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Briton Stabs Himself, Sets Pattaya Apartment On Fire

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Jeez, I really can't foresee any circumstance in which I'd even consider ending my life.

If things don't work out with one Thai girl there are 30 or 40,000,000 others out there!

I completely agree. What could have caused a farang to decide to take a broken bottle to his body. I just can not get my head around what could be so serious, important, or life changing that would cause such a reaction. And she was only a girlfriend!

I think there is a big piece of the story missing here. <_<


Hold on guys. All the report said was according to HER statement, what about his statement of events?

No one finds it strange that he would stab himself with a bottle and then set the room on fire?

Bottle is a very favorite weapon for Thai girls and boys when it comes to fighting and setting fire in condo(which no doubt was in his name) so he would be liable to pay all the damage.

I do not know, but i like to hear his side of the story prior to making any conclusions

PS. Let me also add, not that i have tried but it appears to be pretty hard to stab yourself with a bottle and probably the first ever suicide or an attempt to hurt yourself with a bottle and set the room you in on fire.

People use guns, knives, hang, drown, drugs. This is the first time ever i hear of anyone stabbing themselves with a bottle and setting a fire in the room.

Agreed.. I find it very strange.. personally, I will at least wait for his version of events before making any judgment.



People due strange things when they are in love.

Quite a few years ago now my friend XXXXXXX (Don't bother counting letters as the name is purposely disguised anyhow)came back to Bangkok after about a year working in Egypt to earn some money. He had his Thai girlfriend set up in an apartment in Bangkok which he paid the cost for, When he returned home, he found her living with another Farang guy,and that she was subletting the apartment. My friend didn't get angry, he just took a trip to Chiang Mai for a week. While he was gone his girl happened to be hit by a taxi that just came up on the sidewalk and ran her down, then drove off. The girl went to the hospital, and when my friend went to that hospital to visit her she started sreaming obscenities at him, Somehow, she seemed to belive my friend was invoved in her accident in some way.

Oh well, accidents do ocasionally happen, don't they?



There is always an eerie, foreboding sensation that sends a chill down my spine when I am regaled with a Thai's magnanimous description of a crime scene, and the events leading up to it.

Never in my life's experience, with absolutely any Thai, have I ever been able to glean any truth out of an excited, emotional Thai, who had been involved in any event that held even the remotest possibility of loss to their sweet little face.

Som-anong told police?

Herein lies the problem!

Knight quarreled with her and locked himself inside the room?

And the loving, kind woman patiently waited outside the door, long enough for and incendiary device and fluids to be used to get the blaze into a state so that smoke would "billow" from under the small seam at the bottom of the door. Smoke goes up, and does not billow out of a lower door seam until the room is filled from the top down.

What was she waiting for? Were they communicating? Or was she being the typical annoying Thai woman who will not go away from a door when thrown out? Was she indeed thrown out - or - was she staying around to make sure her blaze was properly going? Was she going to leave, and someone happened in the hall and saw her, and instead she began screaming to avoid suspicion?

she saw fumes billowing out of the room?

Again, in order for smoke to "billow" from under a very thin seam in at the bottom of a door, the room would literally have to be an inferno of smoke within the room. No one could retain consciousness for the smoke to reach a state where it is forced out of a door seam.

Again, why was she still in the hallway? Was she waiting for the smoke to come, and then leave - but when someone happened along, she had to change modus operandi in order to avoid conviction of attempted murder and arson?

she called for help from neighbours?

My guess is that some neighbors happened along and saw her standing in front of the door, and she was about to leave. Instead she began calling for help.

who stormed inside

They are fortunate that the sudden inflow of oxygen to the smoldering fire did not cause a chain reaction explosion of flames.

and found the man stabbing himself.

Highly unlikely.

Firstly, you can not see into a room when you bust in the door and smoke and flames fumes and unbearable heat literally erupt in your face. Your eyes would tear up and you would gag on the smoke and naturally jump back from the scorching heat. 20 minutes to put out suggests such a scenario.

Secondly, I suggest anyone reading this have a friend stand outside their room and lock the door. Then set your room ablaze and wait for your friend to yell that the smoke is "billowing" from under the door. At that point,wait approximately 4 to 5 minutes before your friend "storms" into the room. IF you are still conscious and standing, only then will I buy this lie that he was conscious and stabbing himself in the stomach.

They alerted police who rushed in with fire fighters.

