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Cheap Charlie Falang


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I tell Thai people that I am "bpra yaat" not "khee neeow" and they seem to understand.

One is good, the other isn't.

Something like economical and very stingy.

"bpra yaat" is like staying at home to eat in order to save for childrens education.

"khee neeow" not wanting to parted from your money, like the chinese noodle restaurant owners who give the place a lick of aint every 25 years in that cheap beige and green paint, when they have millions in the bank that they want to take to their graves.

Cheap Charlie is a term used by sex workers.

Edited by Neeranam
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don't maintain that all us expats (or falangs) have an affluent image to maintain, but to put my quote in context... I consider people to be "kinneow" or "cheap charlie" if they think nothing of spending all afternoon shopping for DVD's and T-shirts in Walking Street, and buying their heinikins (and lady drinks) in the beer bars, then go to one of those all-you-can-eat for 89 baht Korean style BBQ places, then head off to the go-go bars...  :D

That's the context of where my quote was lifted from... OK?  :D

Personally, I spend more time (and money) in Thai restaurants and entertainment venues than falung venues... because I prefer to.  I enjoy the food, the company, the service, the music, the respect and recognition... and I pay Thai prices and tip Thai style too... I always greet and joke with the service staff and management of my regular haunts... and am greeted and respected in return.

The "kinneow" falung that think nothing of spending up on copy goods and bargirls, then opt for the cheapest meal possible, is not in my opinion the type of falung that is likely to earn any respect from me or the Thais.  :o

To Jai Dee : "kinneow" agree that most spending in bars is unnecessary, but what is wrong with a "cheap meal" , maybe in a street footstall ? usually the food is excellent! and no waiting!

Nothing at all... please read my explanation in this thread.


Actually Jai Dee the post you made in this thread explains the post you made in my thread better.... now I understand what you were getting at... :D

totster :D

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I wrote

IMO a "Thai" style place is where most Thai people hang out, or you would find the majority of people there Thai. I used the word "style" and the " " over thai because its such a subjective statment.
WhiteShiva replied
I am probably playing the Devil's advocate here but there is no single place where most (as in 30 million+) Thai people hang out, and in most of the top restaurants & bars in Thailand, the majority of patrons are Thai. We are stereotyping here, which is never a good idea.

I would go so far as to claim that there are no "Thai" style places in this country. smile.gif

There are a number of farang, japanese, indian, etc places, but sometimes even there, the Thais will be the majority

If I'd writen "mostly" instead of "most" would you of understood? I'm not streotyping anyone. As I said its a subjective statment. Anyway it would be the places that are'nt "farang, japanese, indian, etc places"
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A real "Cheap Charlie" in my opinion is the type that will rent the cheapest hovel of an apartment just because it is cheap! He can afford better. He'll also go to the supermarket and buy cheap beer or a bottle of Sang Som and sit in his room alone drinking it. It'll cost him 10 Baht more to go and sit with friends (if he has any!) at the little Thai place down the road. He'll go to eat at the "All you can eat breakfast" because he doesn't like Thai food and will only eat 1 time per day.

Basically, he is a scrooge who doesn't like to enjoy himself, because it may cost money. He will die rich, but unhappy and alone.

However, someone who looks for value for money and objects to paying more because he is a foreigner is not a "Cheap Charlie".

I have been called a CC because I used to pay 5 Baht for the Songthaew in Pattaya. This I don't understand. 5 Baht was the correct fare, so why should I be expected to pay 10 Baht. Percentage wise, that's paying double. Those of you who have called me a CC - If you went to Big C and your shopping comes to 1000 Baht, The cashier looks up and says " Oh, Farang, in that case 2000 Baht please! What would you say? Would you pay the farang surcharge?

Absolutely right, Loong, I can never understand the mentality that says farang should pay more because they can - when the price for goods or services is determined in such a way that the person providing those goods or services is making sufficient profit that they normally charge that amount for them, how is it being cheap to pay that price?

Would people do it in their original country? I doubt it!

As for the balloon spotters - I agree that it is unfair to all concerned to simply use these parties or promotions in a selfish way - if my favourite bar is having it's "member party" (don't forget to bring your member...) it's obviously good value to go along for the free food, but we always pay the going rate for drinks etc, no matter what.

The promotion is there to attract new customers, so they do want people to notice the balloons or signs and come in, but the important phrase is "new customers", not "freeloaders".

I know that sometimes I refer to myself as "kee-nieow" (spelling??) but in reality when I am home in Bangkok, I probably spend around 15,000 baht a month on drinks for myself, wife and friends...maybe more....

Hmmm...maybe that's why there is not much in the bank...oh well.. this is not a rehearsal - this is my life, and there is only one chance at it!


PS WhiteShiva's post above refers to "30 million+" Thais - but I am fairly sure it's actually 60 million +... seriously, please tell me if I am wrong - I do recall some promo a while back when the 60 millionth baby was born.

