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Where Are The Americans?


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Ian, lucky for the Poms and the Frogs that Americans do, when necessary, exercise our might, as you put it...

Otherwise, you'd all be speaking German and eating sauerkraut.... and listening to polka music.

I guess England and France would have qualified back then as third-world countries, right??? cool.gif

Where are the American you ask? They are off in some foreign country trying to exploit the nationals out of their resources. Or, bombing some third world country to test out their new military weapons. Where else would they be? Might makes right.

Sadly, the US used up all credibility from those acts long ago. As an American, I am quite capable of seeing the ills associated with my homeland as it exists today. It's an empire on its last legs just waiting for collapse. Many other Western countries aren't far behind, but America is still the leader in trying to export a diseased culture and unsustainable way of life.

I can't wait to see the Chinese being substituted for Americans either, JT. It will mean the good ole USA has finally collapsed and the people have learned that their way of life is negotiable. I love my friends and family back in the states, but they sure could use a good dose of humility.

In an answer to the OP, most Americans just try and keep a low profile and stay out of the way. I have a few good friends here from the states, but I find most Americans unbelievably obnoxious and incapable of recognizing their own flaws and corrupt government policies.

Why on Earth would I want to find a large group of them?

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Just for fun, a cockney saying that l use a lot, Blimey. Who is the first to tell me the full worded meaning and what it refers too. No prizes. :)

Transam, i'm a Cockney born & bred..

Blimey is part of my everyday vocaulary Fella, & soon to be the little one's too..:D

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Septic though is clearly an insult but you will find most Americans won't even know the term.

Septic tank is rhyming slang for Yank.... how can it be so offensive? It's ultimately the same thing... unless the yank really thinks that he is being called a septic tank.

I am Jockinese btw.

I know the origin and I also know it is not a nice way to refer to Americans.

I can give the origin of many derogatory terms and they would still be derogatory terms, so what's your point, other than being cute?

Next ...

Well, it's not meant as an insult, really it isn't. But as is the case with most things, if it's perceived by the person/people referred to as one then I suppose it becomes one.

As for being referred to as European, I don't have a problem with that. If you can understand someone else's point of view and they originate from somewhere far from Europe, they would naturally refer to me as that. British is something that other people call us, we don't really use the term much ourselves. I'm English by birth and a British citizen by law and far from being Listerine I have a lot of respect for our cousins from across the pond. :)

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Just for fun, a cockney saying that l use a lot, Blimey. Who is the first to tell me the full worded meaning and what it refers too. No prizes. :)

Transam, i'm a Cockney born & bred..

Blimey is part of my everyday vocaulary Fella, & soon to be the little one's too..:D

And your answer is...........................................:)

As far as I understand it...Blimey originally meant 'god blind me' 'gor blimey'

why is there no prize? I want a prize.

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Just for fun, a cockney saying that l use a lot, Blimey. Who is the first to tell me the full worded meaning and what it refers too. No prizes. :)

And your answer is...........................................:)

As far as I understand it...Blimey originally meant 'god blind me' 'gor blimey'

why is there no prize? I want a prize.

Yes you are right. God Blind Me. A term used when shocked about some thing. The baht rate as it is has restricted the prizes. Sorry but tightening my belt. :D

What? not even a shiny sixpence? Gawd bless yer eyes sir, I had you marked as arf a toff an all!

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Yes, "septic" is a far more derogatory and offensive label..

Why is it ??

It's just Cockney Rhyming Slang..

Septic Tank = Yank http://www.cockneyrh...ng/sceptic_tank

Would Apples be a more derogatory & offensive label to Stairs then ??

Or would Boat be a more derogatory & offensive label when talkign about someone's face ??

Seems those who complain about this trivial stuff are the same that bring out the race card, plain stupid.:rolleyes:


Sorry, but you are wrong. Offensive is in the perception. If the people hearing the term are offended, it is offensive despite the intent of the person saying it.

And frankly, I don't believe that most of the people using the term mean no offense, anyway. Do you think it is non-offensive to call a group of people a word associate with feces? I would bet that in any language, referring to people using such a term would equate to offensive.

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eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer No. ;)

While I've got you here, I'd just like to say thanks. I had previously considered moving to a village but you've impressed upon me the fact that I would likely be bored out of my f'ing mind and posting frivilous nothings all day on a web forum. Thanks again. ;)

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I always wondered what the percentage of Americans there were in Thailand vs Lymies. I think well under 5% american to various types of Lymies. A Lymie can be any english speaking country that's not USA. Lymies got there name from the seafaring days of scurvy on the high seas when Lyme was used to combat the dreaded scurvy. Not many USA persons living here and you can verifiy that by reading the "visas for other countries" section of the forum. Maybe forumers can guess?

80% UK

10% aus/NZ

7% USA

3% other

where are the 7%? 5% in bkk I think and 2% scattered

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I always wondered what the percentage of Americans there were in Thailand vs Lymies. I think well under 5% american to various types of Lymies. A Lymie can be any english speaking country that's not USA. Lymies got there name from the seafaring days of scurvy on the high seas when Lyme was used to combat the dreaded scurvy. Not many USA persons living here and you can verifiy that by reading the "visas for other countries" section of the forum. Maybe forumers can guess?

