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Jet Ski Scam Out Of Control Tourists Have No Hope Of Being Treated Fairly


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As one does and a little curious I ventured down to the Beach Road to see for myself any scams taking place. Lo and behold 10 minutes into propping a tree up and saying" no thanks" to a couple of smiling ladies,the first jet ski arrives from the 20 minute turn,all smiles and pointing to the damage from the owners who met the ski jet on the beach,then quickly turns nasty.

Sauntered down to groups to overhear the heated conversation and did mention the universal scams taking place within hearing of the Thai operator to the accused,who responded that he was not in on it. Anyway the guy said he was not paying anything and I think he just turned and left

If the guy walked away that would be the first time I have heard that happening normally they will hold your passport or will physically stop you from going so i doubt they let him go.

But if he did walk and they have his hotel address which they always ask for it could be bad news for him because they take the law into their own hands.

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Why is this whole scam issue ignored and not been pushed harder ?

Why do you think it is allowed to continue?

There are three scenarios.

1) Those who could do something are afraid of the consequences if they do.

2) Those who could do something are getting a piece of the pie.

3) Those who could do something are controlled by the same mafia that is running the scam.

hard to pick only one so i will select all three.

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I think your over reacting, its easy, dont use them and tell everyone you meet what happens then maybe the word will spread.

I suppose anybody having lived here for some time and knowing what is going on wouldn't dare touch any of them

things. But those new arrivels in holyday mood could get it.

It reminds me of that criminal scam at the airport, it being reported to the Thai authorities didn't

do anything. Only when BBC reported it around the globe, did the PM do the jump and now one hopes that will be

setteled for ever.

I agree. The only way some thing will be done is when the manure hits the fan as in the duty free scam. Up to then it was ignored and it was "business" as usual.

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Spent a day at the beach recently and there were many people renting then in front of the area we were sitting. Didn't notice anything amiss when they were waved in after their 20 or 30 minute time (except big smiles on their faces). Have also rented them several times myself over the years without incident.

Not saying scams don't happen but I don't think as common as is often assumed.

Well since this thread was started and after a few weeks taking more interest in it I can now say without any doubt this scam is huge in pattaya and as I said in an earlier post this scam is costing tourists up to 1 million baht per week all along pattaya beach i have seen dozens of scams in the last few weeks .

Some operators targeting 80 percent of their customers.

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It looks like the local police wont help or the Tourist Police.

It would be interesting to know the reason behind why Tourist Police are not allowed to get involved I thought that was the whole purpose of them was to help tourists.

But at least all the tourists have a back up plan they can drop into 7/11 and report the crime :)

The 7/11 near my house specializes in short changing farang customers. Should I go report that also?

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I have never had the inclination to rent a jet ski and truth be said the guys who tout the services look pretty dodgy.

But if they did try it on me I would opt for going to the Police Station.

How much is a jet ski worth anyway?

I can't believe the amounts they are demanding for a bit of superficial damage.

there were two indian men being scammed yesterday and refusing to accept any damage, the jet ski operators made the two men sit back on the ski's while they were on the beach and put their children behind them and then took photo's to intimidate them more.

It was very obvious the indian men were not happy getting photos taken i have seen them do this a few times now as a scare tactic.

the jet skis are worth 300 thousand baht i beleive

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I have never had the inclination to rent a jet ski and truth be said the guys who tout the services look pretty dodgy.

But if they did try it on me I would opt for going to the Police Station.

How much is a jet ski worth anyway?

I can't believe the amounts they are demanding for a bit of superficial damage.

there were two indian men being scammed yesterday and refusing to accept any damage, the jet ski operators made the two men sit back on the ski's while they were on the beach and put their children behind them and then took photo's to intimidate them more.

It was very obvious the indian men were not happy getting photos taken i have seen them do this a few times now as a scare tactic.

the jet skis are worth 300 thousand baht i beleive

I think there are two things Thais have found out during those many years of blooming tourism,

first how rather helpless those foreigners are while in the country and

second how rather rich they are by Thai standards.

This put together with this Thai ruk Thai thing makes it very hard for a Thai to to take anything

away from another Thai rightly or wrongly when the victim happens to be nonThai.

A section of the road to Jomtien is not used. Still wonder why.

Anyway, the competition game of the Bath busses from South road th Jomtien is suspended.

