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The other day my wife was driving behind a man who slammed into the rear of a songtaew.

The songtaew driver stopped suddenly with no indication and no brake lights in the middle of the road just past the corner of Sridonchai and Charoenprathet Rd (back of night bazaar just past Chedi). Some of you know that this corner can be dangerous for two reasons. One, it's a pick up and drop off point for lots of night bazaar patrons and two, traffic can wizz past from the right leaving just one lane to turn into from Sridonchai. Some drivers need more than one lane to turn .

Wifey braked suddenly and just missed the farang. Farangs brakes were not as good as hers!

Anyway, a fair amount of damage to both cars. The songtaew driver proceeded to attempt the usual Thai extortion upon the farang. Wifey jumped in and gave the songtaew driver a serve. She asked the songtaew driver why he was trying to get money out of the farang when he was mostly in the wrong.

He said "who are you...not your business..". My wife replied she did not want to see someone cheat another person because they were from another country. An argument broke out, police arrived and in the end the farangs insurance company representative told the songtaew driver that he would have to pay 100% of the bill. Songtaew had no insurance. Car not even "registered".

I am really proud of my wife. Having lived abroad for several years with me, there is an understanding of right and wrong and a strong dislike for the high level of unfair behaviour in this country. She could have done nothing and gone about her day like most but instead decided to help a farang in need.

p.s. get the best motor vehicle insurance possible in this country. well worth it...

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Yes good for your wife to have a sense of honor and integrity and to step in and advocate for a stranger.. I'd be proud of her too and I hope the songtaew driver was cited for no registration of vehicle that transports passengers at a minimum..

I'll bet the farang driver was pretty stunned as well if he has been here for any amount of time.. I presume that he didn't speak Thai too well if at all?? Or was it her just taking the side of righteousness as well?


It sounds like the OP has truly found a winner.

Good for her.

The total disregard for others displayed by songtaew drivers is appalling, so it's nice to hear a story where justice has prevailed.


Most people (Thai and farang) wouldn't get involved. I hope the farang driver thanked your wife.


is the duty of all driver to be safe . no excuse to it .

about Rearing someone from the back cos there is no brake sign . i think in all case driver should in the first place keep it distance or slow down at busy street . while accident do happen . i think nobody win in such a case .

all i can say is that nobody get Hurt and is just damage that you can repair .


Nice to hear this.

A couple of years ago, my (farang) friend was driving his car and collided with a Thai on a motorsai.

It was written up by BIB that his tgf (who was nowhere near at the time) had been driving and all was settled with a small cash payment.


is the duty of all driver to be safe . no excuse to it .

about Rearing someone from the back cos there is no brake sign . i think in all case driver should in the first place keep it distance or slow down at busy street . while accident do happen . i think nobody win in such a case .

all i can say is that nobody get Hurt and is just damage that you can repair .

Hear hear !! I f you "slam into the back" of someone I believe it's your fault for driving too close. There's no law against "stopping suddenly for no reason". I often feign doing that when some idiot is dangerously tailgating me. Most cars, bikes and assorted vehicles constantly drive too close around the moat. It's almost as bad as the Place de la Concord in Paris but not quite so aggressively lawless.


"Hear hear !! I f you "slam into the back" of someone I believe it's your fault for driving too close. There's no law against "stopping suddenly for no reason". I often feign doing that when some idiot is dangerously tailgating me."

But there is a law against driving with no brake lights.

As for feigning a quick stop, are you trying to teach them a lesson? Do you hope they will learn to stay back?

Not likely. Tailgaters are not very bright.


"Hear hear !! I f you "slam into the back" of someone I believe it's your fault for driving too close. There's no law against "stopping suddenly for no reason". I often feign doing that when some idiot is dangerously tailgating me."

But there is a law against driving with no brake lights.

As for feigning a quick stop, are you trying to teach them a lesson? Do you hope they will learn to stay back?

Not likely. Tailgaters are not very bright.


Exactly right, Amexpat


"there is an understanding of right and wrong and a strong dislike for the high level of unfair behaviour in this country."

Congrats on your find mate, that surely is a rarity in these parts.

now, has she got a sister??? :whistling:


"there is an understanding of right and wrong and a strong dislike for the high level of unfair behaviour in this country."

Congrats on your find mate, that surely is a rarity in these parts.

now, has she got a sister??? :whistling:

lol, yes she does and she is equally well natured, but taken. :(


Most people (Thai and farang) wouldn't get involved. I hope the farang driver thanked your wife.

Perhaps the Thai and farang you associate yourself with, certainly the ones I do wuold.


