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Jet Ski Scam Out Of Control Tourists Have No Hope Of Being Treated Fairly


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^my advice for safe jet ski rentals....

1. Take photos of jetski and the lad renting

2. Stay away from land

3. Stay away from other jetski(s), do not even bump them.

4. Stay away from boats.

Yes they are watching you even when you think they are not. Be honest always rent for an hr close to early evening, get the best rates.

That last hour is when I see them pulling their scam the most..........one good payout before the end of day and there is no holding up of other potiental renters while a settlement is being reached.

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written by Asif, Tue 08 Jun 2010 00:32:11 CDT

I was in Pattaya last week, like the rest of those good people above decided to Hire a Jet Ski. We Hired 3 Jet skis after negotiations with the guy at the beech. It was a Friday afternoon (4th June 2010). We took the Jet Skis after checking the damage on the Skis and signed a contract which clearly stated that all damage is our responsibility, and they took our pictures on the Jet Skies and on the form they also took our Hotel details including our room numbers, which I found very odd. I am normally very careful with signing documents but on this occasion I had two Police officers with me from London, who had on a previous trip to Pattaya rented Jet Skis, and had no problems. It was around 2pm just outside the shopping center Festival Central on Pattaya Beach Road.

It was my first occasion I had ever been on a Jet Ski, we were having great fun, then the two of us decided to race to Island just opposite, approximately 2Miles more or less. As we were circling around the Island I looked behind me and the Jet Ski my friend was on broke down. We were very close to the Island and could see people on the Beach, lol as we waved to the people for help they waved backed. In the meanwhile my friend was trying to get his jet ski to work, for sum peculiar reason it would just go round in circles. As I got close to listen to what my friend had to say, the waves were very strong and we ended up crashing together, my Ski had some paint work damage and no damage occurred to my friends Ski. It was getting late and the waves were getting stronger, so we decided that I should go back and get help.

When I got to the Mainland I found 3 people waiting their who I never saw before. My other friend had already handed his Jet Ski in and no problems were found. I informed the 3 Thia guys that my friends Jet Ski had broken down, they were not really interested in that but were all hovering around my Jet Ski to assess thew Damage. One guy with a Pony tail and a donut just came over to me and said you are late you have to pay for over time and damage. I tried to explain the situation how the damage was caused by the problem we had with the first Jet Ski and it would not of occurred if the other Jet Ski did not fail, and it was your responsibility to make sure that your Jet Skis are in working order. He just did not seem interested and told me to shut up, from the tone of his voice I noticed that he meant business, in the meanwhile I was worried about my friend who was stranded and would swept out to sea. The Thai man said we would have to pay to rescue my friend (3000Bhat). We wasn't in a Position to argue so we agreed. I sent my other friend who him self is a Police man in London to the Police station. The Boat arrived and we went back to the Location I left my friend stranded I noticed that he was on the Island standing next to the Jet Ski. Before we headed back to the mainland they hovered around the Jet Ski and inspected the damage witch was bad due to the way my friend and been crashing into the rocks, anyhow as we headed back to the mainland, I got a texed from my friend who visited the Police station, that the English Volunteer Police guy informed him to keep our mouths shut and dont argue with these guys as they are some form of Mafia In Thialand.

When we got back to the Mainland we met the English Thai Police Volunteer from England and he explained how this is such a common scam and it wasn't worth arguing or worth getting into a fight. As before you know it the beach will be full of people with knives and Guns and CS gas. The Police are corrupt and they will be getting a cut out of this, the bigger the situation the more they will demand. Their is no escaping they have your Hotel numbers and pictures and in the worst situation they will even shot you in your Hotel rooms, and they can even stop you from flying out from Bangkok by getting your passport numbers from the Hotel.

Initially they demanded 120,000 Bhats which we rejected and the ETPV negotiated until they reduced the charge to 95,000 bhats, we somehow got the money together and paid.

