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Hi folks!

Just a few quick questions I hope someone can answer. Just had True Vision HD installed this morning, The tech guy said it takes about 1 hour for the channels to appear as they have to confirm with Bangkok. Told me to leave the box on which I have done. I got home from work and 12 hours later still no channels. Just a message saying E107-4 Service is currently scrambled. Any ideas what that is? Been trying to contact True for the past few hours with no success. Do they have a 24hour hotline? I can't find any mention of it on their website.

Also, what are you supposed to receive on day of installation? All I have is the dish, HD Box and Subscription copy. I didn't get a manual, promotion welcome pack or even the box that my HD Box came in!! Is this normal? No instructions/contact numbers/problem solving guide etc. Could be that it is all in Thai but do you receive anything from True Vision in English at all?

If anyone can shed some light it would be much appreciated. Will be sure to call into True office tomorrow. Can't wait to watch the footie in HD!! Just hope the weather in the UK improves!




Great reply to the man's question!

My experience with True formerly UBC has been mostly good and positve for 5 years. If you complain about content then open another topic.

The installers I have met 5 times in 5 years. First time install, 2nd time removal for move, 3rd time install new location, 4th time realign dish, 5th time relocate to new house.

What I see are 2 or more techs with very little in the way of tools to install or remove the equipment in a timely manner. They always presented a work order with the proper identification. When I deal with True to order the service they always provided me a password number to be verified when the techs arrive. This number is always on the work order. If there are any questions related to them a call can me made to make sure they are True reps.

They never leave any boxes behind but always have provided the User guides to the equipment.

The signed work orders have True's national contact numbers on them. Also available on the web site



It does take while for the HD channels to show up but not 12 hours.

Out of interest, how long did it take you to get the HD box? Were you on a wait list?

I cant say the same as the above poster about True technicians, in my experience they take what ever shortcut is necessary to do the job. In our house they completely fcuked the cabling by cutting out pieces to improve signal strength hence rendering every TV without a True box unusable. When eventually they did get a picture on the main TV they looked very excited and a 'there you go' type manner. I pointed out the picture was rubbish and their response was TV is too new, True is not designed for new TV's.....aint that an understatement!!

Having ID and a work order doesnt make dealing with them a pleasant experience!! try to call the service number and let us know how you go......


Hi there, when I had my HD box installed about 7 months ago, no problems whatsoever. Took about 1 - 2 hours before the picture finally came on after the installation. Must say the HD picture for sports anyway was very impressive, made the other Truevision channels look crap but when you compress the video side of transmissions that's what you get. He left me the empty box and manual, along the requisite paperwork, which is what your installer should have done. As the others have said, if you have any doubts phone the shop where it was obtained or head office. My only gripe is there are only 2 HD channels to look at, when all the neighbouring countries have at least 8 HD channels.


It does take a little time for the system in Bangkok to send out the code

authorising your card to decode the signal, but not a whole day......... :bah:

You need to call TRUE.


If you haven't already, power down the box, unplug it for about 30 seconds, plug it back in, turn on the box power if there is a separate power switch on the box, and then remove and reinsert the subscription card if there is still no unscrambled signal (I'm assuming your setup uses a subcription card). After removing the card, be sure to wait about 5 seconds before reinserting the card. You may have to do the remove/insert card several times. This may help as sometimes this is what I have to do for my regular non-HD TrueVisions boxes. Good luck.


Thanks to all those who have replied with useful information. Called into True yesterday morning and problem solved straight away. Took around 30 minutes for channels to appear. I guess maybe the True Tech forgot to call Bangkok!!

In response to how long I had to wait...around 1 week to get the HD Box. I was put on a waiting list as they were out of stock last month. So far my experiences have been positive. Long may that continue!



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