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Interpol issues 'red notice' for arrest of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange


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Why hasn't Sara Palin been arrested? Is it an offence under American law to incite murder and civil unrest?

Why should she be arrested?

What law has she broken?

When did she advocate civil unrest?

Did she advocate the violent overthrow of the US government?

What action has been taken as a result of anything she said?

If you can answer any of these in the affirmative, I will personally send your post to the FBI and tell them you would like to have her investigated.

How's that for a deal?

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We are all anxious to see your proof of the claim the US is behind Assange's sex crimes. If you have no proof, it's OK to admit that as well.

Where is the proof? As the old saying goes..."It's time to put up or shut up".

Don't hold your breath for any evidence - as per usual. :rolleyes:

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To date the US government has taken no legal action so to date their is no legal problem with the leaks. Anything illegal can be moved against in less than 24 hours if there is a will, and it isnt like this is a non-controversial thing

More nonsense. It often takes a great deal of time to prepare a solid case before deciding what charges to prosecute.

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Sure. I'll be happy to furnish some quotes for you from his upcoming trial for sex crimes.

Will you be needing any when his espionage trial comes up later?

Yes Private manning will be put on trial.

As for Julian Assange.I do not think so!!!

As for the sex crimes.....probably Americas idea to frame him!!!!

Is that last sentence an example of "guess work" in operation?

Not really....I never use guess work.i will leave that to you :D

Since you claim you don't use guess work, you must have positive proof the US is behind some plot to frame Assange for the sex crimes.

We are all anxious to see your proof of the claim the US is behind Assange's sex crimes. If you have no proof, it's OK to admit that as well.

Where is the proof? As the old saying goes..."It's time to put up or shut up".

Here is some interesting reading....................!!:D




guardian-wiki.jpgJulian Assange - being framed by the US government for 'rape'

If anyone believes WikiLeaks Julian Assange is acthttp://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=158&t=421948&qpid=4082507ually guilty of rape or sexual assault, then they need their head examining. At the moment, Assange is wanted by Sweden, who've issued an arrest warrant for him on rape and sexual assault charges. Poor Sweden. They don't seem to understand they're being set-up, likely by the US government or the CIA. Assange warned something like this would probably happen as it's been the calling card of the US government in the past. Destroy someone by dirtying their good name, as the US thinks that gets rid of their 'enemies'.

Guess they don't realize it simply creates more.

At the moment, these laughable 'rape charges' in Sweden are because Assange had consensual sex with two women and the condoms broke. This, in Sweden, apparently constitutes 'rape.

Come on, Sweden, you're better than this. Don't be America's patsy. You're supposed to be the good guys.





Maybe,you are blinded by patriotism :whistling:

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After learning that Barack Obama thinks him a political lightweight David Cameron was quick to return Sarah Palin’s call. However, as the secret tape of their trans-Atlantic reveals, Cameron got more than he bargained for from the plucky woman who resigned as Alaska’s governor and failed miserably when she ran for Vice President. This is the latest instalment from the Sarah Palin insider known as Xanadu and this tape is dynamite!

The transcript starts below these pictures of those heard on the tape. Sarah Palin, Todd Palin and David Cameron. The Sarah Palin Insider is revealing more secrets about Sarah Palin and how stupid she is.

Read more: http://newsflavor.com/alternative/the-sarah-palin-insider-sarah-palin-talks-to-david-cameron-the-british-prime-minister-about-wikileaks-founder-julian-assange/#ixzz17tCnXt00

Sarah Palin: I understand you have Julian Asingsong in custody in Great Britain?

David Cameron: You mean Julian Assange?

Sarah Palin: I mean the man who Obama is allowing to live and who is as dangerous as Saddam Hussein when he was alive?

David Cameron: Have to hurry you, what about him?

Sarah Palin: I want him rendered and brought to me in Alaska.

David Cameron: Can't do that Sarah.

Sarah Palin: (her voice reaching its screechiest) What do you mean you can't do that? You will do that. You will do what I tell you. I have the full support of the Tea Party. We are the real Americans and we will one day soon rule America and by defo or something like that the world!

