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Interpol issues 'red notice' for arrest of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange


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^^^^..... :shock1:.....:sick:....

No more freedom of speech in the USA, threathening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks....?

Poor America, what's happening with your First Amendment?


Edited by LaoPo
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^^^^..... :shock1:.....:sick:....

No more freedom of speech in the USA, threathening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks....?

Poor America, what's happening with your First Amendment?


So you wonder why people think you are Anti American?

You said “No more freedom of speech in the USA, threatening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks.”

You told a lie LaoPo. Columbia didn't say that. You said that and you told a lie.

Columbia said, If the student was applying for a State Department job he or she should stay clear of WikiLeaks. Now that makes sense to me. The State Department is a bit upset with WikiLeaks. It does make sense if a kid wants to work for them that they stay clear of the whole mess. But that is a far cry from loss of Freedom of Speech. You told a lie and I think you should apologize for your rampant anti American diatribe.

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^^^^..... :shock1:.....:sick:....

No more freedom of speech in the USA, threathening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks....?

Poor America, what's happening with your First Amendment?


So you wonder why people think you are Anti American?

You said "No more freedom of speech in the USA, threatening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks."

You told a lie LaoPo. Columbia didn't say that. You said that and you told a lie.

Columbia said, If the student was applying for a State Department job he or she should stay clear of WikiLeaks. Now that makes sense to me. The State Department is a bit upset with WikiLeaks. It does make sense if a kid wants to work for them that they stay clear of the whole mess. But that is a far cry from loss of Freedom of Speech. You told a lie and I think you should apologize for your rampant anti American diatribe.

Rubbish, claiming I'm anti-American and you will NOT succeed trying to mark me as anti-American; 100% rubbish and I know who I am and what I stand for.

I'm the messenger of the article in the Huffington Post and made my QUESTION-remark afterwards; not as a statement but as a questions.

I think it's threatening if an official of the State Department "warns" University Students (the future of America) in an email that they better not discuss WikiLeaks; that's pure intimidation and I'll bet my @ss that those student do NOT follow that absurd recommendation by some official/Alumnus.

GO FOR IT AMERICAN STUDENTS ! Don't listen and create a better America !

Apologizing ? to whom and for what, for expressing my freedom of speech that I think it's limiting the freedom of speech for the Columbian University students if some official (followed by the University's Alumnus) "asks/advises" so ? :rolleyes:

Can you imagine what would happen all over the country if ALL American Universities would follow the "advise" of this official/Alumnus* to their students to STOP talking, writing about WikiLeaks ?

What planet are you now ? :blink:

*"[The alumnus] recommends that you DO NOT post links to these documents nor make comments on social media sites such as Facebook or through Twitter," the Office of Career Services advised students. "Engaging in these activities would call into question your ability to deal with confidential information, which is part of most positions with the federal government."

It's beginning to look like the infamous McCarthy witch hunt..."McCarthyism" in the '40's and '50's of last century......:angry:

How absurd in a free and democratic country.


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One amazing aspect of all this is how all our assumptions relating to fairness, freedom and democracy are being shown to be total myths

If that were true, Mr Assange would have been put out of action long before his first information dump. :ph34r:

Sure, nice remark, tells me something about what all this `freedom` stands for. But no doubt we would read about it on the next " leaks" some time later who is defending those values by means of putting someone out of action.

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^^^^..... :shock1:.....:sick:....

No more freedom of speech in the USA, threathening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks....?

Poor America, what's happening with your First Amendment?


So you wonder why people think you are Anti American?

You said "No more freedom of speech in the USA, threatening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks."

You told a lie LaoPo. Columbia didn't say that. You said that and you told a lie.

Columbia said, If the student was applying for a State Department job he or she should stay clear of WikiLeaks. Now that makes sense to me. The State Department is a bit upset with WikiLeaks. It does make sense if a kid wants to work for them that they stay clear of the whole mess. But that is a far cry from loss of Freedom of Speech. You told a lie and I think you should apologize for your rampant anti American diatribe.

Rubbish, claiming I'm anti-American and you will NOT succeed trying to mark me as anti-American; 100% rubbish and I know who I am and what I stand for.

I'm the messenger of the article in the Huffington Post and made my QUESTION-remark afterwards; not as a statement but as a questions.

