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Interpol issues 'red notice' for arrest of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange


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You refuse to post links to these editorials as it reveals how crummy your sources are, but there is plenty of evidence to refute this opinion and I have already posted it - with legitimate links. :whistling:

You don't read them anyway..............Good night :jap:

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The only real ammunition America has to protect state secrets, most legal observers agree, is the Espionage Act of 1917, signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson amid fears of domestic unrest and possible sabotage as American entered the First World War. It's a broadly worded act, still on the books, that on its face would make stealing or sharing secrets from the government a federal crime — if a jury agreed that doing so harmed America or aided a foreign power. But Abrams said courts soon recognized that such a broadly worded statute could "make illegal many things that American newspapers publish every day. It was over-broad and covered much too much material." As a result, the Supreme Court spent most of the 20th Century steadily narrowing the Espionage Act's reach when it comes to the news media's publication of secrets.

From TIME:

The U.S.'s Weak Legal Case Against WikiLeaks

By MICHAEL A. LINDENBERGER Thursday, Dec. 09, 2010

Read more:


Note: 10th part from top.

To the excuse of KhunAussie52, not posting the link, is that he informed me that his computing skills are minimal.

However, it is quite easy actually, to find where the content from his message came from since copy-and-paste the first sentence in Googe leads to TIME.


Edited by LaoPo
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As long as we are sharing opinion pieces:

Prosecute Assange Under the Espionage Act

Just as the First Amendment is not a license to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, it is also not a license to jeopardize national security.

By DIANNE FEINSTEIN When WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange released his latest document trovemore than 250,000 secret State Department cableshe intentionally harmed the U.S. government. The release of these documents damages our national interests and puts innocent lives at risk. He should be vigorously prosecuted for espionage.

The law Mr. Assange continues to violate is the Espionage Act of 1917. That law makes it a felony for an unauthorized person to possess or transmit "information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation."

The Espionage Act also makes it a felony to fail to return such materials to the U.S. government. Importantly, the courts have held that "information relating to the national defense" applies to both classified and unclassified material. Each violation is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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To the excuse of KhunAussie52, not posting the link, is that he informed me that his computing skills are minimal.

He seems to have no problem cutting and pasting from conspiracy theory sites. How difficult is it to cut and paste the web address of where it originates? :whistling:

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"Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday vowed to examine every statute possible to bring charges against Assange, including some that have never before been used to prosecute a publisher" Quote taken from link in post #634. It's obviously not a clear cut case in any way shape or form that Assange has broken any American laws. A legal case, never mind a conviction, is by no means guaranteed if the above statement is any indicator.

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NO legitimate legal case is ever guaranteed. That is what a fair Judicial system is all about.

Agreed totally. My point though is that there's a reasonable chance of no legal case at all. I'll take the statements of the American Attorney General a lot more seriously than any speculation in the press etc.

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As long as we are sharing opinion pieces:

Prosecute Assange Under the Espionage Act

Just as the First Amendment is not a license to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, it is also not a license to jeopardize national security.

By DIANNE FEINSTEIN When WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange released his latest document trove—more than 250,000 secret State Department cables—he intentionally harmed the U.S. government. The release of these documents damages our national interests and puts innocent lives at risk. He should be vigorously prosecuted for espionage.

The law Mr. Assange continues to violate is the Espionage Act of 1917. That law makes it a felony for an unauthorized person to possess or transmit "information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation."

The Espionage Act also makes it a felony to fail to return such materials to the U.S. government. Importantly, the courts have held that "information relating to the national defense" applies to both classified and unclassified material. Each violation is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.


Well, Dianne Feinstein (77) is, besides writing an opinion in the WSJ, also a Senator as well as former Mayor of San Francisco but she's not an American Prosecutor as far as I know, although she's calling for prosecution under the Espionage Act.

I think politicians like her better stick to the field of expertise: politics.

Besides that, Mrs. born-Goldman, divorced-Berman, widowed-Feinstein and remarried Richard Blum, is not only Democrat (isn't that leftish?) but also one of the richest Senators in the US.