David Cameron: default

Sarah Palin: It is not my fault. You'll do what I say, you hear me Cameroon. I ain't no red neck I'm a grizzly bear and I own a gun. Don't forget what happened to John Lennon

David Cameron: Lovely to talk, we must catch up soon. Good night. (the telephone call is ended from the UK)

Sarah Palin: He is so stupid. It is morning, not evening. Todd, trim my toenails while you are down there.


the American tea party..........................:whistling:

Edited by KhunAussie52
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We are all anxious to see your proof of the claim the US is behind Assange's sex crimes. If you have no proof, it's OK to admit that as well.

Where is the proof? As the old saying goes..."It's time to put up or shut up".

Don't hold your breath for any evidence - as per usual. :rolleyes:

Water off a ducks back mate.Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

Do not mark the man,mark the issues. :rolleyes:

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Here is some interesting reading....................!!:D




guardian-wiki.jpgJulian Assange - being framed by the US government for 'rape'

If anyone believes WikiLeaks Julian Assange is acthttp://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=158&t=421948&qpid=4082507ually guilty of rape or sexual assault, then they need their head examining. At the moment, Assange is wanted by Sweden, who've issued an arrest warrant for him on rape and sexual assault charges. Poor Sweden. They don't seem to understand they're being set-up, likely by the US government or the CIA. Assange warned something like this would probably happen as it's been the calling card of the US government in the past. Destroy someone by dirtying their good name, as the US thinks that gets rid of their 'enemies'.

Guess they don't realize it simply creates more.

At the moment, these laughable 'rape charges' in Sweden are because Assange had consensual sex with two women and the condoms broke. This, in Sweden, apparently constitutes 'rape.

Come on, Sweden, you're better than this. Don't be America's patsy. You're supposed to be the good guys.





Maybe,you are blinded by patriotism :whistling:

I have spent nearly one hour wading through all this nonsense. Please allow me to make some comments.

1. Your first link is an editorial comment made by the Times of India and has no basis in fact, other than it is an opinion piece.

2. Your next link is from some blog named Above Top Secret and copies the article in your third link from FireDogLake.

3. The third link is from Firedoglake which is a notorious liberal blog in the US. The article you link us to is another opinion piece which the author is weakly trying to base on fact. However his claim that Anna is backed by the CIA is somewhat circumspect when he makes this comment in the article...

"He (Assange) just happens to meet a Swedish woman who just happens to have been publishing her work in a well-funded anti-Castro group that just happens to have links with a group led by a man at least one journalist describes as an agent of the CIA: the violent secret arm of America’s foreign policy."

So now we have "at least one journalist" claiming there is a CIA link somewhere, sometime in Cuba. Hardly admissible in court.

4. Next in line is a link to something named Swedish Wire dated 30 November advising Assange has again petitioned the Swedish Supreme Court to throw out the charges. Somehow the reader's comments at the end, for some strange reason, attack Karl Rove. This one completely escapes me.

5. The fifth one is a blog named Monografias with nothing worth commenting on.

6. The next one is a web site named Crikey, which seems to be an Australian blog with an inferiority complex for big brother Wikileaks. This article claims Anna Ardin "MAY" has ceased cooperating with police. The operative word here is "MAY. Sounds like a little guess work going on with your intrepid reporter on this article.

7. Finally you lead us to the Asian Tribune for an editorial dated 29 August 2010 asking the question..."Did CIA dirty tricks emerge in Sweden to defame..Assange". This author spent more space on Sarah Palin's comments than providing any proof the US was involved. Reading the article provided me no answers to the question but apparently it satisfied you.

None of these links are anything other than conjecture and speculation. Where is the proof I asked for to support your claim that the US is behind Assange's current sexual problems in Sweden?

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Here is some interesting reading....................!!:D




guardian-wiki.jpgJulian Assange - being framed by the US government for 'rape'

If anyone believes WikiLeaks Julian Assange is acthttp://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=158&t=421948&qpid=4082507ually guilty of rape or sexual assault, then they need their head examining. At the moment, Assange is wanted by Sweden, who've issued an arrest warrant for him on rape and sexual assault charges. Poor Sweden. They don't seem to understand they're being set-up, likely by the US government or the CIA. Assange warned something like this would probably happen as it's been the calling card of the US government in the past. Destroy someone by dirtying their good name, as the US thinks that gets rid of their 'enemies'.

Guess they don't realize it simply creates more.

At the moment, these laughable 'rape charges' in Sweden are because Assange had consensual sex with two women and the condoms broke. This, in Sweden, apparently constitutes 'rape.

Come on, Sweden, you're better than this. Don't be America's patsy. You're supposed to be the good guys.