I think it's threatening if an official of the State Department "warns" University Students (the future of America) in an email that they better not discuss WikiLeaks; that's pure intimidation and I'll bet my @ss that those student do NOT follow that absurd recommendation by some official/Alumnus.

GO FOR IT AMERICAN STUDENTS ! Don't listen and create a better America !

Apologizing ? to whom and for what, for expressing my freedom of speech that I think it's limiting the freedom of speech for the Columbian University students if some official (followed by the University's Alumnus) "asks/advises" so ? :rolleyes:

Can you imagine what would happen all over the country if ALL American Universities would follow the "advise" of this official/Alumnus* to their students to STOP talking, writing about WikiLeaks ?

What planet are you now ? :blink:

*"[The alumnus] recommends that you DO NOT post links to these documents nor make comments on social media sites such as Facebook or through Twitter," the Office of Career Services advised students. "Engaging in these activities would call into question your ability to deal with confidential information, which is part of most positions with the federal government."

It's beginning to look like the infamous McCarthy witch hunt..."McCarthyism" in the '40's and '50's of last century......:angry:

How absurd in a free and democratic country.


So you wonder why people think you are Anti American?

You said “No more freedom of speech in the USA, threatening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks.”

You told a lie LaoPo. Columbia didn't say that. You said that and you told a lie.

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So you wonder why people think you are Anti American?

You said "No more freedom of speech in the USA, threatening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks."

You told a lie LaoPo. Columbia didn't say that. You said that and you told a lie.

I don't care if people think I am anti-American because if they think so, they're dead-wrong. That doesn't mean I can't crticize anything in or about any country in the world anymore, including America.

I didn't say but ASKED if there's no more freedom of speech. but apart from that, is there?...if American officials start "asking" their students they should no longer write/comment about WikiLeaks?

Is that promoting or limiting the famous American Freedom of Speech?

You tell me, anti-LaoPo basher :whistling:


Edited by LaoPo
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^^^^..... :shock1:.....:sick:....

No more freedom of speech in the USA, threathening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks....?

Poor America, what's happening with your First Amendment?


So you wonder why people think you are Anti American?

You said "No more freedom of speech in the USA, threatening University students they should not discuss WikiLeaks."

You told a lie LaoPo. Columbia didn't say that. You said that and you told a lie.

Columbia said, If the student was applying for a State Department job he or she should stay clear of WikiLeaks. Now that makes sense to me. The State Department is a bit upset with WikiLeaks. It does make sense if a kid wants to work for them that they stay clear of the whole mess. But that is a far cry from loss of Freedom of Speech. You told a lie and I think you should apologize for your rampant anti American diatribe.

Rubbish, claiming I'm anti-American and you will NOT succeed trying to mark me as anti-American; 100% rubbish and I know who I am and what I stand for.

I'm the messenger of the article in the Huffington Post and made my QUESTION-remark afterwards; not as a statement but as a questions.

I think it's threatening if an official of the State Department "warns" University Students (the future of America) in an email that they better not discuss WikiLeaks; that's pure intimidation and I'll bet my @ss that those student do NOT follow that absurd recommendation by some official/Alumnus.

GO FOR IT AMERICAN STUDENTS ! Don't listen and create a better America !

Apologizing ? to whom and for what, for expressing my freedom of speech that I think it's limiting the freedom of speech for the Columbian University students if some official (followed by the University's Alumnus) "asks/advises" so ? :rolleyes:

Can you imagine what would happen all over the country if ALL American Universities would follow the "advise" of this official/Alumnus* to their students to STOP talking, writing about WikiLeaks ?

What planet are you now ? :blink:

*"[The alumnus] recommends that you DO NOT post links to these documents nor make comments on social media sites such as Facebook or through Twitter," the Office of Career Services advised students. "Engaging in these activities would call into question your ability to deal with confidential information, which is part of most positions with the federal government."

It's beginning to look like the infamous McCarthy witch hunt..."McCarthyism" in the '40's and '50's of last century......:angry:

How absurd in a free and democratic country.


Seek help.

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Seek help.

Only people without any sophisticated and itelligent arguments, discussing the topic, would say something like you just did.

Pathetic but not surprising.


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Seek help.

Only people without any sophisticated and itelligent arguments, discussing the topic, would say something like you just did.

Pathetic but not surprising.


You got called out for lying, made a very clumsy, rambling attempt to get out of it. Your drivel got an response from me that was more intelligent than it deserved.

