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Smokescreen Of Thai Patriotism Can't Hide Our Failings


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The English language has always been the "preserve" of the Thai social and economic elite.

I can understand the reticence of this “glitterati”. How many billions have been spent at so called “international” schools in order to maintain this flawed sign of social superiority?

By providing the “plebs“ effective access to the English language it would dilute their social status. This elite only wish to maintain and reinforce the class structure in “their” country.

I have witnessed an English//Thai child return from an “ordinary” school and say “Daddy, the teacher says you teach me English wrong”.

On confronting said teacher, he was “blanked” and she refused to speak English with him! It was explained in Thai to his wife that at that school, the pupils are taught English the “Thai” way.

I have a daughter too, she has just started school Woe betide the ignorant idiot who attempts to impose a flawed version of my language!

By citing that the adoption of English “official” second language might suggest a prior British colonisation of Thailand is an overt perversion of history.

Thailand did not maintain its sovereignty by military means.

It was achieved by a clever monarch who studied English, French, Latin etc and used intelligence, guile and diplomacy to preserve his kingdom. He played “both sides against the other” and Thailand became a “buffer” between Britain and France and not a colony of either.

The Thai’s are rightly proud of their independence but this pride often abused by those who direct it into a jingoistic and racist mindset. I think the term “xenophobia” is a more appropriate term, as a phobia is defined as an “irrational fear”.

Trust me, if we foreign born Thai residents “rock the boat” too much, then there will be plenty of Thai’s who are proficient ( pr: plo-fici-ans) in English, telling us to “go home” if we don’t like it.












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Take Education Minister Chinnaworn Boonyakiat as an example. He has scrapped a plan to make English the country's second language because he was concerned the world might be misled into thinking that Thailand was once under colonial rule from the West.

Everyone knows you weren't, mate; you haven't got enough brains and know-how to suggest otherwise. And everyone also knows that your little patch of paradise could have been taken at any time if the colonial powers that be had deemed it necessary. I'm sure you would have done your 'roll over' thing with aplomb!

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The Nationalism is always use as a tool to manipulate the common people, it can be effective use when people less informed. Many Thai's have access to Internet, but they access mainly local Thai websites, as they find difficulty in English which is the most common Internet language, so they're less aware of outside views.

15 year living in Thailand I have to say that still only a small percentage of Thais can understand English well, they're those who are fortunate to be educated overseas, or those who work in Industries that requires them to interact with foreigners. It is so unfortunate that some politician decided to stop or reverse the gear in language proficiency because of their personal interest.

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thai proficient in english......:whistling: bargirls (speak good, but sounds horrible sometimes also called THenglish, foreign educated or rich international school kids (have usually a horrible US accent), office workers with international contacts (only able to speak wht they need in the job)

anyway English and Thailand: Two worlds apart! Seems like it has a very bad reputation and is even suspicious if a thai can speak english.

In other countrys its better maybe cuz they poorer Laos, Cambodia.

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Well Minister Dimbulb, your father came close to speaking Japanese as a second language. If a farang can understand you history better than you, how can you be in charge of all the history teachers?

That "Minister Dimbulb" is a bigwig of the Democrats Party and education policy is the main domain of the Democrats.

That is one of the point the farang writer of this article and the dimwit farang readers of the article didn't realise, otherwise the arguments would be quite different.

Where does this idiot attitude to think 'i am much smarter than the locals' coming from? And why that kind of comments came mostly from native English speakers?

"Where does this idiot attitude to think 'i am much smarter than the locals' coming from?"

Where does this idiot attitude to think 'i am much smarter than the other posters on this forum' coming from?

My point is that

for the 'Minister' to back track from supporting English as a 2nd language is one thing, Contradicting his own PM within days wasn't particularly wise, but not untypical here.

But to do it because he says he thinks outside people will 'think the country was once colonized' if they see English as it's official 2nd language is kow towing to jingoist claptrap and paranoia. Or just plain foolish thinking.

