel at his feet) for stealing your money...

Like the magic show, watch what he does, not what he says...

DK you are a joke.


I truly believe that Thaksin looks upon Kim Jong-il with envy and jealousy of the first degree. I am sure wherever he was watching the recent military parades in North Korea, he was sat dreaming of himself in the same situation passing on some form of dynastic power to his offspring.

This man will bring great great trouble to Thailand before he is done, and will make his move when a certain event occurs that sadly cannot be to much further in the future.

maybe they could use some of that money that was seized off taksin to help efforts. If taksin gets back into thailand by throwing money of his own into the thai economy then Thailand really is for sale and it might come down to who has more cash.

If Taksin can finance a war then i guess he will can finance a aid releif.

YEAH where is all that MONEY they confiscated from Thaksin ????????????????

Just another reason why the Thaksin supporters hate the BKK elite they robbed thaksin and are now enjoying his money instead of putting it to good use which might breed some good will with the reds but no better to buy a new Mercedes or 2

At least Mr Thaksin has donated and its showing concern and had put his money where his mouth is and for those that scoff a the amount when you put 5 mil up then you can comment.


Really? Where do you get such ideas? Who are these 'elite' who are enjoying Taksin's money? Names please. If anything it is the BJT (former Taksin associates) who are being accused of corruption and taking the 'People's' money.

k. Thaksin started to use the Thai State's money as his money. So some were enjoying the Thai taxpayer's money. Most are now banned from politics for five years ;)


YEAH where is all that MONEY they confiscated from Thaksin ????????????????

Just another reason why the Thaksin supporters hate the BKK elite they robbed thaksin and are now enjoying his money instead of putting it to good use which might breed some good will with the reds but no better to buy a new Mercedes or 2

[i]Where's the evidence that the confiscated money was used to buy a mercedes or two and by whom?[/i]

At least Mr Thaksin has donated and its showing concern and had put his money where his mouth is and for those that scoff a the amount when you put 5 mil up then you can comment.


[u]You really mean that he's given a little of the money he stole back to Thailand.[/u]

Really? Where do you get such ideas? Who are these 'elite' who are enjoying Taksin's money? Names please. If anything it is the BJT (former Taksin associates) who are being accused of corruption and taking the 'People's' money.

k. Thaksin started to use the Thai State's money as his money. So some were enjoying the Thai taxpayer's money. Most are now banned from politics for five years ;)

Additionally thaksin was quite 'loose with the truth'. Example: The food vendors in my soi are convinced that thaksin paid off the IMF loan with his own money. They also believe that the original 1 million Baht 'village fund' came from thaksin personal money.

They quickly get angry at any attempt to explain to them that the funds came from tax receipts (the common wealth of Thailand). My adult Thai son and others tried a couple of times to explain how it works, their retort is that jatuporn etc etc gave them the truth and any other explanation is deliberate and total lies.


Taksin is gone already. Tweets on the net are pretty pathetic. It's something we all can do so how much influence does it have? Also, the very audience he needs to reach don't have access to the net let alone understand tweeting.

As far as the average ex-taksin voter is aware, the man has simply disappeared off the radar never to return.

Equally, from Taksin's point of view, the longer he leaves the forced absence the harder he makes his own return. All he has is money. There is little influence. He is merely wealthy but without the tentacles of infra structure or office in which to infiltrate society.

Hence those very much out sid eof manistream society who embrace him; Chalerm. Another unacceptable face of politics and one with no power and little influence.

The past is gone. The red shirts are a spent force. There is no tangible opposition. No future events will impact other than to guarantee the current status quo. Thailand will continue on it's path towards stability and recovery as long as it embraces that 'thainess' quality. Meaning, it'll muddle through.

It is tackling the corrupt figures from its past and more importantly it is dismantling any form of institutionalised corruption that Taksin introduced.

Mega projects, land fiddles, 94 wrist watches; we'll not be seeing his like again outside of sub-saharan Africa.

Sleep well.


I could not avoid snorting with scorn when reading in the press earlier in the week that Thaksins brats had donated 100 books to a childrens library.

Was it 100 unsold copies of their book, Others Call Him Prime Minister. We Call Him Dad :unsure:



Many should realize that AFTER Thaksin got ousted...due to the rich clique of Bang cockians...that Thailand plummeted to medi- evil levels of awareness and that the shit then hits the fan.....and that inspite of shady accusations and unproven evilness of Thaksin ...(as this is very normal tactics in politics to shift powers ) there is a reason that 60% of the people are still siding up with him ...expressing it via the red shirts movement......

Thailand has changed and will continue to change...they can never undo it...it will get worse first before it can become better...eventually it will be better..and trying to put the masses in the pockets of the elite...won't work anymore...not in this era of Information Technology...

60% ?? A bit high I think. Probably half that.

Yes, as polls confirm.

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