The bus drivers fill the busses with "customers" cramping them together like cattle in a sometimes

rather rude tone. And before the vehicle is not loaded with between 12 and 15 people, they

wont't go. I wonder if this would be the behavour and mentality behind the smiles if some situation

would arise. Milking the cattle. A bit scary but of course just a thought.

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With all the Publicity about the Jet Ski scams , even on the Net & News ( I have seen it in the USA & Australia) even British sailors threatened with a rifle,(if I remember correctly) I am flabbergasted why anyone would even think of renting a Jet Ski in Thailand.

It has got to be a money spinner for someone . I will have a walk down there next week when we get back & would bet it is the same as last year when we left.

I guess the targets have changed to the Indians


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The whole area along beach road especially between mikes shopping mall and walking st is full of corruption, when you have owners of these malls in public office which was the case a few years ago I am not sure now ) and whilst allowing sales of counterfeit goods to be sold inside their buildings and all along that area plus the jet ski scams in full view of the public.

It just shows that the corruption is wide spread and how high up the chain of command does it go ?

This is why media are to scared do anything their businesses will suffer .

It looks like jet ski scammers are protected and they will continue doing it,

I really feel sorry for anyone renting these ski's and there are thousands of people who aren't aware of these scams .

It looks like the whole chair area between mikes and walking st is operated by about 3 groups who also rent the skis.

It also interesting how their is only one set of safety barriers in the mike to walking area yet numerous on the top end of the beach.

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the jet skis are worth 300 thousand baht i beleive

I have owned a jetski of my own, so I have some knowledge about the prices, not in thailand though.

There are 3 different classes of skis the renters seem to have. 

There is only one expensive ski to be rented out there, the red one with big RXP text on the side.

In Europe this one could cost around 8000-12000 euros used.


The Yamaha VX type skis are around 3000-5000 euros used in mint condition ( which the rentals are definately not )

Then there are a lot of older Yammis from 1990 or so which can be bought in europe for 1000-2000 euros in mint condition.

In this picture there are two VX:s in the middle and two old crap ones on both sides


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For those interested, here's the jet ski price list from Yamaha Thailand:

4 Stroke.

VX1100-J VX Sport 379,850.

VX 1100 BJ VX Deluxe 403,390.

VX 1100 AJ VX Cruiser 422,650.

FY 1800-J FX High Output 535,000.

FY 1800 AJ FX Cruiser High Output 540,350.

FX 1800-J FX Super High Output 545,700.

FX 1800 AJ FX Cruiser Super High Output 561,750.

GX1800-J FZR 551,050.

GX1800A-J FZS 561,750.

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While I would not deny the scams are taking place, there is the flip side of this story. Yesterday at approx 5pm I saw a pair of jets skis doing their thing, one of which planted itself on some rocks off Cosy beach. The operator tried for 5 minutes to first drive himself off and then repeadedly rocking the ski until finally he was off. There is no doubt this craft suffered not only gelcoat damage but most probably serious grp delamination too. If the operator (indian renter) got away with B100k, I would say he was lucky.

This is not the only incident in recent weeks. I also saw a goup of skis, two of which collided at a fair speed, one of which became submerged before they luckily towed it to the beach. Frankly, nobody should be allowed to rent these machines, ban them...problem solved.

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While I would not deny the scams are taking place, there is the flip side of this story. Yesterday at approx 5pm I saw a pair of jets skis doing their thing, one of which planted itself on some rocks off Cosy beach. The operator tried for 5 minutes to first drive himself off and then repeadedly rocking the ski until finally he was off. There is no doubt this craft suffered not only gelcoat damage but most probably serious grp delamination too. If the operator (indian renter) got away with B100k, I would say he was lucky.

This is not the only incident in recent weeks. I also saw a goup of skis, two of which collided at a fair speed, one of which became submerged before they luckily towed it to the beach. Frankly, nobody should be allowed to rent these machines, ban them...problem solved.

Yes accidents happen.

That is why they should have insurance!

This is no way an excuse for the daylight robbery that is happening every day on beach road and no doubt other places.

Jet skis are great fun, properly regulated, insured, with more cordoned off swimming areas.

Everyone could be happy, tourists could have some safe fun and the Thais who rent them could earn a good honest living.

