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Thai Immigration Arrest 65-Year-Old Briton For Abusing Adopted Daughter

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I expect there to be little other than circumstantial evidence against the man who presumably has provided a home for the girl for those 8 years. That is in his favour. Equally, should she have attended school throughout that time she, it would appear, has displayed little sign of distress so as to warrant questioning by teachers or referal to other agencies e.g Thai social services, hospital departments, mental health professionals, school consellors etc.

Should the man have committed the offence in the UK and then FLED to Thailand it is inconceivable that he would be undiscovered earleir and that some evidence of rape having taken place existed. His semen, blood, DNA all being available to forensic testing.

Unfortunately, he is damned if the alledged offence took place here as there will only be hearsay, presumable the girl's accusation, and no actual evidence. The UK CPS wouldn't proceed.

We need to apply an open mind and await any developments. It would be wise not to judge without knowing the facts. Currently, there are none.

Mmmmm. A somewhat lenghty and ill-thought out post.

In answer to your observation on the childs apparent lack of 'distress' at school............then you quite clearly do NOT understand how Thais deal with this. They would move heaven and earth NOT to admit to any mental health problems. Thailand, at this present time, does not have enough trained teachers/councellors to recognise home abuse, or the signs of. Especially within the school system here.

With regards to your observation that there will be no evidence of rape, semen etc........this is not unusual in long term abuse cases..........yet prosectutions in the UK have still been successful, even based on circumstantial evidence.

Are you aware that there is no actual evidence as you state? It doesn't mention that anywhere in the reports. If indeed it turns out that the alleged offences took place within the UK, a request for extradition from Thailand WOULD be supported by enough evidence to warrant a 'reasonable chance of a successful prosectution'.

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An alarming report the week before last releasing statistics that 50,000 Thai girls 15years old and under fell pregnant last year!Do'nt know where the stats' were gathered and would hazard a guess that this wouldn't include all !


I believe this is what was meant:

Immigration police have arrested a 65-year-old Briton for having allegedly raped his adopted daughter repeatedly for eight years from when she was eight years old.

The arrest of Roger Stone was announced at a press conference at the Immigration Bureau.

Stone was arrested under the arrest warrant issued by the Criminal Court on March 9.

He was charged with repeatedly raping his adopted daughter when she was eight years old until 15 years old. She then fled from home and filed a complaint with police.

Immigration Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Wibul Bangthamai said Stone had fled to somewhere in Thailand in 2005.

Thanks for posting....this is a serious case in my opinion...we all have to wait and see about the truth. Anyone have more info please do post it for us....

I do not like to point my finger to anybody or form my opinion until I read more and find out more from all my friends in Thailand....I am taking a stand.....


An alarming report the week before last releasing statistics that 50,000 Thai girls 15years old and under fell pregnant last year!Do'nt know where the stats' were gathered and would hazard a guess that this wouldn't include all !

Are you serious about the statistics??? If it correct it knock my socks off...I am speechless forgive me.....my opinion.

Thanks for posting.....


Do I smell money?

Or am I not allowed to ask that?

Why always so much attention when there is a possibility for farang bashing?

I just wonder if there would be so much attention if the alleged perpetrator was Thai?

Or am I now a racist?

Can agree - you only have to look at the instance of family rapes. Ask any bar girl, many had their first 'experiences' with their fathers or uncles in the village and at ages that make this story very plausible. Sad sick society we have.


"Stone had fled into Thailand since 2005." - can someone explain what that means??

or is this just an example of the standard of reporting that will surround this item?

Exactly. Such bad, ambiguous English. I presume it means he fled up-country, i.e. into the heart/countryside of Thailand. But it could mean something else as others have indicated - that the crime was committed in another country and he "fled into Thailand".

But I'm fairly sure that's not what is meant.

Just one native English speaker - that's all it would take The Nation to get it right.

I would say that it means he came from another country. I am not sure, but I would guess that since he was arrested by immigration police the charges are from outside Thailand and he was detained for extradition.