Their is no Policing in Thailand they are all corrupt, do not expect any arbitration from them all they will do is sit their and smile and get a cut from the Mafia guys. It is best not to Hire Jet Skis or Bikes in Thialand as their is no form of Insurance and even if their was it would be worth nothing. The Thia people will always side with the Thias and they look at you as Frangs (foreigners). I see many people arguing about how foreign people do not know how to ride Jet skis etc.. that not the point, you dont expect to pay way beyond the odds for damage, and secondly no responsibility is ever taken by the Jet Ski owners for mechanical damage what so ever. Their is no Life Guard or any sort of Coast guard service on the coast at Pattaya Beach, so if you get stranded at Sea you are going to be out their a long time. Nothing is in your favor remember that, everything is a opportunity to make money fore them.

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A bit daft going out two miles away on the thing really. Does he mean Koh Larn?

No wonder the jet ski guys were pissed off.

They certainly got stitched up but it would have been good if they could have named the Brit Volunteer that is mentioned. Wonder how much he made?

I didn't know that forms have to be filled in now to hire these things. They also took their pictures on the jet skis !!!!!!

I stay well clear of getting on one now anyway.

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Wow, I knew there were making money, but didnt know it was that much!! Wouldnt it just be best to skip the jet ski experience? Seems we are only supporting thieves by renting them. Maybe you wont be scammed, but the next guy will. If no one rents, they that will be the end of their free ride.

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A bit daft going out two miles away on the thing really. Does he mean Koh Larn?

No wonder the jet ski guys were pissed off.

They certainly got stitched up but it would have been good if they could have named the Brit Volunteer that is mentioned. Wonder how much he made?

I didn't know that forms have to be filled in now to hire these things. They also took their pictures on the jet skis !!!!!!

I stay well clear of getting on one now anyway.

Must have been Koh Larn or Koh Sac, that are the only Island where People would wave back to them. There is a very small Island just outside the Harbour, but there are no People going there. Both Islands are more then 2 miles away from Pattaya, so his Friend`s Jetski may just have run out of fuel. Then the Jetski crashed into Rocks, that may have damaged it seriously.

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Wow, I knew there were making money, but didnt know it was that much!! Wouldnt it just be best to skip the jet ski experience? Seems we are only supporting thieves by renting them. Maybe you wont be scammed, but the next guy will. If no one rents, they that will be the end of their free ride.

I think if before people signed the contract the prices for minor and major damage were shown they would have second thoughts .

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^yes they make you complete a form - mind you I never put my real name or even where I am staying. Who in their right mind would do this?

Well looks like the lads indeed damaged the jetski(s) - as I said never bump them or go near another jetski and stay away from land at all costs. These lads are looking for people to do this. However in this case it indeed looks like the jetski lad's were right to be pissed. The only thing to quibble about is - how much does it really cost to repair?

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Another example of why not to rent a jet ski in thailand :

written by James Thomas, Sun 05 Jul 2009 20:06:12 CDT

Just typed "jet ski corruption Thailand" into Google and noticed this site.

My partner and me gave up everything back in the UK to fund our 'Asian Adventure' and visited Patong Beach Phuket in our 3rd week there and got conned by the jek-ski 'creatures' (Thai humans).

We had to come back to the UK as were waiting for cleared funds, and all that we had at the time we had to give to them.

We had just booked into our cheap guesthouse and decided to go straight to the beach. I had jet-skied twice before in my life (both in the Canary Islands) and had always talked to my partner about how great the experiences were, so when we were approached by the jet-ski 'creatures' to hire a ski we were more than a little excited and tempted.

I managed to negotiate a lower rate for us both for 30 mins, and signed a contract - saying that the ski didn't have any insurance - I know that I took the risk before any smart arse points out the blinking obvious. However, this doesn't give those creatures a licence to con you and ruin/end your holiday (it ended ours).

We were not given any instructions on how to get on if we fell off, and the creatures seemed intent on getting us into the water sooner rather than later.

We were out for 5 mins when owing to us having to stop to give way to a boat that was providing a para-gliding experience, and owing to a big wave, we both fell off of the jet ski. We attempted to get back on and couldn't (waves and lack of co-ordination), so we decided to wait in the water until we were rescued.

