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Just Another Pattaya Filthy Story


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The real beauties have so many choices, and can pick and choose, that they are often losers at their own game. They often miss out on a guy who would truly make a good husband.

Interesting comment. What kind of man would "truly make a good husband" to a prostitute? And can this type of relationship work long term?

Some of those so called "prostitutes" are still sweet, naive girls. IMO a major problem is her lack of personal development. The vast majority come from very simple backgrounds, have not attained self accomplishment / realization albeit business or education. They end up attaining self esteem through the perception of peers and family that see what they can show off to them. Material things, gold, car, clothing, etc.as a reflection of how many farangs they can get money from. It is indeed a very shallow sense of self worth. Additionally it seems not many of them are even very intelligent, inability to spell simple words in their own language.

Wheres the sense in living with someone like that even if only for sex. Even then, those girls are not hanging around fraang areas cause they like sex. A guy I know has no lack of those girls courting him, after they get funding from sleeping with man a-z while imagining being with Brad Pit.

Who am I to comment if it works for some, more power to them.

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A familiar sad story,but look on the bright side,at least you found out her devious,unscrupulous,lying nature, before you spent a Cartload of money on her.

Finding True Love,with a Bargirl in Pattaya,is a highly unlikely commodity,and thats all it is to them.......a Commodity! to be sold to the highest bidder.

Move on,before you really get hurt badly,

Good luck

Edited by MAJIC
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One girl actually showed me a "How To" type book she had of about two hundred pages in Thai . Included were vocabulary lists, an index, a section detailing exactly how to apply for support from Uncle Sam if impregnated by a US military member, and examples texts of different letters /emails in English one could copy regarding how to scam and manipulate Farangs while they are in or out of Thailand. Some of it was actually hilarious. Unless you actually saw Papa in the ICU ward this is just a part of the game to get large payments from you or another guy.

First coming to Thailand I quickly noticed every single bar girl told me. "I only work here two weeks".Finally one obviously seasoned slapper told me in excellent English. "This is my first day working in a bar"! Got a good laugh as I appreciated the originality.

Edited by arunsakda
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Time for an update?

On Friday I was invited to a birthday party at a bar. (need to reiterate she's a freelancer not a bg). Her friend invited me and lady X turned up later. It was a popular bar on the night with lots of older expat gents, mostly british I think. X was very friendly with a few of these guys and they'd obviously acquainted her before, not sure to what extent (sexy party guys?). There was another friend of their's there who I'd never met before. X commented that she was not feeling well, was hot - I joked "got your period?" and she laughed it off. OK she went home and I went out to walking st and had my night out.

Then come Saturday night I'm out again in WS and I go to Lucifer. OK here's this other friend that I hadn't met before and she recognized me and started talking to me. One of the first things she said was "X is home because she has her period". (I guessed right!) Well well well, she then offers her 'long time' to me for a 1000 baht, as if that's something special Lucifer is full of girls offering that. I was more interested in squeezing any info I could out of her without being too obvious with my interest. I didn't know exactly what this girl knew about me and X but she did say she wouldn't tell X if I went with her thinking that could create friction somewhere. She mentioned that her and X both go out together and work the discos and I commented that X has a BF in france, she says "X has boyfriend in france, customer in Pattaya". Enough said. I left her at Lucifer and fired off an SMS to X touching on what I'd learnt but not saying too much. Also X had mentioned she might visit her folks this week which she hasn't done for a while now - get period and go visit home, visit home when the money maker is out of order.

After this we did have another frankish discussion about the 'business' in Pattaya and why girls do it and stuff. I don't hate her, I understand a lot and do have sympathy. But she is so full of it and she's insisted so many times that she doesn't have other men. And she said "doesn't go to WS" at all, then "goes to WS but just to look", and now she was back to "doesn't go to WS". <deleted> it's xmas in Pattaya what's the big deal about visiting WS? She should say she does it, visits at least, and quit the whole good girl charade. I told her she lies when she doesn't even have to!