Now, never forgetting that Japan actually did invade, and take control, of Thailand for several years, it is disingenuous to say that there was never and outside power running Thailand. Hence the comment on Japanese as nearly becoming the official second language of Thailand...

Ah, but the Ed Min. seems to have excised that bit of history off the books.

The realities of history are not a political football, or shouldn't ever be.

Nationalist paranoia should never be the bedrock of education policy.

As this sits, it shows both his lack of a grasp of history, as well as a very poor judgment set versus what the world thinks about Thailand, and his decision making abilities. Sorry minister, but adopting a 2nd language does not imply colonization, it just implies an outward looking mind set, in the modern communication age.

If I can grasp this fact set about Thai history,

then why can't the Thai Minister of Education?

If he can't, then he shouldn't have the job.

If he deliberately won't, then same answer.

It probably should be pointed out that the Japanese did not invade Thailand. They landed in Thailand. Without Thai support the Japanese may not have won the battle of Singapore and the course of the war drastically changed. A fact that Churchill did not forget when sent in English troops to occupy Thailand in 1946.

One of the ironies of the war is that the Thai Air Force with Thai pilots flying an American fighters purchased before the war shot down an American bomber.

Also it should be pointed out that the Thais were Japan's only voluntary ally during WW II and they wanted the Japanese to win not lose. After the Japanese lost the Thais also surrendered to the Allies and paid war reparations as did the Japanese.

Thais have tried to re write this part of history but if you really look you can find the facts.

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I doubt that this was written by a Thai.

Quite opposite, I somehow feel that this article was actually written by a young Thai lady (or someone with a feminine touch)coffee1.gif

they all have a bit of a feminine touch around here

May just be the company you keep :whistling:

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]As an Englishman born and bred, whatever mix of genes that may be I would like to point out that we were in fact invaded by the Vikings more than a time or two, Those Vikings were of Nordic extraction and like their later followers the Romans the Normans and a few other motley crew of insurgents they left their genetic stamp upon us having conquered and colonised us.

I've snipped it a bit for brevity, but not reworded anything that remains.

It would seem that despite your attempt at including historic (though still fairly recent history) quotes, you didn't pay much attention to the history lessons at school, which tried to educate you about your roots.

Just so you know - the Romans pre-dated the Vikings, who in turn pre-dated what is classically considered the Normans. However, the Normans were in fact Norsemen who had conquered and settled part of Gaul, and renamed it Normandy.

You may also be interested to know that the term "English" is a derivative of "Angles" - the dominant tribe of South East England prior to the Saxon invasions that occurred between the Roman evacuation in 410AD and the start of the Viking raids in around 650AD. Prior to the Roman occupation, the dominant racial group were the Britons, from whom came the Roman-given name of Britannica for the island we now call Great Britain.

Now I've straightened you out on that, please reread the opening post of the thread, and you will note the author correctly stated that the English speaking nations never invaded and colonised Scandinavia. This is generally true, though Nelson did once attack Denmark, conducting both a prolonged naval bombardment and simultaneously landing an army to assault the Danish capital. The British authorities of the day were making a punitive action and had no intention of retaining occupancy.

Regarding the education minister, and whether this is a face or nationalism issue, the root of that problem goes back to the military government nationalism and nationhood programs of the 1940's and 1950's, and the wholesale rewriting of the histories of (now) Thailand from Ramkhamhaeng of Sukhothai inventing writing through to the modern mantra that Thailand has survived 700+ years without being conquered and colonised. Not bad going for a country that was only fully unified and named in 1939 AD.

Until successive Thai governments stop rewriting their nation's and people's history to suit current expediency, there's no chance that ANY non-Thai language will be elevated to the status of second language for the country.

.... though thinking about it, Thai IS the second language already, because Baht is the first language.

edit: to correct a couple of typos

"Thai IS the second language already, because Baht is the first language" :cheesy:

Excellant insight :clap2::wai:

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It probably should be pointed out that the Japanese did not invade Thailand. They landed in Thailand. Without Thai support the Japanese may not have won the battle of Singapore and the course of the war drastically changed. A fact that Churchill did not forget when sent in English troops to occupy Thailand in 1946.