I'm waiting for the World News topic about the thousands of encyrpted "insurance bomb" unedited files Assange has spread around the world to his followers and threatened to give the password if he or his website isn't left alone. The actions of a guilty man it seems to me. I wonder if he'll survive long enough to see 2011?

Edited by koheesti
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Seek help.

Only people without any sophisticated and itelligent arguments, discussing the topic, would say something like you just did.

Pathetic but not surprising.


You got called out for lying, made a very clumsy, rambling attempt to get out of it. Your drivel got an response from me that was more intelligent than it deserved.

You're getting way too personal; debate the content of the topic not me. Qualifying yourself intelligent says more about yourself rather than me. :)


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WikiLeaks: Julian Assange's lawyer denounces Swedish arrest warrant as 'political stunt'

The lawyer for the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has denounced the warrant for his extradition over allegations of sexual offences in Sweden as a ''political stunt''.

12:47PM GMT 05 Dec 2010

Mark Stephens said Mr Assange would ''certainly'' fight deportation to Sweden on the grounds that it could lead to him being handed over to the US, where senior politicians have called for him to be executed.

He said that the WikiLeaks site - which was last week forced to move to a Swiss host after being dumped by US internet companies - had come under siege from ''a huge number of cyber-attacks''.

The organisation held further secret material which it regarded as a ''thermo-nuclear device'' to be released if it needs to protect itself, he said.




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A long sentence for espionage in a Marine Brig would be well deserved by Mr Assange. pac-man.gif

Get you head out of the sand

Wikileaks has exposed America for who they really are.

Human Rights Watch has claimed that the principle of "command responsibility" could make high-ranking officials within the Bush administration guilty of war crimes allegedly committed during the War on Terror, either with their knowledge or by persons under their control.[24]

A presidential memorandum of September 7, 2002 authorized U.S. interrogators of prisoners captured in Afghanistan to deny the prisoners basic protections required by the Geneva Conventions, and thus according to Jordan J. Paust, professor of law and formerly a member of the faculty of the Judge Advocate General's School, "necessarily authorized and ordered violations of the Geneva Conventions, which are war crimes."[25] Based on the president's memorandum, U.S. personnel carried out cruel and inhumane treatment on the prisoners,[26] which necessarily means that the president's memorandum was a plan to violate the Geneva Convention, and such a plan constitutes a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, according to Professor Paust.[27]

Who are the real criminals?????

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One amazing aspect of all this is how all our assumptions relating to fairness, freedom and democracy are being shown to be total myths

If that were true, Mr Assange would have been put out of action long before his first information dump. :ph34r:

Command responsibility

Human Rights Watch has claimed that the principle of "command responsibility" could make high-ranking officials within the Bush administration guilty of war crimes allegedly committed during the War on Terror, either with their knowledge or by persons under their control.[24]

A presidential memorandum of September 7, 2002 authorized U.S. interrogators of prisoners captured in Afghanistan to deny the prisoners basic protections required by the Geneva Conventions, and thus according to Jordan J. Paust, professor of law and formerly a member of the faculty of the Judge Advocate General's School, "necessarily authorized and ordered violations of the Geneva Conventions, which are war crimes."[25] Based on the president's memorandum, U.S. personnel carried out cruel and inhumane treatment on the prisoners,[26] which necessarily means that the president's memorandum was a plan to violate the Geneva Convention, and such a plan constitutes a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, according to Professor Paust.[27]

Alberto Gonzales and others argued that detainees should be considered "unlawful combatants" and as such not be protected by the Geneva Conventions in multiple memoranda regarding these perceived legal gray areas.[28]

Gonzales' statement that denying coverage under the Geneva Conventions "substantially reduces the threat of domestic criminal prosecution under the War Crimes Act" suggests, to some authors, an awareness by those involved in crafting policies in this area that US officials are involved in acts that could be seen to be war crimes.[29] The US Supreme Court challenged the premise on which this argument is based in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, in which it ruled that Common Article Three of the Geneva Conventions applies to detainees in Guantanamo Bay and that the Military Tribunals used to try these suspects were in violation of US and international law.[30]

America is a law unto themselves.

long live wikileaks!!!!!