It took the 'creature' ages to notice us and come out on their jet-ski. During this time the ski was going further out to sea, and more water was getting into the jet-ski, as we were hanging onto it at times waiting to be rescued.

My partner was getting really worried and thought that he was going to drown (even though he had a life jacket on!).

When the 'creatures' finally came out on their ski's to rescue us, well one guy did (which we were later told by a helper on the beach, that they had to off-load from their trailer - so lapse and negligent) they took us one by one (partner first!) to the beach.

We were then left on the beach not knowing what was going on. I wanted them to stop messing about and retrieve the ski so that we could go back out on it, or I was going to ask for our money back. Afterall it was them that took forever to collect us from the sea, and it was them that took so long to collect their ski, and it was them that hadn't even showed us how to get back on to the ski.

We had our life jackets taken off of us and we told to go and see the 'boss-man'.

The creatures made up some rubbish about the jet-ski being broken and that we now had to pay to repair it. We surrounded by about 10 creatures at first and were in truth a little over-whelmed. We were then joined by an Australian Immigration Volunteer man who never identified himself until later on, and was extremely keen to get involved in negotiating a repair price. We were also joined by an Australian tourist who said to get to the Thai police before the creatures did, because they are truly bent. We were also joined by another helper, another Australian tourist and his son, who said that he had owned jet-skis and that the ski that we had hired could easily be repaired there and then, or at worse could be repaired for approx £50.00.

The creatures weren't willing to listen to that of course, and just fobbed us off, of course they would we realise now - they wanted to con us.

The Australian Immigration Volunteer negotiated a rate - from 50,000 Baht (£900) to 25,000 Baht (£450). We didn't have the cleared funds so had to phone a realative in the UK to transfer money. We were held captive on the beach until we could make payment. That's a full day on the beach - our first day on the beach. Nightmare.

The funds were transferred from the UK but we couldn't withdraw their ransom all at once, so we had no option but to surrender my passport to them overnight until we could withdraw more money the next day.

During our imprisonment on the beach, I was allowed to leave whilst my partner stayed, and I walked a mile to the Tourist Police Unit. It was closed, so borrowed a mobile to ring a number on the window of the Tourist Police Unit.

I spoke with a Thai Officer and he said that the amount asked was way over the top and that 7-10,000 Baht (£140-£200) was all that was necessary. He said that I could go to the police station and ask that the amount be reduced, but that I had to be careful about getting a kicking or worse when leaving the police station.

We had initially asked for two ladies (Australian, mum and daughter - daughter a JP in Queensland, and mother moved from Australia to Thailand) to look after our bags whilst on the ski's. They were very helpful through-out the day and lent us their mobiles and bought us drinks etc. When I put this option to them (pay in full, or pay less and go to the police station and risk a beating), they advised strongly to pay in full. The mum said that we would at best get a kicking or at worse be stabbed or even shot.

This is backed up by a friend on the island that has confirmed that people have been shot for money owed - recently in Thailand.

We believe that the Thai police were in on the scam, and that even the Australian Immigration Volunteer was much more likely than not to be involved on it.

So over the two days we had to pay them what they were owed, and then return to the UK - months earlier than expected.

Thailand should be ashamed of itself - it should imprison these con-men and its bent police officers.

We have learnt lessons of course but we should not have been conned and we should have had police protection - fact.

I know that it was my risk without insurance but I was only agreeing to pay for my damage caused and not be conned.

It sounds childish - but they are mean people.

May bad luch, very bad luck, come their way!


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^^ It really begs the question - why would you try to operate a piece of equipment that you are clearly not capable of handling? especially in a foreign country and KNOWINGLY without insurance????

It's a bit like saying "I had a moped once when i was 16, now i am 60 i will go to Pattaya and rent a 1000cc superbike" lookout !!

No wonder some jet ski operators try it on - too many easy targets out there!!

Edited by LennyW
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While I do have sympathy and I know this scam goes on.

But come on 25k Baht between 2 people causing them to have to cut their holiday short by months?

Jesus what was their monthly budget?


Also how pathetic do you have to be not to be able to haul yourself back on a jet ski? unless your disabled?