Maybe,you are blinded by patriotism :whistling:

I have spent nearly one hour wading through all this nonsense. Please allow me to make some comments.

1. Your first link is an editorial comment made by the Times of India and has no basis in fact, other than it is an opinion piece.

2. Your next link is from some blog named Above Top Secret and copies the article in your third link from FireDogLake.

3. The third link is from Firedoglake which is a notorious liberal blog in the US. The article you link us to is another opinion piece which the author is weakly trying to base on fact. However his claim that Anna is backed by the CIA is somewhat circumspect when he makes this comment in the article...

"He (Assange) just happens to meet a Swedish woman who just happens to have been publishing her work in a well-funded anti-Castro group that just happens to have links with a group led by a man at least one journalist describes as an agent of the CIA: the violent secret arm of America's foreign policy."

So now we have "at least one journalist" claiming there is a CIA link somewhere, sometime in Cuba. Hardly admissible in court.

4. Next in line is a link to something named Swedish Wire dated 30 November advising Assange has again petitioned the Swedish Supreme Court to throw out the charges. Somehow the reader's comments at the end, for some strange reason, attack Karl Rove. This one completely escapes me.

5. The fifth one is a blog named Monografias with nothing worth commenting on.

6. The next one is a web site named Crikey, which seems to be an Australian blog with an inferiority complex for big brother Wikileaks. This article claims Anna Ardin "MAY" has ceased cooperating with police. The operative word here is "MAY. Sounds like a little guess work going on with your intrepid reporter on this article.

7. Finally you lead us to the Asian Tribune for an editorial dated 29 August 2010 asking the question..."Did CIA dirty tricks emerge in Sweden to defame..Assange". This author spent more space on Sarah Palin's comments than providing any proof the US was involved. Reading the article provided me no answers to the question but apparently it satisfied you.

None of these links are anything other than conjecture and speculation. Where is the proof I asked for to support your claim that the US is behind Assange's current sexual problems in Sweden?

Case against Assange falling apart.


I have only just started to examine the accusations against Julian Assange.

Having just arrived back from hospital after treatment.

Maybe,you don't want the truth.You have already made up your mind :D

A quote from the Bible

"They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness" (Ps. lxxxii. 5). Truth, in spite of all its powerful manifestations, is completely withheld from them, and the following words of Scripture may be applied to them, "And now men see not the light which is bright in the skies" (Job xxxvii. 21). They are the multitude of ordinary men: there is no need to notice them in this treatise.

Edited by KhunAussie52
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After learning that Barack Obama thinks him a political lightweight David Cameron was quick to return Sarah Palin’s call. However, as the secret tape of their trans-Atlantic reveals, Cameron got more than he bargained for from the plucky woman who resigned as Alaska’s governor and failed miserably when she ran for Vice President. This is the latest instalment from the Sarah Palin insider known as Xanadu and this tape is dynamite!

The transcript starts below these pictures of those heard on the tape. Sarah Palin, Todd Palin and David Cameron. The Sarah Palin Insider is revealing more secrets about Sarah Palin and how stupid she is.

Read more: http://newsflavor.com/alternative/the-sarah-palin-insider-sarah-palin-talks-to-david-cameron-the-british-prime-minister-about-wikileaks-founder-julian-assange/#ixzz17tCnXt00

Sarah Palin: I understand you have Julian Asingsong in custody in Great Britain?

David Cameron: You mean Julian Assange?

Sarah Palin: I mean the man who Obama is allowing to live and who is as dangerous as Saddam Hussein when he was alive?

David Cameron: Have to hurry you, what about him?

Sarah Palin: I want him rendered and brought to me in Alaska.

David Cameron: Can't do that Sarah.

Sarah Palin: (her voice reaching its screechiest) What do you mean you can't do that? You will do that. You will do what I tell you. I have the full support of the Tea Party. We are the real Americans and we will one day soon rule America and by defo or something like that the world!

