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240 Days Overstay - Clear At Poipet Border?

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He will have to ask the visa company but I suspect they may refuse to carry him and a police stop en-route could see him go to jail for a day or two. The border could also detain him for police investigation on such an overstay. Or it could be clear sailing. There is just no way to be sure. For those able air departure is a much better option.

Have him ask visa company telling them about the overstay (they will find it before travel in any case).

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Thanks for your input.

What about paying the overstay fine at the immigration office in chang wattana?

Would that make things easier?

I would suspect your "Buddy" needs to buy himself an air ticket out of dodge and pay his fine at Swampy....certainly the safest option

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So he has 25k left, 20k for the fine, maybe 1,500 for the visa run, leaves him with 2,350 baht, I have heard some border check points want to see a minimum amount of cash on hand at the time of entry, so he might be allowed to leave and not be permitted to re-enter.

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So he has 25k left, 20k for the fine, maybe 1,500 for the visa run, leaves him with 2,350 baht, I have heard some border check points want to see a minimum amount of cash on hand at the time of entry, so he might be allowed to leave and not be permitted to re-enter.

You have got to be joking ?? Living expenses, further border runs ? How will he manage that ?

Maybe better to go to the Embassy of his home country and plead Insanity.

He could go to jail if they want to put him there for that amount of overstay , Who knows , but what a predicament to be in.

Good Luck , he's gonna need it .

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I agree with sentiments of a couple of others.

I personally hope they lock your so-called "buddy" up.

A 240 day overstay is considerably more than being "pretty broke the last couple of months" and not being able to afford a couple of thousand baht visa run.

In fact that works out to being too broke for eight months. Amazing he managed to eat and have somewhere to sleep for that long but lo and behold he suddenly by some miracle has Bt25,000 left - so he can get another visa and then stick his fingers up to the Thai visa regulations again no doubt.

It's not called Amazing Thailand for nothing. As soon as people like you so-called "buddy" start seeing life from behind bars for flagrant breaches of Thai laws the better. No wonder the rest of us get put through the hoops and regulations and fees are constantly being increased and/ or changed. As a direct result of people like your "buddy".

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I know "someone" who waited until they were 2 days short of 1 year over, then went through on the train to malaysia, then he just joined the 'normal, not overstay' queue and they didnt notice the year on his stamp.

6 years ago now though...

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I know "someone" who waited until they were 2 days short of 1 year over, then went through on the train to malaysia, then he just joined the 'normal, not overstay' queue and they didnt notice the year on his stamp.

6 years ago now though...

They have a computer system in place now, making it much more difficult. And they might notice later and flag him, causing problems if he returns.

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I know "someone" who waited until they were 2 days short of 1 year over, then went through on the train to malaysia, then he just joined the 'normal, not overstay' queue and they didnt notice the year on his stamp.

6 years ago now though...

They have a computer system in place now, making it much more difficult. And they might notice later and flag him, causing problems if he returns.

One guy I know of just went to Poi Pet with 6 months overstay just last week.... he paid the overstay and Thai Immigration refused him re-entry to Thailand for 6 months.. he is now in Phnom Phen.. So, who knows..?

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I agree with sentiments of a couple of others.

I personally hope they lock your so-called "buddy" up.

A 240 day overstay is considerably more than being "pretty broke the last couple of months" and not being able to afford a couple of thousand baht visa run.

In fact that works out to being too broke for eight months. Amazing he managed to eat and have somewhere to sleep for that long but lo and behold he suddenly by some miracle has Bt25,000 left - so he can get another visa and then stick his fingers up to the Thai visa regulations again no doubt.

It's not called Amazing Thailand for nothing. As soon as people like you so-called "buddy" start seeing life from behind bars for flagrant breaches of Thai laws the better. No wonder the rest of us get put through the hoops and regulations and fees are constantly being increased and/ or changed. As a direct result of people like your "buddy".