Edit: Also worth mentioning. X has often told me she's home at night talking to her BF - rather than being out selling herself. I do see her name online and actually thought she was. Well a couple of times I have messaged her and got no reply. That isn't in itself so strange as she could just be ignoring me - but I think an alternate explanation is at hand. One time I wanted to force a reply from her and I said, quite late maybe 3am "something happened tonight, I think I'm in a lot of trouble". No reply! (it was BS)

OK how about this? She's tells me, and perhaps others that she's this good girl that stays at home because she has her BF. So she logs the computer on and pisses off to root around. What if her BF messages and doesn't get a reply? Easy, block the BF because he would expect a reply but leave it "available" to any other suckers that might be taking an interest.

Edited by harrycallahan
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Who am I to comment if it works for some, more power to them.

The "power" component needs to be emphasized. Imagine you're a 50kg 5ft female, naive about the world, poor, and you're surrounded by larger older experienced men who want to take advantage of you and make you feel like crap. How do you rebalance the scales? Lieing is big part of it, playing with the emotions of the lonely, the sexually deprived etc. She has one friend who is very good at it and is getting 40K a month from a guy. Like she needs that much. Again, I don't hate them for it and still like this girl, and perhaps crazily would like to be the one that helped her escape this shit.

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Please let me clarify.

She's not a bargirl but has dabbled in that scene previously. I met her in a nightclub where I thought she was getting most of her customers from. She's out of place in a bar given her looks and background (see next). Young thai guys love her, she dresses like a lady, no tattoos, innocent nature.

She's from Bangkok and has graduated from university.

Dear Harry

Call it what you want, or not.

But I think we all know what she is.

She is a freelancer.

Bar girl, freelancer or dancer, if their intensions (hook up for money) are the same, then they are the same.

Different name.

Same same but different.

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c'mon man. read my thread in this forum, and PM me if you have questions.

I didn't beat the guy up in soi 6, honest.

I just got a present from this hoe, it's a handmade scarf. Giving away too much now. And she's making me another one, it takes her about 10 hours effort to make them. I maintain that this hoe is special!

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could not be in a better place to be to get over it, dont go back to her under any circumstance, shes a hooker and always will be, would you get hung up about a hooker in your own country, they are still hookers here, seems guys accept asian hookers as being differnt. as previously posted delete phone and e mail make it as you cant contact her, but she will be in touch with you gaurunteed, just tell her to get lost.

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Time for an update?

(need to reiterate she's a freelancer not a bg).

Let's just call her a paid sex worker.

We can call her a dirty hoe.

Was there any doubt left? I walked down to WS tonight about 11pm and walked past her on the way home with her John. Her and her friend with the 2 guys and they spoke my name as they approached. I kind of tickled her and said "customer!" as she asked me where I was going. Saw her other friends in WS and they said she met a Turkish guy and was going back for a short time. I still wouldn't mind giving her one last one myself and maybe even slipping the raincoat off and try and knock her up.

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Time for an update?

(need to reiterate she's a freelancer not a bg).

Let's just call her a paid sex worker.

We can call her a dirty hoe.

Was there any doubt left? I walked down to WS tonight about 11pm and walked past her on the way home with her John. Her and her friend with the 2 guys and they spoke my name as they approached. I kind of tickled her and said "customer!" as she asked me where I was going. Saw her other friends in WS and they said she met a Turkish guy and was going back for a short time. I still wouldn't mind giving her one last one myself and maybe even slipping the raincoat off and try and knock her up.

<deleted>, just go ahead and marry the bitch.

5 million sin sot sounds about right, new house for mama, dont forget papas lao kao money, and new mototcy for her "brother".

Just to prove you love her jing jing 100,000 baht per month personal allowance would be nice.

This must be a troll, no one can be this c**t struck, there was a guy used to post on here, he talked about "wanting to rescue" his terak, she took him to the cleaners, never mind I am sure your girl is different, they always are.

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Time for an update?

(need to reiterate she's a freelancer not a bg).

Let's just call her a paid sex worker.

We can call her a dirty hoe.

Was there any doubt left? I walked down to WS tonight about 11pm and walked past her on the way home with her John. Her and her friend with the 2 guys and they spoke my name as they approached. I kind of tickled her and said "customer!" as she asked me where I was going. Saw her other friends in WS and they said she met a Turkish guy and was going back for a short time. I still wouldn't mind giving her one last one myself and maybe even slipping the raincoat off and try and knock her up.