David Cameron: default

Sarah Palin: It is not my fault. You'll do what I say, you hear me Cameroon. I ain't no red neck I'm a grizzly bear and I own a gun. Don't forget what happened to John Lennon

David Cameron: Lovely to talk, we must catch up soon. Good night. (the telephone call is ended from the UK)

Sarah Palin: He is so stupid. It is morning, not evening. Todd, trim my toenails while you are down there.


the American tea party..........................:whistling:

Straight out of Saturday Night Live. Do you honestly believe stuff like this? :cheesy:

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After learning that Barack Obama thinks him a political lightweight David Cameron was quick to return Sarah Palin's call. However, as the secret tape of their trans-Atlantic reveals, Cameron got more than he bargained for from the plucky woman who resigned as Alaska's governor and failed miserably when she ran for Vice President. This is the latest instalment from the Sarah Palin insider known as Xanadu and this tape is dynamite!

The transcript starts below these pictures of those heard on the tape. Sarah Palin, Todd Palin and David Cameron. The Sarah Palin Insider is revealing more secrets about Sarah Palin and how stupid she is.

Read more: http://newsflavor.co.../#ixzz17tCnXt00

Sarah Palin: I understand you have Julian Asingsong in custody in Great Britain?

David Cameron: You mean Julian Assange?

Sarah Palin: I mean the man who Obama is allowing to live and who is as dangerous as Saddam Hussein when he was alive?

David Cameron: Have to hurry you, what about him?

Sarah Palin: I want him rendered and brought to me in Alaska.

David Cameron: Can't do that Sarah.

Sarah Palin: (her voice reaching its screechiest) What do you mean you can't do that? You will do that. You will do what I tell you. I have the full support of the Tea Party. We are the real Americans and we will one day soon rule America and by defo or something like that the world!

David Cameron: default

Sarah Palin: It is not my fault. You'll do what I say, you hear me Cameroon. I ain't no red neck I'm a grizzly bear and I own a gun. Don't forget what happened to John Lennon

David Cameron: Lovely to talk, we must catch up soon. Good night. (the telephone call is ended from the UK)

Sarah Palin: He is so stupid. It is morning, not evening. Todd, trim my toenails while you are down there.


the American tea party..........................:whistling:

Straight out of Saturday Night Live. Do you honestly believe stuff like this? :cheesy:

sarcasm is the lowest for of wit.:jap:

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After learning that Barack Obama thinks him a political lightweight David Cameron was quick to return Sarah Palin's call. However, as the secret tape of their trans-Atlantic reveals, Cameron got more than he bargained for from the plucky woman who resigned as Alaska's governor and failed miserably when she ran for Vice President. This is the latest instalment from the Sarah Palin insider known as Xanadu and this tape is dynamite!

The transcript starts below these pictures of those heard on the tape. Sarah Palin, Todd Palin and David Cameron. The Sarah Palin Insider is revealing more secrets about Sarah Palin and how stupid she is.

Read more: http://newsflavor.co.../#ixzz17tCnXt00

Sarah Palin: I understand you have Julian Asingsong in custody in Great Britain?

David Cameron: You mean Julian Assange?

Sarah Palin: I mean the man who Obama is allowing to live and who is as dangerous as Saddam Hussein when he was alive?

David Cameron: Have to hurry you, what about him?

Sarah Palin: I want him rendered and brought to me in Alaska.

David Cameron: Can't do that Sarah.

Sarah Palin: (her voice reaching its screechiest) What do you mean you can't do that? You will do that. You will do what I tell you. I have the full support of the Tea Party. We are the real Americans and we will one day soon rule America and by defo or something like that the world!

David Cameron: default

Sarah Palin: It is not my fault. You'll do what I say, you hear me Cameroon. I ain't no red neck I'm a grizzly bear and I own a gun. Don't forget what happened to John Lennon

David Cameron: Lovely to talk, we must catch up soon. Good night. (the telephone call is ended from the UK)

Sarah Palin: He is so stupid. It is morning, not evening. Todd, trim my toenails while you are down there.


the American tea party..........................:whistling:

Straight out of Saturday Night Live. Do you honestly believe stuff like this? :cheesy:

So you are saying this conversation never happened?:jap:

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Straight out of Saturday Night Live. Do you honestly believe stuff like this? :cheesy:

So you are saying this conversation never happened?:jap:

Yep. It was the...."Todd, trim my toenails while you are down there."....that had me doubled over in laughter. :jap:

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One of Julian Assange's accusers

In the case of Ardin it is clear that she has thrown a party in Assange’s honour at her flat after the “crime” and tweeted to her followers that she is with the “the world’s coolest smartest people, it’s amazing!”. Go on the internet and see for yourself. That Ardin has sought unsuccessfully to delete these exculpatory tweets from the public record should be a matter of grave concern. That she has published on the internet a guide on how to get revenge on cheating boyfriends ever graver. The exact content of Wilén’s mobile phone texts is not yet known but their bragging and exculpatory character has been confirmed by Swedish prosecutors. Niether Wilén’s nor Ardin’s texts complain of rape.