From the time these clowns saw all this. there is no mention of assistance to the man, how he could retain consciousness in a smoke filled room and stab himself, and then suddenly be unconscious when the police and firemen arrived, and no mention of attempting to keep the blaze at bay, or that the blaze erupted when the door was broken in. That definitely describes a serious amount of smoke in the room, like a time bomb waiting to go off, just as soon as air is fed into the environment. No way this man was conscious when they busted the door in.

The fire fighters took about 20 minutes to control the blaze

This supports the serious nature of the room's breathable air, and how bad the content of breathable air must have been for many minutes before the room was "stormed" by the "neighbors".

Mr. Knight was taken to Hospital in an unconscious state.

So, after letting him stab himself, they watched as he dropped unconscious, and let him remain in the room, without trying any CPR on him?


Here's a good one. Let's see if The Nation does the responsible thing, and does a follow up story that has a statement from the victim of attempted murder. I would like to read his story in his words.


Tsk tsk tsk - The name calling's started a bit early tonight.

I know it's off topic, but why oh why when ever an American, English, Scottish, Thai or other nationality does soemthing which offends, do we get these petty, narrowmided comments that invariably degenerates into a slanging match along the lines of 'my nationalities better than yours

.' It is so boring to read and smacks of the poster having a complete inferiority complex. Most expats here are discriminated against through anitquated laws, but we live with them as we choose to live here. Lets not throw sh*t at each other on an expat based forum, we get enough of that when we deal with officaldom here :jap:

P.S. It was stupid thing to do i do agree with that part!!

good post


Thailand, specifically Pattaya, must rate as the country with the worst mis-behaving foreign visitors. And I reckon the worst foreigners in Thailand are low life Brits. Surely the Thai authorities bear some blame in allowing such scum into this country or letting them stay here?

Mind you the UK lets in low life foreigners as well who rather than mis behaving as the foreigner do in thailand, the foreigners arriving in the Uk are given free housing, education welfare payments and a life of doing nothing financed by the state. At least the Thai authorities ain't so stupid.


sadly as a brit i am afraid you are right, there is a beer swilling brainless element in british life that can be seen in any town and city centre in the uk every friday and saturday night and then after in A&e departments all over the country, alcohol is so cheap and available over here, there is a growing problem of alcoholism and liver disease among young folk, because Thailand is still relatively cheap to get to and realtively cheap to stay for a week or two its an easy target for that sort of rabble and of course the ladies are the cream on the cake.

as to the 2nd part of the post, i am afraid the Uk is simply disintegrating anyway, due to the EEC, we have to welcome rabble from Romania, Albania etc who are just here to screw everything they can out of the country, The UK now is like one of those overmanaged old cold war countries such as East Germany, the only difference being that we are ruled by a liberal elite in contrast to a communist party elite. Anyone with a brain and money is leaving the UK. If such people dont leave its simply because of family connections or foolish nostalgia

as for the guy in the news perhaps she wanted 2,500 for short time?

cest la vie Wap

But lets be honest what sort of clientele is Pattaya looking for? The whole towns economy is based on prostitution and whoring (lets be honest you don't go to pattaya for the beach or for a relaxing week away with the wife and kids). Pattaya is designed to attract mainly single men (old and young) or groups of men on a 'lads night out' . Where getting smashed, seeing plenty of tits and ass and generally being debauched is the order of the day. I'd imagine the majority of Thai people are happy with this as the pissed up foreigners stay for a short time and blow loads of cash, making them richer.

If Pattaya wants a better image answers pretty simple then - rip out the gogo bars, ditch the hookers and turn walking street into a family orientated street. If you choose to live in pattaya and your western and your annoyed with the antics of your fellow farangs, well Duh !!


There are so many armchair Psychiartrists on here who have diagnosed this man as a lunitic and already thrown away the key to the assylum. This diagnosis from six (6) lines of correspondence here on Thaivisa. What do we really know of Mr Knight or Miss Anumart? What are thier backgrounds and what was the quarrell over? Was it money, was he leaving her or she leaving him?

This story is so flawed.In one breath the reporter states Briton stabs himself,"Allegedly" sets fire to apartment. The next breath he/she states did set fire to apartment. Which one is it?

Let's put this story into chronilogical order acording to Miss Anumart.....