One of the ironies of the war is that the Thai Air Force with Thai pilots flying an American fighters purchased before the war shot down an American bomber.

Also it should be pointed out that the Thais were Japan's only voluntary ally during WW II and they wanted the Japanese to win not lose. After the Japanese lost the Thais also surrendered to the Allies and paid war reparations as did the Japanese.

Thais have tried to re write this part of history but if you really look you can find the facts.

Oh the utter confusion if the people found out an alternative history to what they are taught. What would the country do? Collapse in a heap of confused loyalties? How would they react if they felt that they had been lied to for all these years? It is so wonderful that the government works so hard to protect the Thai people's delicate sensibilities.

There was an interesting story the other day about how China officially changed their history books to note that America and South Korea did not cast the first stone in the Korean war. Apparently the North Koreans weren't happy with the revised version of their truth. Not that I mean to insinuate that the Thai Education minister is trying to perpetuate lies about Thai history in the same way that the Chinese and North Koreans have over the years.

The weight that the education minister carries as a responsibility to prevent the people getting all confused and their knickers in a twist is a very serious weight indeed. Indeed, promoting English could lead to all sorts of problems like increased participation in the world, more opportunities for employment, or an increased access to information. I am so glad that he takes his responsibility to make sure that the people don't have to deal with such issues very seriously, because as some are taught from a young age, the truth can hurt.

And to think that I have been accused of being condescending to the locals.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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while sitting on the plan I was placed next to a Thai MP, he and I struck up a conversation, his English was quite good he said that the education department did a study of graduating senior girls asking them what their career aspirations where after they finished school and their response was, "to marry a foreign man" , this would make them and their family feel safer about their future than going on to university. The MP I was next too shook is head and was completely shocked, his next concern was for the future of the contry and its traditions.

The words of a western teacher based in Isaan were similar.. That he was grafting (on little pay) to teach these kids something all the girls wanted to do was get old enough to get grafting in Patts and Phuket.. Why 'work' at school thinking, when their goals were to get into a bar and come back covered in gold like the other older girls who went that route.

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The English language has always been the "preserve" of the Thai social and economic elite.

I can understand the reticence of this “glitterati”. How many billions have been spent at so called “international” schools in order to maintain this flawed sign of social superiority?

By providing the “plebs“ effective access to the English language it would dilute their social status. This elite only wish to maintain and reinforce the class structure in “their” country.

I have witnessed an English//Thai child return from an “ordinary” school and say “Daddy, the teacher says you teach me English wrong”.

On confronting said teacher, he was “blanked” and she refused to speak English with him! It was explained in Thai to his wife that at that school, the pupils are taught English the “Thai” way.

I have a daughter too, she has just started school Woe betide the ignorant idiot who attempts to impose a flawed version of my language!

By citing that the adoption of English “official” second language might suggest a prior British colonisation of Thailand is an overt perversion of history.

Thailand did not maintain its sovereignty by military means.

It was achieved by a clever monarch who studied English, French, Latin etc and used intelligence, guile and diplomacy to preserve his kingdom. He played “both sides against the other” and Thailand became a “buffer” between Britain and France and not a colony of either.

The Thai’s are rightly proud of their independence but this pride often abused by those who direct it into a jingoistic and racist mindset. I think the term “xenophobia” is a more appropriate term, as a phobia is defined as an “irrational fear”.

Trust me, if we foreign born Thai residents “rock the boat” too much, then there will be plenty of Thai’s who are proficient ( pr: plo-fici-ans) in English, telling us to “go home” if we don’t like it.


Let me share another 'version' of the teaching of English.

My Thai son, now a young adult, went to school for sometime in Singapore and loved it for many reasons:

- The teaching methodology, which has given him strong ability to analyse and to discuss.

- Today he speaks virtually perfect English.

and more.