As a matter of fact, I liked her when she was Mayor of San Francisco but she was also highly controversial, disclosing a.o. secret police information to the press when the police was stilll on the hunt for a serial killer who, because of her disclosures, fled and was able to kill another individual...

Next to that she also supported the 2002 resolution to go to war in Iraq and later backed off since she told the press she was "mislead" by the GWB administration...yeah, sure.

She is considered not to be a true Democrat because of her highly disputable decisions and votes, in favor or against certain bills and acts.

She better sticks to her political career and enjoy her wealthy life., instead calling for prosecution; maybe better she retires at age 77.


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A link to previously unheard of links with the CIA.


O yes, you 3 musketeers will say it is just an opinion.

Happy dreaming.


Nothing to do with Assange but it shows CIA involvement in another case.


Edited by AlexLah
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Alex, an interesting read but without corroboration it's nothing more than just that. If we all wanted to, I'm sure we could find similar press stories from just about every major nation on earth, my own included. This thread is diverse enough without going down that road.

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Alex, an interesting read but without corroboration it's nothing more than just that. If we all wanted to, I'm sure we could find similar press stories from just about every major nation on earth, my own included. This thread is diverse enough without going down that road.

Wouldn't it be nice to learn where, how, what about the $ 52 million in cash..??..:rolleyes:..why did he carry that, where did it come from and where did it go.....AND......why they let him walk free ??

You just try to carry 50K Dollars or Euros crossing any border/Customs somewhere in the world...and guess what happens :whistling:

WikiLeaks: DEA Caught Afghanistan's Vice President In UAE With 52 Million Dollars In Cash!



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As long as we are sharing opinion pieces:

Prosecute Assange Under the Espionage Act

Just as the First Amendment is not a license to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, it is also not a license to jeopardize national security.

By DIANNE FEINSTEIN When WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange released his latest document trove—more than 250,000 secret State Department cables—he intentionally harmed the U.S. government. The release of these documents damages our national interests and puts innocent lives at risk. He should be vigorously prosecuted for espionage.

The law Mr. Assange continues to violate is the Espionage Act of 1917. That law makes it a felony for an unauthorized person to possess or transmit "information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation."

The Espionage Act also makes it a felony to fail to return such materials to the U.S. government. Importantly, the courts have held that "information relating to the national defense" applies to both classified and unclassified material. Each violation is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.


Well, Dianne Feinstein (77) is, besides writing an opinion in the WSJ, also a Senator as well as former Mayor of San Francisco but she's not an American Prosecutor as far as I know, although she's calling for prosecution under the Espionage Act.

I think politicians like her better stick to the field of expertise: politics.

Besides that, Mrs. born-Goldman, divorced-Berman, widowed-Feinstein and remarried Richard Blum, is not only Democrat (isn't that leftish?) but also one of the richest Senators in the US.

As a matter of fact, I liked her when she was Mayor of San Francisco but she was also highly controversial, disclosing a.o. secret police information to the press when the police was stilll on the hunt for a serial killer who, because of her disclosures, fled and was able to kill another individual...

Next to that she also supported the 2002 resolution to go to war in Iraq and later backed off since she told the press she was "mislead" by the GWB administration...yeah, sure.

She is considered not to be a true Democrat because of her highly disputable decisions and votes, in favor or against certain bills and acts.

She better sticks to her political career and enjoy her wealthy life., instead calling for prosecution; maybe better she retires at age 77.


Here are a few questions for you.

Who oversees the United States Intelligence community?

Give up? Answer Dianne Feinstein.

Who oversees Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, as well as the intelligence-related components of Department of State, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of the Treasury?

Give up? Answer Dianne Feinstein

Who pays the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, as well as the intelligence-related components of Department of State, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of the Treasury?

You guessed it, Dianne Feinstein.

The American President can't do anything. He does not have any money. The President sits in a big office and acts important but he does not have any money. He is the commander in chief but he can't pay the soldiers. The congress pays the soldiers and the spies. Guess who tells the soldiers and spies what to do?

Today the congress made sure Obama could not close Gitmo. They attached a rider to a bill and presto the President can't close Gitmo.