<deleted>, just go ahead and marry the bitch.

5 million sin sot sounds about right, new house for mama, dont forget papas lao kao money, and new mototcy for her "brother".

Just to prove you love her jing jing 100,000 baht per month personal allowance would be nice.

This must be a troll, no one can be this c**t struck, there was a guy used to post on here, he talked about "wanting to rescue" his terak, she took him to the cleaners, never mind I am sure your girl is different, they always are.

Haha, don't worry, I have a better plan! What do they say, "if you can't beat them join them". Just had some more discussions with her friend and I know exactly how it works. I look forward to updating this thread...

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Dude, would you bring this girl home, and tell people how you met?

No, but I'd bring her and one of her orgy cohorts home and give them a serving. That's the plan.

I was told more about events since Friday night. That evening she was with an older girl, too old for the other fella and she went home to sleep. Lady X rang a young acquaintence for the other guy so it was 2 on 2 and they went short time, then back home to be a good girl. Don't know what went on there, sharing or not. Then Saturday daytime she's got a phone call from a bloke at a hotel and she's rang her other friend, one I now know, and they've gone over to do a 2 on 1 job. She's on the internet right now experiencing Xmas in France via the web, she said while he had all the family together she would be on cam kind of like 'being there' with them. Her room mate has confided in me just tonight that she does these multiples a lot, said she thought she was a lesbian. I think it's for more practical reasons, small girl feels safer with a friend, there's no pretence of a relationship, no f'ing around trying to meet someone, say at discos... phone rings, boom boom, take the money and go. I think her head must be fuc_ked right up though.

Edited by harrycallahan
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I still wouldn't mind giving her one last one myself and maybe even slipping the raincoat off and try and knock her up.

W T F...kids aren't weapons for you to ruining someones life with.

Yeah, mostly tongue in cheek, mostly. It would be a good looking kid and I can see us both being responsible enough to take care of it.

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The real beauties have so many choices, and can pick and choose, that they are often losers at their own game. They often miss out on a guy who would truly make a good husband.

Interesting comment. What kind of man would "truly make a good husband" to a prostitute? And can this type of relationship work long term?

Like Ulysses already said, I've seen quite a few of those marriages work out extremely well. It's no different than the western world where women have had numerous love affairs prior to getting married. Some marriages work out and 50% or more end in divorce. Whether the married couple are happy is anyone's guess.

The facts are quite evident, though. Where the woman is very attractive and has many men chasing after her the excitement quite often goes to the woman's head. It is like a drug they can't break free of. Those gals seldom make good, long term partners.

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The real beauties have so many choices, and can pick and choose, that they are often losers at their own game. They often miss out on a guy who would truly make a good husband.

Interesting comment. What kind of man would "truly make a good husband" to a prostitute? And can this type of relationship work long term?

The facts are quite evident, though. Where the woman is very attractive and has many men chasing after her the excitement quite often goes to the woman's head. It is like a drug they can't break free of. Those gals seldom make good, long term partners.

It's happening with this one now. She's still chasing her more serious ventures she meets on the internet, as well as the casual cash jobs she's doing. Just now she spoke of this marriage proposal in terms that seemed to indicate a waining interest. I imagine he's onto her as well, knows she can't really be faithful when living in Pattaya. It's just taken her some time to work out the power she holds in her looks and talks about how she's "not scared of farang" anymore like she used to be. Hope she can break free of the more seedier business she's into.

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The old name of Chiang Mai afterclub Spicy (meeting point for bad girls and bad smelling farangs) was 'Nice Illusion' and this was a perfect name, 'Nice Illusions' can keep us very occupied with ourselves, but at the end it's always just an illusion like all other illusions.

Good girls do not sell their body, simple. When she appears to be a good girl at least she is missing some backbone, dignity and self esteem and not qualified for a serious long time relation, her life will always be unstable.

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Time for an update?

(need to reiterate she's a freelancer not a bg).

Let's just call her a paid sex worker.

We can call her a dirty hoe.

Was there any doubt left? I walked down to WS tonight about 11pm and walked past her on the way home with her John. Her and her friend with the 2 guys and they spoke my name as they approached. I kind of tickled her and said "customer!" as she asked me where I was going. Saw her other friends in WS and they said she met a Turkish guy and was going back for a short time. I still wouldn't mind giving her one last one myself and maybe even slipping the raincoat off and try and knock her up.