Then he returned to Thailand to go to university. Thailand because he established clearly that a degree from a Thai university would be more accepted, in Thailand, in his chosen field.

At his Thai university English is compulsory. For some time the English teacher was a 19 year old Thai girl who could not speak English, had no training whatever to teach language and used no professional / progressive methodology or materials.

She came to each class with about 4 or 5 sentences hand written in English and one of the students was tasked to get photo copies for the students. The students simply repeated each sentence numerous times, with no explanation of vocabulary etc. And after all the repetitions the class ended, mostly way before the allocated time.

My son could see that the sentences were quite wrong, example:

- "I go yesterday went to shopping.' Plus capitalization, periods etc., were wrong or non existant

My son asked me to correct all the sentences on one of the handouts and he gave it back to the teacher outside of the classroom and out of sight of the other students. The teacher already knew that my son's father was a farang, because my son's family name is a typical western surname and because the other students had told the teacher about me.

The 'teacher' went beserk and (in Thai) ridiculed my son over and over in subsequent classes. And of course her policy what that students are not allowed to ask questions or comment.

End of story, at the end of that semester my son was given an 'F' for English. Luckily this is all overridden because my son has good certification from his studies in Singapore, and his next Thai 'English' teacher(s) gave him all 'A's' for English.

However the students en masse realized that this was overall totally unsatisfactory and that they were making no progress whatever and they submitted a petition for the teacher to be changed, which did happen (after the first teacher gathered the students together and abused them) but the next teacher was pretty much the same. And the first teacher was simply assigned to another group. (First teacher also told the students that if she ever discovered that they attended a PAD demonstartion / gathering - this is several yeaars back - she would fail them.)

My son brought his student colleagues home often, still does, they cannot speak or understand even a few words of English, most of them don't even understand 1 to 10.

What a shame, because if they could speak English they could all get quite good jobs in their chosen field, paying 4 or 5 times there current earnings.  








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'animatic' timestamp='1287817701' post='3974307'

Well Minister Dimbulb, your father came close to speaking Japanese as a second language. If a farang can understand your history better than you, how can you be in charge of all the history teachers?

That "Minister Dimbulb" is a bigwig of the Democrats Party and education policy is the main domain of the Democrats.

That is one of the point the farang writer of this article and the dimwit farang readers of the article didn't realise, otherwise the arguments would be quite different.

Where does this idiot attitude to think 'i am much smarter than the locals' coming from? And why that kind of comments came mostly from native English speakers?

"Where does this idiot attitude to think 'i am much smarter than the locals' coming from?"

Where does this idiot attitude to think 'i am much smarter than the other posters on this forum' coming from?

My point is that

for the 'Minister' to back track from supporting English as a 2nd language is one thing, Contradicting his own PM within days wasn't particularly wise, but not untypical here.

But to do it because he says he thinks outside people will 'think the country was once colonized' if they see English as it's official 2nd language is kow towing to jingoist claptrap and paranoia. Or just plain foolish thinking.

Now, never forgetting that Japan actually did invade, and take control, of Thailand for several years, it is disingenuous to say that there was never and outside power running Thailand. Hence the comment on Japanese as nearly becoming the official second language of Thailand...

Ah, but the Ed Min. seems to have excised that bit of history off the books.

The realities of history are not a political football, or shouldn't ever be.

Nationalist paranoia should never be the bedrock of education policy.

As this sits, it shows both his lack of a grasp of history, as well as a very poor judgment set versus what the world thinks about Thailand, and his decision making abilities. Sorry minister, but adopting a 2nd language does not imply colonization, it just implies an outward looking mind set, in the modern communication age.

If I can grasp this fact set about Thai history,

then why can't the Thai Minister of Education?

If he can't, then he shouldn't have the job.

If he deliberately won't, then same answer.

It probably should be pointed out that the Japanese did not invade Thailand. They landed in Thailand. Without Thai support the Japanese may not have won the battle of Singapore and the course of the war drastically changed. A fact that Churchill did not forget when sent in English troops to occupy Thailand in 1946.

