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Suicidal Gecko'S


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Well, the title says it all really.

I usually have a bunch of doors open in my house during daytime or even evenings to get some fresh air in the house.

Almost whenever closing a door there is a gecko that tries to hide between the closing door/window and the post, sometimes getting crushed while I close the door/window.

It becomes quite smelly very quick and I try to pay attention, but sometimes they slip in at the last second.violin.gif

Anyway to prevent this or just try to keep my eyes open?

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Its a sickly loud POPPING SOUND isnt it :lol: ......I can think of better ways to go

Having lived in the tropics for most of my life, I feel ashamed to admit that I have squashed a few geckos in my time. I now take special care to check for geckos, when closing doors. Geckos are lovely creatures and eat thousands of mosquitoes as well. My home now looks like a nursery for baby geckos. ;)

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