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Falafal In Pattaya (Pocket Pita Bread Sandwich)


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there was for a while one on the corner of soi diana and soi boy cow, a falafal stand, that is, selling these for 60 baht

can one be found in pattaya?

how about a decent affordable middle eastern restaurant/eatery

are the iranian restaurants serving similar fare?

one goes a while without something and one often starts to crave it

i am also missing mexican food so feel free to chime in on that as well

budget prices best

i have been spoiled eating 35 baht thai meals :lol:


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The Egyptian restaurant (kebab/schwarma in front) on 2nd a little way north from Pattaya Tai has falafel. They cook it to order but I must say the one time I tried it there it was cooked badly, raw inside. There are a number of Arabic restaurants in the area, from 2nd cross Pattaya Tai and start to head towards Jomtien.

Iranian restaurants specifically will not have falafel as there is nothing Iranian about falafel.

On Soi Buakow walking south from Soi Diana towards Pattaya Tai, there is an Israeli restaurant which of course has falafel. Haven't tried as yet.

It shouldn't be too hard to get falafel in Pattaya.

I won't comment on Mexican as I don't find any of the Mexican food in town decent enough to eat.

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The shawarma guy outside the Marine Hotel used to sell falafel, may still do so.

And there's a few Arabic restaurants in that area that may have it.

Edit: for Mexican try Mike's on the upside of the hill heading to Jomtien.

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There is an Arabic restaurant that I eat at when in Pattaya, located right across from the VC Hotel.

Just ask any of the girls on Walking Street how to get to Arab Street and they will point you in the right direction….it is a 5 min walk.

Price usually runs me about 500+ baht for lamb kebab, bread, hummus, mutable, tabuleh, water, and coffee or tea after (feeds two).

I usually get one order of the same for take away…good stuff….getting hungry now, might have to make a trip there soon.

Oh, but I have not seen falafel there.

There was a really good Lebanese one on Arab St., but the last two times I looked for but could not find it, so they may have closed….they had the best lamb kebabs….better than any I’ve had in the Middle East.

I use to have a favorite Mexican restaurant place in Pattaya, but the last few times I have went there, the food was cold and the rice was undercooked.

Will try Mike’s next time, thanks PattayaParent.

Found these just yesterday:

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The Arabic place referred to above is called Shamy Taste Lebanese restaurant (it's actually more like Pan-Arabic) and I don't think they have falafel. They do have hummus and baba ganoush and decent Arabic nan bread. It's a very good place! I don't like what they usually play on tv though, it's kind of severe sounding.

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There is a lebanese restuarant in central festival on the fourth floor called the palace. I've not eaten alot of middle eastern food so I don't know it compares but I have been pleased every time I have eaten there. Pricing isn't bad but definetely more than a street vendor.

I have given up on mexican food in pattaya although tequila reefs on soi 7 I believe serves the best margaritas.

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Hello Deejah,

Just this week I happened into a new restaurant in The Avenue (on the first floor behind Starbucks) called "Istanbul". I haven't had a falafel in over a year and it was FANTASTIC! Not bargain priced I will say that but I watched the man make everything from scratch, including rolling out fresh pita bread. He also made homemade french fries served with a tatziki-like dip to go with them. Really delicious and I will be going back soon!

The meal I had with the fries and a drink was around B300 and well worth it to me anyway. But you could get the falafel alone for less money (I don't remember how much).

They also gave a frequent diner card - if you buy 8 you'll get one free. Check it out and hope you like it!

Kind regards,


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Please don't shoot me as being an authenticity Nazi, but I do feel compelled to mention that anyone who has actually been to Istanbul or Turkey knows that falafel is not typically found at real Turkish restaurants. Also, nothing wrong with paying 300 baht for that set if you don't mind, but for the baht watchers I am pretty certain you can get very good falafel in town for much less money at sit down restaurants as well.

I know I am a thrifty one. Recently I enjoyed a huge feast of a couscous platter with meats and vegetable stews and merguez sausages for 300 baht. 300 baht for a pita sandwich set? Hmmmm.

Edited by Jingthing
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Haha no problem JingThing. :D I actually have not been to Turkey or Istanbul *yet* (would like to someday). I'm not saying it was authentic anything but it was fresh and delicious! For me, it was worth it. FYI - t's a sit down restaurant, everything brand new and very clean. I think she said they've only been open two weeks or so.

They had a whole menu of food and so maybe there's something authenitally Turkish on there for you. The falafel jumped out at me because I haven't had one in so long. OP wanted a good falafel, so thought I'd recommend it.

Kind regards,


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Please don't shoot me as being an authenticity Nazi, but I do feel compelled to mention that anyone who has actually been to Istanbul or Turkey knows that falafel is not typically found at real Turkish restaurants. Also, nothing wrong with paying 300 baht for that set if you don't mind, but for the baht watchers I am pretty certain you can get very good falafel in town for much less money at sit down restaurants as well.

I know I am a thrifty one. Recently I enjoyed a huge feast of a couscous platter with meats and vegetable stews and merguez sausages for 300 baht. 300 baht for a pita sandwich set? Hmmmm.

And, where was that please? (Achtung, sounds really good!) :licklips:

Edited by Michaelaway
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  • 1 month later...

Please don't shoot me as being an authenticity Nazi, but I do feel compelled to mention that anyone who has actually been to Istanbul or Turkey knows that falafel is not typically found at real Turkish restaurants. Also, nothing wrong with paying 300 baht for that set if you don't mind, but for the baht watchers I am pretty certain you can get very good falafel in town for much less money at sit down restaurants as well.

I know I am a thrifty one. Recently I enjoyed a huge feast of a couscous platter with meats and vegetable stews and merguez sausages for 300 baht. 300 baht for a pita sandwich set? Hmmmm.

And, where was that please? (Achtung, sounds really good!) :licklips:

And, where was that please? (Achtung, sounds really good!) :licklips:

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