One of the ironies of the war is that the Thai Air Force with Thai pilots flying an American fighters purchased before the war shot down an American bomber.

Also it should be pointed out that the Thais were Japan's only voluntary ally during WW II and they wanted the Japanese to win not lose. After the Japanese lost the Thais also surrendered to the Allies and paid war reparations as did the Japanese.

Thais have tried to re write this part of history but if you really look you can find the facts.

Well you make my point yet a again for me.

The Japanese invade, the Thais fought for a long afternoon

and then rolled over like a puppy to be belly scratched.

And set up the equivalent to Vichy in Bangkok

Occupation number 1

Then after the war the English come in a Thailand has no say in it.

Only the Americans can talk England down from occupying Thailand indefinitely.

Occupation Number 2

Both forgotten by Kuhn Jingoist of the EDUCATION department.

Edited by animatic
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The Nationalism is always use as a tool to manipulate the common people, it can be effective use when people less informed. Many Thai's have access to Internet, but they access mainly local Thai websites, as they find difficulty in English which is the most common Internet language, so they're less aware of outside views.

15 year living in Thailand I have to say that still only a small percentage of Thais can understand English well, they're those who are fortunate to be educated overseas, or those who work in Industries that requires them to interact with foreigners. It is so unfortunate that some politician decided to stop or reverse the gear in language proficiency because of their personal interest.

Good first post.

Welcome asiavox.

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The Nationalism is always use as a tool to manipulate the common people, it can be effective use when people less informed. Many Thai's have access to Internet, but they access mainly local Thai websites, as they find difficulty in English which is the most common Internet language, so they're less aware of outside views.

15 year living in Thailand I have to say that still only a small percentage of Thais can understand English well, they're those who are fortunate to be educated overseas, or those who work in Industries that requires them to interact with foreigners. It is so unfortunate that some politician decided to stop or reverse the gear in language proficiency because of their personal interest.

OMG asiavox living 15 years in Thailand and still not all Thai speaking English, the master race language of the Internet.

Ohh how xenophobe and nationalistic these Thai all are.

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Well you make my point yet a again for me.

The Japanese invade, the Thais fought for a long afternoon

and then rolled over like a puppy to be belly scratched.

And set up the equivalent to Vichy in Bangkok

Occupation number 1

Then after the war the English come in a Thailand has no say in it.

Only the Americans can talk England down from occupying Thailand indefinitely.

Occupation Number 2

Both forgotten by Kuhn Jingoist of the EDUCATION department.

Yep, The Americans dropped the atomic bomb over the Japanese in WWII, we all know it.

But these evil Thai still don't speak American, time to replace the education minister with some tourist from Texas or Nevada.

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Well you make my point yet a again for me.

The Japanese invade, the Thais fought for a long afternoon

and then rolled over like a puppy to be belly scratched.

And set up the equivalent to Vichy in Bangkok

Occupation number 1

Then after the war the English come in a Thailand has no say in it.

Only the Americans can talk England down from occupying Thailand indefinitely.

Occupation Number 2

Both forgotten by Kuhn Jingoist of the EDUCATION department.

Yep, The Americans dropped the atomic bomb over the Japanese in WWII, we all know it.

But these evil Thai still don't speak American, time to replace the education minister with some tourist from Texas or Nevada.

If this is typical for the comments on the OP I'm glad I stayed away from it.

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Well you make my point yet a again for me.

The Japanese invade, the Thais fought for a long afternoon

and then rolled over like a puppy to be belly scratched.

And set up the equivalent to Vichy in Bangkok

Occupation number 1

Then after the war the English come in a Thailand has no say in it.

Only the Americans can talk England down from occupying Thailand indefinitely.

Occupation Number 2

Both forgotten by Kuhn Jingoist of the EDUCATION department.

Yep, The Americans dropped the atomic bomb over the Japanese in WWII, we all know it.