Edited by kevkev1888
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I still say it's a small % compared to those who ride jetski(s) every day without an incident.

I agree the incident rate would most likely be lower but the income from incidents would out weigh the income from standard rentals, but they probably have an incident budget to meet each week and even if its one scam incident per week per operator which i doubt ,even that is far to much.

It would not surprise me and from what I have personally seen that incident income for an operator with say 6 jet ski's is probably 100000 baht a week plus.

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Really people! I just can't believe anyone with any sense would come to Thailand without doing the smallest amount of internet research that would lead them to the concrete conclusion that you just don't ever trust these people or rent a f**king jet ski! Come on get a clue, do these people live in a cave. Learn about the local scams before coming here please...

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Most corruption in Thailand including jet ski scams , illegal dvds copies of clothing etc is related to the Red Shirt Movement and the only way they seem to be able to solve a problem is with force use of illegal weapons , knives guns death threats on anyone who upsets them .

The Police and Army don't go in. Hard enough because most likely a huge percentage of their members are reds.

The current government promises to take action on these mafia type wrong doers but to me it looks like a losing battle.

Solve corruption and educate these reds Thailand would be a great place and respected internationally.

Edited by saintofsilence
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It's a great place, but not to hire a Jet Ski.

At least the Soi 10 Mike shopping mall area.

Was down there yesterday afternoon saw 2 groups go out BOTH had problems on their return, 2 different hirers about 50M apart looked like it was the same Boss though.

I don't know how much money was being demanded but it got quite heated and after an hour or two a trip to the Hotel/ATM was required before the pay off.

This transaction was just being completed as the next victims where innocently mounting their rides some 50M further down the beach.

I stuck around long enough to see them return and the whole pantomime start all over again.

Don't know the outcome of this as I left then.

It's plain to see this operator at least is nothing but a low life scam artist who pulled this at least twice yesterday within a couple of hours on just one 50M stretch of beach.

Its a fuc_king disgrace.

Who can stop this?

I think the title of this thread is correct "Out of control"

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Always looking for a Biz opportunity & thanks to this thread & other sites I realise , that investing in Jet-Ski Hire in Pattaya , Phuket & other areas is the way to make a very good killing.

NOw , how does a 6'3" Pale skinned Farang get onto this money making machine ???


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written by Asif, Tue 08 Jun 2010 00:32:11 CDT

I was in Pattaya last week, like the rest of those good people above decided to Hire a Jet Ski. We Hired 3 Jet skis after negotiations with the guy at the beech. It was a Friday afternoon (4th June 2010). We took the Jet Skis after checking the damage on the Skis and signed a contract which clearly stated that all damage is our responsibility, and they took our pictures on the Jet Skies and on the form they also took our Hotel details including our room numbers, which I found very odd. I am normally very careful with signing documents but on this occasion I had two Police officers with me from London, who had on a previous trip to Pattaya rented Jet Skis, and had no problems. It was around 2pm just outside the shopping center Festival Central on Pattaya Beach Road.

It was my first occasion I had ever been on a Jet Ski, we were having great fun, then the two of us decided to race to Island just opposite, approximately 2Miles more or less. As we were circling around the Island I looked behind me and the Jet Ski my friend was on broke down. We were very close to the Island and could see people on the Beach, lol as we waved to the people for help they waved backed. In the meanwhile my friend was trying to get his jet ski to work, for sum peculiar reason it would just go round in circles. As I got close to listen to what my friend had to say, the waves were very strong and we ended up crashing together, my Ski had some paint work damage and no damage occurred to my friends Ski. It was getting late and the waves were getting stronger, so we decided that I should go back and get help.