But until that happens I would love to see someone really fuc_k up one of their skis (accidentally of course) and get away with it. Karma ha.

Would really make my day.

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J J is at it again also


Phuket Tourist Riled At Extra Jet-Ski Charge

By Phuketwan Reporters

Sunday, November 14, 2010

PHUKET JET-SKI operator Winai ''JJ'' Naiman was involved in a mediation session this afternoon with a Russian tourist who objected to being asked for extra money because a jet-ski broke down off Patong beach.

Russian Oleg Zuercu said that he hired a jet-ski yesterday for one hour for 3000 baht and had such a good time he came back today to hire the same jet-ski again.

But today the hour did not go as smoothly, he told police and Phuketwan at Kathu Police Station in lodging a complaint this afternoon.

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For those interested, here's the jet ski price list from Yamaha Thailand:

4 Stroke.

VX1100-J VX Sport 379,850.

VX 1100 BJ VX Deluxe 403,390.

VX 1100 AJ VX Cruiser 422,650.

FY 1800-J FX High Output 535,000.

FY 1800 AJ FX Cruiser High Output 540,350.

FX 1800-J FX Super High Output 545,700.

FX 1800 AJ FX Cruiser Super High Output 561,750.

GX1800-J FZR 551,050.

GX1800A-J FZS 561,750.

thanks for that info :)

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Fresh Rip-Off Claim in Phuket Jet-Ski Turmoil

By Alan Morison

Thursday, October 14, 2010

PRESSURE is expected to mount to ensure Patong jet-ski operators are no longer able to extort large sums of money from tourists in ''look what you did to my jet-ski'' scams.

A Malaysian tourist from Singapore - one of a group who claimed they were ripped off earlier this month - has passed on details of his complaint to Thai, Singaporean and Malaysian embassy officials.

Jet-ski rip-offs are also expected to be on the agenda when the new Australian ambassador greets Phuket's new governor next month - and when the honorary consuls and embassy representatives meet the governor in a summit just a few days later.

With the first anniversary of the jet-ski insurance scheme drawing closer, a new and credible complaint has come to light, this time from a South African tourist who claims to have handed over 69,000 baht to a jet-ski operator.

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One would hope that anyone scammed by these bastards would report it to his official Embassy/Consulate. I recall the Danish Embassy advising its citizens to avoid shopping in Airport Duty Free last year. That blew the scam wide open. It could no longer be ignored and even the PM got involved issuing instructions to the Transport Minister to sort it out.

Surely if one of these embassies keep getting reports of jet ski robbers operating they could issue official warnings to their citizens. Far more effective than Thai photo opportunities or hot air by Officials.

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Has anyone seen this video yet, it has just been released.

just watched the video. nice bit of work but they got a bit too close for safety. i used a long lens

shot on pattaya beach slightly to the right of mikes shopping mall as u face the beach.

in the 4 months i was there this year i never saw that paricular cop in attendence.

I recognise scammer 1 and scammer 2.

i believe scammer 2 is the boss of this particular outfit.

I personally saw him rip off 3 norwegian young guys feb /march 2010 for 18,000 bht (having started at 20,000 bht).

they were told that there was damage to the hull and that repairing it was ILLEGAL in thailand and the whole bottom section would have to be replaced and the machine would be out of action for days etc etc. this was the first of 11 rip offs i saw and took pics of.

on this occaision a falang police volunteer did attend after i managed to slip the 3 guys a note with the tourist police number on it (without being noticed by the mafia).

i had found a used ciggy pkt to write on and borrowed a pen at an exchange booth. despite the risk of getting involved i slipped it to them as i thought they may have been considering to do a runner (bad idea these guys have motorcys) and end up on the wrong end of a good kicking.

i got the details off them after they had paid and the beach mafia guys had retired and i judged it safe to approach them.

next day i got my legs out of bed early to go ski hunting and there it was floating happily about 150 yards further north on pattaya beach.

got some more pics of the same craft about 6 weeks* later and the bottom of the hull was exactly the same..........quite heavily scratched but perfectly usable. in europe it would be described as wear and tear. why had it not been repaired? well those scratches were worth more money not fixed just bring in the next falang mug.