Mr Knight and Miss Anumart were in a relationship and stayed together in an apartment Phra Tamnak Rd. On Friday they quarreled for reasons unknown to readers and he locked himself in the apartment. (Did he throw her out or did she leave the apartment of her own accord) Some time later (how long and what was she doing in the meantime) she saw fumes billowing out of the room. (adjective - (billowing) all I could see was thick, billowing smoke) She called for help from nieghbours who stormed inside and found Mr knight stabbing himself. They then alerted police who rushed in with firefighters.

It apparently took firefighters 20 minutes to control the blaze. noun - (Blaze) a very large or fiercely burning fire:

What we have is a man who firstly set the apartment alight. After it was ablaze and thick smoke was billowing out he decided to stab himself in the chest. How can a person in a blazing room filled with smoke not be overcome by asphyxiation. It would have taken some time to rouse nieghbours and force entry into the appartment. Why didn't they offer some assistance instead of just waiting for police. What was Mr Knights condition? It must have been fairly serious if he was rushed to hospital.

What about another senario, They quarreled Miss Anumart stabbed Mr Knight set the appartment alight and then left locking the door behind her.

We have only heard one side of this incident so lets not judge and condem this man just yet.


There is always an eerie, foreboding sensation that sends a chill down my spine when I am regaled with a Thai's magnanimous description of a crime scene, and the events leading up to it.

Never in my life's experience, with absolutely any Thai, have I ever been able to glean any truth out of an excited, emotional Thai, who had been involved in any event that held even the remotest possibility of loss to their sweet little face.

Som-anong told police?

Herein lies the problem!

Knight quarreled with her and locked himself inside the room?

And the loving, kind woman patiently waited outside the door, long enough for and incendiary device and fluids to be used to get the blaze into a state so that smoke would "billow" from under the small seam at the bottom of the door. Smoke goes up, and does not billow out of a lower door seam until the room is filled from the top down.

What was she waiting for? Were they communicating? Or was she being the typical annoying Thai woman who will not go away from a door when thrown out? Was she indeed thrown out - or - was she staying around to make sure her blaze was properly going? Was she going to leave, and someone happened in the hall and saw her, and instead she began screaming to avoid suspicion?

she saw fumes billowing out of the room?

Again, in order for smoke to "billow" from under a very thin seam in at the bottom of a door, the room would literally have to be an inferno of smoke within the room. No one could retain consciousness for the smoke to reach a state where it is forced out of a door seam.

Again, why was she still in the hallway? Was she waiting for the smoke to come, and then leave - but when someone happened along, she had to change modus operandi in order to avoid conviction of attempted murder and arson?

she called for help from neighbours?

My guess is that some neighbors happened along and saw her standing in front of the door, and she was about to leave. Instead she began calling for help.

who stormed inside

They are fortunate that the sudden inflow of oxygen to the smoldering fire did not cause a chain reaction explosion of flames.

and found the man stabbing himself.

Highly unlikely.

Firstly, you can not see into a room when you bust in the door and smoke and flames fumes and unbearable heat literally erupt in your face. Your eyes would tear up and you would gag on the smoke and naturally jump back from the scorching heat. 20 minutes to put out suggests such a scenario.

Secondly, I suggest anyone reading this have a friend stand outside their room and lock the door. Then set your room ablaze and wait for your friend to yell that the smoke is "billowing" from under the door. At that point,wait approximately 4 to 5 minutes before your friend "storms" into the room. IF you are still conscious and standing, only then will I buy this lie that he was conscious and stabbing himself in the stomach.

They alerted police who rushed in with fire fighters.

From the time these clowns saw all this. there is no mention of assistance to the man, how he could retain consciousness in a smoke filled room and stab himself, and then suddenly be unconscious when the police and firemen arrived, and no mention of attempting to keep the blaze at bay, or that the blaze erupted when the door was broken in. That definitely describes a serious amount of smoke in the room, like a time bomb waiting to go off, just as soon as air is fed into the environment. No way this man was conscious when they busted the door in.

The fire fighters took about 20 minutes to control the blaze

This supports the serious nature of the room's breathable air, and how bad the content of breathable air must have been for many minutes before the room was "stormed" by the "neighbors".

Mr. Knight was taken to Hospital in an unconscious state.

So, after letting him stab himself, they watched as he dropped unconscious, and let him remain in the room, without trying any CPR on him?


Here's a good one. Let's see if The Nation does the responsible thing, and does a follow up story that has a statement from the victim of attempted murder. I would like to read his story in his words.

You have the same thoughts as me and must have been replying at the same time.


jonclark writes:

"But lets be honest what sort of clientele is Pattaya looking for? The whole towns economy is based on prostitution and whoring"

-Agree entirely. Plus I wish some people would stop trying to pretend Pattaya is a family holiday place. It is for whores and their customers.