That's what I understand also. The alledged offences were committed in England and he fled to thailand. No mention of the girls mother or his wife in all this.


It sounds very much like this crime was committed in another country. The man fled to Thailand in 2005 after his adopted daughter reported the situation to the police.

He has only been here for 5 years, but the molestation took place for a period of 8 years.

A real problem for Thai journalists is that they don't ask questions. So whatever is said is what gets written. It then gets written rather poorly.

How odd. That's just what American journalists do, too.


I know Stone all most for a year and I don't know what he did back home but here he's dear friend to many of us. He's down to earth and one of the loveliest guy I have ever met.

I can't believe this and won't believe until it's proven.


Well I'm sure he is "lovely" I doubt he broached the subject while knocking them back with his friends, sorry " mates".

I do agree, let the jury decide his fate.


Unfortunately as we are all, (presumably) living here in Thailand, we have come to expect (and get) mis-spellings, wrong words etc. as some reasders are not Native Speakers, so these problems ofter arise. So sometimes we have (unfortunately) to read between the lines.

I aegre wtih you. I am not a ntaive spekaer myslef but and caonnt splel very well but at laest I like to thnik I make sesne.

spamsign.gif1zgarz5.gifclap2.gif Good one


There does not appear to have been any reporting of this alleged crime in the UK if the BBC website is to be believed. So, if it was, indeed, committed there, it only goes to show by just how much my native country has gone to the dogs if it is not considered by the local media barons worthy of news coverage there.


Is the topic a Brit who allegedly raped a child or the poor writing?

The topic is about a news report (alleged) that was reported on so badly that it is now "a part" of the story. I hear what you are saying but this news report is lacking so many very basic facts and pieces of information that it really makes it difficult to comment on the actual story unless we were to play guessing games. Sadly because so much information is missing, it makes it difficult to also have much emotion about it. If true it is a tragic thing for this poor girl .. if not true then it is a tragic thing for this older man.

ASSUMING the girl is Thai then he likely married the mother or he has a wife because I don't believe a single man can adopt a child in Thailand. I am surprised their is no comment from the mother or wife or even mention that one might exist.

It also mentions the girl fled from the home (assume at the age of 15) but it is not clear if she was physically held at the home and escaped or simply worked up the courage to leave. Was she a run away for a long period and picked up by police or did she flee and go straight to the police station.

Did all this take place in Thailand or did the man flee to Thailand? I have to assume the crimes occurred here and the courts and immigration refered to are Thai ... but this is an assumption too.

Was the girl really adopted or are they using this term loosely? Did he simply marry a Thai women with a daughter? Adoption is not easy in Thailand and not sure why he would have went through the process when it is simple to change your name and the daughter could also use his last name.

My big question in all of this is where is the mother and why was there no comment from the mother. Certainly they would (should) have spoke to her to make sure she was not aware of what was going on. Where is the girl now? Is she with her mother back at home or in some kind of state facility?

Maybe I have a leaning towards wanting to believe this is not true and to want to believe such a terrible thing did not happen. The way this was reported certainly makes it easy to do this. I find when police and official issue statements and avoid talking about important facts (such as the mother) they are usually hiding something.

No matter what, it is a tragic story but I would really like to know if the man and the daughters mother were breaking up at the same time the girl fled and went to the police.

And although very very possible, I am a little baffled that why after 8 years the girl finally took action. At 12 or 13, I would believe she has the same ability and understanding of what was happening to do some as she would at 15. But this is obviously a detail that would not be included in many news reports if it involved solely her state of mind.

And since it was immigration making this statement to the press does that mean the man just entered Thailand? If he was hiding out in Thailand would it not be the police who made the arrest? Maybe he was coming into Thailand after leaving his wife and "adopted" daughter and had no clue of the charges.