Op you are right your wife is a Hero, Hats off to her on a job well done :jap:

On a sad but all but ture not to the post it just goes to show how bad racism really is here in Thailand. Just becuase a white guy crashed into this taxi driver, the guy just expects the farang to pay. No doubt there would have been threats to the Farang guy to.

Its also sad to say this Taxi driver is not alone 80 % of Thais would and will do the same if they have a crash with a Farang. If only we could ask the many Thai People who hate Farangs so much what we ever did wrong to them to begin with ..

But again it proves there are still some Thai's who dont hate farangs. Well done to your misses


Am I missing something here or what ? A car brakes to turn right or for whatever reason and the car behind slams into it as they were either going to fast to stop or were not taking enough attention and you think they are the innocent party ? <deleted>!!!!

Regardless of whether the songtheau was registered the guy that ran into it is responsible for the damage. PERIOD!!!!

All those here saying it is just the Thai trying to cheat the Farang tell me that in the same scenario back home it would still be the guy who stopped and was hit fault ?

I know back in the UK that if you run into the back of a vehicle after failing to stop you are judged to be at fault and responsible for the accident and costs. Why should it be different here ?

Maybe the driver of the car that failed to stop in time needs to either slow down or take a lot more attention to the road next time !


Like others here... Congratulations to your wife in setting things straight. Very few people anywhere have the gumption to do that.

This is for her... :jap: :jap:


Am I missing something here or what ? A car brakes to turn right or for whatever reason and the car behind slams into it as they were either going to fast to stop or were not taking enough attention and you think they are the innocent party ? <deleted>!!!!

Regardless of whether the songtheau was registered the guy that ran into it is responsible for the damage. PERIOD!!!!

All those here saying it is just the Thai trying to cheat the Farang tell me that in the same scenario back home it would still be the guy who stopped and was hit fault ?

I know back in the UK that if you run into the back of a vehicle after failing to stop you are judged to be at fault and responsible for the accident and costs. Why should it be different here ?

Maybe the driver of the car that failed to stop in time needs to either slow down or take a lot more attention to the road next time !

Read the OP.  "NO Brake Lights"


Regardless of whether they had brake lights or not it is still the car that ran into the back of the vehicles fault. Who is to say there were no brake lights ? The car driver that ran into the one that stopped ? Having ran into the back of a vehicle at speed then the chances of the brake lights working after the impact are very slim. Saying the brake lights were not working must surely be the most used excuse for either driving too fast, not paying enough attention to the road or having poorly maintained brakes. As said in most countries the car that runs into the stationary vehicle would be to blame.

Except in Thailand where if it is a Farang to blame then it is always a scam / stitch up.


Am I missing something here or what ? A car brakes to turn right and the car behind slams into it as they were either going to fast to stop or were not taking enough attention and you think they are the guilty party ? <deleted>!!!!

Regardless of whether the songtheau was registered the guy that ran into it is responsible for the damage. PERIOD!!!!

All those here saying it is just the Thai trying to cheat the Farang tell me that in the same scenario back home it would still be the guy who stopped and was hit fault ?

I know back in the UK that if you run into the back of a vehicle after failing to stop you are judged to be at fault and responsible for the accident and costs. Why should it be different here ?

Maybe the driver of the car that failed to stop in time needs to either slow down or take a lot more attention to the road next time !

H2oDunc .... Is it possibile that any 'great thai people of the greatest nation on earth Thailand' can do anything wrong in your eyes ?

If anyone posts anything even saying that a Thai person might be in the wrong you jump on them like they have insulted your own family.

I always wonder why they keep printing the I 'heart' Thailand t shirts...... Now i know you must buy loads of them everyday :whistling:

Lighten up abit and stop thinking Thai's are a superior race to us mere mortal Farangs. They are humans just like us.:jap:


Not hearing both sides, I am not sure who to congratulate.

I am always suspicious when a Thai woman acts very un-Thai...


Getting a bit off topic. But again to the OP .. tell your wife well done and she did the right thing. Is the eyes of Most of us ...

Its just people like H2oDunc, to him your wife has committed a great crime. How dare your wife question a Thai man in Thailand and say he is wrong ??? This is the biggest crime anyone can do in Thailand

But for the rest of us Farangs who live here and are not scared of every Thai person. Your wife did good . If anyone on TV knows the OPs wife buy her a drink


Let nothing that follows subtract from my admiration for someone who will state the facts honestly to the authorities or insurance agents or for being a soul who refutes the general fear expressed by "not wanting to be involved." In fact, it is this last that made me smile. Betting involved - what a concept. And if an attempt at extortion was on the red truck driver's mind, I've no defense for him.

But I must support H2o's wonderment.