Males coming to Pattaya should learn to control their emotions, not fall in love with the sex workers, and they should also learn to treat most relationships with Thais as what they truly are: business transactions.

Cases like this one or idiots who jump off buildings are usually individuals unable to distinquish love from sex, or are people who are blinded by mis-placed "love" who in a lot of instances will sooner or later end up penniless and desperate.

I also think that someone who sets fire to an apartment-if indeed that is what happened- shows total selfishness and endangers the lives of others in the same way as these "jumpers" risk the lives of pedestrians etc.


Luckily he was not yet found hanging on the ventilator with his hands bound on his back. Than again, instead of investigating matters the foreigner is first charged.

It does not seems that you are living up to the name "mythBuster":lol:


I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with the skeptics on here over the girl... there is just too much in her story that doesn't add up (see #65). His story is still worth a listen though.

Having said that, Thai alcohol can have some fairly unorthodox effects. I consider my personal issues (we all have them) not that bad - still, 6 years ago, I had quite a few bottles of Lao Cao with some Thai friends until 6am. When the Lao Cao was finished, I then went to my glass-doored fridge to get a Chang. The fridge wasn't working properly and the beer was warm. I then proceded to elbow the **** out of the glass door, severing an artery in my forearm, deep enough to require 16 stitches for a 1 inch wound. Obviously I realise that this was really, really stupid - I would never have conceived I might do something like this, but I did. Family politics, business conditions at the time, Lao Cao all night long and the warm beer pushed me over the edge. It shook me up (necessarily?) for a good few days, I could have killed myself.

My point is - it can happen to anyone under various circumstances, especially when (too much, unregulated) alcohol is involved. And yes, let the insults about how much of a prat I was start rolling, I can deal with it!



I also think that just based on the girl's story, it is hard to tell what 'really' happened. Certainly (or well let's hope that) there will be a 'real' investigation. As far as I know, certain drugs can lead to self injury, however, locking himself in, then setting his apartment on fire AND stabbing himself sounds a bit much.....

Here are a few more photos, but not more details that could put additional light on what happened (probably there are reasons for it).

Seems the other co-owners had been quite lucky that the fire could be extinguished in time:

Photos : http://www.star-beach-pattaya.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=88&p=212#p212


Sorry to jump on the Brit-bashing bandwagon, but I just went through a harrowing two episodes of being ripped off by Brits. It was via online ruses. I must admit some Brits are adept at stealing online. One got money by a devious ruse, the other (more recent) got money by keylogging and hijacking all my online accounts - though all the money he stole has since been refunded back to me. I'm sure there are honest and decent Brits out there - it's just a bit hard for me to perceive that right now.

Oh, and have received a few emails from Ireland lately which start out wanting to buy a house I have for sale, then go on to talk of transferring millions of dollars (in my name) to facilitate the purchase. Sounds like the British Isles are becoming the Nigeria of Europe in terms of proliferation of online scams.

So there are no Criminals of Gaols (jails) in the Nirvana that you come from? People in glass houses should not throw stones. Yes the UK has its fare share of scrotes but so does everywhere else.


any pictures of this looney so I know to cross the street when I see him coming

How do you know he is a looney? We have only heard the girls side and he hasn't been interviewed. Don't jump to conclusions.


Sounds like he might have been drunk. :burp:

Or on drugs, which is more likely the case.

The man is British 38 years old. How do they get in Thailand in the first place and what are they doing here?


They wrote Briton - He could be a Taff or a Jock.... Sean Gwyndaff Knight / Sean McKnight..hmmmm... Odds are he's English...

'She' must have wound him up pretty tightly for him to have gone off like that. Still, as one poster has already pointed out, Fire spreads, beyond attempting to become the martyr this chappy became a danger to others with a potentially fatal outcome.

Definitely English. Pattaya is full of them. But they are the first to refute the possibility and that is all it is until the facts come out.We dont know the full story. Moetwonblows has very thoroughly

identified some "possible" flaws but is he English as well?

Now if Mr Knights mates get up to the hospital and brief him maybe the girl will get it even if she is not responsible except by being Thai. As another poster points out you cant trust Thais or Thai

sex workers and that is a hel_l of a generalisation and knocking the country some of us live in and like enough to.


They wrote Briton - He could be a Taff or a Jock.... Sean Gwyndaff Knight / Sean McKnight..hmmmm... Odds are he's English...