America is run by elected individuals in the congress of the United States who chair committees for example,


Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry


Foreign Relations

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

Select committee on Intelligence

Dianne Feinstein is one of the most powerful people in the world. Who is she friends with? See the picture below. Some people worry about North Korea, and Iran and places like that. Not me. Two of the most dangerous things in the world are in the photo below.


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As long as we are sharing opinion pieces:

Prosecute Assange Under the Espionage Act

Just as the First Amendment is not a license to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, it is also not a license to jeopardize national security.

By DIANNE FEINSTEIN When WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange released his latest document trove—more than 250,000 secret State Department cables—he intentionally harmed the U.S. government. The release of these documents damages our national interests and puts innocent lives at risk. He should be vigorously prosecuted for espionage.

The law Mr. Assange continues to violate is the Espionage Act of 1917. That law makes it a felony for an unauthorized person to possess or transmit "information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation."

The Espionage Act also makes it a felony to fail to return such materials to the U.S. government. Importantly, the courts have held that "information relating to the national defense" applies to both classified and unclassified material. Each violation is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.


Well, Dianne Feinstein (77) is, besides writing an opinion in the WSJ, also a Senator as well as former Mayor of San Francisco but she's not an American Prosecutor as far as I know, although she's calling for prosecution under the Espionage Act.

I think politicians like her better stick to the field of expertise: politics.

Besides that, Mrs. born-Goldman, divorced-Berman, widowed-Feinstein and remarried Richard Blum, is not only Democrat (isn't that leftish?) but also one of the richest Senators in the US.

As a matter of fact, I liked her when she was Mayor of San Francisco but she was also highly controversial, disclosing a.o. secret police information to the press when the police was stilll on the hunt for a serial killer who, because of her disclosures, fled and was able to kill another individual...

Next to that she also supported the 2002 resolution to go to war in Iraq and later backed off since she told the press she was "mislead" by the GWB administration...yeah, sure.

She is considered not to be a true Democrat because of her highly disputable decisions and votes, in favor or against certain bills and acts.

She better sticks to her political career and enjoy her wealthy life., instead calling for prosecution; maybe better she retires at age 77.


Here are a few questions for you.

Who oversees the United States Intelligence community?

Give up? Answer Dianne Feinstein.

Who oversees Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, as well as the intelligence-related components of Department of State, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of the Treasury?

Give up? Answer Dianne Feinstein

Who pays the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, as well as the intelligence-related components of Department of State, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of the Treasury?

You guessed it, Dianne Feinstein.

The American President can't do anything. He does not have any money. The President sits in a big office and acts important but he does not have any money. He is the commander in chief but he can't pay the soldiers. The congress pays the soldiers and the spies. Guess who tells the soldiers and spies what to do?

Today the congress made sure Obama could not close Gitmo. They attached a rider to a bill and presto the President can't close Gitmo.

America is run by elected individuals in the congress of the United States who chair committees for example,


Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry


Foreign Relations

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

Select committee on Intelligence

Dianne Feinstein is one of the most powerful people in the world. Who is she friends with? See the picture below. Some people worry about North Korea, and Iran and places like that. Not me. Two of the most dangerous things in the world are in the photo below.

Impressive; thanks Mark!...

.......let me not comment on your last part or I would be labeled anti-American ;)


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I think I am a typical American and the last war the whole country was in favor of was WWII. Having said that most Americans don't want to put our soldiers at any more risk than they already are by nutty politicians and crazy General officers. Hence the negative reaction to WikiLeaks.

I know you would get a majority vote if anyone asked Americans if they wanted to cut off all foreign aid, foreign loans and close all overseas military bases. Americans would love it if the other countries of the world started defending themselves. It is time Japan, Europe and the rest started sharing the burden that has been shared by the US and UK and a few others. American people don't want to tell anyone else what to do. Nor do they care what they do. Nor do they know what they are doing.

Joe the plumber wants to go to work, have a beer and watch football. He has enough problems coping with new wave women let alone solving the problems Sudan and Zimbabwe.

The only reason you get much debate here is the vehemence and lack of knowledge of some of the posters. Americans who would normally just blow it off get defensive. Including myself.

When you have a little country like Australia it is easier for people to still control the government. California has a larger population and gross product than Australia and that is only one state.

