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2 Thai Visa Stamps Within One Year Posible?

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Hello! i plan to stay in thailand from now,until june,with one year imigrant visa,every 3 month i have to leave,in june,when summertime in europe,and raining in thailand,i will fly home for 3 month,then i have 2 month left,when i come back in september! now i want to know,is it posible,to get at this time,when i current visa is still active ,to get antother new visa ,with same type again,that will replace the old one? so that i will got the full one year back? or must i wait until the first visa is finish,and iam unable,to get a new one,from my homecountry,when the old,still some month active?

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for ecapmple,here i got a reply of the questions,that my nonimigrant o visa,i have to pay for reentering thailand 3800 bath,

Which thread was that SM?

And yes, it's no problem getting another visa whilst your current one is still valid, the current visa will stamped as 'cancelled without prejudice'.

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While slightly off topic. ..

A lot of misinformation on here comes from a variety of ways and I believe none of it is ever meant intentionally :) .

It happens because posters confuse the terminology, words like 'visa' with words like 'extension of stay', the words 'visa-on-arrival' with the words 'visa-exempt', etc. Some people don't say whether their visa what-ever-the-type is a single or multiple entry. Many people dont say where they're intending to go thai consulate wise to get their visa, so no on really knows what advice to hand out seeing as the consulates are small kingdoms in and of themselves ;) .

I'm NOT pointing fingers (especially seeing as the remaining 3 fingers would be pointed back at me, lol :P ). Im just pointing out how bad or spurious information makes its way into the various threads.


As far as the O/P's post.

First realize the visa you hold, evidently a year long Multi-entry Non-Immigrant Type-whatever Visa is good for stays in country of up to 90 days at a time (you got that info correct in your post), then you run for the border, exit and re-enter getting another 90 days.

What you got wrong was, upon your return when you say your visa will have only two months validity on it, you would still get a 'permission to stay until' stamp dated out for another 90 days. Each entry is good for a 90 day stay.

In theory, you could enter on your old visa, getting a 90 day permission to stay stamp upon entry, even though your old visa will expire before that date. As I said, each entry on that kind of visa gets a 90 day stamp automatically.

Now when the original visa (not the permission to stay stamp!) is close to expiring, you could run for the border, say the day before it expires, and get yet ANOTHER 90 day permission to stay stamp. That'd give you about 5 months in country on your old visa. Of course then youd need another visa or apply for an extension of stay, but still its 5 months instead of the 2 you originally thought it would be :) .

Remember with that type of visa if it's utilized correctly gets you nearly 15 months of stay inside the kingdom doing border runs every 90 day.

However, if 5 more months here aren't enough, then yes, I concur; get another multi-entry non-immigrant type-o visa from where ever you get them, and start over.

Like other posters have said, the consulate will just put a cancelled stamp on the old one, stamp a new one into your passport and you'll be good to go for another 15 months. B)

Edited by tod-daniels
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