I totally agree . Those who break the rules make it more difficult for those who dont. Personally I think Thai Immigration should only allow upto 1 week of overstay and fine you 1000 bht a day . Anyone over 1 week to 1 month 20,000 bht . Those over 1 month - ? Jail plus the fine plus a black stamp. Kick em all out I say :realangry:

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you would have to pretty naive to think after paying a 20,000 baht fine

for a 240 day overstay that they would simply let your friend turn around and waltz straight

back in without asking to see the plane ticket for departure and / or evidence of how much

money your friend has on him ? :rolleyes:

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Can I ask the "hang 'em high brigade" what does throwing somebody in jail actually achieve?

I'm all for people abiding by the rules and I have no time for those who have such a disregard the Immigration Laws, but simply throwing people in jail for overstaying seems very vindictive to me.

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Can I ask the "hang 'em high brigade" what does throwing somebody in jail actually achieve?

I'm all for people abiding by the rules and I have no time for those who have such a disregard the Immigration Laws, but simply throwing people in jail for overstaying seems very vindictive to me.

I think they should cut their goolies off....:lol:

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The people that do overstay for lets say an unreasonable time have to pay justifled fines, 240 days is looked upon as taking the water a bit too much.

l agree too that throwing them in prison is a total waste of time.

I would say the best thing for him to do is turn himself in and see what happens.

Maybe l hope the best way will be they will fine him and deport him back to his own country who is reponsible for him.

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My next door neighbor had a 90 day overstay. It was a big deal. He paid the fine, which is 20,000B maximum, and his wife's brother who works in immigration in BKK helped keep him from getting in too much trouble. Your friend is in trouble for sure. He should probably leave the country.

How come he doesn't work? A bum for sure. I would pick different friends if I were you.... :realangry:


Do not overstay in Thailand!

The maximum overstay fine in Thailand is 20,000 baht (approx US$617 - source xe.com 22nd May 2010). Foreign children are subject to fines for overstaying in Thailand only when over the age of seven.

You can pay your overstay fine at the airport, but if you are caught by Immigration before you reach the airport, you will be jailed and deported until you can pay your fine and show a one way ticket back to your home country.

If you overstay by one day, there is no charge but only at the airport. Land borders charge for even the first day’s overstay. After that the fine is 500B per day.

Paying the fine is simple. When going through Immigration, they will notice the overstay and take you to a desk to pay. Fines can also often be paid in advance at any Immigration bureau. You will not be jailed it you voluntarily clear up your overstay.

Warning - Note that overstaying is technically breaking the law and while there is little problem if you 'surrender' yourself to Immigration at the airport, it can be a very different story if you are stopped by the police beforehand for whatever reason and are found to have overstayed - no matter for how long. This may well lead to you being detained in an Immigration Detention Center for a few days while your case is processed. Needless to say, this is an experience you can do without, as conditions inside have been described by Amnesty International as 'cruel and degrading' and 'seriously overcrowded'.

Though the chances of ending up in this situation are very small, you would be advised to not overstay your visa if at all possible. If you do overstay for any reason, obviously you should steer well clear of any kind of activities that might attract the attention of the authorities.

Thai Immigration Act

Section 81 : Any alien who stay in the Kingdom without permission or with permission expired or revoked

shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or


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the best way will be they will fine him and deport him back to his own country who is reponsible for him.

But deportation service is not free. First somebody would have to buy a ticket for him, directly back to his own country

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the best way will be they will fine him and deport him back to his own country who is reponsible for him.

But deportation service is not free. First somebody would have to buy a ticket for him, directly back to his own country

Sounds like a hopeless case then !!! maybe he's got a visa card.:rolleyes:

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Go to jail do not pass go :annoyed:

Steady on!. Whilst I don't agree with huge overstays I don't think it warrants jail time. Some of you really need to get off your high horses and start living!

Edited by Crill
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Can I ask the "hang 'em high brigade" what does throwing somebody in jail actually achieve?

I'm all for people abiding by the rules and I have no time for those who have such a disregard the Immigration Laws, but simply throwing people in jail for overstaying seems very vindictive to me.