Americans would like to take back the government. But it is not an easy task. I doubt that destroying the country is the best way to go about doing it. Is exposing hundreds of thousands of confidential documents to the rest of the world the best way of reforming some of the obvious excesses of the US? I don't know. I'd feel better of the expose was a little more equally balanced than 250,000 to 1000.

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A link to previously unheard of links with the CIA.

O yes, you 3 musketeers will say it is just an opinion.

Happy dreaming.


Nothing to do with Assange but it shows CIA involvement in another case.


You have already filled OTB with far-out conspiracy theories for years - and little else - why not the World News forum too?:D

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Source is posted below the post.

this was not written by me!!

Assange has an ace up his sleeve, the real revelations which I have reviewed and passed on will bring down governments, and put several mainstream U.S politicians including Clinton and Bush in jail, for events leading up to Princess Dianas death including a cable 29/8/1997 that reads, " The problem has to be taken care of so we can get back on track we can then have a viable financially secure future together, this was from Clinton to Blair.

On 01/ 09/ 1997 Clinton cabled Blair with "Job done its up to you to limit the damage we have held our end of the bargain, look forward to a fruitful time ahead". also several other cables going to U.S officials in France to "make sure that the french do not interfere with the "game", also "we have a french doctor who has been cleared for the traffic stop", referring to the accident of Diana and Dodi. A cable on 02/09/1997 reads "The driver survived, precautions were taken just to make you aware" Referring to Henri Paul who was not instantly killed as was reported.

Julian is waiting before these are released along with many others going back to 1991, including one stating "The U.S.A are officially bankrupt, we need to come up with a plan of action operating under the radar" "we cannot just keep printing money", others which read " The investigation of the 2.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon is going to hit us hard, we need to have something in place to get it postponed, get a thinktank of friendlies on to it immediately. dated 20/071999, a precursor to 9/11 with all the others my view is that there was collusion in many areas and the

Knowledge that the WTCs, building 7 and the Pentagon were to be attacked and that no action was to be taken!!, , including standing down airforce and turning security camera's off at the locations, Israeli transmissions warned all their diplomats and heads of companies to stay away till the dust settles.

Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz17wnOqNag

Edited by KhunAussie52
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Assange has an ace up his sleeve, the real revelations which I have reviewed and passed on will bring down governments, and put several mainstream U.S politicians including Clinton and Bush in jail, for events leading up to Princess Dianas death including a cable 29/8/1997 that reads, " The problem has to be taken care of so we can get back on track we can then have a viable financially secure future together, this was from Clinton to Blair.

On 01/ 09/ 1997 Clinton cabled Blair with "Job done its up to you to limit the damage we have held our end of the bargain, look forward to a fruitful time ahead". also several other cables going to U.S officials in France to "make sure that the french do not interfere with the "game", also "we have a french doctor who has been cleared for the traffic stop", referring to the accident of Diana and Dodi. A cable on 02/09/1997 reads "The driver survived, precautions were taken just to make you aware" Referring to Henri Paul who was not instantly killed as was reported.

Julian is waiting before these are released along with many others going back to 1991, including one stating "The U.S.A are officially bankrupt, we need to come up with a plan of action operating under the radar" "we cannot just keep printing money", others which read " The investigation of the 2.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon is going to hit us hard, we need to have something in place to get it postponed, get a thinktank of friendlies on to it immediately. dated 20/071999, a precursor to 9/11 with all the others my view is that there was collusion in many areas and the

Knowledge that the WTCs, building 7 and the Pentagon were to be attacked and that no action was to be taken!!, , including standing down airforce and turning security camera's off at the locations, Israeli transmissions warned all their diplomats and heads of companies to stay away till the dust settles.

Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz17wnOqNag

Meh, I don't buy any of it.

Edited by koheesti
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Assange has an ace up his sleeve, the real revelations which I have reviewed and passed on will bring down governments, and put several mainstream U.S politicians including Clinton and Bush in jail, for events leading up to Princess Dianas death including a cable 29/8/1997 that reads, " The problem has to be taken care of so we can get back on track we can then have a viable financially secure future together, this was from Clinton to Blair.