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Shortly before the end of President Bush's second term, news media in countries other than the U.S. began publishing the views of those who believe that under the United Nations Convention Against Torture the US is obligated to hold those responsible for prisoner abuse to account under criminal law.[38] One proponent of this view was the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Professor Manfred Nowak) who, on January 20, 2009, remarked on German television that former president George W. Bush had lost his head of state immunity and under international law the U.S. would now be mandated to start criminal proceedings against all those involved in these violations of the UN Convention Against Torture.[39] Law professor Dietmar Herz explained Nowak's comments by saying that under U.S. and international law former President Bush is criminally responsible for adopting torture as interrogation tool.[39]

Edited by KhunAussie52
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Assange should do the right thing and release ALL of his personal, professional, confidential correspondence for the past 5 years and let the world decide whether he is guilty or not.


I don't think he needs your advice.

Julian Assange is not guilty of any crime.

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Obama should resign if approved UN spying: WikiLeaks founder

Agence France-Presse December 5, 2010 3:26 PM

MADRID, Dec 5, 2010 (AFP) - President Barack Obama should resign if it can be shown that he approved spying by US diplomatic figures on UN officials, the founder of WikiLeaks said in an interview published Sunday."The whole chain of command who was aware of this order, and approved it, must resign if the US is to be seen to be a credible nation that obeys the rule of law. The order is so serious it may well have been put to the president for approval," Julian Assange told Spanish daily El Pais.

"Obama must answer what he knew about this illegal order and when. If he refuses to answer or there is evidence he approved of these actions, he must resign," he added during an Internet chat interview published online.

WikiLeaks threw US diplomacy into chaos when it started releasing more than 250,000 classified State Department cables on November 28, creating an international firestorm as American diplomats' private assessments of foreign leaders and politics have been publicly aired.

According to one of the documents, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked for UN personnel's telephones, emails, credit card details and frequent flier numbers.

Continues here:



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Assange should do the right thing and release ALL of his personal, professional, confidential correspondence for the past 5 years and let the world decide whether he is guilty or not.


I don't think he needs your advice.

Julian Assange is not guilty of any crime.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. WHAT does he have to hide? WHY is he trying to cover up? It's ok for him to publish other people's private correspondence, but he is afraid to publish his own? He stands accused of various crimes from espionage to sexual assualt. He should release everything and let the world judge him. Otherwise he's just another phoney, hiding behind "useful idiots" who think that he is some kind of hero or something. I can't wait until he gets hacked and all of his private info is put online.

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He said that the WikiLeaks site - which was last week forced to move to a Swiss host after being dumped by US internet companies - had come under siege from ''a huge number of cyber-attacks''.

The organisation held further secret material which it regarded as a ''thermo-nuclear device'' to be released if it needs to protect itself, he said.

That's not a smart move. He's trying to blackmail the US, Sweden, other world governments and multi-national corporations and he thinks he'll just walk away? LOL

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He said that the WikiLeaks site - which was last week forced to move to a Swiss host after being dumped by US internet companies - had come under siege from ''a huge number of cyber-attacks''.

The organisation held further secret material which it regarded as a ''thermo-nuclear device'' to be released if it needs to protect itself, he said.

That's not a smart move. He's trying to blackmail the US, Sweden, other world governments and multi-national corporations and he thinks he'll just walk away? LOL

You need glasses mate..............you obviously do not want the truth published.


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He said that the WikiLeaks site - which was last week forced to move to a Swiss host after being dumped by US internet companies - had come under siege from ''a huge number of cyber-attacks''.

The organisation held further secret material which it regarded as a ''thermo-nuclear device'' to be released if it needs to protect itself, he said.

That's not a smart move. He's trying to blackmail the US, Sweden, other world governments and multi-national corporations and he thinks he'll just walk away? LOL

Incredibly foolish. He reminds me of the terrorists who keep threatening to do something really bad if legitimate governments do not leave them alone. Hey, guys you are already doing it! :annoyed:

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He said that the WikiLeaks site - which was last week forced to move to a Swiss host after being dumped by US internet companies - had come under siege from ''a huge number of cyber-attacks''.

The organisation held further secret material which it regarded as a ''thermo-nuclear device'' to be released if it needs to protect itself, he said.

That's not a smart move. He's trying to blackmail the US, Sweden, other world governments and multi-national corporations and he thinks he'll just walk away? LOL

For good order Koheesti:

I didn't write that but it looks like it, the way you quoted; it is a part from an article, not my words.

Just for the record.


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