She is dirty?

I need to scroll back and see how exactly you got so amazingly hooked on her.

You seem a bit obsessive now.

Move on Mr. Harry, move on.

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[ Her room mate has confided in me just tonight that she does these multiples a lot, said she thought she was a lesbian. I think it's for more practical reasons, small girl feels safer with a friend, there's no pretence of a relationship, no f'ing around trying to meet someone, say at discos... phone rings, boom boom, take the money and go. I think her head must be fuc_ked right up though.

crikey man, stop trying to justify all her decisions in your head!! She is going off with girls and/or guys in groups or single as the situations present themselves because that is her money making business!. being 'freelance' or being a 'bargirl' is the same thing. In your mind she is a wayward saint!

How often do we , as men, fall for some beautiful chick, then spend months bemoaning how much we love her, and even though she is a total b*tch and treated us like sh*t, we will forgive all her sins and bad treatment, if she will just come to her senses and come back to us! I know I have been there. But the chick doesnt come back , and eventually most of move on, and later, we meet someone who is decent, and good, and who does like us.

stop yourself before you start giving her or promising her large sums of money and stability because you think this will make her be with you and give up her sex-work

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Time for an update?

(need to reiterate she's a freelancer not a bg).

Let's just call her a paid sex worker.

We can call her a dirty hoe.

Was there any doubt left? I walked down to WS tonight about 11pm and walked past her on the way home with her John. Her and her friend with the 2 guys and they spoke my name as they approached. I kind of tickled her and said "customer!" as she asked me where I was going. Saw her other friends in WS and they said she met a Turkish guy and was going back for a short time. I still wouldn't mind giving her one last one myself and maybe even slipping the raincoat off and try and knock her up.

You are sounding obsessed. Walk away, there are millions of other women, why waste your time on this one.

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I hear you guys, you're right about the obsession. It's OK I'm not about to do anything too stupid but sometimes am very pissed that she dragged me along with the 'good girl' act for so long and then dumped me in an instant as soon as a bigger fool came along. It's a just a bit of a game for me now and am seeing other girls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, don't know if this is considered uncool on this forum but I'm not patient enough to get to the end of the thread before commenting so I may wind up being superfluous...

I know a western caucasion guy that speaks thai and has had intimate friendships with go go dancers free of charge. They even take him to dinner, etc etc. They maintain farang guys that send money. It is almost like the ladies become liberated middle class girls thanks to daddy's money ( multiple daddy's money). When one of the daddy's calls, the girl says "shhhh, be quiet" she then proceeds to speak into the phone " oh honey, I cry every day, I miss you too much"

Even though this guy has attractive dancers that seem to have an honest attraction to him and enjoy and refuse money, he does not take them too seriously because the girls acting abilities are crystal clear when they speak to "handsome men #1 through 8 on the mobile.

That was me, back in the day. To a tee. And while I'm sure there's many that would condemn me for it (and not entirely without cause) I often had little or no sympathy for the poor sap on the other end of the phone nior felt any guilt (except on those occasions when I too was doing rude things to a girl on the phone with her sponngo -- at her urging -- or she was doing rude things to me -- on her own initiative); I learned the hard way what's what and if I can learn and come out on the other side with a positive attitude about it all, able to have more fun than ever and NOT allow myself to be fooled again (because that's what it is -- you allow yourself)...well...Darwinism. I adapted and flourished. Those who don't...don't.

Besides, it's not only naive it's pretty paternalistic and condescending* to come along and make the assumptions one might when thinking to save them from themselves while simultaneously thinking that your money and calls from abroad should keep them grateful and loyal and never mind that that there has been virtually NONE of the foundation laid for a real and stable relationship; especially that which would be commensurate with someone whose life and lifestyle is all about making the most of a relatively brief period where she can have the power she has and make the money she does (and the interesting and heady things that lifestyle does to one's psyche).

I don't mean to imply you are consciously doing anything other than trying to be good and kind -- I did the same thing once.