When I got to the Mainland I found 3 people waiting their who I never saw before. My other friend had already handed his Jet Ski in and no problems were found. I informed the 3 Thia guys that my friends Jet Ski had broken down, they were not really interested in that but were all hovering around my Jet Ski to assess thew Damage. One guy with a Pony tail and a donut just came over to me and said you are late you have to pay for over time and damage. I tried to explain the situation how the damage was caused by the problem we had with the first Jet Ski and it would not of occurred if the other Jet Ski did not fail, and it was your responsibility to make sure that your Jet Skis are in working order. He just did not seem interested and told me to shut up, from the tone of his voice I noticed that he meant business, in the meanwhile I was worried about my friend who was stranded and would swept out to sea. The Thai man said we would have to pay to rescue my friend (3000Bhat). We wasn't in a Position to argue so we agreed. I sent my other friend who him self is a Police man in London to the Police station. The Boat arrived and we went back to the Location I left my friend stranded I noticed that he was on the Island standing next to the Jet Ski. Before we headed back to the mainland they hovered around the Jet Ski and inspected the damage witch was bad due to the way my friend and been crashing into the rocks, anyhow as we headed back to the mainland, I got a texed from my friend who visited the Police station, that the English Volunteer Police guy informed him to keep our mouths shut and dont argue with these guys as they are some form of Mafia In Thialand.

When we got back to the Mainland we met the English Thai Police Volunteer from England and he explained how this is such a common scam and it wasn't worth arguing or worth getting into a fight. As before you know it the beach will be full of people with knives and Guns and CS gas. The Police are corrupt and they will be getting a cut out of this, the bigger the situation the more they will demand. Their is no escaping they have your Hotel numbers and pictures and in the worst situation they will even shot you in your Hotel rooms, and they can even stop you from flying out from Bangkok by getting your passport numbers from the Hotel.

Initially they demanded 120,000 Bhats which we rejected and the ETPV negotiated until they reduced the charge to 95,000 bhats, we somehow got the money together and paid.

Their is no Policing in Thailand they are all corrupt, do not expect any arbitration from them all they will do is sit their and smile and get a cut from the Mafia guys. It is best not to Hire Jet Skis or Bikes in Thialand as their is no form of Insurance and even if their was it would be worth nothing. The Thia people will always side with the Thias and they look at you as Frangs (foreigners). I see many people arguing about how foreign people do not know how to ride Jet skis etc.. that not the point, you dont expect to pay way beyond the odds for damage, and secondly no responsibility is ever taken by the Jet Ski owners for mechanical damage what so ever. Their is no Life Guard or any sort of Coast guard service on the coast at Pattaya Beach, so if you get stranded at Sea you are going to be out their a long time. Nothing is in your favor remember that, everything is a opportunity to make money fore them.

Same Same scam in Phuket, but last year all Jet Ski operators were told that they must have insurance or stop trading. It has worked, no rip offs and the main culprits stopped trading as they did not want to do an honest days work. Maybe they should adopt the same policy in Pattaya?

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Looks like City Hall are receiving complaints daily.

Having some meetings.

But doing NOTHING!



Something we can all do.

If you see this scam in progress.

Call the City Hall Hotline number 1337.

The more calls they get, they might actually do something about it.

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It's a great place, but not to hire a Jet Ski.

At least the Soi 10 Mike shopping mall area.

Was down there yesterday afternoon saw 2 groups go out BOTH had problems on their return, 2 different hirers about 50M apart looked like it was the same Boss though.

I don't know how much money was being demanded but it got quite heated and after an hour or two a trip to the Hotel/ATM was required before the pay off.

This transaction was just being completed as the next victims where innocently mounting their rides some 50M further down the beach.

I stuck around long enough to see them return and the whole pantomime start all over again.

Don't know the outcome of this as I left then.

It's plain to see this operator at least is nothing but a low life scam artist who pulled this at least twice yesterday within a couple of hours on just one 50M stretch of beach.

Its a fuc_king disgrace.

That just shows how often these incidents occur but there must be thousandsof tourist that dont do do their homework before travelling.

Who can stop this?

I think the title of this thread is correct "Out of control"

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Looks like City Hall are receiving complaints daily.

Having some meetings.

But doing NOTHING!



Something we can all do.

If you see this scam in progress.

Call the City Hall Hotline number 1337.

The more calls they get, they might actually do something about it.

Nothing is being done because influential police and probably some at city hall are in on the scam. It would not still exist otherwise. It's the same thing with child porn DVDs, illegal weapons sold on the streets, and any other scam or crime. They come from the top.

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