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Where To Meet 'normal' Thai Girls?


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Anyway... all this talk about normal.... normal by whose standards..?

I've a funny feeling the OP's idea of normal could actually be a bit weird...  :o

totster  :D

I think all these guys struggling to find normal girls in Bangkok expect the normal girls to come over and sit on their lap whilst they are on the skytrain or something, go go bar style.

"well it had poles in the middle, I thought one of them would get up and start dancing" :D

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Hey H90,Thailand is the only country I know where you need at least a bachelors degree to work at Mc Donalds.

eh? Really? :D

I knew a guy that worked for one while he was studying for his bach degree, but that cant be true can it?

Is that the same "bachelor degree" that you get free with a happy meal..? :o

totster :D

They didn't mention going there to eat the OP (tgf7) needs to read between the lines and go there to meet the in-crowd.

Once he has achieved this he can move out of the kiddies group stop playing I will look at yours if you look at mind (joke).

Get him/her self into gear and meet some peoples of his/her own "era" note tgf7 I say "peoples" it is suprising how many guys or their GF's know others that you may get to know and possibly like.

The big hint here is get off your ar#e and do something for yourself if you want things on a platter then go down the Soi with your Baht pay-up and stop crying in your beard.

(yes I am aware the OP said meet girls but how many peoples start a request "this friend of mine")

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I read some of the Ops back posts, I think he works in a company out here, must be plenty of oppurtunity to meet good girls there.

Saying that, he also says he goes to gay saunas, though doesn't always have sex in them. :o

All a bit confusing really. Come on OP, we have had our fun. It was a stupid question, so you got loads of stupid answers, its that time of the day.

So far, McDonalds seems to be the best bet for you. Do you work out here in a company dude?

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but we only talk to ugly guys, as a rule

Good rule... :o

totster :D

SiamOne - thanks for that, I am off to the Plastic Surgeons - Until now I couldn't fathom why all these beautiful well educated and not so well educated (who am I to judge) always wanted to talk with me I thought aha its the ATM card I have stapled to my forehead - TRUTH being after today I now know its only because I am Ugly (my mum didn"t think so or at least she didn't say so) so I will change that one Tom Cruise lookalike coming up and Then and only then will I be able to sit and enjoy my Kiddies Meals at the Golden Arches in peace.

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TRUTH being after today I now know its only because I am Ugly (my mum didn"t think so or at least she didn't say so) so I will change that one Tom Cruise lookalike coming up and Then and only then will I be able to sit and enjoy my Kiddies Meals at the Golden Arches in peace[/color].

your mum was more diplomatic than us here

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I am a 37 year old good looking guy who happens to be only attracted to Asia women. I have lived in Bangkok now for a few years and cannot seem to meet any college educated, nice girls. I have been burned many times (sick water buffalo story, $$$). Any ideas????


do you know where to meet BG or someplace like that? .. so go to the different place from that ..you might goodluck :D

alot of fish in TH gulf ..full of DHL (aka omega3) yummy and make you feel smart :o:D

Bambi :D

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I am a 37 year old good looking guy who happens to be only attracted to Asia women. I have lived in Bangkok now for a few years and cannot seem to meet any college educated, nice girls. I have been burned many times (sick water buffalo story, $$$). Any ideas????


tgf7 Posted on: 2005-03-06 07:58:24

What's The Best Gay Sauna?


I love going to Babylon, its so beautiful. Most times I do not even have sex. I just like to hang out, have a few beers, and watch the beautiful people.

Any other saunas like Babylon?

What a time-wasting troll..... :D:D:o

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I am a 37 year old good looking guy who happens to be only attracted to Asia women. I have lived in Bangkok now for a few years and cannot seem to meet any college educated, nice girls. I have been burned many times (sick water buffalo story, $$$). Any ideas????


tgf7 Posted on: 2005-03-06 07:58:24

What's The Best Gay Sauna?


I love going to Babylon, its so beautiful. Most times I do not even have sex. I just like to hang out, have a few beers, and watch the beautiful people.

Any other saunas like Babylon?

What a time-wasting troll.....



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I am a 37 year old good looking guy who happens to be only attracted to Asia women. I have lived in Bangkok now for a few years and cannot seem to meet any college educated, nice girls. I have been burned many times (sick water buffalo story, $$$). Any ideas????


Speaking the local language helps a lot!!!

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Well I did mention that earlier, but strange thing was most of his other posts seem pretty normal.

  Maybe not a troll, but a bit mixed up for sure.

Yep.... pretty normal, indeed... :D:o

tgf7 Posted on: 2005-03-06 07:39:17

Bangkok Versus Pattaya

I hate Pattaya with all my heart. I have never been to a more vile, disgusting, ugly place. But I have been going there for 15 years and will be back again next year. I love it for the first 2 or 3 days, then start to hate it again........but after a few months back home.....I start to miss it and make plans to go back. Weird.
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for college educated girls the answer is obvious!!!

go for a walk around a university or visit one when they hold a fair or something.

i have friends who work in universities, when i visit i get the come on all the time: more from the staff than the students :D

anyone who considers themselves normal or who wants normal, in my opinion, should give up right now!! :o:D

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you're obviously the shy retiring type who finds it difficult to talk to 'nice' girls.

Try internet search


I'm sure that you will find the woman of your dreams and with luck she may be able to teach you not to judge a book by it's cover.

Incidently, many of these so called 'normal Thai girls' with a college education earn less than the average Bargirl in Bangkok. So if you think that a 'normal' girl is a cheaper option, think again. Maybe they will be more inventive than the sick buffalo story because of their education. Maybe they will just ask out straight "what's my allowance every month?"

All Thai girls are 'normal', it's your perception that is abnormal :o

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Anyway... all this talk about normal.... normal by whose standards..?

I've a funny feeling the OP's idea of normal could actually be a bit weird...  :o

totster  :D

I think all these guys struggling to find normal girls in Bangkok expect the normal girls to come over and sit on their lap whilst they are on the skytrain or something, go go bar style.

"well it had poles in the middle, I thought one of them would get up and start dancing" :D


BKKMadness is on outstanding form of late. Some great posts.

Sir, I salute you.

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I am a 37 year old good looking guy who happens to be only attracted to Asia women. I have lived in Bangkok now for a few years and cannot seem to meet any college educated, nice girls. I have been burned many times (sick water buffalo story, $$$). Any ideas????


no ideas mate, they all told me they were normal girls, and came to my flat same day in the very late evening.

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I thought you would look at the type of person you want to meet and look there, so;

If you want a girl who goes to the temple alot - look near a temple

If you want a girl who likes to shop look in a shopping centre

If you want a girl with a sick buffalo, wait in a vet's car-park

You have to be very patient, and wait it can be a slow and frustratng process.

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I am a 37 year old good looking guy who happens to be only attracted to Asia women. I have lived in Bangkok now for a few years and cannot seem to meet any college educated, nice girls. I have been burned many times (sick water buffalo story, $$$). Any ideas????


For normal girls I normally go to normal places where there's normally normal guys hanging around. Normally I'll slip them some normal baht and they'll normally take me to another normal place where there's normally tons of normal girls just waiting for normal guys like me.

That's about the norm for me anyway. :o

ps. had to do some normal editing as per normal.

Edited by Gazza
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Ok let's take a step back - what do you mean by 'normal'?

Maybe we are all jumping to conclusions here.  Maybe this guy wants an asian looking farang thinking hottie.

Perhaps you could expand on 'normal' for us.

I would say normal means = A girl who doesnt come up to you and say "you go with me" :o

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