* i had tried to get pics of it many times but every time i came by it was moored in the water with the damage hidden

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Has anyone seen this video yet, it has just been released.

just watched the video. nice bit of work but they got a bit too close for safety. i used a long lens

shot on pattaya beach slightly to the right of mikes shopping mall as u face the beach.

in the 4 months i was there this year i never saw that paricular cop in attendence.

I recognise scammer 1 and scammer 2.

i believe scammer 2 is the boss of this particular outfit.

I personally saw him rip off 3 norwegian young guys feb /march 2010 for 18,000 bht (having started at 20,000 bht).

they were told that there was damage to the hull and that repairing it was ILLEGAL in thailand and the whole bottom section would have to be replaced and the machine would be out of action for days etc etc. this was the first of 11 rip offs i saw and took pics of.

on this occaision a falang police volunteer did attend after i managed to slip the 3 guys a note with the tourist police number on it (without being noticed by the mafia).

i had found a used ciggy pkt to write on and borrowed a pen at an exchange booth. despite the risk of getting involved i slipped it to them as i thought they may have been considering to do a runner (bad idea these guys have motorcys) and end up on the wrong end of a good kicking.

i got the details off them after they had paid and the beach mafia guys had retired and i judged it safe to approach them.

next day i got my legs out of bed early to go ski hunting and there it was floating happily about 150 yards further north on pattaya beach.

got some more pics of the same craft about 6 weeks* later and the bottom of the hull was exactly the same..........quite heavily scratched but perfectly usable. in europe it would be described as wear and tear. why had it not been repaired? well those scratches were worth more money not fixed just bring in the next falang mug.

* i had tried to get pics of it many times but every time i came by it was moored in the water with the damage hidden

Same here a great piece of work but they need to play it safe I have taken a few pics but i wont risk it to much these people are a very nasty piece of work. And this same thing occurs all along the beach.

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J J is at it again also


Phuket Tourist Riled At Extra Jet-Ski Charge

By Phuketwan Reporters

Sunday, November 14, 2010

PHUKET JET-SKI operator Winai ''JJ'' Naiman was involved in a mediation session this afternoon with a Russian tourist who objected to being asked for extra money because a jet-ski broke down off Patong beach.

Russian Oleg Zuercu said that he hired a jet-ski yesterday for one hour for 3000 baht and had such a good time he came back today to hire the same jet-ski again.

But today the hour did not go as smoothly, he told police and Phuketwan at Kathu Police Station in lodging a complaint this afternoon.

JJ is a real scum bag.

That is why these criminals don't care of someone films them or not. JJ was caught on video WITH A GUN and he is still in business.

They know there is very little that will be done to them by a falang or the other locals. That is the beauty of being in the mafia. You are usually above the law.

Best we can do is just spread the word and try to let people know to not rent them, cause nothing will come of it here.

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J J is at it again also


Phuket Tourist Riled At Extra Jet-Ski Charge

By Phuketwan Reporters

Sunday, November 14, 2010

PHUKET JET-SKI operator Winai ''JJ'' Naiman was involved in a mediation session this afternoon with a Russian tourist who objected to being asked for extra money because a jet-ski broke down off Patong beach.

Russian Oleg Zuercu said that he hired a jet-ski yesterday for one hour for 3000 baht and had such a good time he came back today to hire the same jet-ski again.

But today the hour did not go as smoothly, he told police and Phuketwan at Kathu Police Station in lodging a complaint this afternoon.

JJ is a real scum bag.

That is why these criminals don't care of someone films them or not. JJ was caught on video WITH A GUN and he is still in business.

They know there is very little that will be done to them by a falang or the other locals. That is the beauty of being in the mafia. You are usually above the law.

Best we can do is just spread the word and try to let people know to not rent them, cause nothing will come of it here.

That is why they keep doing it corruption is uncontrollable in thailand no matter how many people it hurts.

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Very sad to see peoples holiday being destroyed by they criminals. People only wanting to have some fun, and have no idea of what they are in for. Finally the police arrive, only to help the criminals. And what do you think they will tell their friends back home? F... Pattaya, F... Thailand. And the only thing the government can do, is decorate Sukhumvit with some silly art work, yeah, that will bring the tourist to Pattaya!! Good work!!

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Took an hour off this morning to see what's what,saw plenty of watchers,but no scam,seemed as though the Mikes lot knew there was some attention to themselves Rang the tourist police telling them of the problems,they are aware of it but just passed around from one person to the next

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