And my last big question is why did she not go to a family member such as her mother? Going to the police would certainly make all her family aware of the issue along with everyone else in her neighborhood or possible town. If she was truly alone and only had this adopted father then I would think authorities would have said this since it plays very well in making their case and gaining sympathy for this girl.

Again, all guessing and instead of doing this ... it would be more constructive to talk about the need to improve the reporting of such stories.


Just to reiterate - this piece is plainly not worthy of any "professional" (in mine and others' opinions) - "allegedly raping his adopted daughter repeatedly for eight years when she was eight years old" means she was raped for eight years when she was eight years old? 8 in 1?!?!

Sub-standard writing/reporting, for sure!

Yes, I know this is explained in the later paragraph, but surely a NATIONal newspaper can do better than this poor (X8?) reporting!?

In fact, this demonstration of inept 'reporting' is surely LOSING The Nation readers!? I won't be buying a 'newspaper' that needs additional explanation!!!!

Does any member of this forum actually buy this rag ?


The story does not state in which country the alleged crime transpired. Was it in the UK or in Thailand? And were police acting on international arrest warrant or one issued by a Thai Criminal court?

Regardless, this is sadly a very serious matter.

You are correct and it seems that there is some information missing from the story.


On a side note ... i saw a documentary about girls being forced into prostitution in Thailand and Cambodia. The police could not prosecute the men responsible because they said a minor could not be a witness ... or at least they could not make a case with only the minor as a witness. Maybe bullsh@t and only said to cover up corruption since these were men running brothels and paying off the police. But wonder if their is truth to it in terms of where a case like this would go.


Just to reiterate - this piece is plainly not worthy of any "professional" (in mine and others' opinions) - "allegedly raping his adopted daughter repeatedly for eight years when she was eight years old" means she was raped for eight years when she was eight years old? 8 in 1?!?!

Sub-standard writing/reporting, for sure!

Yes, I know this is explained in the later paragraph, but surely a NATIONal newspaper can do better than this poor (X8?) reporting!?

In fact, this demonstration of inept 'reporting' is surely LOSING The Nation readers!? I won't be buying a 'newspaper' that needs additional explanation!!!!

Does any member of this forum actually buy this rag ?

Is the Bangkok Post any better? Or is there a good source of English based news in Thailand? I find ThaiVisa to be my number one source but much here comes from The Nation. The good thing is there is a lot of posters who are able to add some other information to news stories.

But what from reading The Post and The Nation occasionally, it seems the nations has more interesting stories where the Post tends to do a lot more national or AP type stuff but certainly do a better job in their use of English. What I would like to see is an actual English version of a Thai Newspaper. The English newspapers are very very selective about what local stories they will cover. Of course, I could always learn to read Thai but by the time I figured that out, I think everyone in Thailand will be speaking and writing English.


He will be out on bail later today, uk ambassador visited him yesterday to see if he's ok because he's close to disable, poor health.


He will be out on bail later today, uk ambassador visited him yesterday to see if he's ok because he's close to disable, poor health.

I doubt it was the ambassador himself, but its good to know the embassy is in touch.

Ironically, the same day:

Child protection comes to the classrooms in South East Asia

Child protection comes to the classrooms in South East Asia

28 October 2010

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, UK ran a three day training course for those who work to protect children and young people across Thailand.

As part of the wider child protection work that has been ongoing in the South East Asia region, specialist trainers from CEOP ran a three day training course at Harrow International School from 26-28 October 2010 in Bangkok for those who work to protect children and young people across Thailand. Teachers from Harrow International School are also trained. Issues such as child protection, children’s rights, travelling sex offenders and use of best practise materials are covered in the training, which is being funded by the British Embassy Bangkok.



"Stone had fled into Thailand since 2005." - can someone explain what that means??

or is this just an example of the standard of reporting that will surround this item?

Exactly. Such bad, ambiguous English. I presume it means he fled up-country, i.e. into the heart/countryside of Thailand. But it could mean something else as others have indicated - that the crime was committed in another country and he "fled into Thailand".