But these evil Thai still don't speak American, time to replace the education minister with some tourist from Texas or Nevada.

If this is typical for the comments on the OP I'm glad I stayed away from it.

Yeah, that is the 'logic' even the OP use to operate with his arguments and a lot of comments here are the same style.

But for the fun - the topic is worth to take a look from time to time.

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This topic is insane. We were taught French as a second language in England, but don't believe we were ever 'colonised' by the French? (thanks for the Camembert and Burgundy by the way:thumbsup:)

This stupid remark is in a long line, going back aeons, to keep the already xenophobic, brainwashed Thai 'subject' (they are, after all more subject than citizen), constantly firmly reminded of his/her place. They really should all grow up. Burma's beckoning ...

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This topic is insane. We were taught French as a second language in England, but don't believe we were ever 'colonised' by the French? (thanks for the Camembert and Burgundy by the way:thumbsup:)

This stupid remark is in a long line, going back aeons, to keep the already xenophobic, brainwashed Thai 'subject' (they are, after all more subject than citizen), constantly firmly reminded of his/her place. They really should all grow up. Burma's beckoning ...

Get real . No one prohibits English as a language to learn.

Is French the 2nd official language in England? How far i will get there if i speak only French?

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Well you make my point yet a again for me.

The Japanese invade, the Thais fought for a long afternoon

and then rolled over like a puppy to be belly scratched.

And set up the equivalent to Vichy in Bangkok

Occupation number 1

Then after the war the English come in a Thailand has no say in it.

Only the Americans can talk England down from occupying Thailand indefinitely.

Occupation Number 2

Both forgotten by Kuhn Jingoist of the EDUCATION department.

Yep, The Americans dropped the atomic bomb over the Japanese in WWII, we all know it.

But these evil Thai still don't speak American, time to replace the education minister with some tourist from Texas or Nevada.

If this is typical for the comments on the OP I'm glad I stayed away from it.

I exaggerated a little it might have been 3 afternoons.

Then the Thai Gov in exile, like the Free French, came about

and worked out of Washington among other places.

Was there a Quisling style government in Thailand at the time?

Most likely, and face prevents them from acknowledging that truth.

Hard to imagine that ending the war in '45 has much to do

with the proponderance of English, world wide 60 years later.

But if you blindly hate the USA, any straw must be clutched at to add another gibe.

The internet was created in Switzerland, not USA, by Tim Berns-Lee and is installed in

all nations world wide, how communications evolve is by natural selection, not jingoist fiat,

but some will always feel that it must be a plot from Washington or Hollywood.

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This topic is insane. We were taught French as a second language in England, but don't believe we were ever 'colonised' by the French?

Ahem, someone seems to have overlooked the Battle of Hastings in 10666 and the subsequent hook,line and sinker colonisation by the Normans

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This topic is insane. We were taught French as a second language in England, but don't believe we were ever 'colonised' by the French?

Ahem, someone seems to have overlooked the Battle of Hastings in 10666 and the subsequent hook,line and sinker colonisation by the Normans

LOL one 6 too many. 1066 AD

Guess inmysights has never seen a Robinhood movie!

And remember through Elizabeth 1st time at least,

that all court dialog was once in french and only the serfs spoke English.

It was a water shed when the bible was translated into English

and the common man could actually read 'the word'.

But I believe it was translated into French well before English versions.

Culminating in King James.

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Shame on you. Thai people cannot speak and write Thai properly. English (or other language can wait. We must get our priority right, and improve our own language first. Other will be secondary.

Yep, The education system isn't free of flaws and improvement can be done here and there.

I think it was mark45y who said that in a class of 40 are actually only 3 or 4 that are willing and eager to learn and smart to reach higher education. It should be made sure that these 3-4 smarts kids out of 40 in all the school classes nationwide get their chance and go their way up to university.

There is no significance that learning English means you will become smarter or more educated or whatever. The average English or lets say American speaker in some average town in Nevada or Texas has probably an average active vocabulary of 500 English words and not more and be able to carry on with his average life.