But then neither Arden nor Wilén complained to the police but rather “sought advice”, a technique in Sweden enabling citizens to avoid just punishment for making false complaints. They sought advice together, having collaborated and irrevocably tainted each other’s evidence beforehand. Their SMS texts to each other show a plan to contact the Swedish newspaper Expressen beforehand in order to maximise the damage to Assange. They belong to the same political group and attended a public lecture given by Assange and organised by them. You can see Wilén on the YouTube video of the event even now.

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After learning that Barack Obama thinks him a political lightweight David Cameron was quick to return Sarah Palin's call. However, as the secret tape of their trans-Atlantic reveals, Cameron got more than he bargained for from the plucky woman who resigned as Alaska's governor and failed miserably when she ran for Vice President. This is the latest instalment from the Sarah Palin insider known as Xanadu and this tape is dynamite!

The transcript starts below these pictures of those heard on the tape. Sarah Palin, Todd Palin and David Cameron. The Sarah Palin Insider is revealing more secrets about Sarah Palin and how stupid she is.

Read more: http://newsflavor.co.../#ixzz17tCnXt00

Sarah Palin: I understand you have Julian Asingsong in custody in Great Britain?

David Cameron: You mean Julian Assange?

Sarah Palin: I mean the man who Obama is allowing to live and who is as dangerous as Saddam Hussein when he was alive?

David Cameron: Have to hurry you, what about him?

Sarah Palin: I want him rendered and brought to me in Alaska.

David Cameron: Can't do that Sarah.

Sarah Palin: (her voice reaching its screechiest) What do you mean you can't do that? You will do that. You will do what I tell you. I have the full support of the Tea Party. We are the real Americans and we will one day soon rule America and by defo or something like that the world!

David Cameron: default

Sarah Palin: It is not my fault. You'll do what I say, you hear me Cameroon. I ain't no red neck I'm a grizzly bear and I own a gun. Don't forget what happened to John Lennon

David Cameron: Lovely to talk, we must catch up soon. Good night. (the telephone call is ended from the UK)

Sarah Palin: He is so stupid. It is morning, not evening. Todd, trim my toenails while you are down there.


the American tea party..........................:whistling:

Straight out of Saturday Night Live. Do you honestly believe stuff like this? :cheesy:

She was almost Vice President.

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^^ Birds of a feather flock together

Feminists, liberals, anarchists, enviro-nazis, socialists

each with an inflated concept of entitlement and the belief that their ethical stance should be applied to all.

One should not be surprised to find them working against each other in regards to some selfish agenda.

Edited by canuckamuck
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some suggested reading on alleged sex crimes


Some questions!!!!

Why did the prosecutor break the law by announcing to the press the name of the defendant? Why were the charges dropped and then resurrected? Why was a Gothenburg prosecutor appointed instead of a Stockholm one? Why was Julian Assange told he could leave Sweden and then an arrest warrant was issued immediately after? Why has she applied for an order that Assange be held incommunicado, even from his own lawyers? Why has a senior Stockholm policeman, said the prosecution is so discredited, the case has no chance in court? Why is a defendant charged with, what so far seems to be a minor sexual offense.

on two occasions Julian Assange stated that he would make himself available for questioning.the offer was refused.

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looks like USA , is going to charge him with treason .

as them yankee boys , say in the movies ,


RIP :jap:

Don't you have to be an American to be charged with treason against America?

In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of betrayal of "one's soveriegn or nation."

Please explain how an Australian citizen can be charged with treason by the USA

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The only real ammunition America has to protect state secrets, most legal observers agree, is the Espionage Act of 1917, signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson amid fears of domestic unrest and possible sabotage as American entered the First World War. It's a broadly worded act, still on the books, that on its face would make stealing or sharing secrets from the government a federal crime — if a jury agreed that doing so harmed America or aided a foreign power. But Abrams said courts soon recognized that such a broadly worded statute could "make illegal many things that American newspapers publish every day. It was over-broad and covered much too much material." As a result, the Supreme Court spent most of the 20th Century steadily narrowing the Espionage Act's reach when it comes to the news media's publication of secrets.

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