On 01/ 09/ 1997 Clinton cabled Blair with "Job done its up to you to limit the damage we have held our end of the bargain, look forward to a fruitful time ahead". also several other cables going to U.S officials in France to "make sure that the french do not interfere with the "game", also "we have a french doctor who has been cleared for the traffic stop", referring to the accident of Diana and Dodi. A cable on 02/09/1997 reads "The driver survived, precautions were taken just to make you aware" Referring to Henri Paul who was not instantly killed as was reported.

Julian is waiting before these are released along with many others going back to 1991, including one stating "The U.S.A are officially bankrupt, we need to come up with a plan of action operating under the radar" "we cannot just keep printing money", others which read " The investigation of the 2.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon is going to hit us hard, we need to have something in place to get it postponed, get a thinktank of friendlies on to it immediately. dated 20/071999, a precursor to 9/11 with all the others my view is that there was collusion in many areas and the

Knowledge that the WTCs, building 7 and the Pentagon were to be attacked and that no action was to be taken!!, , including standing down airforce and turning security camera's off at the locations, Israeli transmissions warned all their diplomats and heads of companies to stay away till the dust settles.

Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz17wnOqNag

@ KA52:

your post -in the beginning- reads like if you wrote it; maybe better explain on top of the message (next time) that you quote from another source.

Just trying to help.


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Assange has an ace up his sleeve, the real revelations which I have reviewed and passed on will bring down governments...

This is just someone's wacky comments on an Internet site that have not been removed by their moderators quite yet and none of them can be verified because most are complete nonsense. He also cheers on the great prophet Glenn Beck. :whistling:

Get some trustworthy sources instead of this muck. :wacko:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Assange has an ace up his sleeve, the real revelations which I have reviewed and passed on will bring down governments, and put several mainstream U.S politicians including Clinton and Bush in jail, for events leading up to Princess Dianas death including a cable 29/8/1997 that reads, " The problem has to be taken care of so we can get back on track we can then have a viable financially secure future together, this was from Clinton to Blair.

On 01/ 09/ 1997 Clinton cabled Blair with "Job done its up to you to limit the damage we have held our end of the bargain, look forward to a fruitful time ahead". also several other cables going to U.S officials in France to "make sure that the french do not interfere with the "game", also "we have a french doctor who has been cleared for the traffic stop", referring to the accident of Diana and Dodi. A cable on 02/09/1997 reads "The driver survived, precautions were taken just to make you aware" Referring to Henri Paul who was not instantly killed as was reported.

Julian is waiting before these are released along with many others going back to 1991, including one stating "The U.S.A are officially bankrupt, we need to come up with a plan of action operating under the radar" "we cannot just keep printing money", others which read " The investigation of the 2.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon is going to hit us hard, we need to have something in place to get it postponed, get a thinktank of friendlies on to it immediately. dated 20/071999, a precursor to 9/11 with all the others my view is that there was collusion in many areas and the

Knowledge that the WTCs, building 7 and the Pentagon were to be attacked and that no action was to be taken!!, , including standing down airforce and turning security camera's off at the locations, Israeli transmissions warned all their diplomats and heads of companies to stay away till the dust settles.

Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz17wnOqNag

Meh, I don't buy any of it.

Yes I'm struggling with that. I'll just await actual cables being made public instead of someone pre empting what they are.

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Assange has an ace up his sleeve, the real revelations which I have reviewed and passed on will bring down governments, and put several mainstream U.S politicians including Clinton and Bush in jail, for events leading up to Princess Dianas death including a cable 29/8/1997 that reads, " The problem has to be taken care of so we can get back on track we can then have a viable financially secure future together, this was from Clinton to Blair.

On 01/ 09/ 1997 Clinton cabled Blair with "Job done its up to you to limit the damage we have held our end of the bargain, look forward to a fruitful time ahead". also several other cables going to U.S officials in France to "make sure that the french do not interfere with the "game", also "we have a french doctor who has been cleared for the traffic stop", referring to the accident of Diana and Dodi. A cable on 02/09/1997 reads "The driver survived, precautions were taken just to make you aware" Referring to Henri Paul who was not instantly killed as was reported.