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don't maintain that all us expats (or falangs) have an affluent image to maintain, but to put my quote in context... I consider people to be "kinneow" or "cheap charlie" if they think nothing of spending all afternoon shopping for DVD's and T-shirts in Walking Street, and buying their heinikins (and lady drinks) in the beer bars, then go to one of those all-you-can-eat for 89 baht Korean style BBQ places, then head off to the go-go bars...  :D

That's the context of where my quote was lifted from... OK?  :D

Personally, I spend more time (and money) in Thai restaurants and entertainment venues than falung venues... because I prefer to.  I enjoy the food, the company, the service, the music, the respect and recognition... and I pay Thai prices and tip Thai style too... I always greet and joke with the service staff and management of my regular haunts... and am greeted and respected in return.

The "kinneow" falung that think nothing of spending up on copy goods and bargirls, then opt for the cheapest meal possible, is not in my opinion the type of falung that is likely to earn any respect from me or the Thais.  :D

To Jai Dee : "kinneow" agree that most spending in bars is unnecessary, but what is wrong with a "cheap meal" , maybe in a street footstall ? usually the food is excellent! and no waiting!

Nothing at all... please read my explanation in this thread.


Actually Jai Dee the post you made in this thread explains the post you made in my thread better.... now I understand what you were getting at... :D

totster :D

I'm glad that's cleared up totster... :D

And I wasn't having a go at you for eating in those kind of establishments... I just don't like the "usual" clientele there... (and for the record, maybe to clarify it further, I live in Pattaya) :D

Know what I mean? :o

/Edit - typo corrected.

/2nd Edit - 2nd typo corrected... fumble fingers this morning...

Edited by Jai Dee
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PS WhiteShiva's post above refers to "30 million+" Thais - but I am fairly sure it's actually 60 million +... seriously, please tell me if I am wrong - I do recall some promo a while back when the 60 millionth baby was born.

If there are 60 mill Thais, then 30 mill + would qualify as 'most' ie more than half

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I'm not sure if I am a cheap charlie or not.

My ampher has 2 farangs living here. My village has 1.

I usually don't tip for a bowl of noodles (10 baht for a large bowl) or a plate of fried rice (25 baht).

I will tip at the local bbq. The meal is a little more expensive there. 3 people, 2 beers, a large bottle of coke, and more than enough food (couldnt finish the 2nd order). Total price was about 350 baht. I tiped 10 baht.

Does that make me a cheap charlie?

I'm not in Bangkok and the waitress was a 12 year old working in a family restaurant business. The most popular one in this little farming village.

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IF you are going to give a tip, it should be a minimum of 10%, so yes, you are a Cheap Charlie. A 350 Bt bill should have warranted at least 35 Bt.

I did try to tip like that once and my thai friends from the village said not too. It looks odd.

My Thai friends, poor farmers, often give me advise on what and what not to do in the village.

I trust their advice.

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I will tip at the local bbq. The meal is a little more expensive there. 3 people, 2 beers, a large bottle of coke, and more than enough food (couldnt finish the 2nd order). Total price was about 350 baht. I tiped 10 baht.

Does that make me a cheap charlie?

I'm not in Bangkok and the waitress was a 12 year old working in a family restaurant business. The most popular one in this little farming village.

I would have tipped the restaurant 10-20 baht, and slipped another 20 baht into the 12 year old waitresses hand.


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I will tip at the local bbq. The meal is a little more expensive there. 3 people, 2 beers, a large bottle of coke, and more than enough food (couldnt finish the 2nd order). Total price was about 350 baht. I tiped 10 baht.

Does that make me a cheap charlie?

I'm not in Bangkok and the waitress was a 12 year old working in a family restaurant business. The most popular one in this little farming village.

I would have tipped the restaurant 10-20 baht, and slipped another 20 baht into the 12 year old waitresses hand.


I can see why you are called, "Jai Dee" :D

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Bottom line is that Thais view hard-to-the-core tight wad cheapo farang charlies in a highly negative way. Behind your back they flock together in cursing and looking down at you. Most of this violence directed at farangs here can be attributed to this. So I would think twice as you pinch each and every satang in this country

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Bottom line is that Thais view hard-to-the-core tight wad cheapo farang charlies in a highly negative way. Behind your back they flock together in cursing and looking down at you. Most of this violence directed at farangs here can be attributed to this. So I would think twice as you pinch each and every satang in this country

hahaha... always entertaining to see The Dud back on this thread. His insight into the Thai psyche knows no bounds. Your "theories" are crap... try to stick to something you know about, whatever that may be. But then again, on second thought, go ahead and keep posting... it's always good for a nice chuckle and a sneer at your inane misunderstandings of Thailand.

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Married to a cheap-charly Thai, wife is managing and handling everything paid in cash.Car rental and hotel booking is always done by me in advance and in plastic.Don´t know where to put money in my thong. :D


All I can add is anyone who hasn't visited Khao San Rd lately, wander over as the sun sets. You'll note all the Thai's who come out to view the Farang zoo... pure amusement and in alot of cases, deservedly :D

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my 2 cents...

how you spend your money is up to you. you earned it. so, you have the right to spend it the way you want.

if you want to walk a mile to save 5 baht, that's your choice. if you don't want to tip, you don't have to. that is your right.

people who call other people cheap are usually just jealous, or neurotic. these are people who like to hurt others peoples feelings because it makes them feel good. in other words, sick folks. mentally sick.

if you want to maxmize your happiness in this life, stay away from people who like to call others cheap charlie.

many of them are either mean or vindictive.

people who you wouldn't want to hang out with in the first place, right?