But I'm fairly sure that's not what is meant.

Just one native English speaker - that's all it would take The Nation to get it right.

I would say that it means he came from another country. I am not sure, but I would guess that since he was arrested by immigration police the charges are from outside Thailand and he was detained for extradition.

That's what I understand also. The alledged offences were committed in England and he fled to thailand. No mention of the girls mother or his wife in all this.

That's exactly what was reported on Thai TV channel 7 news, as related to me by my g/f.


Allegedly, this is supposed to be a news article.

Allegedly, the writer is supposed to be a reporter.

Allegedly, Thai TV channel 7 and the GF have the answers.

Allegedly, Thailand has a clue about anything.

Is the topic a Brit who allegedly raped a child or the poor writing?

Funny. A white man rapes an 8 yr old and the only comments are about how poor the writing is.

Well I'm sure he is "lovely" I doubt he broached the subject while knocking them back with his friends, sorry " mates".

I do agree, let the jury decide his fate.

Allegedly, you know something I don't.

Allegedly, this is my opinion, regardless if it gets coverage by the Nation, the Pattaya Mail Snooze, Thai TV channel 7, or retold by the friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a Thai Girlfriend.


He will be out on bail later today, uk ambassador visited him yesterday to see if he's ok because he's close to disable, poor health.

I'm wondering if we'll ever know what really happened. Sad is that most people made jokes about The Nation's English language skills. Is it possible to come up with facts and no bullshit about misspelled words? :jap:


Is The Nation looking for proof readers? I would be happy to submit my CV.

After reading that, I have no idea what actually happened....

Well I certainly wouldn't employ you in any writing capacity, especially as you don't know that 'proofreaders' is one word.

So give the guys at The Nation a break.

At least they have the excuse of being non-native English writers which, I'm rather inclined to presume, you are.


Is The Nation looking for proof readers? I would be happy to submit my CV.

After reading that, I have no idea what actually happened....

Well I certainly wouldn't employ you in any writing capacity, especially as you don't know that 'proofreaders' is one word.

So give the guys at The Nation a break.

At least they have the excuse of being non-native English writers which, I'm rather inclined to presume, you are.

I think we would all much prefer reading ChiangMai writing than that of The Nation's reporters since spelling is not the issue. As for giving them a break because they are non-native English speakers... you have got to be kidding. That is like buying a TV that breaks the next day and excusing the company because the people they hire to design the TVs are not engineers but landscapers.

The Nation is a business and part of that business is putting out an English newspaper and the bottom line is this product needs a great deal of improving. There is certainly NOTHING wrong with making complaints against bad products ... especially when it would not be more difficult or much more expensive to even reach a level of being adequate. The bottom line is this story and many stories they run with don't come close to reaching the level of basic news story.

I don't think anybody, less the very anal, would be complaining about this story if they simply misspelled the word 'proofreader".


It sounds very much like this crime was committed in another country. The man fled to Thailand in 2005 after his adopted daughter reported the situation to the police.

He has only been here for 5 years, but the molestation took place for a period of 8 years.

A real problem for Thai journalists is that they don't ask questions. So whatever is said is what gets written. It then gets written rather poorly.

Yes, you got that right. They are so afraid of asking questions that even the thai keyboard

doesn´t have any questionsmark-key!!!!!! Unbelievable.......



He will be out on bail later today, uk ambassador visited him yesterday to see if he's ok because he's close to disable, poor health.

I'm wondering if we'll ever know what really happened. Sad is that most people made jokes about The Nation's English language skills. Is it possible to come up with facts and no bullshit about misspelled words? :jap:

I think the question is 'Can the Nation actually come up with some facts?' The Thai English language papers demonstrate daily how inadequate they are.

Your comment about the spelling of proof-reader is a bit fatuous isn't it. Proof reader is quite acceptable ,as is Proof-reader. One does after all read a proof.

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