Julian is waiting before these are released along with many others going back to 1991, including one stating "The U.S.A are officially bankrupt, we need to come up with a plan of action operating under the radar" "we cannot just keep printing money", others which read " The investigation of the 2.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon is going to hit us hard, we need to have something in place to get it postponed, get a thinktank of friendlies on to it immediately. dated 20/071999, a precursor to 9/11 with all the others my view is that there was collusion in many areas and the

Knowledge that the WTCs, building 7 and the Pentagon were to be attacked and that no action was to be taken!!, , including standing down airforce and turning security camera's off at the locations, Israeli transmissions warned all their diplomats and heads of companies to stay away till the dust settles.

Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz17wnOqNag

Meh, I don't buy any of it.

Only time will tell.there are many more documents to be released.

Don't shoot the messenger!

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Assange has an ace up his sleeve, the real revelations which I have reviewed and passed on will bring down governments, and put several mainstream U.S politicians including Clinton and Bush in jail, for events leading up to Princess Dianas death including a cable 29/8/1997 that reads, " The problem has to be taken care of so we can get back on track we can then have a viable financially secure future together, this was from Clinton to Blair.

On 01/ 09/ 1997 Clinton cabled Blair with "Job done its up to you to limit the damage we have held our end of the bargain, look forward to a fruitful time ahead". also several other cables going to U.S officials in France to "make sure that the french do not interfere with the "game", also "we have a french doctor who has been cleared for the traffic stop", referring to the accident of Diana and Dodi. A cable on 02/09/1997 reads "The driver survived, precautions were taken just to make you aware" Referring to Henri Paul who was not instantly killed as was reported.

Julian is waiting before these are released along with many others going back to 1991, including one stating "The U.S.A are officially bankrupt, we need to come up with a plan of action operating under the radar" "we cannot just keep printing money", others which read " The investigation of the 2.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon is going to hit us hard, we need to have something in place to get it postponed, get a thinktank of friendlies on to it immediately. dated 20/071999, a precursor to 9/11 with all the others my view is that there was collusion in many areas and the

Knowledge that the WTCs, building 7 and the Pentagon were to be attacked and that no action was to be taken!!, , including standing down airforce and turning security camera's off at the locations, Israeli transmissions warned all their diplomats and heads of companies to stay away till the dust settles.

Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz17wnOqNag

@ KA52:

your post -in the beginning- reads like if you wrote it; maybe better explain on top of the message (next time) that you quote from another source.

Just trying to help.


thank you laoPo :jap:

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Assange has an ace up his sleeve, the real revelations which I have reviewed and passed on will bring down governments, and put several mainstream U.S politicians including Clinton and Bush in jail, for events leading up to Princess Dianas death including a cable 29/8/1997 that reads, " The problem has to be taken care of so we can get back on track we can then have a viable financially secure future together, this was from Clinton to Blair.

On 01/ 09/ 1997 Clinton cabled Blair with "Job done its up to you to limit the damage we have held our end of the bargain, look forward to a fruitful time ahead". also several other cables going to U.S officials in France to "make sure that the french do not interfere with the "game", also "we have a french doctor who has been cleared for the traffic stop", referring to the accident of Diana and Dodi. A cable on 02/09/1997 reads "The driver survived, precautions were taken just to make you aware" Referring to Henri Paul who was not instantly killed as was reported.

Julian is waiting before these are released along with many others going back to 1991, including one stating "The U.S.A are officially bankrupt, we need to come up with a plan of action operating under the radar" "we cannot just keep printing money", others which read " The investigation of the 2.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon is going to hit us hard, we need to have something in place to get it postponed, get a thinktank of friendlies on to it immediately. dated 20/071999, a precursor to 9/11 with all the others my view is that there was collusion in many areas and the

Knowledge that the WTCs, building 7 and the Pentagon were to be attacked and that no action was to be taken!!, , including standing down airforce and turning security camera's off at the locations, Israeli transmissions warned all their diplomats and heads of companies to stay away till the dust settles.

Read more: http://www.businessi...0#ixzz17wnOqNag

Meh, I don't buy any of it.

Only time will tell.there are many more documents to be released.

Don't shoot the messenger!

It is messenger shooting season;)

Sounds too way out to me

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