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Car bombs in Tehran kill nuclear scientist, injures another


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What few noticed was that outisde of a few cities there were no demos and that american research showed Amadinajad would win by the margin he did before the election. CNN and the NY Times covering the demos with journos based in places like Ottawa did admittedly make it look dramatic. Talking recently to an Iranain refugee here in Thailand, he also confirmed the demos were actually misanalysed in the west. Still that doesnt suit the agenda od propaganda operations like the NY Times

Whoever is going round bombing civilians should be jailed from whatever country they hail. They are pure murderers and terrorists.

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Talking recently to an Iranain refugee here in Thailand, he also confirmed the demos were actually misanalysed in the west. Still that doesnt suit the agenda od propaganda operations like the NY Times

You are basing your "analysis" on one guy that you met from Iran? That New York Times "propaganda" is looking more and more realistic. :whistling:

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Of course I am not so familair with "the typical Iranian citizen" as you appear to be, but I am willing to bet any amount that the "typical Iranian citizen" is more fed up with the USA...

That is a bet that you would lose big time. whistle.gif

No, you would lose.

I'm not so sure about that. You didn't happen to notice all those protesters getiing beaten and shot about a year ago did you?

And what makes you think that the very same protesters are anywhere near pro-USA? Or wouldn't be the 'Green Movement' dudes the first one out to meet for a good old stars and strips flag burning?

Beside watching some dramatic videos of protesters beaten or even killed, have you done a little background check where this opposition movement comes from, who are the leaders and what they stand for? Did someone told you it would be western values or something pro-american?

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Talking recently to an Iranain refugee here in Thailand, he also confirmed the demos were actually misanalysed in the west. Still that doesnt suit the agenda od propaganda operations like the NY Times

You are basing your "analysis" on one guy that you met from Iran? That New York Times "propaganda" is looking more and more realistic. :whistling:

guess who is the lady in that picture below:


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Well, the americans and the zionist entity have rather a lot to gain from this and both of these rogue sates have an astonishing history of state-sponsored murder and terrorism so my money's on them.

Wow you certainly are one well connected guy to have this knowledge, how about a few facts ?

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Talking recently to an Iranain refugee here in Thailand, he also confirmed the demos were actually misanalysed in the west. Still that doesnt suit the agenda od propaganda operations like the NY Times

You are basing your "analysis" on one guy that you met from Iran? That New York Times "propaganda" is looking more and more realistic. :whistling:

guess who is the lady in that picture below:


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Your enemy's enemy isnt always your friend.

“"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?”

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The first scientist that was killed , he was a physics lecturer and his works had nothing to do with the the weapons etc, his papers on the Tehran University website, just Google up and see what Iranian and staff at Tehran University have to say! In Jordan he had met with few Israeli scientist in a conference, they could have taken him out there, on their door step, not letting him go back to tehran and do a spectacular fire works and turned it to circus maximums.

That Girshka Mishka Ivan be better ignored, he seems to be more worried about Iran, that the wretched state of his own Kelptocractic paradise, with 4 million women Natasha's flooding the flesh market around the world and muscling in on the racket in Bangkok and Shanghai, with the venerable KGB responsible for 60 Million murders of their own people and few million of others!


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