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reading this post. it seems, what we are saying is, anyone who lives in Thailand on a budget, and has to shop around to stay within that budget, is a cheap charlie, and should go back where he came from, leaving the very, snobbish, rich farangs to enjoy Los. Have I got the gist of it? :o

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I've just picked a few quotes out not targeting anyone in particular.

I'm glad about that, seeing the first quote was mine... :D

Is'nt it bad enough that most Thais have a stereotype of all falangs being loaded and throwing money around, Do we falangs have to reinforce this? Do all falangs here have to be rich, even if you are is there anything wrong with wanting to pay the same as a local? or hang out at the same places as the locals?

Personaly I like value for money and a lot of the time(espacially in BKK) I'm more comfertable in the "Thai" style places. I tip like a thai and I expect thai prices. I dont see why falangs as expected to throw money around just because they are falangs, or do we all have to try and maintain the image that all falangs have money to burn?

I don't maintain that all us expats (or falangs) have an affluent image to maintain, but to put my quote in context... I consider people to be "kinneow" or "cheap charlie" if they think nothing of spending all afternoon shopping for DVD's and T-shirts in Walking Street, and buying their heinikins (and lady drinks) in the beer bars, then go to one of those all-you-can-eat for 89 baht Korean style BBQ places, then head off to the go-go bars... :D

That's the context of where my quote was lifted from... OK? :D

Personally, I spend more time (and money) in Thai restaurants and entertainment venues than falung venues... because I prefer to. I enjoy the food, the company, the service, the music, the respect and recognition... and I pay Thai prices and tip Thai style too... I always greet and joke with the service staff and management of my regular haunts... and am greeted and respected in return.

The "kinneow" falung that think nothing of spending up on copy goods and bargirls, then opt for the cheapest meal possible, is not in my opinion the type of falung that is likely to earn any respect from me or the Thais. :o

Oh no!! I'm a ''Cheap Charlie'' I'm off to a Korean BBQ tonight with an Auzzie friend and our wives. 100 baht an order plus live music and Tiger and Singh beer girls. All for less the 10 quid (Split two ways though)

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When i was with my then 'girlfriend', she used to tell me how much to tip and it was usually quite generous. Now she is my 'wife' and the money is now OURS, she does the tipping and let me tell you, it has dropped significantly. Does that make her a "Cheap Thai-lie" :o

Mr BoJ

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But I suppose a bigger question is whether or not, when you return, will you still walk the same distance to save 5 baht on smokes?


I think the question is why you walk the distance to save 5 baht........

Personally, I often do it because I want to support the people with a slimmer profit margin, not because I have to.

please take a bow, had a great laugh :D

Will do, but think perhaps you missed my point.

An example: If you have two shops selling an identical product (let's for arguments sake say a pack of sigarettes), but shop one is trying to ask for a higher price than shop two (even if just 5 baht), I would normally not mind spending a few minutes to walk to the other shop where the price is more reasonable.

I couldn't tell you to the nearest thousand baht how much money I have in my wallet right now, and I always tip generously when given good service (my wife usually gives me a hard time for this! :D ), but I prefer spending my money where value is given. Even if it just 5 baht.

Dunno what your point is - I am definitely not stingy - I have even been know to drink coffee at Starbucks!! .....I guess I may be accused of bad taste, but that is another matter alltogether.... :D

explained well mate :D Im the same in some regards - I never buy from 7/11 if there is a Thai minmart near. Although Im not particulary fond of walking, I do go those extra yards in my own area.

leaving a bar to save 5 baht on smokes is another story - hey Scamp :o

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Whoops something went wrong there, but my point is that 7/11's are an integral part of our lives for many of us, where would we be in the wee small hours without them.

They are all independently owned as a franchise and have to give 52% of the profit they make back to the franchise, so I SUPPORT them. Mini Marts can close when they like, 7's are obliged to open all hours, and the owners are on call 24/7.

Please bear that in mind next time you want to save that 5 baht!

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Whoops something went wrong there, but my point is that 7/11's are an integral part of our lives for many of us, where would we be in the wee small hours without them.

They are all independently owned as a franchise and have to give 52% of the profit they make back to the franchise, so I SUPPORT them. Mini Marts can close when they like, 7's are obliged to open all hours, and the owners are on call 24/7.

Please bear that in mind next time you want to save that 5 baht!

Ok .... I get your point.... but owners of the franchise are aware of the commitments before they buy the franchise right...?

So why the need to give them support because they are getting such a raw deal... nobody forced them into it... :o

it doesn't make sense..!

Me - I just go to the nearest shop.... I certainly wouldn't travel out of my way to shop at a 7-11 just because the owners have to give 52% of the profit back :D

totster :D

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