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มัว Meaning ?


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i hear this word a lot , and i cant figure out the meaning when it is used in the following situation.

two people , well aquainted and familiar with each other are talking , one asks a question of the other , a friendly type of question , the second answers the query , but not quite to the satisfaction of the first and the asker of the question seems to question or comment on the reply by saying "มัว มัว". then there will be laughs all round , and maybe another attempt to answer the question or make some excuse as to why the first comment was not acceptable.

i'm not sure of the spelling.

my guess is that it is the listener reproaching the answerer of the question in a friendly way for giving a less than full answer to the question , maybe coming up with an answer that avoids the truth and trying to avoid the question.

any ideas ???

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So... are we safe in assuming that in the context that the OP used, the asker of the question is implying that the person answering doesn't actually know the answer, but is guessing..?

totster :D

Absolutely,anyone who has taught in Thai schools will hear this word a lot when they ask the students a question and the quiet one at the back who never contributes, pipes up with the right answer. On multiple choice quizzes you hear it a lot, then it's usually มั่ว alone, he\she guessed.

When it means to mix in bad circles, gambling, taking drugs,etc, then you'll often hear or see other words connected to มั่ว ie มั่วสุมยาเสพติด involved in drugs

Last week the paper had a story about three 15 yearold girls who locked themselves in one of their bedrooms and to the grandmother's horror as she peered through the keyhole, started performing acts of a lesbian nature. The paper used มั่ว then, but I can't remember the words that follow.


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ตอบมั่วๆ ....answer without knowing real. ทํามั่วๆไป.....Doing unproper thing just to finish it soon. มั่วนิ่ม Try to make cool and sneaking in ( the discothek ) without the card or doing anything just not to pay or for free of charge. มั่วสุม Making a gang or group to do things like smoking or joints.

I'm just answering mua mua this time, hope it helps a bit... :D

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It's definitely มั่ว you heard.

Actually, "มั่ว" in itself means something like "mixed up", "random", "haphazard".

When it is used as a verb, it can mean "to make a blind guess" or "to do something by guesswork".

For example, we can say

ตอบมั่ว to answer without knowing the real answer

มั่วข้อสอบ to guess the answers in a test

And if someone says something ridiculously unbelievable, we laugh and say "มั่ว ๆ " as in "bullshit!"



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A good example of มัว, meaning obsessed with; as opposed to มั่ว, guessing or involved in, today in The Daily News-

Pra Payorm talking about :

ลูกบางคนหายไป7วันไม่รู้หายไปไหน เพราะมัวไปติดอยู่ที่ร้านเกม - some youngsters\ kids disappear for 7 days, (the parents) don't know where they have gone, they've disappeared because they're crazy about\ addicted to computer games.

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