80% UK

10% aus/NZ

7% USA

3% other :)

where are the 7%? 5% in bkk I think and 2% scattered

Could be wrong but the term limey was because soldiers and prisoners were given lime to suppress sexual thoughts.

No,they had stuff put in their mugs of tea to do the suppression

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I always wondered what the percentage of Americans there were in Thailand vs Lymies. I think well under 5% american to various types of Lymies. A Lymie can be any english speaking country that's not USA. Lymies got there name from the seafaring days of scurvy on the high seas when Lyme was used to combat the dreaded scurvy. Not many USA persons living here and you can verifiy that by reading the "visas for other countries" section of the forum. Maybe forumers can guess?

80% UK

10% aus/NZ

7% USA

3% other :)

where are the 7%? 5% in bkk I think and 2% scattered

Could be wrong but the term limey was because soldiers and prisoners were given lime to suppress sexual thoughts.

No, the other poster had it correct.  It is a term originated with the British Navy, then the top military power in the world.  The sailors were given limes to battle scurvy, so sailors of other nations started calling them limeys..

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I always wondered what the percentage of Americans there were in Thailand vs Lymies. I think well under 5% american to various types of Lymies. A Lymie can be any english speaking country that's not USA. Lymies got there name from the seafaring days of scurvy on the high seas when Lyme was used to combat the dreaded scurvy. Not many USA persons living here and you can verifiy that by reading the "visas for other countries" section of the forum. Maybe forumers can guess?

80% UK

10% aus/NZ

7% USA

3% other :)

where are the 7%? 5% in bkk I think and 2% scattered

Could be wrong but the term limey was because soldiers and prisoners were given lime to suppress sexual thoughts.

No, the other poster had it correct. It is a term originated with the British Navy, then the top military power in the world. The sailors were given limes to battle scurvy, so sailors of other nations started calling them limeys..

Spike Milligan assured us it was bromide in the tea to discourage dissolute thoughts amongst the soldiery


[Rommel: Gunner Who]

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I always wondered what the percentage of Americans there were in Thailand vs Lymies. I think well under 5% american to various types of Lymies. A Lymie can be any english speaking country that's not USA. Lymies got there name from the seafaring days of scurvy on the high seas when Lyme was used to combat the dreaded scurvy. Not many USA persons living here and you can verifiy that by reading the "visas for other countries" section of the forum. Maybe forumers can guess?

80% UK

10% aus/NZ

7% USA

3% other :)

where are the 7%? 5% in bkk I think and 2% scattered

Could be wrong but the term limey was because soldiers and prisoners were given lime to suppress sexual thoughts.

No, the other poster had it correct. It is a term originated with the British Navy, then the top military power in the world. The sailors were given limes to battle scurvy, so sailors of other nations started calling them limeys..

Limes= vitamin c= no scurvy. Brilliant

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I always wondered what the percentage of Americans there were in Thailand vs Lymies. I think well under 5% american to various types of Lymies. A Lymie can be any english speaking country that's not USA. Lymies got there name from the seafaring days of scurvy on the high seas when Lyme was used to combat the dreaded scurvy. Not many USA persons living here and you can verifiy that by reading the "visas for other countries" section of the forum. Maybe forumers can guess?

80% UK

10% aus/NZ

7% USA

3% other

where are the 7%? 5% in bkk I think and 2% scattered

LIMIES ! LIMIES ! LIMIES ! from the seafaring days when Lime's were used to combat scurvy. In my days in the RN back in the 50's whilst in tropical waters, we still had a barrel of lime juice on deck for all to use.

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Is it really just because of the casual rhyming relationship? Septic tank = yank? Really? I really hope there is a better story behind it, I'd love to know what it is.

Surely you've heard of cockney rhyming slang

Apples and pears = Stairs (I'm going up the apples)

Dog and Bone = Phone (Answer the dog)

Butchers Hook = Look (Have a butchers at this)

Septic Tank = Yank.

jingthing is wrong. It is not offensive, it is no different to you guys calling us limies. He is just choosing to be offended.

Yes it is, it's true meaning refers to Americans being "septic" and deadly infectious bacteria spreading around the world as becoming septic and dying from infection, not some silly children's rhyme about a septic tank.. It's as derogatory is they come..and has no relation to being called a "limey" far from it..

And I'm in Bangkok BTW...But you mentioned you were looking for Americans outside of Bangkok..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Just for fun, a cockney saying that l use a lot, Blimey. Who is the first to tell me the full worded meaning and what it refers too. No prizes. :)

Transam, i'm a Cockney born & bred..

Blimey is part of my everyday vocaulary Fella, & soon to be the little one's too..:D

And your answer is...........................................:)

I'm not what you would call a cockney born and bread only a son of cockneys and this it is something that my mother disliked, it means " God blind me " or cockneys would say

" Gald blimey " and if you didn't know ? to be a cockney you had to be born within ear shot of the " Bow Bells " of London.:jap:

Edited by Kwasaki
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