I suppose if you are a guy that is being played and emotions are involved, it could be heartbreaking to deal with some of these girls. Although there are exceptions, the probability of finding a genuine girl in this applicant pool is strongly stacked against you.

Listen to this man. There are exceptions, absolutely no doubt. I am NOT one of those guys who allowed himself to get demoloshed and then forever after viewed the ladies with contempt and bitterness (while still trying desperately to get in their pants). Quite the contrary (well, except the trying to get in their pants part). But the odds are very slim indeed -- especially, forgive me for saying, if you continue to do as you have been -- repeatedly setting yourself up.

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How often do we , as men, fall for some beautiful chick, then spend months bemoaning how much we love her, and even though she is a total b*tch and treated us like sh*t,

Speaking for myself: Never.

I ain't stupid.

Where the woman is very attractive and has many men chasing after her the excitement quite often goes to the woman's head. It is like a drug they can't break free of. Those gals seldom make good, long term partners.

Too right. Not only that, their self and identity and even their self worth often gets all tied up with the ability to pull guys, manipulate them and measure success by how much money they can earn doing it (hence the married and comfortable girls coming from their partners homeland for holidays to visit mom and heading out to score a falang or two) -- this is often the trade off they unconsciously make for giving up hopes of ever being a "good girl" by traditional Thai standards (or western ones, for that matter); I can't ever be a "good girl" but I AM a dam_n good prostitute.

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Too right. Not only that, their self and identity and even their self worth often gets all tied up with the ability to pull guys, manipulate them and measure success by how much money they can earn doing it (hence the married and comfortable girls coming from their partners homeland for holidays to visit mom and heading out to score a falang or two) -- this is often the trade off they unconsciously make for giving up hopes of ever being a "good girl" by traditional Thai standards (or western ones, for that matter); I can't ever be a "good girl" but I AM a dam_n good prostitute.[/size][/color]

Time for an update?

I like that quote above, it's definately fits some of them and I think this one. It's not so different to us is it, we like the excitement that this place provides too.

The update. Last night I called her and arranged for her and her friend to visit me, a 3some. She was a little awkward with the idea at first but then we started talking money and she was all fine with it. She hung up to ring her friend who is usually available then rang back - the friend has just started a new job and wasnt available. OK I asked for her alone and she agreed. I picked her up and brought her to my room for the agreed 3 or so hours. We spent 2 hours 40 minutes talking and then she rushed the sex bit when she realised how late it was (needs to be on internet after 12). Sexually it was poor value but for me it had to be done. We went and got something to eat after that and were chummy friends. Not much has changed.

For those following one interesting tit bit (a lie) came out of her yesterday. Her and her family (she said) used to visit another town near bkk a lot. She said they went for time out - her father needed clean air for his respiratory illness. OK the truth. She had a boyfriend in that town and was still with him when we met the first time, when she asked me to send money. She was visiting there quite a lot after my first visit and always said she was with her family.

Also she's put on a lot of weight in the past few months, really beefed up around the middle and bum, thighs. Still pretty.

Not going to france just yet, problem with visa, says will start a low level job next month to assist with that.

Also we discussed her orgy/lesbian affairs. Apparently it's just the one girl and they don't touch each other. My mind might have exaggerated what she does in that regard, might have. She didn't elaborate on the second rd party but it was mentioned. (due to this I'm glad the friend didn't attend!)

It's all cool, thanks for replies.

Edit: And now on messenger she's asked if I want to take her again tonight! I've said no, and she's got an offer from her friend to go to some bar where she'll find this evenings customer. She's going to do that. "Boyfriend take care"!!

Edited by harrycallahan
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It's not so different to us is it, we like the excitement that this place provides too.

Well, yes and no (leaving aside that I personally am not one of the "us" anymore)...it's not just excitement that they like (or that Falangs like about that sort of environment) but you are right that there is an element of commonality in the way that the ego gets wrapped in it and propels a futile and so often ultimately destructive pursuit of sufficient ego gratification and victory in some sort of rather twisted game.

The Thai women in question (eg your friend) are generally not going to achieve the sort of happiness they want doing what they do the way they do it. And the falangs in question (eg yourself) are almost never going to win their hearts and save them from themselves.

Sexually it was poor value but for me it had to be done.


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