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Need some advice on broadband speeds. T O T recently was to increase my broadband speed from 3MB to 6MB. They claim the supposed upgrade has been completed but when I run any type of speed test the numbers remain almost exactly the same as before the supposed upgrade give or take a couple of kbps's or ms. Below are the numbers for their supposed 6mb service.


Example: Bangkok server:

Download speed: 2557 kbps upload speed: 310 kbps ping 559 ms

Singapore server:

Download speed: 2568 kbps upload speed: 303 kbps ping 558 ms

Only thing I have noticed is that the IP address seems to have changed from to this mean T O T has actually changed the speed of my service and their service sucks? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks...


Somewhere in your router configuration there will be a page that shows your current ADSL status. The figures shown for your download / upload speed should be approximately 6000kbps / 512kbps if your ToT package is 6Mb/512kB.

If the figures are much lower than this and seem nearer to what you would expect from 3Mb/512kB then it is possible that ToT haven't configured your local DSLAM correctly. This happened to me when I upgraded from 4Mb/512kB to 6Mb/512kB. A phone call to their 1100 number sorted things out very quickly. (I could never get a reply from their 1177 ADSL fault line, by the way -waste of time trying)

The other possibility is that your phone line isn't capable of supporting the higher speed. If so, you are probably stuck with the lower speed unless ToT will upgrade your line.



Thanks for the info. Will call after the holiday weekend ends.....

check your router status as suggested above.

i just realized that i am getting 10mb on my 4 mb true account. I was getting free upgrades to 6 before.

my router status shows 10598/693

real usage speeds speeds show i am getting the full 10mb.

the best way to see if you can actually push max bandwith is to use something like free download manager set up to max out all connections and download something from a fast server. i can bring stuff down from my seedbox now at over 1100 Kbps.

the improvement is staggering. my only complaint is true say my phone line cant handle upload speeds of over 512. which makes sending large emails a pain.

please note that this may not actually mean an improvement in day to day surfing, but if you move alot of data the difference is huge

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