Lets all take drugs here then , is that vindictive also to put you in jail for breaking the law ? SAME SAME, rules are rules regardless . I dont agree with many laws but if they are there and are broken , you pay the penalty.

Putting someone in jail is for breaking the law and should teach you not to do it again , its also a deterrent for others not to break the law.

Go home and break the law there, not here, it can be nasty in jail here.

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Can I ask the "hang 'em high brigade" what does throwing somebody in jail actually achieve?

I'm all for people abiding by the rules and I have no time for those who have such a disregard the Immigration Laws, but simply throwing people in jail for overstaying seems very vindictive to me.

Lets all take drugs here then , is that vindictive also to put you in jail for breaking the law ? SAME SAME, rules are rules regardless . I dont agree with many laws but if they are there and are broken , you pay the penalty.

Putting someone in jail is for breaking the law and should teach you not to do it again , its also a deterrent for others not to break the law.

Go home and break the law there, not here, it can be nasty in jail here.

Here here :clap2:

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The old days of the little glassed in offit at Don Muang are over! Overstay and you will pay. A few years ago I was at the old immi offit in DT BKK and noted the huge caged in truck full of what appeared to be mostly mid eastern and african folks. A Royal Thai Immi Officer noted to me that the staff in near contact to that group had surgical masks/ gloves on, getting some illness problem is what is in that truck.

I was just at Immi in Phuket the other day as they had their much smaller truck backed up to the gate. Again, the staff wore thge masks.. Well, as I was gettting my 90 reprot done I mentioned to the RTIP Sr Sgt Major who was processing my papaer work told me that working with deportee's in HKT wasn't so bad but in Bangkok those people are all disease born from dirty countries.

Him, I have my children and grandchildren in my house and I don't get near deportees!

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Can I ask the "hang 'em high brigade" what does throwing somebody in jail actually achieve?

I'm all for people abiding by the rules and I have no time for those who have such a disregard the Immigration Laws, but simply throwing people in jail for overstaying seems very vindictive to me.

Lets all take drugs here then , is that vindictive also to put you in jail for breaking the law ? SAME SAME, rules are rules regardless . I dont agree with many laws but if they are there and are broken , you pay the penalty.

Putting someone in jail is for breaking the law and should teach you not to do it again , its also a deterrent for others not to break the law.

Go home and break the law there, not here, it can be nasty in jail here.

What on earth has taking drugs got to do with a visa overstay?

Are you saying everyone that breaks any law, however trivial, should automatically be jailed, I doubt it very much as it's an absolutly absurd remark and where do you draw the line?

Jail for serious crimes has its place, it protects the public from the perpetrator, it acts as a deterrent and punishes the wrongdoers, but please put it into perspective.

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Can I ask the "hang 'em high brigade" what does throwing somebody in jail actually achieve?

I'm all for people abiding by the rules and I have no time for those who have such a disregard the Immigration Laws, but simply throwing people in jail for overstaying seems very vindictive to me.

Lets all take drugs here then , is that vindictive also to put you in jail for breaking the law ? SAME SAME, rules are rules regardless . I dont agree with many laws but if they are there and are broken , you pay the penalty.

Putting someone in jail is for breaking the law and should teach you not to do it again , its also a deterrent for others not to break the law.

Go home and break the law there, not here, it can be nasty in jail here.

What on earth has taking drugs got to do with a visa overstay?

Are you saying everyone that breaks any law, however trivial, should automatically be jailed, I doubt it very much as it's an absolutly absurd remark and where do you draw the line?

Jail for serious crimes has its place, it protects the public from the perpetrator, it acts as a deterrent and punishes the wrongdoers, but please put it into perspective.

For sure. A huge fine is just as big an deterrent as a jail sentence. An overstay warrants a trip home and a fine. Nothing more.

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Excuse my late reply but i haven't seen the guy for a couple of days.

He actually went through the airport, paid his 20k fine and returned the same day in thailand on a 30day on arrival stamp.

According to him the whole immigration process to pay the fine took a couple of minutes, no questions asked.

So much for your smart ass comments..

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