In the U.S. and I believe in the western world, striking a stopped vehicle from the rear is a cause for civil action and probably for a citation. Generally, the action will prevail. The missing brake light of course would relieve the driver of the car involved of the citation in most cases (as obviously it did here) and night time, of course, would be a different matter. But to suggest (here, I only speak of the law in the 50 divisions of the U.S.) that a missing brake light would relieve the insurance company of the auto driver of paying at least in part for damage is unlikely.

Suppose it had been a child on a bike - should I have no guilt, no sense of responsibility? If my rear brake lights have been damaged while I'm parked, unknown to me, that gives you the right to a smash into my car without any responsibility?

No matter. If I cannot keep myself from going into the back end of a red truck that has stopped ahead of me, brake light or not, I may be new to driving here.

Aside: I drive a motorbike and motorcycle through and around town daily. In judging risks, I regard the songtheau drivers as the safest those vehicles on the road. They move like turtles, except when they spot a customer. Then they stop. (My complaint is with Fortuners, Hiluxi, and Commuters - reckless or oblivious.

My hat's off to the lady!


... the guy that ran into it is responsible for the damage. PERIOD!!!!

I know back in the UK that if you run into the back of a vehicle after failing to stop you are judged to be at fault and responsible for the accident and costs. Why should it be different here ?

Allow me to correct this.

In considering a road traffic accident, a UK Court (criminal or civil) will look at the speed and manner of driving of both vehicles, irrespective of the type of accident. It will also, if relevant, consider the mechanical condition of each vehicle, especially if there are offences identified under Construction and Use Regulations.

It is not the open and shut case as you appear to suggest. You would need to go to Germany, I believe, to find traffic law that automatically levels blame in a rear end shunt.



... the guy that ran into it is responsible for the damage. PERIOD!!!!

I know back in the UK that if you run into the back of a vehicle after failing to stop you are judged to be at fault and responsible for the accident and costs. Why should it be different here ?

Allow me to correct you.

In determining the blame for a road traffic accident, a UK Court (criminal or civil) will look at the speed and manner of driving of both vehicles, irrespective of the type of accident. It will also, if relevant, consider the mechanical condition of each vehicle, especially if there are offences commited under Construction and Use Regulations.

It is not the open and shut case as you appear to suggest.


Thankyou Contractor. Refreshing to see some factual info.

I thought there would be enough maturity in the forum to cope with this post. As per normal there are those who are highly emotive, those who have a vivid imagination, and those who just don't read the post properly. That's forums for you.

I did not get into the details of who I thought was in the right or wrong. The decision was made by the insurance company who deemed that if the songtaew had taken proper precautions whilst driving and had appropriate mechanical devices working, the accident may have been avoided all together. There was no evidence as to the farangs distance from the songtaew.

On another note, I understand the police attempted to get the two parties to meet in the middle. Insurance closed that idea down quickly.


just to add to this, my missus ranted on for 15mins on the way home the other night about how thais should listen up, open their minds and learn, and learn fast, if thathad been me she would have accused me of looking down on thais, although amusing , she was deadly serious, to the point of saying we should leave thailand for good!



I am always respectful of people who have the courage to voluntarily stand up for someone when they think they have been wronged.

You GO, girl!

That being said, I have to go with H2oDunc on this one. As the operator of a vehicle in motion, YOU are ultimately responsible for allowing sufficient braking space for ANY eventuality. The rare exceptions are circumstances where a person or vehicle suddenly appears from a blind spot and instantly invades the braking space of your vehicle. This was not the case, at least from the description, and was an avoidable accident.

I am not a big fan of songtheaus either when I am in a hurry but simply bashing into one because it stopped suddenly is no excuse. Vehicles DO stop suddenly - for a huge variety of reasons - and anyone who has driven for any amount of time knows this. I am sure that we all have had to hit the brakes hard when a motorbike suddenly cuts straight across 3 lanes RIGHT in front of you and similar circumstances. I would certainly NOT accept that as an excuse for some tailgater (someone following closer than their vehicle braking distance allows) slamming into my rear.

In the States, consideration is given for lack of registration and the "victim" is also cited for causing an accident because his/her vehicle should not have been on a public roadway in the first place.

Having flown commercial helicopter for many decades, I know that there is

no excuse what-so-ever for running into something that you KNEW was there!

As an old biker, I know that the rule is, "Expect the unexpected or die."

A songtheau suddenly stopping, brake lights or no, is NOT unexpected behavior by any stretch of the imagination..

Awareness beats excuses any day of the week... ;)



Most people (Thai and farang) wouldn't get involved. I hope the farang driver thanked your wife.

Perhaps the Thai and farang you associate yourself with, certainly the ones I do wuold.

Bull-puckey! biggrin.gif Where are the threads about your associates?

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