'She' must have wound him up pretty tightly for him to have gone off like that. Still, as one poster has already pointed out, Fire spreads, beyond attempting to become the martyr this chappy became a danger to others with a potentially fatal outcome.

Definitely English. Pattaya is full of them. But they are the first to refute the possibility and that is all it is until the facts come out.We dont know the full story. Moetwonblows has very thoroughly

identified some "possible" flaws but is he English as well?

Now if Mr Knights mates get up to the hospital and brief him maybe the girl will get it even if she is not responsible except by being Thai. As another poster points out you cant trust Thais or Thai

sex workers and that is a hel_l of a generalisation and knocking the country some of us live in and like enough to.

Nope Moetown is an Aussie.


another PEE brain bites the dust.....

Such a pee brain that he couldn't do the job right the first time. Some people just cannot handle Thailand.


Ok Brit bashing! I am sure that are many Brits out there who can recall attempted scams by many other nationalities ,Britain becoming the next Nigeria ha !!, your story sounds fishy are your sure they were British, I ask because Ireland uses the Euro and U.K the pound, they wanted dollars?

Also profiles are and can be created so easily that claim to be from one place when they are really from another this is common. This scam sounds like it was working on the value of properties which we all know are high in the U.K thus making a tempting opportunity.

I will get back to work now but before I go if anyone is interested I have a lovely 5 bedroom farm cottage in southern England payment via Pay pal .........cool.gif

Yes, I'm 100% sure the two different parties who ripped me off online were British, and 99% sure the other two who tried the 'house buying scam' were Irish. If you want details, you can see my post on the computer forum (search: keyloggers) or send me a message. Saying the British Isles are becoming the next Nigeria is about as nice as I can put it.


I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with the skeptics on here over the girl... there is just too much in her story that doesn't add up (see #65). His story is still worth a listen though.

My point is - it can happen to anyone under various circumstances, especially when (too much, unregulated) alcohol is involved. And yes, let the insults about how much of a prat I was start rolling, I can deal with it!


Has there been a statement yet by the injured Brit? Until then, her story is as limp as her pantywaist.

Interesting mention about alcohol, in that fermented sugars mixed with yeast dung (i.e. alcoholic beverages) is legal, and possession of a smidgen of hemp can land you in jail. One causes traffic carnage and spouse beatings, the other is good for making rope.


Ok Brit bashing! I am sure that are many Brits out there who can recall attempted scams by many other nationalities ,Britain becoming the next Nigeria ha !!, your story sounds fishy are your sure they were British, I ask because Ireland uses the Euro and U.K the pound, they wanted dollars?

Also profiles are and can be created so easily that claim to be from one place when they are really from another this is common. This scam sounds like it was working on the value of properties which we all know are high in the U.K thus making a tempting opportunity.

I will get back to work now but before I go if anyone is interested I have a lovely 5 bedroom farm cottage in southern England payment via Pay pal .........cool.gif

Yes, I'm 100% sure the two different parties who ripped me off online were British, and 99% sure the other two who tried the 'house buying scam' were Irish. If you want details, you can see my post on the computer forum (search: keyloggers) or send me a message. Saying the British Isles are becoming the next Nigeria is about as nice as I can put it.

OK !

What is the old saying about a fool and his money?

So do you want to buy my cottage or not? wink.gif


How could the neighbours have stormed into the room if the door was locked on the inside and the lad was unconscious?

Could have been some farang neighbours who kicked the door in.

I was in a Had Yai guesthouse in the early 90s when 3 drunk Scandinavians fell asleep in their room with their cigarettes setting the mattress on fire. Smoke was billowing out of their room which was bolted from the inside.

The Thai man who worked on reception, climbed onto their balcony from the neighbouring balcony and broke the backdoor window to get in. He saved their lives as they were unconscious from the effects of smoke inhalation.


Surprised at the number of hang him high posts... he sounds mentally ill to me.

Man tries to commit suicide and the police charge him with arson? Shouldn't he goto a hospital first to make sure he is mentally competent?


Surprised at the number of hang him high posts... he sounds mentally ill to me.

Man tries to commit suicide and the police charge him with arson? Shouldn't he go to a hospital first to make sure he is mentally competent?

Mentally ill? Perhaps, but high on drugs and/or drunk have almost certainly contributed to his mental problems.

In any case, the lesson to be learned is, that if you want to commit suicide, do not endanger the lives of others while doing it....

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