And so will the average Thai in an average town in Nakhon Somewhere be able to carry on with his average life without speaking any of these 500 English words.

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This topic is insane. We were taught French as a second language in England, but don't believe we were ever 'colonised' by the French?

Could one of our English members confirm that French is the official second language of England? I wasn't aware it had been designated as such.

an education subcommittee's proposal in July that English be made the country's second official language.
Edited by Buchholz
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I think if making English the official second language was to mislead people, it would be to mislead them into thinking English is commonly spoken and understood.

Making a language an Official language neither means it will be taught or indeed taught properly.

In New Zealand, Maori and NZ Sign Language are also official languages, but next to no-one speaks them. The only language compulsorily taught in schools is English.

The best way to get more English taught in Thai schools would be to simplify the whole working Visa process for teachers, and advertise around the world for teachers, even those fresh out of Uni to whom it may be more appealing.

Of course none of this will actually happen without those in charge actually wanting it to happen.

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Well you make my point yet a again for me.

The Japanese invade, the Thais fought for a long afternoon

and then rolled over like a puppy to be belly scratched.

And set up the equivalent to Vichy in Bangkok

Occupation number 1

Then after the war the English come in a Thailand has no say in it.

Only the Americans can talk England down from occupying Thailand indefinitely.

Occupation Number 2

Both forgotten by Kuhn Jingoist of the EDUCATION department.

Yep, The Americans dropped the atomic bomb over the Japanese in WWII, we all know it.

But these evil Thai still don't speak American, time to replace the education minister with some tourist from Texas or Nevada.

If this is typical for the comments on the OP I'm glad I stayed away from it.

I exaggerated a little it might have been 3 afternoons.

Then the Thai Gov in exile, like the Free French, came about

and worked out of Washington among other places.

Was there a Quisling style government in Thailand at the time?

Most likely, and face prevents them from acknowledging that truth.

Hard to imagine that ending the war in '45 has much to do

with the proponderance of English, world wide 60 years later.

But if you blindly hate the USA, any straw must be clutched at to add another gibe.

The internet was created in Switzerland, not USA, by Tim Berns-Lee and is installed in

all nations world wide, how communications evolve is by natural selection, not jingoist fiat,

but some will always feel that it must be a plot from Washington or Hollywood.

I have looked and looked and I can't find a reference for a Thai government in exile during World War II.

The Prime Minister during the war Phibun took over almost three years before the war (1938) and remained during the war. I think the royal family was in Switzerland and most (although not all) of the diplomats were repatriated home after Thailand declared war on the US and Britain.

When I look up Axis powers it lists,

Participating nations

2.1 Germany

2.2 Italy

2.3 Japan

2.4 Hungary

2.5 Romania

2.6 Bulgaria

2.7 Co-belligerents

2.7.1 Finland

2.7.2 Iraq

2.7.3 Thailand

Japanese puppet states

2.9.1 Manchukuo (Manchuria)

2.9.2 Mengjiang (Inner Mongolia)

2.9.3 Wang Jingwei Government

2.9.4 Philippines (Second Republic)

2.9.5 Vietnam (Empire of Vietnam)

2.9.6 Cambodia

2.9.7 Laos

2.13 Axis collaborator states

2.13.1 France (Vichy regime)

I can't find any sources that mention a Thai government in exile during WW II.

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The best way to get more English taught in Thai schools would be to simplify the whole working Visa process for teachers, and advertise around the world for teachers, even those fresh out of Uni to whom it may be more appealing.

Of course none of this will actually happen without those in charge actually wanting it to happen.

Its a selection process.

Make it more complicated keeps the dumbest out, make it more simple and you get more stupids.

Nobody wants more stupids and simpletons.

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Of course none of this will actually happen without those in charge actually wanting it to happen.

Which they don't because they know how much real information is out there in English.

Do you even know how much 'real information' is there out in Thai? And that it is not prohibited to learn English?

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